• Published 1st Jun 2021
  • 325 Views, 2 Comments

The Mysterious Island - WarriorofFaith18

  • ...

Into The Woods

After facing Reva, Mortar, Lance, Rutter, and Gutter, The Rainbooms, Team Shine, Starlight, and Chet ran into the woods until they ran far enough.

"I think we're safe for now." Shine Boy sighed.

"But we're nowhere near finding the guardian." Twilight cried. "We're back to square one!"

"Not quite" Gamer stated as he pulled out the tablet from earlier. "I salvaged this from that throne drawer. Once glance from it and look what I found."

Everyone gathered Gamer as he held out the tablet. "It looks like a map."

"A map of the entire island!" Rainbow gasped.

Sunset studied the map and noticed some marked areas. "It looks like those marked areas might help us find the location of the Guardian and through him our way home!"

"It's like a scavenger hunt!" Pinkie cheered.

"Hopefully, it won't be long." Rarity stated.

"Well then let's go!" Chet declared

Spike looked at the map and looked overwhelmed. "What have we got to loose?"


The group started to search around the forest and follow the map's instructions. During the search, Rarity faked herself tripping a log to land on Love Shine only to land on Gamer instead, earning a laughing Rainbow Dash. Twilight, holding on to the map, pointed to a passageway, but when Pinkie Pie entered, she almost ended up falling down a slope only to be pulled back by..... Pinkie? Anywho, Twilight double checked the map and realized she was holding it upside down and nervously pointed in the other direction while the others looked irked. Chet checked up in the trees, scouting ahead. Rainbow tried to embrace Love Shine only to end up hugging Pinkie. Rarity chuckled as Rainbow ran from Pinkie who wanted to hug her back. Fluttershy and Shine Girl were using this time to get to know each other more. Sunset and Shine Boy smiled at the sight of the growing friendship.


Meanwhile, further ahead, Rutter and Gutter were covering themselves with leaves.

"You know the plan, Gutter?" Rutter asked.

"Yeah. When those guys show up, we jump on that girl and grab her necklace!" Gutter nodded.

"This'll really please the boss! Quick! Hand me more leaves and stay low."


Back at the team, Chet landed near them after scouting around.

"Looks like the coast is clear." he reported.

"Okay. Let's keep moving." Shine Boy stated.

Twilight then realized someone was missing. "Wait. Where's Spike?"

"He wasn't too far behind" Starlight recalled.

"Spike! You coming?" Twilight called as the group progressed. "What's wrong?"

What the group didn't know was something was wrong with Spike. He was panting like crazy, feeling hot, and barely able to keep his eyes open.

"Oh! It's nothing, Twilight!" He called back.

The group then came to a place covered in leaves. As they came near a huge pile, Rarity stepped on Gutter's tail, causing him to scream, exposing him and Rutter.

"You hear that?" Applejack asked.

Gamer spotted the rats behind Rarity. "Rarity! Behind you! It's Rutter and Gutter! Run!"

Rarity looked to see the rats and screamed as she ran near Love Shine. Before the rats could chase her, Shine Boy threw a smoke bomb, diorienting them.

"RUN!" he shouted.

"This way!" Sunset pointed and they all ran.

"Get back here!" Rutter called, but it was too late. By the time the smoke cleared, they were long gone. "Why'd you scream like that?"

"She stepped on my tail!"

"Ouch! That had to hurt."

Before long, the group had stopped running to catch their breaths.

"Everyone okay?" Shine Boy asked.

Twilight looked around to notice something's missing. "I don't see Spike anywhere. Anyone see him?"

"I thought he was behind us." Gamer stated.

"We better go find him." Fluttershy worried.

"Twilight! Over here!"

Everyone looked to see Chet carrying Spike as he showed them the dog's condition.

"Oh Spike!" Gasped Twilight as she felt his forehead. "You're burning up!"

"I don't look too bad" panted Spike.

"Fluttershy, Can you help him?"

"Not without the right medication, Twilight."

"But we need to help Spikey Wikey!" Rarity begged.

Gamer double checked the map. "Guys! I think I found something! According to the map, there's a place on a beach nearby said to have healing magic."

"It's our only hope! It's Spike's only hope." Sunset stated.

Wearily, Spike begged. "Guys, I'm fine. We need to find the guardian!"

Twilight answered by taking Spike in her arms. "No Spike. Before I met any of our friends, you were all I had. I'm not loosing you."

Shine Boy placed his hand on Twilight. "We're not loosing him. Gamer, which way?"

"This way. Shouldn't be too far."

"Then let's go." Chet lead the way as the others followed him.


"And now they're heading to the north of the island." Rutter reported to Mortar through a crystal.

"Continue to follow them." Mortar ordered as he shut off his crystal.

"The time to strike is now." grinned Reva.

To be continued