• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 3,273 Views, 141 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 3) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to keep the peace between the two worlds together while they all now deal with the threat of Scar who's return is now threatening that very balance.

  • ...

Episode 7: The Savannah Summit

Episode 7:

The Savannah Summit

One morning, Fuli is currently lurking in the tall grass with her eyes locked on the prize she is looking at.

“He won't get away with that.” She confidently voiced before sprinting ahead and past the Guard.

“Grab that baobab fruit, Fuli!” Bunga cheered while the cheetah has her eyes locked on the fruit in Rainbow Dash’s possession.

Actin quick, Rainbow tosses the fruit to Ono who ended up fumbling it to the ground due to not being able to get a better handle on it leaving it up for grabs for the others to try to get it.

“I got it!”

“Oh, yeah?”

Both Bunga and Kion traded before they followed it over the edge of a nearby hill which gave away and sent them down.

“Whoa!” Kion screamed upon falling with Bunga landing on his back from the fall.

“That was fun!” Bunga exclaimed.

“Sure looks like it!” Pinkie smiled.

“You guys, okay?” Beshte asked them when he and the others approach the ledge.

“Yeah, thanks, Beshte.” Kion returned. “Just be careful on that ledge.”

Everyone backs away from it with the egret examining the ground which was rather on the tender side.

“Hmm... Yes. It is rather dry.”

“Well, the dry season is on its way.” Fuli pointed out.

“Which means big changes headed our way.” Kyoga added.

“And they sure ain’t going to be easy?” Applejack also noted from experience working on the farm during the summer.

“I’ll say.” Rarity agreed while whipping up her pink summer hat. “I’ll have to make sure I’ll have enough sun-block for my fur.”

“Well of course you will.” Kyoga responded in a deadpan manner. “Because then we’ll have another pink-colored mare in the group.”

“Ooh! Is that possible?” Pinkie wondered thinking it might be fun to see Rarity sunburnt until being shot a dirty glare from the fashionista. “Never mind.”

“One dry hillside's no reason to stop playing.” Bunga asserted it changes nothing in regards to playing their little game.”

“Ooh! Ooh! Can I have a turn to play?” Pinkie eagerly asked.

“Of course!” Bunga nodded before looking around for the thing they need to resume their game. “Now, where is that baobab fruit?”

“Right here!“ Mtoto presented before running off ahead with it.

“Come back here, Mtoto!” Bunga called after him while following after him with Pinkie joining them by bouncing after them to which the Guard laughed over it.

“I'm gonna get it! I'm gonna get it!” Both Bunga and Pinkie stated while following after them before bumping into him when the young eleohant suddenly stopped in his tracks with his ears perked.

“Mtoto, please be home by sunset.” His mother from afar instructed of him.

“Okay, Mom. I'll be home soon.” He called back before turning to the others to explain what that was all about. “That was Mom. She said I should come home before sundown.”

“Mom?” Bunga asked looking confused trying to spot her. “You see his mom anywhere?”

“Nope. And it's kinda hard to miss an elephant.” Fuli replied when both Ono and Fluttershy figure it out on their own.

“Of course! They're using infrasound!” Fluttershy spoke up.

“Infant sound?” Pinkie questioned clearly confused of what she meant when she and Bunga circle around the young one. “But Mtoto's not a baby!”

“Not infant sound. Infrasound!” Ono corrected while flying over to them. “Some animals can talk using sounds lower than most of us can hear. It even lets them talk over long distances!”



“No kidding?”

“You don’t say?”





Kion, Rarity, Fuli, Applejack, Kyoga, Rainbow, Beshte, and Twilight complimented.

“It's just something elephants do.” Mtoto thought nothing of his natural abilities.

“Un-Bunga-lievable!” Bunga voiced with how impressed he is before wondering. “So you can hear stuff from all over the Pride Lands? Like what?”

“Yeah! Like that?” Pinkie also eagerly asked.

“Let me take a listen!” Mtoto did so by trying hear for some new voices in range.

“I'm on my way to Pride Rock...” Ma Tembo’s voice was heard through his ears through a distorted and warbled translated voice.

“Sounds like... Ma Tembo.” The young elephant reported. “She's headed to Pride Rock.”

Both Ono and Rainbow flew up to see if he is correct and he is.

“He's right!”

“Elephant leader at 1:00.”

“Are you sure?” Pinkie asked while leaping onto Rainbow’s back much to her surprise. “Cause it looks more like a 12:55 to me according to my watch.”

“Yes I’m sure.” Rainbow grumbled in annoyance.

“Pretty good, Mtoto.” Kion complimented.

“Yeah, yeah. What else?” Bunga asked while Mtoto continues to hear who else is nearby.

“Excuse me, I have to get to Pride Rock.” Twiga’s voice said,

“Ooh! I hear Twiga. Sounds like she's going to Pride Rock, too!”

Both Ono and Rainbow examined the skies again and saw a giraffe heading in that direction too.

“Yup. Twiga's on the move.” The two reported.

“Oh.” Kion remembered something. “They must be on their way to the Savannah Summit!”

“The Savannah Summit?”

“What’s that?”

Both Beshte and Rarity asked when Ono flies over to explain it to them.

“It's when the King brings together key animal leaders to discuss matters of great importance to the Pride Lands.”

“Dad says getting different animals to agree helps the Circle of Life.” Kion added seriously. “Especially with the dry season approaching.”

