• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 563 Views, 7 Comments

The Nioh - Veryfriedguy7

Going through time wasn't anything new for her. But she certainly wasn't expecting to be catapulted into the far future and most of the way across the planet. Seems this legend still has some things to see after all.

  • ...

The clash

Nopony had made a move, the Demon was still in it's stance, waiting for something to happen it would seem. The princesses were studying it's features. Maybe trying to figure out what kind of Demon they were facing?

The Demon suddenly charged, moving faster than anypony could ever hope to. While it's speed was very impressive the hall was quite long so it gave the sister's more than enough time to react. It jumped a great distance and slammed into the ground with staggering force, thankfully the sisters flew out of the way, splitting off from each other to try and hit both of it's sides with a simple beam of powerful magic, hoping to end the fight quickly and defeat the demon, it had other plans however.

It dodged backwards well before the beams hit, it was less of a dodge and more like it's body just surged in a given direction, a blue afterimage following it's path as the magic beams collided, their intended target having already moved, causing a magical explosion and forcing the Demon to dodge again to avoid being caught in the blast.

The sister's paused briefly, rather surprised at the Demon's extremely fast reaction speed. It used this brief pause to lunge at Celestia, she saw this and quickly erected a shield this didn't stop it from attacking. Before it reached striking distance is twisted it's body into a spin, slashing her shield with a dagger as it spun to do the same with both of it's clawed feet and stopped it's attack to dodge to the side, evading Luna's beam as it kept itself in striking distance by circling Celestia's shield.

Once it stopped it bent it's legs and brought each of it's dagger's to it's hips as blue energy started to appear closely around the Demon, the airborne energy itself quickly became violent as more blue energy started to seep out of the Demon as it's daggers formed into long swords and the claws on it's feet doubled in size, grew more jagged and glowed a brighter blue and the energy started to flow over the Demon's form before it suddenly shot forward. The whole process took four seconds.

The energy it created transformed into a light blue tornado that stayed rooted to the Demon's position. The Demon itself was spinning wildly, one leg on the ground likely to keep it going and the other leg and both daggers were committed to the objective of cutting anything unlucky enough to get in range as it shot forward. Directly in Celestia's shield.

The force of the attack was too much for Celestia and her shield shattered, unable to even slow the Demon in it's forward momentum. Unfortunately for Celestia, the shield wasn't the only thing it hit. Blood was shed as Celestia was flung backwards from the sheer power of the attack, the spin allowed the Demon to strike multiple times without even moving it's weapons, it's spin doing the work for it. The energy the tornado was formed with seemed to be doing more than just further powering the Demon's spin of pain but seemed to be aiding in cutting her, making the tornado's purpose twofold.

That wasn't the worst of it however, as the Demon flew forward it in fact followed Celestia as she was flung backwards, delivering more attacks as it spun. It abruptly stopped spinning though and used the last it's of it's momentum to deliver a final round house kick, sending Celestia even further and actually making her hit the wall on the other side of the hall, next to the large door and slid down it before falling into a heap on the floor.

It quickly turned to Luna, ready to attack. Luna wasn't however. She was stunned at seeing her sister defeated so easily. So... Brutally... She wasn't even sure she was still alive.

Luna's attention snapped back to the Demon, who was surprisingly patiently waiting for her to recover from her shock. That was lost to Luna as she was enraged by the thought of losing her sister. With a battle cry filled with rage and remose she shot forward and bucked the surprised Demon in the chest with both hind legs and charged a powerful ray of magic as it was pushed into the air by her buck, unable to move out of the way in the air.

She put all of her magic into this attack, thought of the outcome if the Demon survived not in her mind as her emotions ran rampant.

The sheer width of the ray engulfed the Demon's body and creating a hole in the castle due to it's power. The Demon wasn't vaporized by the attack however. It instead heavily collided with the deep hole in the newly created hole in the wall. Landing on the opposite side of the doorway to heap that is Celestia before replicating her and sliding onto the floor.

Thinking it was over, Luna collapsed into a panting mess. Magical exhaustion causing her to almost faint, in her darkening vision she saw the worst possible thing,

The Demon rose, smoke from Luna's attack seeping off it's form, but it had no trouble getting up seemingly as if it wasn't hurt at all.

This sight made Luna realize something. The fight ended quickly just like she wanted but not as she expected, she could only wish it had the decency to end her quickly and hopefully spare the element bearers, hopefully satisfied with two immortal souls.

