• Published 1st Jun 2021
  • 166 Views, 0 Comments

The Staff of Sir Gallop the Wo/anderer - BoredAuthor817

Gallus accompanies Sunset Shimmer on a quest to locate ancient Equestrian artifacts.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Gallus's Journal : Entry #39 (continued)

… and, now that you're all caught up to speed, we can continue...

“You won't get away with this!” Gallus growled. Though, by the looks everyone was giving him, it wasn't the right response.

Dr. Diggs frowned, “Did you hear anything I had to say?”

“No,” Gallus shuffled awkwardly in his seat, “was too busy inner-monologuing about what poor life decisions had brought me here.” Again, wrong answer.

“Ugh, never mind,” Sunset rolled her eyes, “I'll explain it to him later. But, in a way, he's kinda right.”

Gallus's face brightened, “I am?”

“There's a reason why I'm the exception,” Sunset said, “Because I've been there, done that, and it never turns out as you think it will. Trust me, Dr. Diggs, whatever power you may think is in there, you don't want it.”

“I'd listen to her!”

“Enough!” roared Dr. Diggs, “You two are trying my patience!”

“That's not saying much for a griffon...” said Gallus.

“I've had enough of you two!” He waved to two of his men, “Take them to the pit.”

The sun had long set as Sunset and Gallus were pushed outside of the RV, kicking and screaming.

“Nothing personal,” said Diggs, “I just can't have you following us.”

“Why don't you just let all the air out of our tires?” yelled Sunset, “Would probably be much easier on all our parts.”

“Yes,” said Diggs, “might just do that, too.”

“H-hey, w-wait a minute,” shouted Gallus, as his feet neared the edge of the hole he'd been digging earlier, “I... I think this is a good time to mention that I don't like small, cramped spaces!” He yelled as he was pushed into the hole. Above, he could hear Sunset yelling at Diggs with some very colorful language before she, too, was pushed in. What Gallus had not intended on, though, was to break her fall.

Above them, they could hear Diggs and his posse drive away.

“You okay?” Sunset asked.

Gallus rolled his head, cracking his neck. “Yeah. I think so. Gotta say, you're being extremely calm about all this.”

“Not the first time I've been tied up.”

Gallus raised an eyebrow. “Reeaally?”

“You got your pocket knife on you?”

“Uh, really?”

“What? Oh, sorry... Totally forgot.”

“You 'totally forgot' that I'd been in just my underwear for hours?”

“Not really something one focuses on...”

“Dr. Diggs couldn't even look me straight in the eye!”

“Okay, never mind... I would ask you to grab mine, but I think it feel out of my pocket during the scuffle.”

Gallus sighed. “So, now what?”

There was a short pause before Sunset said, “Is that shovel still down here?”

“Uh, yeah, I think so. I think I left it standing up. Here's where a beak would sure come in handy...”

His heart leapt when Sunset announced she'd found the shovel. Soon after, he heard the snap of ropes breaking and then he felt someone tugging at his bonds. In no time, he was also free.

“Great,” he said, swinging his arms to try to return circulation to them, “now, how do we get out of this?”

“The hole's not that deep,” said Sunset, “You should be able to lift me up high enough so I can climb out.”

“Okay. But, can you please take your shoes off?”


Gallus slowly stood, bracing himself against the side of the hole. He tried to steady himself to match Sunset's movements. Her socked feet were balanced precariously on his shoulders.

“Just a little more,” Sunset said, moving to her tip toes.

Gallus grunted, “Not much more I can grow.” He grimaced as a foot was placed on his head.

That was the extra boost Sunset needed and she was soon out of the hole. It seemed an eternity to Gallus before the ladder was lowered down to him.

“I suppose you'd want to take a shower,” Sunset said, “and put on some clothes.”

“Would be nice,” he smiled, “Some dinner would be nice, too.”

Sunset slipped on her boots. “Can't disagree there. Well, let's see what the damage was.”


Gallus stepped out of the bathroom, clean and refreshed, just as Sunset was returning from her inspection of the RV.

“Well,” she sighed, “looks like they took my advice and flattened our tires. Got the motorbike, too.”


Sunset nodded wearily. “Two on the RV and one on the bike. I should be able to fix that one. We'll take the bike into town in the morning and see if we can get a mechanic to take care of the RV.”

“And what about Dr. Diggs?”

“What about him?”

“He'll be miles away from here come morning. How can we even hope to catch up with him?”

“I wouldn't worry about him,” Sunset yawned and stretched, “Pretty soon, he'll be coming back to us.”

“How can you be so sure?”

Sunset shrugged nonchalantly. “The chest had been sealed by magic. Only magic can open it.” She opened a kitchen cabinet, “You want beef stew for dinner?”

Gallus nodded. “And how would you know that?”

“I looked at in the inscription on it.”

“I thought you said it was a poem.”

“Well, it is. But, the more I looked at it I realized it was also a spell.”

Gallus couldn't help but smile, “So, when he tries to open it...”

“Not gonna work—on this side anyway. Gotta take it back to Equus.”

“What about your geode? Supposing we get it back. Would we be able to open it with that?”

Sunset shook her head. “It works primarily off passive magic. You need active to work that chest. Besides, what active magic my geode does grant me, it won't cut it.”

“And when is Princess Twilight going to have the portal up and running again?” asked Gallus.

Sunset shrugged, “Oh, not for a few months still. Last I heard she was doing a complete revamp. We're lucky if we can get you home for Hearth's Warming.”

“Well,” laughed Gallus, “that is certainly something comforting!”

“I suppose it is,” smiled Sunset. She placed before him a large bowl of piping hot hearty beef stew on the table and a bowl of vegetable noodle soup for herself.

“So, if we're not gonna go after him,” Gallus said, sitting down, “what are we gonna do?”

Sunset started heating her own dinner. “Oh, I dunno,” she said, “I was thinking we check into a hotel and enjoy ourselves. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of all this dust.”