“And that reminds me…” Twilight said with a sudden reminder in her head. “…Princess Celestia will be there to help out with the summit too. Which means I got to get over there to help them out too.”

Twilight immediately teleported over to Pride Rock while Bunga tries to hear more from the elephant’s ears.

“Oh no! Now I hear a crocodile headed to Pride Rock!” He said with alarm in his voice.



Kion and Ono questioned before the latter used his keen sight to spot out the crocodile leader headed in that direction with Rainbow flying up to get a good look himself.

“Hapana!” “He's right! It's Makuu!” Ono alerted.

“The green demon from the swamp.” Rainbow added with a glare in his direction.

“I bet he's trying to spoil the summit!” Kion immediately deduced. “He's never cared about the Circle of Life.”

Kyoga however had other thoughts in her mind that said otherwise but couldn’t get a word in when Rainbow Dash immediately spoke up in agreement.

“Not once!” Rainbow repeated for emphasis before flying off ahead.

“Come on!” Kion lead the others who all follow after him.

“Till the Pride Lands and Equestria’s end...”

“Lion and Pony Guard defend!”

At Pride Rock, Both Celestia and Simba are both conversing with each other along with Twilight about this upcoming summit when they hear Kion shouting out to them when Makku arrives from behind.

“Dad! Princess! Look out!” But before Kion could pounce on Makku, Twilight quickly used her magic to freeze him in place mid-air. “What? Twilight?”

“Kion!” Simba exclaimed in horror to see him act like this along with the princess and the other leaders with both the buffalo and giraffe leaders sharing a giggle together thinking he would have deserved to get pounced on like that.

“Oh, dear.” Zazu spoke very awkwardly upon seeing what Kion had charged himself into.

“Calm down, cub.” Makuu told the confused lion. “I was invited.”

“You were?” He asked when Twilight released him.

“That's right, Kion.” Simba confirmed. “I invited him myself.”


“And I appreciate the invitation.” Makuu greatly expressed his gratitude. “You'll see that I take my responsibility as crocodile leader seriously. Very seriously.”

Hearing this had the others mutter in concern with that statement with Bupu outright voicing his distrust in him.

“Uh, Dad? Princess? Can I talk to you two? Alone?” Kion asked of them while looking aside a little uneasy towards the crocodile leader.

“Of course.”

“All right.”

They nodded before stepping aside along with Twilight.

“Dad, Princess, you know we've had a lot of trouble with Makuu.” Kion expressed his concerns about Makuu being included in the summit. “I don't trust him.”

“The crocodiles are a part of the Pride Lands, Kion, and Makuu is their leader.” His father explained.

“Yeah, but to invite him to the Savannah Summit?” Kion brought up with a disagreeing notion. “With all these other peaceful animals?

“Crocodiles have always been invited to the Savannah Summit.” Simba added on that it’s a necessity.

“Maybe that worked with Pua, the old crocodile leader. But Makuu? He's got more enemies than friends.” Kion reminded him. “He attacked Mom, attempted to take down Basi, and tried to take over the Flood Plains three times.”

“And that we are aware of.” Celestia spoke up to acknowledge that his crimes have not gone unnoticed while gesturing a wing to her faithful student. “And that is why we have arranged for someone to watch over his every move privately.”

“Twilight?” Kion asked in surprise when she explains her role in the summit.

“Yes, I’ll be personally watching over him along with the others to make sure this summit goes smoothly. And if anything comes up I tell both the king and princess immediately.”

“What?” Kion is still baffled hearing this while turning to both his father and the sun monarch.

“I know this might seem rather concerning to you, but the importance of this summit is to ensure that there is no conflict for both the Pride Lands and Equestria going forward.” Simba gently explained to his son his reasons. “And truth be told, I honestly don’t have much of a choice since like it or not Makuu has to be a part of this summit because he is the leader of the crocodiles.”

“Summits aren’t just for talking to your friends. Summits are to help turn conflict into friendship. To build trust.” The sun princess added. “And after much discussion with your father, we think Makuu is ready.”

“Sire, Madame, it's time for the procession.” Zazu reminded the two.

“Thank you, Zazu.” The princess warmly nodded in response.

“And Kion?” Simba then said with one more thing for him to know. “I still need you and the Guard to be on alert. In case the other animals aren't ready to accept Makuu.”

“Okay, Dad. Princess. Will do.” Kion obliged ready to help them out.

“Your attention, please!” Zazu began with the summit’s opening announcement. “We shall now proceed to Mizimu Grove for the beginning of the Savannah Summit!”

Princess Celestia flew ahead while Simba, Kion, and Twilight all lead the way over to Mizimu Grove with the rest of the Guard following from the back of the pack with both Twiga and Vuruga Vuruga secretly voicing their concerns about Makuu’s presence in the savannah summit and neither of them could believe it.

“Can you believe Makuu was invited here? After everything he and his crocs have done!”

“Yes. And we're supposed to treat him with respect?” Vuruga Vuraga scoffed at the idea before Twiga leaned her neck down for a whisper with an idea in mind.

“We should talk.”

“Now, now, mustn't dawdle. King Simba's Savannah Summit awaits...” He urged them to catch up with the others before meeting up with Simba before they both sang an encouraging tune so everyone will feel more welcome when they all make their way to Mizimu Grove.

Everyone is Welcome

During the trip, the leaders are all more or less indifferent with each other while the Guard minus Twilight, Kion, Kyoga are all motioning their heads and bodies around in an upbeat manner. Well, expect for Fuli up until when later they all arrived at their destination. By the time they have arrived most of the leaders have managed to get into a friendly accord with each other ready to work out agreements with each other.