It took a second to reorient itself before it started walking over to where she lay, daggers still held firmly, it absently looked to where Celestia lay before continuing on to Luna. Maybe to do unspeakable deeds for causing it harm?

In the brief moments of thinking the Demon was defeated Twilight freed herself and her friends, ready to help Luna and Celestia get to the Royal Hospital. When the Demon rose however, they sprung into action and tried to do anything they could.

Twilight, shocked from seeing Celestia in such a way, quickly teleported over to her mentor with tears welling up in her eyes, unable to think of doing something to stop the Demon.
Pinkie Pie pulled her party cannon out of nowhere and used it to shoot confetti at the Demon.
Rainbow Dash used her legendary speed to fly around the Demon, occasionally flying in to punch or kick it before flying away again.
Rarity used her magic to shoot magic bolts at the Demon despite her weak magic.
Applejack took her hat off and pulled her 'emergency lasso' out of it and threw the hoop to hopefully constrict it's arms which still held it's weapons.
Fluttershy flew over to try and help Luna, terror very present in her eyes.

All their efforts were for naught however as it mostly ignored them. Until Rainbow Dash bucked one of it's horn's however, making it flinch and causing Rainbow to grin. Irritated at her attack on it's horn it spun from it's path to Luna to ready a stab in Rainbow's still close presence, but it saw something behind her, which allowed a wide-eyed Rainbow to flee.

Twilight was moving Celestia's bleeding, motionless body with a hoof, constantly hugging her and begging her to wake up while tears streamed from her eyes, further soaking the motionless ponies body with more than blood.

The other bearers kept on in their attempts to defeat the Demon and didn't see the heart-breaking sight that it was watching. Then it did something that shocked them all, including the barely conscious Luna, to stillness.

The dagger in it's left paw suddenly vanished and it twirled the dagger in it's other paw before stopping and bringing it to it's lower back as purple energy flared around it. Then a major change occured.

The purple energy completely enveloped it's figure and quickly shifted into the shape of a pony, before fading, leaving a mare in it's wake. She had a pure white coat, very similar to a certain fashionista. She had long straight mane that flowed over her back and just past her withers and quickly ceased and curled before it had a chance to get in her eyes, which were a shining silver and had a black slit going from top to bottom of her silver iris. Her folded wings looked strong and well preened, and her primaries faded to black as it reached the feather's tip. Her tail was reminiscent of her mane and was long, straight and black but was still far from brushing against the ground. Her cutie mark depicted a pair of horns of mismatching length, exactly the same as the demon that once stood where she now stands. She was taller than the average pony only by a small amount and if you looked carefully you could see well toned muscles underneath her white coat.

A sheath was hanging just behind her left foreleg and appeared to be home to a katana. A weapon that is legendary in Equestria due to it's effectiveness in combat. A much larger sheath was resting on her back and held an Odachi, an anti-cavalry weapon that was adapted for regular combat. It wasn't as legendary as the katana but even more damaging. On her right side hung a satchel that looked somewhat empty and a black bandanna hid most of her facial features.

Only Luna recognized the two weapons as neither have been seen in Equestria in a least a millennia.

The mare's sudden appearance caused a gasp from everypony who was watching.

Rainbow Dash was left hovering above the ground.
Pinkie Pie was leaning on her party cannon.
Fluttershy was holding onto Luna.
Rarity was standing stock still.
Applejack held her lasso that was mostly vaporized by the purple energy.

All with wide-eyes and gaping mouths.

The mare slowly approached Twilight who was still begging her mentor to wake up. When she arrived she placed a reassuring hoof onto Twilight's wither, making her jump and look to the hoof then the mare it belonged to. The mare's eyes glowed blue as Twilight looked into them, exactly like the Demon's had, before slowly fading back into silver.

Twilight managed to put two and two together despite her frantic thoughts and quickly started crawling backwards, still facing the Demon-mare. The mare turned her attention to Celestia and her wounds. Deep gashes could be seen in a near perfect line, going completely around her barrel and smaller cuts, likely from the tornado, were found everywhere else. On her horn, across her chest, on her legs, some on her wings and a few on her face. All of them were bleeding. The mare stepped forward, almost onto Celestia.

She then reached into her satchel and after some rooting around she pulled out a small slab of wood with Kanji inscribed all over it.

She brought it across her chest as it glowed a dim purple and then threw it into the ground where she stood, a purple circle with glowing orange Kanji briefly appearing and glowing before disappearing again.

