• Published 11th Jun 2021
  • 608 Views, 7 Comments

Spiders and Magic Presents:Amazing Fantasy - spiders123

It’s about a young Asgardian who has ties with Gusty the Great now years later is grown and ready to start his own adventures (imagine Wonder Woman from dc super hero girls, and Finn the human and Leonardo from TMNT) merged into one Asgardian

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Season 1: Scion of Gusty: Episode 6 Monsters and Bots Among us

Season 1: Scion of Gusty: Episode 6 Monsters and Bots among us

(Opening Eden through the Rough)

“Here to help or a threat?!” Mayday yelled at her editor at Jameson’s house

Today is a day where Jameson’s business is getting a comeback so most of his work equipment is getting moved into an office

“How is this supposed to help us get a good image” mayday said

“Let me mansplain this to you kid, do you serve a burger with only the patty, no you add the details the and before that the appetizer?”

“What does that mean?”

“Who am I telling this to my angry dome!, no I’m trying to say that we’re talking this idea one step at a time”

“Okay from now one before you post the report well needed to discuss it! Got it?!”

“Pfft whatever floats your boat kid” as she notices some stuff missing

“So what happened here?”

“Don’t you get it the new piece sold like hotcakes so I bought myself an office again”

“Yes but a single false testimony could lead to a mishap, you weren’t there and Sukeas barely said much”

“Hmm…cool your jets kid, how about we hire a reporter instead?”

“And pray tell are we going to find a reporter that would deal with…ya know!”

He puffs out smoke “ehh…I’m sure Sukea could find some dusty desperate smoe out there”

her eyes look dull “Just be careful not to waste the money on weird deals”

“Weirder than the freakshow I’ve been dragged too? I highly doubt it” he puffs his cigar

While she rolls her eyes and leaves “and no cameraman, we can get what we need with our phones” she says “We can’t afford to have more figure out who we are so if a reporter knows we must be careful”

“Trust me kid, As a former reporter myself I know when someone will pull a fast one on this tough guy” Jameson reassures her

she took out a brand new phone

‘It was so cool of the professor to buy us new ones!’ She thought in secret glee of her new phone

Back at the mansion enterance,

Ullr decides to go out

“I’ll need someone to help with what I’m going to do” he remembers what he did last time

He goes back to fetch someone and takes out his “special bag” to put on new clothes

Back at oscorp, Alastair smythe enters a mysterious hanger funded by oscorps resources

“At last, now that my S-Bot is complete, I can finally capture and wipe clean the world of imperfects.” With the final touches the engine roars “maybe soon mr Osborn can no longer underestimate me”

“Now all it needs is some bait” as he presses a switch that releases the iguana tube as it falls through a trap door to be released

“It’s only a matter of time” he said “once the creature finds enough distance and finds the targets this s-bot should capture them all in one swoop”

As he returns to his seat, behind him is a curtain tube which is black and contains the names of other creatures like v252 and the plasma feeder

About an hour later

“What are you doing back at the mall Ullr” said Ocellus as she and Ullr are sitting by the fountain to wait for something or someone

“Well I figured it would have made sense to tell you earlier but I might as well say it”

She suddenly has a serious thought ‘Wait could it be…that he wants too…’ she looks nervous ‘wait I’m used to talking to boys now but not like this!’

“Well while you were with Silverstream, I made a friend with a fidgety guy”


“I made a new friend well I don’t if I’m friends with him yet so I needed your opinion”

She’s still processing but decides to answer “…So why didn’t you bring everyone else?”

“Because if I brought everyone he could change his mind and leave so I brought you along to help him now that he is safe with calm and gentle

‘Of…course…phew’ she almost blushed ‘that was too much to think about’ she then looks at his headwear “wouldn’t wearing a headband on your forehead make you looks more intimidating though you wore it the last time at the mall too why?”

“Well…that was more of a personal matter I could say I’m…a common runner”

“well that sounds safe of you to pick only one friend”

“What do you mean?”

“Lately you’ve been getting a little reckless?”

“Have I?, heh heh Well that happens to be an Aesir habit that I copied well” he said in an embarrassing tone


“Yeah but I think it might have to do with hanging out with Gallus and Smolders joyrides”

She sweat drops “I really wish you wouldn’t enable them to go so far” she says “professor Scott can only take so much restraint since it’s his car”

“Okay, I’ll be sure to tell them that, not sure they may listen through”

He takes out his bag and pulls out a pepperoni stick for a snack

“Hey isn’t that the same bag Yona mentioned when we faced the mole man?”