“Poa.” Beshte remarked on the great start to the summit. “So far everyone seems to be getting along!”

“So far so good.” Kyoga added while observing the negotiations in front them.

“Yeah. Even Makuu's behaving himself.” Fuli added while Kion still looks on not completely convinced.

“I don't know. Makuu might say all the right things to my dad. But I still don't trust him. We need to keep an eye on him.”

“And that is something that I’ll handle myself.” Twilight stated to assure him. “So just keep watch and make sure everything is running smoothly. I’ll come get you if I need you.”

As soon as Twilight teleported away, Mtoto came running up to them urgently.

“Lion and Pony Guard! Lion and Pony Guard!”

“What's the kerbubble, Mtoto?

“Everything okay, partner?”

Both the Guard’s strongest inquired.

“I just heard Makuu!” He reported. “He's down by the watering hole. And he sounds really mad!”

“This is exactly what I was worried about!” Kion stated with his concerns surfacing up before leading the way towards his direction. “Come on!”

“Kion!” Kyoga called out after him on deaf ears. “Twilight told you she’ll take care of this!”

“Wait for me!” Mtoto called after the group.

Nearby the waterfall, Makuu is there and currently at a standstill with the antelope leader Bupu while Twilight watches from the rocks behind them.

“Bupu. All we crocodiles do during the dry season is sleep.” Makuu tries to reason with him although he isn’t convinced that he is telling the truth.

“Right! You'll pretend to be sleeping, so we'll let down our guard.” He argued back.

“Isn't this summit supposed to be about negotiating in good faith?” Makuu reminded.

“Good faith? With a croc?” Bupu scoffed. “Next you'll tell me the dry season's wet.”

“What?” Makuu returned very offended.

“I know all about you crocodiles and your "crocodile way."” He returned back still untrusting and cross with him. “Well, no thanks!”

He then made a charging move against him with his horns.

“Why you...” Makuu growled before attempting a charge back to which he dodged.

Seeing this had Twilight decided that she needs to try to play peacemaker here but before she could do anything about it Kion announced himself with the rest of the Guard backing him up.

“That's enough, Makuu!” Kion shouted towards him much to Twilight’s disbelief at him for ignoring her orders. “Beshte, Fluttershy.”

“On it, Kion.” Beshte nodded before they both get in between the two bickering leaders. “Why don't you both take a deep breath before you say something, or eat something you'll regret?”

“Now what you were both fighting about?” Fluttershy gently asked them.

“I was trying to talk to him. Trying to make a deal with him that would benefit the both of us.” Makuu calmly explained before returning an irritated glare at the stubborn antelope. “But it seems there's no point talking to a jumpy antelope.”

“You've got that right!” Bupu fired back before they again started trading hooves and teeth at each other until Kion again intervened with another warning directed at Makuu.

“Makuu! I'm warning you. I won't let anyone ruin the Savannah Summit. Especially you.” He harshly emphasized which genuinely struck a tender scale with him.

“Especially me?” Makuu returned visibly hurt by that statement before sighing and walking off without another protest to which Kyoga spotted while disbelieving of Kion’s approach. “Fine. I don't want any trouble.”

“He'll think twice before tangling with an antelope.” Bupu proudly said before walking away.

“That was close.” Fuli commented in relief.

“Sure was.” Rainbow agreed.

“Oh, yeah! Simba and Celestia would be pretty upset if his summit ended with Makuu eating Bupu for lunch.” Bunga added.

“Good thing we got here when we did.” Rarity voiced very pleased that a potential disaster was averted.

“Yeah. Thanks, Mtoto.” Kion thanked the young elephant.

“Huh? Oh, sure. Glad to help.” Mtoto happily returned before the Guard’s Fiercest asked him a favor.

“Hey, Mtoto. You think you could keep your ears open for the rest of the summit? Let us know if you hear anything suspicious?”

“Yes, sir!” Mtoto saluted while Kion turned to the rest of the team.

“I'm pretty sure Makuu's up to something. So we need to be ready for any sign of trouble. All of us.” He declared ready to pounce on him.

As soon as Mtoto left, Kion turned around…

…to suddenly meet face to face with Twilight who teleported right in front of him and she is not happy with what she saw back there.

“Whoa! Twilight! Where you were you?”

“Oh, just behind those rocks over there.” Twilight gestured to nearby rocks. “Watching over both Makuu and Bupu until all of you showed up. I thought I told you I would watch over them.” She sternly added while expecting an explanation from the Leader of the Lion Guard for showing up like that. “I would have got taken care of it in a flash had you not suddenly intervened like that.”

“But we heard them fighting just earlier and they would have attacked each other had we not shown up.” Kion argued to which did little to impressing her.

“I’m sorry Kion, but did you not listen to what I said last time we were together or did you forget what I said, or did you not care to listen to a word I said?” Twilight crossly pressed the prince of what was going through his mind when he jumped the gun.

“I…” Kion was taken aback with this sudden verbal attack. “I…I…guess I forgot due to thinking Makuu was up to something there.”

“You guess?”


“So yes or no?” Twilight kept pressing for a straight answer without raising her voice. “Did you or did not you not forget what I told you in regards about Makuu? It’s a simple question so better properly answer it.”

Kion hesitated until...

“Well?!” She sharply demanded.

