• Published 19th Jul 2021
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Shouldn't have enslaved humanity [OLD VERSION] - NoobMaster69

In 2018, a radioactive asteroid was discovered heading towards Earth. By 2027, the UN had built a bunker to hold 400,000 people and Cryogenics were used to keep humanity frozen for 1,000,000 years. When they awoke, they found the survivors enslaved.

  • ...

Probably the most boring chapter

"Good, the location of Utopia has been transmitted to you. Make your way back with the prisoners immediately," Atticus spoke into the comms.

"Yes sir, I've received the transmission. Heading back now," A female voice replied, before the comms were cut off.

"Good. Now that that's over," Prime Minister Jack turned to Atticus, "Care to explain yourself?"

"Yes Atticus, do you have any idea what you've done?!" Representative Olesia said in an outrage, "You've just committed an act of war against the dominant species! We don't know their numbers, nor their capabilities!"

Atticus leaned back into his seat and sighed. "As you have seen, we clearly have superior firepower," Atticus said confidently.

"Actually sir," General Marcel, who was also present, spoke up. "We can't actually determine that unless we are fully aware of their capabilities," he explained, "The soldier we have captured will help us determine if we really are the superior force after we have gained all the information we can from him."

"Stop calling him sir," one of the USU ministers said angrily, "He's about to be impeached and tried for treason. He's no president of ours."

"Actually, I still am," Atticus said, "You don't have the authority to impeach me… until congress reconvenes, that is."

"Then congress is in session now!" One of them shouted.

"You know you can't do that," Atticus said, matter-of-factly, "You can only impeach me with a two thirds vote in congress, and the next congressional meeting is only required to be held in a year."

"That is true, though I think you'll hold it much sooner," one of the USU representatives said, "You're going to need congress's approval to do a lot of things in the next twelve months. Don't worry we'll get you then."

"Representative Harris," Atticus said, "Are threats really necessary?"

"You jeopardised not only the USU, but all of Utopia! If that doesn't warrant a meeting, I don't know what does!" He replied, "You have the authority to initiate congress meetings, and you know that you have to!"

"I don't have to do anything," Atticus said, "The law doesn't include first contact scenarios with aliens."

"Atticus, let's be real here. You know what you did was wrong. You put humanity's safety at risk. You know you should've consulted us before making any rash decisions. You know you're getting impeached at the next meeting," Olesia listed down, "You're just prolonging the inevitable. You might be able to get out of this without any charges right now, but if you insist on holding on to power, we will have no choice but to arrest you for treason."

"You put everyone else's people at risk as well, 'president'," another representative stated.

"So do you wish to hold a meeting now and stay out of prison, or hold one later and be put in prison?" Olesia asked.

"The next meeting will not be held anytime soon," Atticus said.

"Dammit Atticus!" Oleisa stood up and slammed her hands onto the table, "We all joined America because we thought we would be heard! We thought our opinions would be valued! What you're doing now is usurping power!"

"I understand why all of you are angry, I do, but my decision is final," Atticus said.

"We won't stand for this! Singapore won't stand for this! Do you want to spark a civil war, Atticus?!" One representative asked, "Because what you're doing is going against every other country that has agreed to join you! You are taking away the democracy that you promised us!"

"You promised to adhere to the laws of the USU. According to the laws of the USU, I'm not doing anything wrong," Atticus said. "In fact, I wish to make a statement," he stood up, "The USU is currently in a state of emergency. We are under the threat of possible invasion by a force with as of yet unknown capabilities. Therefore, as of this moment, I, Atticus Jerome Constantine, President of the United States of Utopia, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the USU, I hereby declare that the national emergency has existed since October 22nd, year 001 Post Flood Era. This proclamation immediately shall be published in the Federal Register or disseminated through the Emergency Federal Register, and transmitted to the Congress. This proclamation is not intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the United States, its agencies, its officers, or any person. Due to the severity of the current situation we are in, I wish to exercise the full extent of the emergency powers that have been granted to me by the USU congress." The entire USU congress… no, the entire UN was in an outrage almost immediately.

"We cannot allow a reckless idiot like you to command the most powerful nation of Utopia!" Prime Minister Jack shouted.

"This man is putting the entire human race at risk!" King Osas announced to everyone present.

"You put Utopia at risk for one person! You are a selfish, reckless fool with no care for how your actions affect others! We will not allow you to destroy everything we have built! The United Nations demands you resign!" Prime Minister Bjorn said.

"None of you have power over USU law! Your power is over your own nations and you do not have any authority to order the USU to do anything!" Atticus countered.