“Oh this, it may seem like you’re average bag. But in reality…”

He slowly opens the bag for her eyes only.

What she see’s shocks her

“What is this?!” She sees a whole night sky full of junk and the arrows used that Hawkeye shot with along with Ullr’s axe and several other items just floating around

“It’s a magic bag with its own pocket dimension” he simply stares “have you wondered why I never needed luggages or boxes “

“Where on Equestria- I mean Earth did you get this”

“…I was bequeathed to me…By my father” he smiles “it was the only thing that was my inheritance”

“…bequeathed…?” realizing what she the word meant…her eyes widen in shock

“Oh I uh sorry”

“Don’t worry about it” he said “I never met him, so I can’t feel said for someone I never knew”

“You never met him…we’re you a—

“Nope” he simply said “might as well have though”

“Huh?” She doesn’t understand what he meant but then wondered “But didn’t mayday said you came from Asgard? Wouldn’t they know about him?”

“…I tried that approach but, let’s just say it was touchy for all of Asgard”

Ocellus looks in the bag and noticed something “so did Hawkeye you back you back your bow?”

He suddenly stops………………………….

Ullr comes back to his senses “oh-oh no!” He yelled “I forgot to ask him to give back my bow!” He gets up in panic “graaagh!!!” He scratches his head

She giggles at his predicament “Ullr that was almost months ago”

“That’s why it’s so humiliating” his head gets a little red in frustration

“Uh what’s going on here?” They turn to see that scared guy again holding an ice cream

“Oh uh, he forgot to uh…bring his cash” Ocellus said

Oh turns around, “oh there you, are you came”

“I’m afraid I had, no choice, my friend wasn’t around because of a job interview and She wouldn’t let me laze around in the house”

“Ullr is this the friend you were talking about?”

“Calling me friend…uh okay”

“Yeah this is…is…oh right” he looks back at the boy “sorry I didn’t catch you name” he looks a like he did something wrong

“Oh, well I’m a foreigner, it’s Fudo Akira, but you can call me Akira”

‘Huh, sounds different from other names I’ve heard’ ocellus wonders

“Well let’s get started, Fudo, since you’ve been here most I bet you know all the good hot spots in this town”

“I guess so”

“Great” ocellus gets up to his face which makes him a little shy

“Oh sorry” she said “I’m shy type too I get it”

“It’s okay, I’ll give you a tour to the town park” as the two follows him.

Gallus and Yona enter through downtown

“A giant scorpion, you sure that’s what you saw?”Gallus seems skeptical at her story

“Yak not blind, yak have best sight”

“Uh huh…well I wasn’t there so I’m not sure if it’s right for me to ignore this”

“Plus sandbar and Ullr saw it too” she said

“You sure this place is legit”

“Yak best at picking place for cold creamery”

“And how is yak best at telling which has the best vanilla ice cream”

“Yakyakistan is best known for vanilla extract, Professor pie said so, not that yak need her approval”

Gallus rubs the sweat from his eyes until he sees something that catches his eye,

upon the rooftops a mere person is jumping on through parkour

“That was suspicious” he said “let’s check it out”

“But what about ice cream?”

“After!” he yells due to far distance as the two change in an ally

This mysterious assistant lands on a rooftop to lean on a ledge revealing binoculars to see a specific item in building which happens to be a tablet ruby red gem

“Looks similar to the red Ruby I’ve heard about from those stories my mom told me, but with the juggernaut disaster that happened, I can’t take any chances”

“And pray tell do you mean with chances” a voice said behind her

She turns around to see a giant blue bird boy and a giant bull like girl jump on

“Wait for yak to jump” she reminded him

They both look towards the mysterious person, which happens to be a character dressed in red with a blue hoodie…but with a feminine figure

What got Gallus’s attention was the spider mark on her hoodie

“So are you some kind of spider fan”

“Heh wouldn’t you like to know birdie” she smirks under her mask so she jumps

“Wait!” They ran to the edge but she that she has a grappling gun to swing away

“Quick we gotta go after her”


“Because we don’t know if she’s good or bad, she could try and blow something up” he flies after her

“Sigh fine” she says “Yona run through roofs though” she said as she starts super jumping around the swinging patterns

“Sometimes super jumping too high hurt yonas hooves” she talks to her self

During the aerial chase Gallus does his best to catch

“And….Gotha-hey!” She summersaults and jumps on his head

“Swing and a miss birdie!” She taunts him as she free falls and swings to a hard right

He loses his footing and falls a few feet before he recovers by flapping

And starts to follow her track “okay let’s see you handle someone who actually attacks” he throws sharp feathers

So she retracts Her hook and free falls to aim and shoot at his leg as it’s caught by her hook “hey!”