“I forgot.” Kion quickly answered while a little intimidated by his unicorn friend’s stern attitude all while the others expect for Kyoga who saw this coming were a little unnerved with how she is addressing him.

“Well since you forgot Kion, I’ll say it again.” Twilight then said. “Leave Makuu to me while you and the others go watch over the rest of the Pride Landers. If I need you I’ll come and get you. Understand now?” She instructed of them to which they all wordlessly nodded while Kion once again hesitated. “Is that clear, Kion?”


“Is that clear?”


“Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to watching over Makuu and try to see if I can get him to pick up where he left off with Bupu.”

Twilight then teleported away, leaving the others speechless with what had just happened.

Elsewhere, Mtoto is heading out on his own looking out of any signs of trouble while walking up the hill before catching the sound of Twiga’s voice.

“Vuruga Vuruga, Makuu...”

“That sounds like trouble to me!” Mtoto immediately deduced before turning back to report this to the Lion and Pony Guard.

“Wait! What exactly did Twiga say about Makuu?” Kion asked.

“I'm not sure!” He answered unable to elaborate on it more.

“It couldn't have been good!” Bunga immediately theorized without thought.

“Yeah, everyone knows crocs and giraffes don't mix!” Rainbow immediately agreed before gasping when a thought occurred. “I'll bet Makuu's going to attack Twiga!”

“And ruin the summit.” Kion added in agreement. “I bet that's what Makuu's been planning all along!”

“Now hold on a second.” Kyoga immediately spoke up and intercepted Kion before he could take off again. “Remember what Twilight said.”

“No time! We gotta stop him!” Kion refused to listen before rushing ahead while sidestepping her.

“'Til the Pride Lands' and Equestria’s end...”

“Lion and Pony Guard defend!”

“All right.” Kyoga just shrugged before following after them. “Learn it the hard way.”

“Back off, Makuu!” Kion threateningly declared upon arriving on the scene yet found to their surprise Makuu was not there.

“Makuu?" Twiga asked in confusion when both Rainbow and Bunga scout the area.

“Don't worry, Twiga, I'll protect ya.” Bunga vowed.

“From what?” Twiga asked.

“From Makuu!” Bunga answered.

“Where is he?” Rainbow asked while pulling her hooves up in a fighting stance and punching thin air.

“No Makuu here.” The buffalo leader reported.

“But Mtoto heard him!” Rainbow pointed out.

“Uh, well, no. I heard Twiga talking about Makuu.” The young elephant corrected to which sparked surprise from the giraffe’s mouth as she dropped the branch she was about to eat.

“Me? I wasn't talking about Makuu.” She denied before turning to Vuruga Vuruga. “Were you talking about Makuu?”

“No, why would I talk about Makuu?” Vuruga Vuruga quickly replied to assert otherwise to which Kyoga raises a suspicious eyebrow at the two thinking they need to be looking at things a lot more differently with what has transpired today.

“How should I know? I'm just eating branches. Like a giraffe does.” Twiga argued back before picking up and eating the branch of leaves she had just dropped to which both Kion and Fuli eyed each other in confusion at this sight.

“Me, too. Delicious branches.” Vuraga Vuraga quickly joined in on eating them by snatching the branch Twiga was chewing on.

“Uh, Vuruga Vuruga?” Ono asked while landing on the ground. “Aren't you more of a grass eater?”

“Buffalo eat whatever we want.” She immediately asserted while downing the branch.

“Uh, okay. Even though Ono’s right.” Fluttershy said while letting it slide.

“So, just to be clear, y’all all right?” Applejack asked one more time to make sure everything is okay.

“Oh, yes. Fine. Totally fine.” Twiga calmly and quickly reassured before gesturing them to move on. “Thanks for asking. Now, I'm sure there are more important matters at the summit for you to attend to.”

“Yeah. Let's go.” Kion let them be while leading the team away from them.

As soon as they left, Fuli was the first to speak up upon what they had witnessed.

“That was strange, right?”

“We did interrupt their lunch.” Bunga accepted it for that reason.

“I don't think it was that, Little B.” Beshte said otherwise. “They seemed real nervous.”

“Especially any time we mentioned Makuu.” Ono added.

“I wonder why.” Kyoga stoically voiced.

“Hmm. What if he threatened them, and they're too afraid to tell us?” Kion guessed.

“Or what if they’re the ones really up to something and Makuu is the one they are targeting. You know. The other way around.” Kyoga flatly suggested.

“But why would they be up to something?” Rarity questioned. “What would they be afraid to tell us?

“Yeah, we're the Lion and Pony Guard.” Pinkie chimed in.

“That's how much he must've scared them.” Kion answered still asserting that Makuu is up to no good. “Just having Makuu here is hurting the summit.”

“Good thing Mtoto can hear if anything bad's happening.” Beshte commented while Kyoga rolled her eyes in exasperation that her words are falling on deaf ears yet again.

“Yeah! I wish I could hear like you, Mtoto. It'd be un-Bunga-lievable!” Bunga expressed while holding up one of the elephant ears so he can listen.

“Me too.” Pinkie just as eagerly said while zooming over to them and holding up the other ear.

“I'll do my best.” Mtoto replied that he’ll try before hearing the sound of Zazu’s voice.

“Help!” His voice screamed rather loudly.

“Hey! I'm getting the hang of this!”

“Me too! I just heard...”

Both Bunga and Pinkie started to say only for Kion to immediately answer before he can.


“Hey?!” Pinkie exclaimed. “How did you all...”