The slab of wood evaporated when it landed and created a ring of green energy on the ground that surrounded both the mare and the unconscious Celestia. Some of it seeped over the mare's body, constantly flaring and disappearing over her chest and barrel but other than that nothing about her changed, the same couldn't be said about Celestia though.

The same green energy flared and disappeared over Celestia's chest and barrel but instead of the mystery mare's case where nothing happened her wounds stopped bleeding and slowly closed. Every pony in the room was staring at her wounds all but one in shock. The one who wasn't shocked was the mare, who was making sure everything went smoothly.

After a few more seconds of staring at Celestia's closed wounds the mare made her way over to Luna with three legs as she was rooting through her satchel again. Even though she was exhausted Luna managed to glare at her and wheeze out. "We do not want thou's aid, Demon." through gritted teeth, still struggling to stay awake.

The mare paused with her leg across her chest, holding another slab of inscribed wood and just stared at Luna. She expected it to make a snide remake, call it a mercy healing, anything. But the mare just stared in silence and eventually threw the wood into the ground, causing another ring of green energy to appear.

Strength returned to Luna's limbs as the energy flared around her like it did to Celestia. She slowly rose and soon stood above the mare.

"So... Thou slaughters the changelings, attacks us, defeats us and then heals us? To what end demon? Do you expect us to bow to you?! To surrender our subjects to you?! Never! We shall fall before we yield a single pony to your twisted plans!" Luna shouted, thankfully not in the Royal Canterlot Voice, in the Demon-mare's face while lowering her posture and flaring magic through her horn. The mare didn't flinch however.

Luna, again, expect her to say something, a mockery or reveal Luna's place in an awful scheme. Something! But she still didn't speak. She merely tilted her head to the side and raised a brow before closing her eyes and shaking her head. The mare, much to Luna's surprise, turned away from her to check on Celestia who was now waking up.

Celestia opened her eyes when she heard approaching hoof steps. She thought it would be a guard to inform her of the demon's defeat by the Elements of Harmony, Luna or Twilight maybe. But she was thoroughly surprised when a mare she didn't recognize approached. Her eye's were glowing like the demon's had been before fading into silver. Thinking the demon possessed one of her ponies to toy with her she attempted to quickly stand up and ready a spell but her body was still far from properly healed and caused her to crumple back down with a groan.

She looked up as the possessed pony reached her and glared as much as a crumpled up pony could.

The possessed pony took what looked like a glass bottle out of a satchel she was carrying and offered it to the fallen princess. Celestia, under great effort, slapped the bottle out of her grasp. The mares gaze followed the bottle as it tumbled across the floor and went to retrieve it. Since she was no longer blocking Celestia's view of the room she noticed that Luna was laying down much like she was, but looking at her in shame, and five of the element bearers were stood still.

Oh no! The demon froze them? How was she going to defeat it now?

As Celestia's thoughts ran wild the mare came back and was obviously upset at having to retrieve it. She tightly gripped Celestia's flowing mane and roughly tugged it back, forcing her to look to the ceiling and causing her to gasp. The mare then shoved the bottle into her open muzzle and quickly took it away when a small amount of it's contents spilled into her mouth.

Celestia tried to spit the sweet tasting liquid out, thinking it would make her some kind of thrall but the mare grabbed her muzzle and covered her snout, cutting off her air supply while staring into Celestia's eyes.

It went on for a while, the alicorn's larger body was equip with larger lungs but she still needs oxygen. Left with no other choice she loudly swallowed. Upon hearing her swallow the mare allowed her air which he took in greedily.

Whatever the demon force fed her made her feel great! She felt like she could take on discord again! What was that liquid?

Celestia stood back up and that was what made the bearers come back to their senses. All rushing towards her and tackling her in a group hug, they were relieved to know, especially Twilight, that Celestia was okay.

The hug was sudden so much so that the mystery mare was almost bowled over as a result but she had managed to get out of the way in time. She then made her way back over to Luna and offered her the bottle as well, she accepted it without much fight and took a quick swing as had she seen what it had done to Celestia.

The hug was soon broken and the attention of everypony in the room soon shifted to the still present demon-pony that was currently trying to wrestle her bottle out of Luna's grasp who seemed really must have liked the taste.

Celestia quickly addressed the elephant in the room.

"What are we going to about you?"

Author's Note:

Heeeey! It's my character from the game in pony form!
So this story is a self-insert but not really.

I capitalized all the 'demon's before changing my mind as I was finishing, they'll be changed at a later date when I could be stuffed.