• Published 25th May 2021
  • 2,684 Views, 66 Comments

Changeling of the Everfree - Veryfriedguy7

Murex wasn't a regular changeling, not like he would know what a regular changeling does. He'll never know after he was left behind.

  • ...

Lost and alone


That's the only thing a lone changeling could feel.
Not even a changeling but a hatchling. Left all alone. To die.

His crime was simply being born. The hatchling had no idea what was going on while it was being carried off by it's carers. It still had no idea as it was dropped into the cold, muddy, wet ground and left to rot. It still doesn't.

Being only twenty minutes old the hatchling couldn't think for itself, it couldn't feed itself or even walk.

Barely clinging to life, the hatchling crawled with no direction, nothing to guide it.

It kept crawling until it couldn't. It wondered where it's carers were and why they weren't here. Where were they?

Where were they?

Not here.

The hatchling laid there for a while. It's life slowly draining away.

Until there was barely any life left to drain.

The hatchling, near lifeless, lay on top of a clear rock barely noticeable as it protruded from the muddy ground. This rock was special, powerful. Or it was, teeming with dormant magic left untouched by the world.

A bright light flashed across the sky, a light filled with many colors, it was only there for a short time but whatever caused it woke the rock the magic within filled the dying hatchling with something it needed desperately.


For a few brief moments the hatchlings pure blue eyes flashed to a deep green.

As it did this something snapped in the back of it's mind, something that told it to die.

Instead the hatchling's mind was clear and in this clearness the hatchling now possessed one thing spoke aloud repeatedly.