“We all heard him.” Fuli interrupted.

“Because he is not too far away to hear.” Kyoga added before Kion leads the team in that direction.

“This way.”

There, Rafiki is currently working on a painting of both the rhino and baboon leaders where it seems the rhino is now sitting on Zazu much to Rafiki’s amusement.

“Mbeya, you must get up! I cannot finish the portrait with you sitting down.” The elderly mandrill laughed when the Lion and Pony Guard arrived on the scene.

“Where's Zazu?” Kion asked.

“Is he in trouble?” Fluttershy worryingly asked in a softer tone.

“Did Makuu eat him?” Bunga gasped.

“Perhaps, Zazu himself can explain.” Rafiki answered with a chuckle towards the trapped hornbill underneath. “Eh, Zazu?”

“Not funny, Rafiki!” Zazu remarked unamused to which Pinkie couldn’t help but snicker upon realizing his predicament.

“At least, you're right about that.” Mbeya commented. “I'm not getting off until you apologize, Zazu.”

“Apologize? Me?” Zazu returned in offense that he’s got it all backwards in his mind. “I'm the one with a rhinoceros on his head.”

“You think this is what the King meant when he asked us to look out for trouble at the summit?“ Fuli asked the others with an amused smirk plastered on her face.

“Not exactly.”


Both Ono and Kyoga replied.

“He called me clumsy.” Mbeya complained.

“No, he didn't. I did.” Bib Baboon argued back.

“Uh, Rafiki?” Kion turned to the mandrill for more clarification while he was still a amused at Zazu’s little situation.

“No, no, Kion. It is the Lion Guard that must get to the...” He laughed before chuckling with what he says next. “...bottom of the situation.”

That pun had Bunga snickering. “"Bottom!" I get it.”

Pinkie on the other hand was hysterical to the point she was crying with laughter. “Me too! And that sure is a big end there.”

Kion sighed in annoyance along with Applejack before the former asked the question. “Will someone just tell me what happened?”

“I was having a perfectly nice time when suddenly this... This hippo with a horn bumps into me.” Big Baboon explained while gesturing to Mbeya who likewise was equally offended by that remark.

“Who are you calling a hippo? I'm a rhino, you baboon!” Mbeya corrected.

“Who are you calling a baboon?” He returned oblivious to the fact that he is a baboon.

“You are a baboon.”

“Definitely a baboon. Pretty obvious”

Both Bunga and Pinkie confirmed with dull and unamused expressions to which the baboon himself feeling embarrassed himself upon being reminded of that especially if the silliest members of the Guard are calling him out on it.

“Oh. Right.”

“What does it matter what happened? Just get off of me.” Zazu urged of Mbeya who immediately did so. Once he was free he immediately gasped for air. “Daylight! I thought I'd never see you again!”

“Hey, Mbeya…” Big Baboon called after him while pointing to the feathers stuck on his bottom. “…looks like you have some hornbill stuck on your backside!” He teased until Fluttershy quickly flew over to him with a serious look.

“Now mister, it’s not kind to make fun of your friends. It was just an accident.” She lightly reprimanded while gesturing to Mbeya. “Now you better apologize to him right away.”

“You're right.” Bib Baboon sighed knowing she’s right. “Sorry, Mbeya.”

“Uh... That's okay.” He accepted it before returning the apology to Zazu. “Sorry I sat on you, Zazu.”

“Quite all right.” The hornbill accepted while recovering from his dazed pain before turning to the mandrill previously painting. “Rafiki, please tell me this won't make it into the official portrait.”

“Not the official one.” He confirmed with a laugh much to Zazu’s relief.

“Aww, don’t worry, silly beak.” Pinkie cheerfully said to him. “At least now we can put this behind us.” She then laughed to which Bunga joined in while Zazu himself groaned weary of them dragging that joke on longer than they should.

Just then Mtoto quickly arrived to report the Guard of something important. “Lion Guard, Lion Guard! It's Makuu!”

“All right, Bupu, I've heard enough!” Makuu’s voice rang through Mtoto’s ear.

“I think he's at Pride Rock! And he's yelling at Bupu again!”

“Let's go!” Kion charged ahead once more.

“That's right, Bupu!” Makuu argued with Bupu once more. “You've got a...”

He is suddenly pounced on by Kion. “Gotcha!” He shouted aggressively.

“Kion!” His father who happened to be there along with Twilight crossly addressed him. “What are you doing?”

“Dad? We heard...” Kion was surprised before being thrown off by the frustrated and irriated crocodile leader.

“You heard us negotiating, cub!”

“We were just about to reach an agreement for the crocodiles to sleep by the antelopes' watering hole.” Simba further explained with a harsh glare at his son for his needless interruption before attempting the resume the negotiations. “Now, Bupu, Makuu, if we can just...”

“Forget it!” Makuu angrily refused to keep trying before storming off. “How can I trust any of you if you don't trust me? This whole summit's a joke!”

“But Makuu, we were so close.” Simba pleaded to no avail before turning to Bupu. “Don't worry, Bupu. We can try again.”

“With all due respect, your highness, I don't see the point.” Bupu equally yet politely refused to do the same before walking off. “I've done my best. But negotiating is obviously not the crocodile way.”

“That's not true.” Simba tried to say only to sigh rather deflated that the attempt to ensure peace ended up failing before turning to his son with stern words for him. “We talked about this, Kion.”

“I know, Dad. But there's something going on!” He pleaded with him to listen to him. “I'm not sure what, but Makuu...”