"New Zealand will not allow this!" A USU representative said, "We wish to pull out of the USU!"

"I'm sorry, but you can't do that. Turning your back on the USU… that's treason," Atticus said.

"What's treason is you declaring an emergency just to stay in power!" A USU minister spoke.

"My declaration of emergency has nothing to do with attempting to stay in power. This is a national emergency!" Atticus said.

"Yes, it is, but your motive for a declaration of emergency isn't to help the people now, is it?" Olesia asked. "Poland wishes to pull out of the USU as well," she said.

"Albania wishes to pull out of the USU!" Another representative said.

"The Czech Republic wishes to pull out of the USU" the Czech minister said.

"Latvia wishes to leave the USU" another USU representative called out.

"We will not be oppressed by the Americans!" A USU minister stated, "Singapore wishes to leave the USU!"

One by one, countries were leaving the USU. Out of the sixty one countries within the USU, twenty two had pulled out so far… or, they would have pulled out if Atticus gave in to their demands. All the while, the other nation's ministers were watching the USU bicker amongst themselves with relative amusement.

"Everyone, please! This is an emergency situation. We already have an outside threat to deal with. This is not the time for you to just - " he was cut off by one of his own ministers.

"Then grant us independence! We don't want a civil war now, do we?" He asked, "Like you said, now's not exactly the best time."

"Are you threatening me, Minister Harris?" Atticus asked, "You know, in a state of emergency, it is my duty to imprison rebels and insurrectionists, even without judicial review when in cases of rebellion where public safety may require it. Are you attempting to start a rebellion, Minister Harris?"

Minister Harris maintained his glare, but now took on a slightly worried look. The entire room was silent, they all knew what Atticus was getting at, but they all also knew he technically wasn't breaking any laws. Minister Harris started sweating slightly, glancing around at the other ministers, hoping for any kind of support, but receiving none. "N- no, of… of course not," he said in a tone of fake confidence.

"Good, then I believe - " he was cut off by Olesia.

"Atticus, you are clearly attempting to usurp power," she said.

"This is an emergen - " he was cut off again.

"Exactly! It is an emergency! All the more reason for congress to reconvene," Olesia insisted, "Do the right thing. Don't be a dictator."

"I am not being a dictator. I am utilizing the power provided to me by congress!" Atticus countered.

"You asked Minister Harris if he was threatening to start a rebellion. Well, all of Poland will start a rebellion unless you step down!" She threatened.

"You know what?" Minister Harris began. "I honestly had no idea why I was afraid of a complete idiot like you! Estonia will start rebelling against you unless you step down!" He shouted angrily.

"Singapore will rebel unless you give up your seat of power!" The Singaporean representative stated.

One by one, every single country began threatening to rebel against both Atticus, and the Americans that they joined in hopes of actual democracy. Everyone has realised what Atticus was trying to do, and they weren't happy about it. Atticus was left with only two options. Step down and be tried for treason, or maintain his seat of power and risk civil war.

"Let's have a poll, shall we?" Olesia asked in a smug tone, "Whoever supports Atticus and his presidency, raise your hand." Only twelve out of the sixty one ministers raised their hands. "Well Atticus, only one fifth of congress supports you. Now, what's it gonna be, hmm?" Olesia asked.

"Fuck!" Atticus whispered to himself. He was getting worried at this point, his plan had completely backfired. Olesia wouldn't have even thought of that if it weren't for his attempted fear tactic. He had to do something to please the ministers. He knew what he did was reckless, but he never thought it would have escalated to something like this. He thought that these ponies would have enough sense in them to at least attempt diplomacy. Now, he had inadvertently declared war against the entire planet.

"I will hold a congress meeting tomorrow. You can impeach me if you wish," he said. He had hoped that he could make sure his daughter was going to receive the help he wanted to give her.

"No, you step down now!" One of the USU ministers shouted.

"If you don't resign now, and are instead impeached tomorrow, you and your family have to be wiped according to the law that you yourself made," Olesia said, "Please Atticus, it's nothing personal. We have to wipe you according to the law unless you resign."

Atticus thought about that. His wife had told him the exact same thing, but he didn't listen. After a few moments of thought, he decided to relent. His family shouldn't have to suffer for his own wrongdoings, and although he would probably win in a civil war, with there being a very large portion of American soldiers in comparison to that of other nations', Utopia would not survive a civil war. The amount of deaths would be too great, and with a possible risk of invasion, it made infighting that much worse.