“I say I handle pretty well”

She swings her weight around as it messes with his flight pass

“I gotta shake her off” he starts to fly around in circles

‘Maybe if I fly high enough it could scare her enough to let go’

But before he could try that the girl’s grapple sends her straight to him and impacts on him and l

“Gah!” She grabs onto him tight Are you insane??! What hey what are you?!” Out of curiosity she starts to remove his zipper and and feels his chest feathers as she removed a glove during the impact

“Wow these feathers are actually soft are you an actual living big bird”

He starts to blush because of how close she is to his face and the fondling “okay now your pushing it!”

He uses his griffin tail to grab her waist and pull her away

She smirks still close enough she uses a bolo to tie his wings together

“Wha?!” “Oh no!” He starts to fall with her

“If I were you I’d keep that tail of yours tight around this tight bod” she says as she shoots her grapple to the nearest building and the two went through one fast and rough swing as they both roll and tumble onto a small roof of a laundry roof. He looses his grip on her and


crashes in a lot of drying laundry

“Grah!” He rises from the laundry pile that he made “Okay no more messing around!” He gets mad “I-I…” he looks around and sees that she’s gone

He gets off from the laundry pile and uses his claws to cut the bolo bindings from his wings

He hears a loud jump and sees Yona finally arrives “thank goodness griffin okay, Yona got worried when Gallus fell”

Still remember her fear of falling as she removes the bind herself

“…so how good are those ice creams you mention” He immediately wanted to move on from the topic”

While at the streets a quiet girl looks up to see the commotion

“First the mall now this, everywhere I got it’s literally a circus show”

At Central Park, Ullr takes a moment to take in the bliss

“You know I’ve only been here once, but…

He thinks about that deadly moment with Ronan

“I didn’t exactly have the time to enjoy it”

“We’re you in a job rush” Fudo said

“Something like that, you could call it a job but sometimes it can be a choir”

Ocellus gets concerned “Are you sure we should be here after that mess from the news though” she said “people could still be asking questions” she whispers to Ullr

He nods “that happened on the north side of the park this is the south” he then acts normally

Ullr wonders “so why did you pick this place?”

“Well…I suppose it would be better to show you” the timid teen said

He approaches a couple of feet to a bush which he opens so the others could see

“Oh wow”


They see a bunch of bunnies snuggled together

“You…don’t think this is dumb?”

“No why would you think that?” Ullr said

“If anything this would display a well earned time to learn about responsibility” Ocellus said to make the timid boy relax a bit

“I found them a couple of weeks ago” Fudo said as he carries a bag full of veggies

As the bag opens the bunnies wake up and some scatter around the trees and bushes

‘Like earth like Equestria I guess’ ocellus guessing the obvious of the animals here acting the same on this world

“Let’s see I see a treat, perform some light snapping” Fudo snaps his fingers to get the bunnies attention

Some bunnies slowly hop over, but the bunnies then suddenly run towards not him but Ullr by surprise

“What, hey Woah!” Ullr trips and falls on his butt but looks before he lands so he doesn’t hurt the creatures. Now his hands and lap and head and shoulders are covered with bunnies.

“I’ve never seen that before?” Fudo got weirded out

“Yeah it takes bunnies days even months to get used to anyone how did you do it” ocellus said

“I…don’t know, but then again my friends at the stables always liked me for some reason, now that I think about it…” he pets some of the bunnies “this happens almost every time I meet an innocent creature” as some bunnies kiss his cheeks.

Ocellus wonders ‘so he’s like professor Fluttershy but doesn’t know about it?’

“I appreciate that you were willing to show us what you usually do for a daily basis” Ullr said letting the bunnies nudge his hands
“I guess this means we’re friends now?”

“F-friends?” He said “but we just met”

“But you shared something difficult to someone you just met”

“I-I just wanted to call it even”

“But you already did when you got me those audio stories”

“Well I felt more grateful to repay you more okay…”

Ocellus wondered why he was hesitant about accepting this friendship “wait did you have trouble making friends?”