“Is a new leader.” Simba asserted to his son mid-sentence. “I need to build his trust. That's why I included him in the summit.”

“But he just wants to ruin it!”

“You may have ruined it.” Twilight retorted equally frustrated with him. “And even after I told you not to intervene.”

“But I was just trying to…” Kion tried to speak but Twilight wasn’t having any of it.

“No, Kion! I had everything under control! I was taking the proper action in dealing with Makuu! I even managed to get your father to resolve this! The only thing that stopped that was you! And in doing so you just proved you learned nothing from what happened when Scar nearly took over and that you also don’t trust your best friend. Trust that obviously isn’t important to you.” Twilight further scolded him when black smoke emitted from her scar to which she slightly hunched down to rub her eye in pain while refusing Kion’s offer to help her. “Now if you’ll excuse us. We have to get back to Mizimu Grove and salvage what we can of the summit.” She added before turning to walk in that direction. “And if you do have even the slightest bit of remorse then find a way to fix this, otherwise don't even bother showing up at the summit at all.” She coldly finished leaving the lion cub devastated of his mistake before turning to his father to plead to him to listen to him.

“Dad, I was…”

“I’m sorry Kion.” His father apologized softly yet firmly before moving to join Twilight. “But you know she is right and you do have a lot to think about yourself.”

As Simba walked off ahead, Kion sunk his head in shame.

“You okay, Kion?” Beshte asked as he and the others approach him.

“That sounded intense.” Fuli commented after having a take a breather after witnessing that scene.

“I’m sure glad that wasn’t me.” Rainbow voiced his relief while feeling the lion cub’s pain right now.

“I'll say.”

“No kidding, partner.”

Neither Kion nor Applejack couldn’t have said it better.

“What was Twilight and Simba so upset about?” Rainbow wondered what happened trying to make sense of the harsh reprimanding.

“We saw Bupu. You saved him.” Bunga added.

“No, I didn't.” Kion shook his head. “Apparently, Bupu didn't need saving.”

“He didn't?”

“No he didn’t.” Kyoga repeated. “And you probably would have figured that out hadn’t jumped to conclusions like that which was what I have been trying to tell you earlier.”

“Kyoga please! At least have the decently to not to be too hard on him.” Rarity urged her to ease up since it’s bad enough that he got thoroughly torn a new one by both his best friend and father combined.

“You still think something's going on with Makuu?” Fuli gently asked.

“I... I don't know.” Kion couldn’t answer before walking away. “I need some time to think.” He retreated to his usual quiet spot where he consults with his grandfather’s spirit. “Grandfather Mufasa?”

“Yes, Kion?” Mufusa greeted before Kion explains while he is feeling downcast just when Princess Celestia flies by.

“Everything okay?” She asked after seeing how upset Kion is with himself.

“Hello, Princess. What are you doing here?” Kion asked in surprise to see her. “I thought you’d be helping out at the summit?”

“I was until both your father and friend came back very disappointed in you with something you did. Something about causing Makuu to walk out on them.” She explained. “So I figured I’d find out what happened exactly that led to this.”

“Oh…well…Everything’s fine expect…” He greeted while looking at both wise rulers in the eyes. “…My Dad and my best friend are really upset with me. And I'm worried that I ruined the summit. I didn't mean to. It's just... I was so sure Makuu wanted to ruin it.”

“And what has Makuu done to make you think this?” Mufusa asked.

“Well, he... He...” He tried to explain only to be left at a loss for words. “Nothing really. But I've got this feeling that something bad's going to happen. And that means stopping Makuu. Right?”

“It depends with what proof you have to make you think this.” Celestia replied to which Kion could not really give one single reason why he shouldn’t be trusted. “You did do that right?”

“No.” Kion shamefully admitted to which Celestia nodding seeing how this fell apart.

“Rafiki has a saying about reaching conclusions too quickly.” His grandfather reminded.

“Leap to conclusions, and you leap to confusions." He sighed upon remembering that along with what Twilight went through at the wedding. “Just like Twilight.”

“Yes.” Celestia nodded with another hint of regret for how she handled the situation back then. “Just like Twilight.”

“Perhaps, you need to figure out what's truly going on.” Mufusa kindly suggested.

“Without jumping to conclusions.” Kion smiled with this newfound wisdom feeling much better now. “Right. Thank you, Grandfather. Thank you, Princess. I'll do my best.”

“I know you will.” Mufusa voiced with great faith in him before disappearing in the clouds.

“And I have faith that you’ll make the right decision going forward.” Celestia warmly added while placing her wing on his back to which he kindly accepted before teleporting back to Mizumi Grove.

“Kion, Kion!” Bunga immediately alerted him with the Guard along with Mtoto following after him as soon as the princess teleported away. “Mtoto just heard Makuu on the attack! We gotta go!”

“What? Makuu's attacking? Mtoto?” Kion asked.

“Well, I heard something about an attack. I'm just not sure who's attacking who...” Mtoto honestly explained.

“It's gotta be Makuu!”

“Who else could it be?”

Both Bunga and Rainbow immediately theorized.

“Easy, Bunga, Rainbow.” Kion urged them against jumping the gun again. “Let's not jump to conclusions. Mtoto, can you listen again?” He then asked of the young elephant who managed to make out with his hearing…

“...going to pay. We'll do it tonight just after sunset!”

“They're going to do it tonight right after sunset!” Mtoto gasped.