"Very well. I know what I have done is wrong. I put my own interests before that of my people, and put our entire species at risk, and for that, I am sorry," he said in an apologetic tone, "As of this moment, I, President Atticus, relinquish my post as president of the United States of Utopia. Vice President Felix will be the current acting president until another candidate is chosen by congress."

President Felix was at a loss for words. He wasn't sure if he was ready to be president, though it was only temporary. He was sitting in the oval office itself, and he was now behind the desk! The USU president's office was an exact replica of the oval office that was in the White House before the second flood. Even the positions of the furniture were placed in the exact same spots, down to the millimeter. It was truly an honor to be sitting behind the desk.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, which brought him out of his thoughts. "Enter," he said, and the door opened to reveal his secretary, Jennifer.

"Mr. President? The diplomatic team is going to arrive with the prisoners in around twenty minutes, and there's some things you have to take care of before they arrive," she said.

Felix sighed. "Not even an hour into my presidency and I've already got things to attend to," he said, "Well, lay it on me."

"Firstly, have you decided upon a date for the next congress meeting?" Jennifer asked, "If you wait too long, they might get impatient and jump to the conclusion that you are attempting to usurp power… like your predecessor."

"Well, let's not give them the wrong impression then. What day is it today, Jennifer?" Felix asked.

"Today's a Saturday, sir," she replied.

"Alright, schedule the next meeting for Monday. Don't wanna give them the wrong idea," Felix said.

"Well sir, you could stay in power for about a week if you wished. You're required to hold it within the month, but you can hold it in a week if you wish to avoid suspicion," She said.

"No, I will not do what Atticus did. What he did was wrong, and he is a disgrace to our country," Felix replied.

"I thought you were good friends with him," Jennifer said.

"That was before he threatened the house of congress. I was with him up until that point. I am a firm believer of democracy, and what Atticus did was disgraceful," Felix said with a scowl on his face.

"Very well sir, I'll be sure to get Alise to notify the representatives of the day of the meeting," she said, before she remembered something, "Oh! What time should the meeting be held at?"

"Eleven," Felis said, coming up with his answer in no more than a second . "What's next?"

"Remember back when the USU was assigned the task of demolishing the cavern above us?" Keifer asked.

"Yes, have the explosives been placed?" Felix asked.

"Yes sir, and congress has requested your proceed with the demolition when the prisoners arrive," She said, "One of them is a princess, and congress thinks that with that display, we could commence gunboat diplomacy. They want to show these ponies what we are capable of, and since they would not be capable of such a feat with their current technology level, they wish to use the demolition as a fear tactic."

"Do it as they come in. Contact the diplomatic team and inform them of the demolition. Tell them to be careful, and to make sure the princess sees what Utopia is capable of," Felix ordered.

"Clearing out the debris from the demolition will take at least a week, so are you sure you wish to proceed now?" Jeniffer answered.

"Yes, the faster we can get our planes in the air, launch our satellites, and shoot PR missiles, the better," Felix said, "I don't think the locals are friendly. What's next?"

"Well, the next subject is on Atticus's trial. They wish for you to testify against him in court," Jennifer stated.

"When's the trial?" Felix asked.

"After the second election," she answered.

"What are the charges?" Felix questioned.

"Treason, abuse of power, extortion, crimes against the constitution, and contempt of congress," she replied.

"I'll be there. I'll testify against him," he said, "Now, what's next?"

Author's Note:

Firstly, I'm going to do a poll. Imma post a comment, and I would love to get your votes. It's basically a choice for who should be the new president. I just gave Felix some substance for this reason. So basically, it's a competition between Olesia and the new character Felix. If y'all choose Olesia, Felix will still be vice president. (My comment will be the oldest so it'll be easy to find)
1. If you want Felix to become president, like the comment.
2. If you want Olesia to be president, dislike the comment.

Now that's done, I wanna say that I don't know Jack shit about US politics. I'm not from the US and I mixed in part of my country's government system as well because I didn't wanna spend hours upon hours becoming an expert on US politics. Btw, I am slightly into politics and know a little bit about how it works and shit, but that's only from my country's politics.

This was literally the most boring chapter to write because I had to spend a couple of hours doing some research. In the end, I just ended up combining real world laws and other random laws I think probably exist. I literally made some of this stuff up. Of course, most of it is semi realistic because most of the laws here make sense... I hope.

Anyway, I scrapped the plan to make Atticus a villain because it would've made the story way too long and complicated. Initially, that fear tactic he used was supposed to work, but I ended up deciding against making him an mc and getting rid of him in the easiest way possible. Now that all the boring stuff's out of the way, next chapter will feature the main 6 again.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter in the comments. Just take into consideration that I had 2 days to read up on the US political system.