That question made his hand stand up Ullr notices that nervous side

“Look if it’s touchy you don’t have to say anything”

“No…I had friends…but the environment I grew up in was hard for anyone to grow up in”

Ocellus wonders “you mean crooks and bullies”


Ullr then remembered something Fudo said earlier “you said your friend made you go out” Ullr points out “so you must have some friends we could meet”

“Sorry only one of my friends moved with me into this town” he said as he takes out his phone “I could show you a picture of my friends back from my country though”

He takes out his phone to show them

Ocellus looks “you look so happy there” she turns to Ullr looking at the bunnies

“Ullr he’s letting us in something important” whispers as she nudges his arm

“Oh right sorry” he says as he sets a bunny down and prepared to look “so what kind of-

The moment he set his eyes on the picture…

All he saw was…a black hole in one of the faces of the picture

“Gh!” Suddenly his body felt completely nervous his vision blurry and his stomach felt queasy

*buzzz-* *buzzzzzzzzzzzzz* his head keeps buzz and buzzing as everything slows down

He now sees an illusion of a desolate land

Everywhere he sees nothing but fire, blood, rubble each second makes him breathe harder as it’s slowly getting hard to breathe

When he closed his eyes he sees his shadow slowly rising up like a geyser…of red eyes with antlers and the shadow grows bigger and bigger which makes a shark like grin

G….. Mu.t…be…AVENGED!”

As it raises his giant hand to grab Ullr but his forehead glows to break the mind trance

He took a step back “Gah!” He is back to reality Falls on his back as some rabbits ran

“Ullr?!” Ocellus said she checks on him and sees him tired look

‘What happened, he looked like he’s seen a ghost!’ She checks and sees him sweating? ‘But it’s not even that hot today’ but she looks at his forehead and takes a closer look

‘Is something glowing?’ She sees something on his forehead ‘but the glow stops’

‘Was that an Asgardian thing?’

“Is he alright?!” Fudo said as he puts his phone away

He gives his hand to Ullr

He takes a moment to catch his breath and takes his hand to get up “thanks” as there hands did a light glow unfortunately was not bright enough to be seen

“What was that about?” Ocellus said

“I…I…I think I had a stomach ache”

“But you never have a upset stomach, you have an appetite as big as Yona” she said

“Well…first time for everything I guess” he said as he loses some footing as Ocellus catches his shoulder and leans on her ‘he’s too close again!’

“Sorry I guess I still feel the rumbling in my stomach”

“Uh I hear something…” Fudo hears some tremors “but I don’t think it’s your stomach”

They hear something go louder and louder until they hear people scream

“It’s coming from the east side” ocellus said and makes a serious face and Ullr understands with a nod

“Thanks for this time Akira” ocellus hands him a bunny “but we should talk another time. Same time at the fountain?”

“Well I don’t know, how about Sunday?” He says

“It’s a deal!” He says as the two leave and Fudo runs away to safety

Few minutes earlier…

“I can’t believe that red clown just made us lose course now where rather away from where we’re supposed to go!” Gallus still frustrated and smelling like wet laundry complains while following yonas route.

“And you don’t have to walk to far away from me Yona I don’t smell that funky… compared to your yak musk”

“Sorry griffin” she said as she stops and hears people scream

She sees people run away as they see a mutant iguana scaring the locals.

They both sigh “alright back to the Allie’s” they go and hide somewhere to change

So now back in uniform, they ran to see the monster claiming territory

“First scorpion now lizard?” Yona said “where they come from?”

“It kinda looks like an iguana though”

“Not important” Yona sees something familiar “look that same collar from scorpion monster!”

“Let’s call the others” Gallus grabs his phone

(With mayday)
She comes out of a boba tea shop

Mayday walking down the street hears a phone
“Sigh” she goes change behind a dumpster

She jumps on a rooftop “I swear if they didn’t need me”

(With sandbar smolder Silverstream)

Three are at the workshop

“Had me that socket wrench” smolder said as colossus hands her one

“Little dragon I’m glad that you’ve decided to display your independence by getting your own vehicle but why didn’t you just get a car like you usually drive?” Colossus said as Charles informed him of the joyrides smolder did behind their backs

“I wanted to try something different”

Sandbar looks around “say where’s your helmet”

“I’m a the toughest dragon around why would I need a helmet?” She said as she takes a seat and a break

Silverstream steps in “so you don’t crash and break your neck and have to wear a collar for months.”

“Got a better reason?” Smolder wasn’t phased

“So you wouldn’t scare your friends with the reckless behavior” sandbar said

“Eh” she makes a so-so hand gesture

Colossus then took a turn “too protect your face from flies and other bugs that may go splatter all over your adorable face”

She heard that possibility “uh okay that sounds like a good reason” she gets up “and don’t call me cute”

She looks around for a helmet and then sees some old boxes “let’s see…”

“Nope, nope, hmm…nah” she rummages around and throws some stuff

Sandbar dodges a hammer “hey!” And gets hit by a basketball “oof!” Which knocks him to the floor

“Found one!” She finds an old red helmet she finds a note “property of Logan, don’t touch bub if you know what’s good for ya!”