“Who's going to do what right after sunset?” Beshte asked.

“I couldn't tell.” The young listener couldn’t answer.

“Come on, it's Makuu's big plot!” Bunga again urged him to advance on the antagonistic crocodile. “Whatever it is, it's happening tonight!”

“Okay. But so far, Makuu hasn't done anything wrong.” Kion reminded.

“Yes. But it seems like he's been at the center of everything Mtoto has heard today.” Ono acknowledged.

“So it means that Makuu is definitely involved in this somehow.” Applejack theorized.

“Yeah, well, he doesn't exactly get along with anybody.” Fuli pointed out.

“You're right, Applejack, Fuli.” Kion agreed while putting the pieces together. “Makuu does have a lot of enemies here. But he seems like he wants to change that. But even if he's ready to change, that doesn't mean everyone else is. Which means... What?” He asked himself before suddenly figuring it out. “Of course! Makuu's not the one planning something. He's the target.” Kyoga nodded in approval with his much clearly deduced analysis. “Lion Guard, we've gotta find Makuu and save him!”

The Guard then set out with this new approach before making to catch up to him just when he was making his way back home.

“Makuu!” Kion called out to him much to his aggravation.

“Leave me alone, cub!” He bitterly demanded.

“No Makuu, listen!” He urged him to listen this time. “You're in danger!”

“Are you gonna pounce on me again?”

“Relax, Makuu.”

“Yes, the Lion and Pony Guard are here to protect you.”

Both Bunga and Pinkie assured to which Makuu scoffed at the very thought.

“You? Protect me? I'm a crocodile! What could you possibly protect me from?”

Just when Makuu turned around to press forward he ended nearly falling into a hole which was mostly covered my fully covered tree branches when they all fell down into the hole. Luckily for him both Applejack and Beshte were both quick to stop him from falling over the edge and into the pu.

“Hapana! It's a trap.” Ono immediately realized.

“Kion... He's slipping.”

“Help us!”

Both Beshte and Applejack grunted with gritted teeth trying to maintain their hold on him with the others quick to jump in and assist them while Ono flies down to Makuu’s eye level.

“Hang in there, Makuu!” Ono urged the struggling crocodile resisting the fall.

“What's it look like I'm doing?” Makuu growled while giving the egret the stink eye for not seeing the obvious in front of him.

“Everyone, now!” Kion instructed everyone to use their teamwork into pulling and pushing Makuu out of the hole to which they all did through their slight struggles.

While at first surprised by what had just happened, Makuu returned a very grateful gesture to the Leader of the Lion Guard. “Thanks, cub.”

“You're welcome, Makuu.” Kion returned while Bunga examined the trap meant for the crocodile.

“You call this a trap?“ Bunga scoffed with what he is seeing as if he has seen better. “Not a very good one. I mean, who's gonna fall into... Whoa!”

No sooner than he said that he ended up falling in himself.

“Bunga!” Kion called after him.

“I'm okay.” Bunga called out from down below when Fuli comes over and takes a sniff at something strange.

“What's that smell?” Fuli voiced in disgust to which Rarity plugged her nose after getting a good whiff of its stench.

“I think it's rotten fruit.” Ono deduced upon examining the contents itself not that Bunga minds.

“Mmm! It's not that rotten.” Bunga happily told them although no one else not even Pinkie Pie was interested in giving it a taste.

“So...Somebody wanted me to fall into a pit filled with rotting fruit.” Makuu deduced upon seeing the trap he nearly fell into.

“I'm tellin' ya, it's not that rotten.” Bunga insisted while still munching on it to which Rarity and Fluttershy both turned away from seeing him do so to avoid the urge to throw up.

“Who would do this?” Makuu wondered.

“I'm not sure.” Kion answered before devising a way to go on about it. “But I have an idea how we can find out.”

Shortly afterwards, the Guard got together with everyone at the summit in Mizimu Grove where both Simba and Celestia allow Kion to make the announcement as part of his plan to string out the mastermind of the pit trap.

“Animals of the Savannah Summit, I'm afraid I have some bad news.” All of the animals gasped hearing this knowing something very bad did happen if expressed that way. “I don't know how to say this, but...It's about Makuu.” The Pride Landers leaders could not believe what they were hearing. Even if they did have negative feelings towards him they didn’t want to wish the worst for him to suffer through. “Earlier this evening, he fell into a pit.” Both Twiga and Vuruga Vuraga both secretly glanced at each other. “It was a serious fall. He tried his best to get out. He struggled bravely, like a true crocodile. But...” Kion slightly struggled with what to say next. “I'm sorry to say that Makuu has completed his journey through the Circle of Life.”

“What?” Twiga gasped in horror.

“That's horrible.” Ma Tembo voiced in shock.

“And we were so close to a deal...” Bupu voiced with regret for the way he treated him earlier.

“We never meant for him to get hurt.” Twiga innocently stated out loud thus exposing herself as one of the masterminds of the plot to which the other’s gasped upon this accidental confession.

“We just wanted him to fall into some rotten fruit!” Vuruga Vuruga also admitted her role in it to which earned further shocked gasps from the crowd.

“For the last time, it wasn't that rotten!” Bunga groaned in annoyance before continuing to munch on one the molding grapefruit in his hand to which the Pride Landers gasped for the third time in the row.

“You thought you could take me out with one little pit?” Makuu questioned the Pride Landers while revealing himself to be truly alive to which earned another gasp from the Pride Landers.

