• Published 19th Apr 2021
  • 1,668 Views, 6 Comments

Photoshoot - Nido_King

Unbeknownst to just about everypony, the unassuming Minuette is actually a well respected and successful model, though you'll never see her on any mainstream magazines. No, for her preferred shoots are a bit more... unusual...

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Photo Time

Author's Note:

Just a small additional I felt like writing, with a little surprise at the end. Hope you all enjoy!

“Yes, that’s it! The camera loves you! Give me more!”

Minuette was positively beaming as she posed for the camera, happily flaunting her diapered state again and again. The sundress she had picked out flowed and swished as she moved from pose to pose, getting shots ranging from her facing the camera and sucking on her pacifier all the way to having a quick blast of air shot at her from off camera to make sure her dress was blown up and showed off her diaper to the world, a look of mock surprise on Minuette’s face to really sell the shot.

“Costume change!”

After a quick change of clothes, Minuette had transformed into a helpful and obedient maid pony, her thick diapers ensuring that she cleaned up more messes than she made. Trotting into frame with a feather duster in her mouth, Minuette “worked” to ensure everything was spotless, all while wiggling her butt seductively for the camera. The constant barrage of camera flashes from behind her was all Minuette needed to know she was doing a good job.

As she leaned down to reach an out fo the way spot, she made extra sure to push out her rear and give the camera yet another glorious view of her poofy behind.

If Minuette got paid solely for how many pictures of her diapered butt were taken, she would have been a very wealthy mare indeed.

“Costume change!”

Another pause, and this time Minuette was decked out in full on Adult Foal gear; a pink bonnet on her head, a pacifier between her lips, a colourful shirt, and a frilly diaper cover to add that little something extra to the shot. Sitting happily in the Nursery set, Minuette very easily slipped into the mindset of an Adult Foal as she crawled along the carpeted floor while hugging a plush teddy bear close to her chest.

Blocks, rattles, chewable stacking rings, Minuette moved from one toy to the next as she happily played with them, not even noticing as the camera continued to go off as it captured her antics.

For another shoot she was strapped into an adult sized high chair, giggling and laughing as she pretended to be fed food from a unicorn out of frame, all while making a mess of herself in the process. She even traded in her pacifier from sucking on her hoof to really sell it for the audience, right before a bottle was floated over to her. Grabbing it with gusto, she plopped the nipple into her mouth and began to suck, rewarded with warm milk flowing into her belly.

Modelling was certainly an exhausting job, which often resulted in Minuette drinking many bottles of water in-between sets to keep from getting dehydrated. Inevitably all that liquid was going run its course through her, and it was in that moment that her bladder signalled to her that it was time to let go. Without even pausing as she drank from her bottle, Minuette relaxed and flooded her diapers, the thick padding soaking up the flood with ease as it swelled beneath the diaper cover, hiding her little accident from sight. She felt no shame in so freely wetting herself like that, that was what diapers were for, after all!

If the cameramare or staff noticed her little accident, they didn’t react to it one bit. This wasn’t their first diaper shoot, and it certainly wouldn’t be their last. All the cameramare really cared about was that Minuette was utterly making the shot, as the camera went off in rapid succession to capture this moment on film for the readers.

Once her bottle ran dry, Minuette was let out of the high chair and told that for the next scene it would be “Nap Time”. Needing no other set-up than that, Minuette plopped her butt back down near the toys she had played with for the earlier shots, giggling to herself as she felt her wet diaper squish slightly underneath her. After a few more shots of Minuette playing with her toys, the next sequence showed Minuette open her mouth and yawning loudly, acting like she trying her hardest to fight back sleep as she rubbed at her eyes to really sell the scene. A quick cut later and the next series of photos showed Minuette now lying in her crib, snuggling up with her teddy bear as she wiggled around in her crib and got comfy. Again her pacifier slipped from her mouth as she yawned, so Minuette wasted little time in plopping her hoof back in her mouth to suck on as the camera captured her closing her eyes and drifting off to dreamland.


Minuette’s eyes snapped open as a staff member came by to help her out of the crib. Once she was back on her hooves, the cameramare came running up to her.

“Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!” She cried, practically hopping with sheer excitement. “The way you sold that last set… Mmmmm! Magnificent! You were truly the shining image of what every Adult Foal wishes for, and I got it all on camera!”

Minuette smiled with pride at the compliments. “Thanks, I tried my best. What’s next?”

“Now would be and excellent time for a break. We’ll reconvene in fifteen for the next shot, alright?”

Nodding her head, Minuette waddled over to her dressing room. While she knew her diaper could easily hold a few more wettings, she figured it was better if she changed into a fresh one, just in case the publisher had an issue with “visibly used” diapers in the upcoming photos.

One diaper change later, Minuette was back on the set in just her fresh diaper. As she approached, she noticed that several packs of the Silly Filly diapers had been brought out and stacked nearby, with several more samples placed around them to properly show off the product.

“Okay, product shot time!” The cameramare announced as she walked up to Minuette. “Now, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but for this set I’m going to need you to really sell how much you love these diapers. How happy they make you feel, how much you wish every pony would go out and buy them for themselves just so they can share in your happiness. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Alright! Everyone to your places! Time for the next set!”

With her motivation in mind, Minuette went straight to work promoting the Silly Filly diapers. Carrying one of the packs on her back, Minuette posed like she was happily trotting along with her new diapers, smiling the whole time.


Now she stood up on her hind legs as she held one of the diaper packs triumphantly over her head, the other packs placed around her legs to make sure they were prominently in the shot.


This time she draped herself over one of the packs while staring seductively into the camera, even rolling over onto her back for a few shots while keeping her gaze firmly locked on the camera the whole time.


For this one, Minuette turned her back completely to the camera, wiggling her poofy bottom behind her as she glanced over her shoulder and winked at the camera for good measure.


Minuette smiled even more as the camera continued to go off. I love this job.


Moondancer could hardly contain her excitement as she trotted inside with her mail, making sure to close and lock the door behind her.

The debut issue of Silly Filly’s magazine had finally arrived!

As she stared at the opaque plastic wrap that hid her prize, Moondancer debated with herself on what to do next. Should I pad up first and then open it, or should I take a quick peek first before I pad up?

Eventually deciding that a little peek wouldn’t hurt, Moondancer tore into the plastic wrap with unrestrained excitement, savouring the moment as she slowly slid the magazine out of the plastic and gazed upon its cover.

However, her excitement suddenly gave way to shock as she stared wide-eyed at the pony displayed prominently on the cover, happily showing off her poofy diapers to the reader. It took but a moment for Moondancer to recognize the very familiar blue unicorn on the cover.


Comments ( 3 )


I love this story I wish there was more and I want her job 💕

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