“…Meh who cares” she crumpled up the old note and throws it away

“There found a helmet now will you guys stop worrying?”

They then hear their phones ring

“Sigh aw man, I wasn’t done with the bike!”

“Don’t worry you can do it after” Silverstream says “sandbar get up let’s go!” She shakes him awake as she then gets up and runs ahead

“Wha? Oh okay!” He gets up and follows too as smolder follows but stops

“You coming peter?”

“Of course little dragon to observe and pitch in if you’ll need some help”

“You’ll welcome to check not that you won’t need too” she smirks as the now follow

Gallus and Yona head to the grass area of the iguanas location

“Let’s cut em off!”

“You want to cut lizard in half?! Nasty” Yona misunderstood

“No! I meant go behind him” he says as flys first

“Oh” she runs

He then shoots in front of the iguana to make it stop in his path and Yona manages to stomp behind it so becomes cornered

The monster crouches and does a roar

The two get on their guard suddenly the collar on the iguana glow and suddenly does a purple light at Gallus

“Gah!” He takes a step back “what’s it doing” he said a little taken back until he realizes the light stopped

“Wait a minute I’m fine” he wonders what just happened” what did you do?”

The monsters same reply was a roar as it pounced but he flies out of the way

“Why did I think he was going to answer” he said in a obvious tone the monster jumps he to catch him but Gallus shoots some feathers to blind the iguanas eyes so it misses the the landed and lands on a car

The monster is slowly getting up

“It’s stuck, quick Yona trap it!”

“Yona do her best!” She turns metallic and grabs a car and lifts it above her head and jumps

“Not so fast lizard!” She slams the car down on the monster as it’s stuck in a metallic sandwich of two cars

Gallus flys off and portal shoots some hard bullet nails on the sides but carefully so they don’t bounce off of Yona and hit something or someone

“Hah hah rah!” She smashes her fists on the cars to mash the metals together like smushing to pieces of tinfoil together

The monster just cries out more roars

“Hi guys!” They see mayday swung by

“Oh good you got our texts”

“Unfortunately, seeing as you look like you didn’t need it” she takes a look at the monster with wide eyes

“Is that the lizard?” She said as she’s

“Well…it’s a lizard” Yona said

Unaware that it’s collar scans maydays presence and scans her too

“It’s that light again” Gallus said

“What light?” She notices it too “huh no lasers but that’s pointless unless…it’s a scanner!”

Gallus wonders “elaborate?”

“Take it off it the monster the collar!”

Yona runs to and and tries too

Gallus and mayday run too “okay but why”

“If were being scanned someone could be watching us, for all we know want us or our weaknesses found out”

Gallus portals out a metallic muzzle so Yona grabs and puts on the monsters mouth with mayday webbing the mouth as well

“Let’s pull it out” Yona said

“No it could explode or release poison gas!” She said

They can get close to it now so mayday takes out a pick lock from her pouch “okay let’s see”as she starts picking

As they wait Yona felt something “gasp”

“What is it?” Gallus wonders

“Yona feel something, heard something”

“Uh could you be specific?” There’s a lot of noise here

“Yes unfortunately” mayday said focusing

“Something….somewhere…some…” until she realizes she can feel something on her hooves

She lowers her self and lies her head to her



“We need to go!” She feels the tremors getting stronger

“What are you talking about?”

“Something coming something big!”

“Big I don’t wha?!” She lifts Gallus over her shoulder and runs towards mayday

“Wait I’m almost done” she grabs her arm”hey!” As mayday accident damaged one of the collars parts with her tool

“This better be a good…” she then hears the tremors “reason…” then whole ground starts shaken

They hear a keep noise and turn around to see smolder and the others show up

“Hey guys what’s the…” sandbar says but then notices the ground shaken and trips on the floor “what’s going on?!”

They then see a massive drill like crash as something rises from the earth

It slowly morphs into a giant metal crab that shoots a massive blue light into the sky

Impact It’s so big it knocked the trapped iguana into the sky

back to present time

Ocellus flies with Ullr holding on his hands

“Cool you can drop me off that roof top” he said as she complies

“Well I can clear head a lot of noise going over that” he scouts around until he sees something big

“Um is that normal for mortals?” He sees a giant robot from a few block away

“No so we should probably check it out” her phone has a ring and sees a text

“They just called they need our help!”