At that moment Bupu groaned and rolled his eyes in annoyance to this. “Enough with the gasping!”

“Well said.” Kyoga agreed.

“Makuu?” Both the giraffe and buffalo questioned in surprise while realizing they have been tricked it fessing up.

“Makuu, You're okay!” Bunga and Pinkie both exclaimed while acting relieved before hugging him.

“Bunga, Pinkie, you two knew that all along.” Fuli reminded him slightly annoyed at their cluelessness.

“Oh, yeah.”

“I know. I just like giving other’s hugs.”

Both replied with the latter having self-awareness before letting go of the crocodile giving her the weird-eyed expression for her affection before turning to both animals responsible for carrying out this pit trap against him.

“We didn't want to hurt you. Just make you smell bad.” Twiga stuttered while admitting first.

“The way you were strutting around here, we wanted to teach you a lesson.” Vuruga Vuraga added.

With this, Makuu then speaks his mind with how he was treated today. “I came to the summit to show I'm a good leader, to help my float and the Pride Lands, but none of you let alone a few gave me a chance.” He berated everyone expect those who did while Kion again bows his head in shame and the others hold their breath expecting the worst. “Instead, for my efforts, I get this. This plot...” Both Twiga and Vuraga Vuraga gasped in fear until he added. “Worthy of a crocodile. I couldn't have done it better myself.” He instead commended them with a pleased smirk much to their relief. “I say, let King Simba and Princess Celestia's Savannah Summit go on!”

Everyone cheers in excited agreement to resume the negotiations while Kion looks pleased with the results and restored faith and trust amongst everyone at Mizimu Grove.

“Nice work, Kion. You saved the summit.” His father congratulated him for his success.

“That sure took guts there.” Twilight added with a very pleased smile.

“Yeah, after I almost ruined it.” Kion replied in relief towards both of them with all things considered that led up to it. “And I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.”

“Well, you managed to fix it, and that’s what counts.” His father assured him all is forgiven now.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” Twilight agreed while secretly giving Kion the narrowed eye glance when his back was turned upon seeing Makuu and Bupu speaking with each other for the third time ready to negotiate this time around.

“Makuu.” Bupu began ready to come to an agreement with him. “Perhaps, you and your float should spend the dry season sleeping near our watering hole after all.”

“What are you talking about?” Vuruga Vuruga however immediately voiced her disagreements with that. “The crocs will sleep by our mud wallow!”

“No. I think it should be near us.” Bupu argued back while they literally butt horns with each other to which Celestia immediately flew over to quickly intervene and resolve this.

“Now, now, there’s no need to argue. I’m sure we can come to an agreement here.” Celestia kindly urged them to calm down before turning to the lion king above her for extra assistance.

“Excuse me, son.” Simba politely excused himself to join them. “I need to get a handle on this before it gets out of control.”

As soon as Simba leaped in deal with it with Twilight watching over from where she is standing, Mtoto heard his mother’s voice calling for him just when Kion regroups the others.

“Mom!” He suddenly realized it was getting late with the nighttime sky and moon about to rise. “I forgot. I'm on my way home right now! Bye, everybody!” He said to everyone before immediately running back home.

“Ya know, I'm glad I can't hear like Mtoto.” Bunga gladly expressed. “I don't want to know everybody's business!”

“Who would?” Kyoga commented in agreement with that.

“Just as well.” Fuli also commented with the same mindset. “You'd look pretty silly with ears that big.”

“So would I.” Pinkie added while appearing with big elephant ear-sized props over her ears to which the Guard all shared another good laugh over it.

Author's Note:

In this episode we have the annual Savannah Summit where Pride Land leaders get together to settle tough negotiations with the upcoming dry season approaching. Normally, negotiations are handled smoothly...

...but this year is different since Makuu has been invited to partake in the Summit. He comes saying to have turned over a new leaf, but of course given his past transgressions most animals aren't willing to trust him right off the bat. Not even Kion, nor the Lion or Pony Guard are willing to give him the benefit of a doubt.

For here, it is worth noting that Simba is fully aware of Makuu's villainous actions in the past and is not thrilled about it either, but since crocodiles are guaranteed a spot in the Summit he doesn't have much of a choice in the matter. But nevertheless not without caution with Princess Celestia assigning her faithful student to keep an eye on him.

Although Kion being quick to jump the gun accuse Makuu even when he has no proof has created some similar issues not to long ago, which led to him being reprimanded for doing so by Twilight and to a lesser yet less harsher extent his father. And boy oh boy, Kion sure got a harsh talking to from his best friend similarity to how her brother did the same. And yes, Simba too wasn't pleased with his son's behavior but he wasn't as cold and harsh as Celestia was to Twilight. Not helped that it showed to Twilight that he didn't trust her judgement again.

One of the things when I found between watching this episode was pretty much the Canterlot Wedding done right without the villain twist and proven true when Makuu was genuinely sincere with wanting to reform only this time Kion is now in Twilight hooves getting to see what it was for her when she got harshly admonished for her behavior at the wedding and it is only Kion's choice in preferring to being alone when feeling upset with himself.

And true to form, Kion does find a way to fix all of this and now everyone is willing to give Makuu the benefit of the doubt in that he is truly a reformed croc.

Next up is "Sleepless in Ponyville." where the Cutie Mark Crusaders go on a camping trip with their big sisters where Scootaloo hopes to get the Guard's Fastest, Rainbow and Fuli to share that bond too along with them taking her up as her big sisters.