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Morty reveals his past

"Uh hey Rick?"

"Yeah Morty what is it? I'm a little busy here."

"Remember those friends I told you about a few days ago?"

"Yeah what about them?"

"Well they want me to go over to a sleepover this Saturday."

"Yeah so?"

"Can you let me go? Please?"

Rick thought about it for a while and then said "Ok you can go."

Morty said "Thanks Rick. I-"

"But you have to do something for me first", he said.

'Of course' Morty thought.

"What is it?" He said.

Rick gestured to the basement where he did his unspeakable things. "Follow me."

He led him to a wall that had a bunch of newspaper clippings.

"Um Rick what is all this?" Morty asked nervously.

"It's my latest project", he said. "There have been things-- strange things-- happening here in this town. And the school you go to seems to be the source."

"Um so?" Morty said.

"What I want you to do is a little bit of spying. If you see or notice anything-- and I mean anything-- weird come straight to me. I want to be the one who solves this. No I will be the one to solve this."

"Um but what if I'm with my friends and something happens?" Morty said.

"Then make an excuse up. I don't care what happens then", Rick said.

"Um I don't know Rick", Morty said.

Morty thought about it and sighed. "Fine I'll do it", he reluctantly agreed. 'Not that I have a choice' he thought bitterly.

Morty was just about to leave when Rick said "Oh and one more thing? Don't tell anyone."


In the morning there was a test and Morty spent most of last night-- not including the time where he had to talk to Rick-- studying for it. So it makes sense that when he arrived at school he was extremely tired.

When lunch arrived he went to sit at his normal table. Which was to say the table where no one sat at.

"Hey! Morty! Over here!"

He turned and looked at Pinkie Pie waving at him.

He simply sighed and went over to where she was.

"Yeah Pinkie? What is it?" He asked tiredly.

"Why do you always sit over there?" She asked.

"Because no one wants to sit near me. Never has been never will be", he explained.

"Now that I can't believe dear", said a voice behind him.

He turned around so fast.

"Wait. Rarity? What are you--"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "This is where me and the others always sit."

"Others?" Mortys question was soon answered as five other girls appeared behind Rarity.

"So this is where you all sit? OK then I'll just--"

"Oh no you don't!" Pinkie Pie said and she made him sit down.

"What's the big idea?!" Morty said.

"Morty we need to talk", Sunset said.

When the other girls were all seated she continued.

"We know you're hiding something. And we want to know what."

Morty said "Do you really want to know?"

Fluttershy said "Please tell us. We only want to help."

Morty chuckled dryly and said "There's no getting out of this is there? Fine. I'll tell you on the condition that you tell nobody else. I don't want people to think I'm a charity case or something."

They all said "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye."

Morty sighed and said "Hmm where to begin? I'll just start at when it all happened.

So he told them. He told them about the fire him getting sent to live with his grandpa everything. Well almost everything.

"And that's pretty much it", he finished with a sigh.

There was silence for a while then without warning they all got up walked over to him and gave him a hug.

'Um...this is new. I don't know how to feel about this' he thought to himself.

When the hug broke Applejack said "Well I can't believe it. To go through that much...I don't know how you did it."

"Sometimes I don't know either", he mumbled to himself.

Fluttershy asked "Does it hurt? When you think about them that is."

Morty replied "Of course. It hurts every day but I try not to let it bring me down."

And with that no more was said between them.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait! I hope this chapter makes up for it. If I'm doing anything at all wrong just tell me. I'm still having trouble coming up with ideas for the sleepover btw.