“Okay then” he raises a hand and Carries him to the battle field

“So is this some kind of metal crab” Silverstream said to fly around looking for safe air distance

It shoots a laser at her

“Wow!” She dodged it

“It looks like a spider” smolder said as she drives with Peters Jeep to find a way around

“No comrade, spiders have eight legs” colossus points out as he throws a giant rock at one of the joints to make one of the legs stop

“Yona not fan of most spiders” Yona as she’s in the back seat

“Look out!” Sandbar looks up as a laser lis about to hit them so he makes a force field that may have protected them but the car hit the forcefield too

“Ow!” Most said

“Isn’t orchid arachnid a spider” smolder said “oof!” She got hit with the car’s airbag

“I’m right here and I’m not an actual spider!” She gets off the keep and swings around as she gets up to a sewer hole and decides to do a slingshot.
‘No way I’m punching my way through something I know could bust my hands’ she thought

As she pulls the web to aim she sees a red gem as it prepares to fire another laser

‘That looks interesting’ “hah!” She shoots as the sewer cover hits one of the red spots

“I’ve think I’ve taken out one of the guns!”

The robot is pushed back a step but then it shoots again “oh shoot!” before Gallus grabs her mid flight

“You were saying?”

“Okay so that wasn’t the engine cog” she tries too look again but sees something important “but look!”

“What am I supposed to look at?”


“Hey guys” they see Ocellus carrying Ullr

“Where were you two?”

Ullr starts to answer “Well I was-“

“Not now! Look at the glowing spot!” She points to the robot which has another glowing spot at the left side of the machine


“Yes the glowing area suddenly brightened up in that spot after the old one was destroyed like a backup generator”

“So it’s like it’s moving the weak spot with emergency failsafes” Ocellus said

Mayday was a little suprised he understood “um yes that”

“Okay then Ocellus get ready to throw me at that spot”

“Eh if you say so” she for a moment turns into a giant gorilla and throws him before turning into a bird to fly again

Ullr takes out his bag to display his sword

He stabs the side and grabs on blade to stick to the machine

“Okay she said this was the core so…” he goes upside down to use his legs to hold on to the sword and uses his free arms to land a massive hit and it destroys another core

Ullr pulls the sword out and falls so Silverstream catches him next

“Hi ya how you doing” she said

“Right now helping she said the glowing parts are the weak spots to hit”

They see the robot scanning her now

“Ooh like tickling spots!” She says about Ullr’s answer and looks to see that open sewer hole mayday left open and uses one arm to control the water and creates a massive snake to strike and hit another weak spot

With Gallus “ is that that all of them?”

Mayday with the air support sees another one there’s one on the back

“Got it”

But the robot sees and changes a tactic

It shoots projectiles

“What are those?!”

“Missiles duck duckie!” She said as She pulls Gallus away from some and jumps for a moment to catch and grab a missile with her webs and return it

Which creates an explosion to blind it for a bit

So Gallus takes the opportunity to fly forward and shoot his own projectiles without getting close “in an out!” He says “not so tough now are ya!”

Unaware that the moment he got close and shoots a laser which keeps them high into the air

So Ullr lands on one of. The eyes and lands some punches it fights back with lasers but he dodged thanks to the fact that he could smell something starting and continues until he manages to break one of the optics

And jumps to land in Silverstream’s arms

She giggles “you look like I’m holding a princess” she said

“So I really look like a princess?”
‘Did she just call me pretty?’ He was confused

Back on the ground smolder sees the sky group being chased by another laser “peter take the wheel! I gotta help!”

“Da!” He agrees as She jumps and flames on

And gets close and flies fast the robot shoots some missiles again but she blasts some to explode before they could hit her and rams into one of the eyes making it explode and bounces her to be caught by ocellus

Unaware that it scanned her while she was distracted with the missiles

Ocellus sets her on a roof “you gotta be more careful smolder”

“I was fine” she chuckles “ow” she felt an injury on her arm

Ocellus rolls her eyes “we’ll treat that later” she stops and looks “wait something’s wrong”

The see the turbines on the robots legs go blue

“It must be an emergency overdrive! She looks to the ground group “quick take out it’s legs!”

“How?!” Yona said

“But the glowing blue parts” in simple term for them to understand

“Ohh” the ground group said

As Sandbar makes a force field ball inside one of the five legs caused a disruption explosion

Colossus gets up “get ready Yona” as he
throws her “best teacher!” She yells and flies right threw one of the turbines and the legs

Silverstream blasts waters snakes into the third causing a short circuit crash

Gallus let’s go of mayday as he uses both wings to portal shoot projectiles at one

While mayday jams the final leg with her webs to gunk up and blow up the system

“Let’s end this!” She said as she and ocellus gather closer

“Any last words before your scarp!” Mayday did not like being target practice

Ocellus forms to grow into a giant insectoid to open the monsters mouth. From the mouth it does another scanner on the changeling girl

It shoots one last missile

“It’s opened!” She opens it as she flies quickly and mayday yanks to misssile down with her webbing as Silverstream flies to grab mayday while Gallus grabs ocellus to dodge the misssile in time

The misssile hits to robot at its final core as it creations a chain reaction explosion and it shuts down finally destroyed.

