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The day had come at last. This, the second day of summer, was the day of a great chance for ponykind.

So it came to pass, that no other than Vinyl Scratch had the opportunity to lounge around and stare into space.

She was up to absolutely nothing, and it was oh so wonderfully quiet. She had no plans at all for the day, so she just idly passed the time by herself.

Hmmm, what even was time. Vinyl wasn't stupid ya know. She had listened to many lectures from her parents, both of whom were accomplished physicists on…

What was it? Meat-a physics? Yeah.

Of course she was vegan and as such did not partake.

She rather absentmindedly started to nod her head in agreement with herself. The nods continued and formed a simple beat of her own devising.

The beat was rather normal. Actually it was annoyingly normal. Vinyl allowed herself to put a slight spin on the normality of the beat while still not putting in the level of effort to match it to any particularly fancy rhythm.

So, nod she did to the randomness of her imagined beat as she simply relaxed more and more and more into her sofa.

Today was going to be one of the good ones. Nothing to do, and nopony to pester her. Ah, truly this was perfection itself.

A knocking at the door ruined perfection itself.

Oh poop, what to do now?

She shuffled her mind back to working properly. There had to be a solution to this latest imperfection, that she was to suffer through.

Octavia probably didn't have to deal with something like thi-

Wait, that might just work!

“Taviiiiiii,” Vinyl cried out to her roommate in the most pathetic moan she could muster, “dooooooor.”

Filled with a sudden satisfaction with the knowledge that she had done her bit for the day, the DJ turned to face away from the sound in an effort to get some sleep.

All this stress would do her no good at all. She needed to close her eyes, rest and relax.

That darn knocking repeated itself, only now faster and more intense. But that was fine. Everything would be fine. Any second now she would hear the hoof steps of the most reliable pony in Equestria coming to her rescue.

The knocking did not stop. It did however change from those irritating random thuds against wood, into an embarrassingly perfect recreation of the Star Wars theme.


Well that doesn’t usually happen.

Curious as to what musical genius wanted the door to open so bad, Vinyl opted to open her eyelids to see the world around her once more.

Unfortunately the brief wandering of her eyes around her surroundings, revealed that there were no windows in sight.

Drat! Now how would she bring an end to this musical mystery? Maybe if she set up a complex series of mirrors, and implemented a telescope or two, she get a look through the peephole and-

The knocking stopped.

There was no more intrusive noise to be heard.

Silence prevailed.

Oh well. Couldn’t have been that important. She relaxed, idly wondering if she would have any Sci-fi related dreams when she got to sleep. She could save the space princess, stop the space baddies, and be the best space musician of all space space time.

“Oh I certainly hope not, I’ve never been fond of double spacing you know.”

Upon hearing the expensive sounding male voice Vinyl Scratch’s eyes shot wide open. Okay, so it turns out that there was nopony in her field of view. That wouldn’t stop her. No, this noisy mind reader was going to get a piece of her mind.

Err. Get a piece of her mind again. Yeah, he won’t like that!

Vinyl got to her hooves and walked to the front door, while slowly trying to piece together the events with that famously big brain she had. For vinyl, this all boiled down to, knocking plus telepathy equals a super villain that I must thwart alone.

She reached this logic by assuming that the mysterious knocker had been throwing their head against the door again and again to create the disrupting sound. But in doing so, they must have disrupted the part of their brain responsible for making them use only ten percent of their own brain. This ‘brain brain’ could no longer restrict the actual brain, so it jumped directly to using one hundred and eighteen percent of itself. Resulting in thought related superpowers! Yes, telepathy was just the beginning for this menace’s menacing meat-a abilities.

Soon this villain would have the ability to move things with just their mind!

Oh wait I can do that. Huh, being a unicorn rocks. Which way was it to the front door again? Ah yes, front ways.

She arrived at the front door, just as she had expected, what she hadn’t expected was to see the master of chaos standing in front of it.

“Yo.” Vinyl said.

"Well, what a creative one we have here.” Discord sarcasmed directly at the pony.

Even though she was unfazed by the direct sarcasm attack, her rebuttal came out as a rather weak, “Hey, I'll express myself creatively through my music right into yo face."

"Nice." He said with a smirk, then began knocking a taloned fist on the inside of the door. He was continuing the Star Wars theme, but from 0.0265 seconds from where it had ended earlier, because chaos!

The extremely slight jump forward in the tune did not go amiss to the pony. She was just about to point out that he was doing it wrong when she noticed something else. "Um, why are you knocking on my door from the inside? Is it like a dog thing?"

"A dog thing?"

"Yeah like you want walkies, so you're knocking on the door… Right?

"You think I'm a dog? You think I, Discord master of chaos, are no more than a common canine?"

"Well I'd give you more of a ca-four-point-five. You've only got one head after all. I mean, I've never actually seen a dog before, but I'm sure I read somewhere about the two head thing."

Discord smiled wide with mischief. "Sure, I'm a dog, this is what all us dogs look like after we’ve lost one of our heads." He gestured to his body. "And I'd be ridiculously happy to go on a walk with you."

Discord snapped his lion paw and the door in front of them turned into a tractor beam. The machine, rather unceremoniously, pulled them out into the calm quaint village of Ponyville.

The village had always smelled too much of horses for Vinyl's liking. Before she could loudly and obnoxiously whine on that issue. Discord interrupted her would be words. "This village has never smelled enough like adventure for my liking."

"Right?" Vinyl said, "Like where are all the battle axes and tapestries?"

Author's Note:

I am particularly fond of this one. I almost can't believe that this pairing isn't more common, honestly why does it fall to me to to set trends these days?

But enough trail blazing, it is after all a fire hazard. And let us hope I don't get fired from fimfiction for this which could be misconstrued as a list of ideas an not a fic.

Oh well ramble over, u has n1c3 days todaying!