The group is mostly tired

“Very good work my students!” As colossus pats Ullr and Yona on the shoulders

“Whew what a workout!” Silverstream said

“Weird I was expecting a huger mess than that”

They hear another loud boom which came from the robot which made it rain some metal debris

“You were saying” smolder said

Suddenly a massive chunk of metal landed near their feet as it stabbed into the ground hard

“Geez that was close!” Sandbar said

But Silverstream walks around the other side and sees something “you guys!”

“What is it my student?”

“There’s some writing here” which gets their attention and all appear next to her

“Really someone left there initials in a killer robot” smolder said

“maybe it could tell us where it’s from” Gallus said

“It could be anywhere, latverian, mad thinker, tinkerer, sable tech, and May lord protect us it’s not trask technology” colossus said

“Who?” Yona said

“The big nerdy jerks who make weapons to hurt people” Gallus said as they looked at him oddly…”what? I take notes on the computer”

As Mayday looks and sees some smudge on the name so she rubs the dust off and sees the name… “most of the name is scratched off”

“Megaman can you trace and scan what I see”

Megaman does some search and comparing hacking “Yes, calibrating, almost done anddd bingo! I have a match” he sends a reply “Sending you it’s manufacturer”

She takes a look at the name and…

“Uh…oh no” she trembles a bit

Oscorp Industries

“It-It can be!?!” She yelled

“What?” Ocellus notice

“Oscorp freaking oscorp build that thing!” As she kicked the debris away

Colossus heard “that can’t be right…”

“Why is that peter “ Ocellus said

“My comrades informed me that oscorp had ceased all manufacturing of those monstrosities after Spider-Man exposed the green goblin’s identity and revealed the connection to the spider slayer series” as he remembered his old throwing buddy

“Green who?” Sandbar said

“A monster who made my dad’s life a living nightmare” she looks upset. She didn’t yell which surprised them

“Well it can’t be the same guy right since colossus said he was exposed and likely fired” smolder said

“So someone else must be in charge” Ullr said

Most of them look at mayday unfazed at the revelation but unsure of what to say

“Probably not best time to tell about copycat spider” Yona whispered

“No duh” Gallus said

Colossus breaks the ice as he takes the big shrapnel with him “look everyone good job, take the rest of the day off, I’ll go and report this to the professors” as he gets on his jeep and drives away

Yona just realized “Wait where’s the monster?!”

They all look around to see it gone

“Shoot it must have snuck away!” Gallus said

“What monster?” Smolder said

Gallus runs his forehead “Sigh we’ll talk about it later” he leans on Yona for footing “look we’re all tired let’s just go home”

Ocellus nudges mayday “huh oh sure” she gets up

Yona sees the tired look on them and decides to play her hand “or”

“Or?” Sandbar questions

“Yona could show you why me and griffin were at the city”

Most raised an eyebrow

The all stop at a certain restaurant back into their civilian disguises

“The Sweet Treat Street?” Smolder said

“Whenever Yona down, Yona always cheer up with Yak vanilla extract, but that not here so Yona found this place a week ago”

“Ohh!” Silverstream looked pepped you again

“Not sure if frosting we’ll help heal the soreness I got” Gallus retorted

Yona smirked “you’ll see”

“Whatever Ill go but only because I didn’t go through that whole travel for nothing, might as well get something out of it”

They enter and see a whole menagerie of people in chairs liking sweets eating all kinds of treats

“How did I not know about this?!” Silverstream looks into this as she put her face on the window shield of ice cream then she sees a face behind them and looks up to see a worker

“Oh goodie brand new customers!” they see her stand up from the counter
“Hi Yona are these your friends?”

She seems to be a girl with unusually pick skin with curly auburn hair in a ponytail with magenta eyes

Yona nods

“How my I help You, you folks look like you could sure a pick me up, let me guess, pop quiz, final exam, bad lunch?

“Hi Sugarbelle!” Yona “and let’s just say problems in shop class”

“Oh no car trouble?”

“You could say that” she said “maybe you could offer us a pick-me-up?” She pays up front

“Why certainly, and why I might add, Yona you never told me you had such handsome boys at your friend circle” she playfully teases with a wink

Sandbar and Gallus blush a little, while Ullr gets a bit shy and looks away “Uh?” Unaware of what to say

She giggles ‘Still got it’ she says to herself

After a few minutes of waiting and picking out a table large enough for all of them to sit,
They all wait at the table resting

And see Sugarbelle arrive

“Here you go everyone” she dances with the dishes and gracefully places them in a roll like an expert

“Silverstream you get the strawberry sherbet”

“Yona you get the triple layer Vanilla ice cream sandwich”

“Smolder you get the rock candy with lemon scoops on hard waffle cone”

“Sandbar you get my special red velvet cupcake”

“Gallus you get the blueberry smoothie”

“Ocellus you get my newest experiment, the raspberry jam apple pie”

“Ullr ooh is that foreign? You get the death by chocolate” he looks at the chocolate confection

She looks at mayday “And I can tell just by looking at you May-May you deserve something cheerful”

She hands her a dish “the Neapolitan sundae”

“Enjoy!” She returns to the counter

“She…seems nice” Ullr said

“Well let’s get started” smolder said as she tried a lick “wow! This is no gem but still!”

So the rest follows “mmm! So good” Silverstream said

“What a great idea for jam” ocellus commented

“Told you Yona found perfect spot”

“Okay okay don’t make a big deal out of it” Gallus smiles

Ullr takes a while, and slowly decides to taste as his tongue tastes it…

‘Gasp!’ Everything suddenly became transcendent and all he could see was pink”

He scarves it down as quick as he can chew it

“Woah and you guys say I have bad manners” smolder joked

“That tasted better than the Idunn apples!” Ullr said “and had a great rush like riding the horse’s unsupervised!” Which made sandbar confused by his answer

“This concoction is superb!”

“Heh heh it’s called a confection Ullr” ocellus points out “you know dessert?”


“What you don’t have desserts after meals?” Gallus said

“Back on Asgard the only sweet rewards we had were the fruits and the Idunn apples”

“Ohhh no wonder you wolfed it down” Silverstream said “you just ate your first dessert”

Mayday looks around “it can’t be that good can it?” She takes a scoop from her tray

Suddenly all the tense she had…had suddenly mellow out for a moment

“Sigh” she swoons at the treat but looks away before anyone could see her delighted face

“It’s okay…I guess” as she takes a few more scoops

Sandbar could tell she’s slowly getting better but is smart enough not to point that out “huh”

“Everyone I have an idea, let’s meet here every time have get a victory!” Ullr said he puts his feet on the table to get up

“That’s a great idea!” Silverstream said while the others agreed

“Whatever” Mayday surrenders to the idea not wiling to admit it

“Um could you please get your foot off the table I just polished this” sugarbelle said from the counter

“Oh sorry friendly baker” Ullr said

“Thank you!” She winks and Ullr getting shy just sits down quietly

Normie Osborn has observed this fight thanks to the cities security cameras

“Smythe you fool…now they know who they are up against” he throws his work off the desk

“Phew no matter it was bound to happen”

“Hopefully this we’ll make them keep a distance between us at least” he rubs his chin

Sukea sits with Jameson “she seems to have all the acquired roles in a reporter boss”

“Yes so I believe that this is a great fit for me!” Said a cheerful spitfire girl

“Not so fast, I decide if you’re in or or you out of here!” He reads her resume

The old man gets serious “this is New York, being a reporter is a dangerous business!” He warns “One last question, what would you do in a No win situation?”

“Easy, when under your guidance there will be a no win situation”

…”just what I want to hire, you got moxie Minnie”

“Uh it’s Miki, Miki Mikamura” she introduces herself

“Whatever! You start Monday” they both shake hands

Sukea nods “excellent I’ll go head towards the wreckage for photos”

“Sure do that” Jameson not caring as he could use a snack

Meanwhile in the vast deep region of space

There lays a kree ship

“Have you obtained the sample” Ronan talks through the screen

“Yes” the reply from the screen came from none other than a skrull of all creatures

“The fantastic four did not know what hit them” as he carries some dna samples

“Excellent with your dna and my kree resources no one not even those mutated children could stand in my way, I will be redeemed!”

Eris looks through this via wormhole window “sounds like fun”

(Ending theme EVERBLUE BY Omoinotake)

If you know who Fudo is, good for you

I figured Sugarbelle could be around to add some positive if Silverstream can’t always do it

I got the S-Bot idea from Amazing Spider-Man including the cross species monsters

Scarlet Spider AKA Felicity Hardy has arrived too for some mischief too

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