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Chapter 1 It Begins

The Storm King had taken Canterlot, he held in a tower on the northwest corner all of the music ponies of Equestria. He care much about music but he pimped them ponies to high-paying customers. His personal favorite that he hadn't pimped out was a pegasus mare with a black and blonde mane, this was Songbird Serenade.

He had found her doing her best to fight off a pair of his soldiers when he had grabbed her from behind and pinned her down. Damn, she felt soft against his body. He ordered that the music ponies be kept in a tower of Canterlot castle, as Songbird Serenade saw her fellow ponies locked away and she was on a leash with a collar and was ordered to sing.

"Pardon me my lord, but I can't……….not now when I have lost my home and freedom."

"Very well, in the morning then. I'll have food sent to your room." As the Storm King led his new guest to her room, her step faltered from a sprain she received a few flights down. The Storm King stopped and stooped to carry the pegasus up the remainder of the stairs.

Storm King looked at his two captains with a look that read, "is she the one to break the spell?" His captains, Grubber and Tempest Shadow shrugged Songbird Serenade out of the music mares who had spoken to their lord were defiant toward him.

Songbird was compliant and was doing her best to be respectful. It helped Storm King's position that he was being gentle. He planned to pimp out...........this is not the right word he was wanting to use but he found the word he wanted. He was gonna rent out the musical ponies as a business. Songbird Serenade felt her ankle being bandaged and the Storm King was doing the job himself. Beside her bed sat a large pitcher of iced tea and some small round tea biscuits to go with it. The room she was placed in was large and spacious with a marvelous view of the mountains and Ponyville in the distance.

"There there, dear rest up now." As it was already dinner time Storm King had food brought to the room where the pair are quietly until Songbird spoke, "You're not as cruel as we thought, I heard you're pimping out the other musicians?"

"Pimping is the wrong word, I meant rent."

"Okay............... I guess, but I must let you know that Canterlot has its pervs. I just don't want anypony to get hurt."

"they'll be fine, I've placed in the contract that the renters have to pay four times the amount if the musician returns injured."

"I'm kinda exhausted at the moment, may I get some rest?"

"I'll send for you when dinner is ready." as Storm King left the room, Songbird silently wept. Her freedom was gone and she was a prisoner. When dinner came and Tempest brought Songbird Serenade a fine gown to wear.

"Is he trying to buy my affection! I am not wearing that fucking gown! He is fucking crazy! If he wants me to join him so badly he needs to do fetch me himself!" Tempest left the room to tell her king who stormed up the stairs and yelled.

"Songbird Serenade! You put that gown on and get downstairs for dinner! You hear me bitch!"

The door opened and Songbird stood in there and yelled back, "Shove it up your cunt dumbass!" As she slammed the door shut in his face she spat, "I will never fall in love or give you any affection! Go rot in Tartarus!"

"If you want to starve fine!" turning to his captains he said, "If she doesn't eat dinner with me, then don't feed her for a few days!" The Storm King went down the hallway cursing.

"Our master will never get this mare to love him if he can't control his temper."

"You got that right Grubber, we have only nine months until the flower dies........... I know, because an old classmate had one for show and tell."

"Wait a minute, isn't the flower hard to pick from the Badlands? I thought I heard that only a changeling can survive the hazards to pick one."

"The classmate was a changeling..........I went to school with Queen Chrysalis, she's not all that bad when you got to know her."

Grubber nodded and the pair walked back to the kitchen and Songbird was pacing in her room hungry. It was around 9 pm and Songbird Serenade crept from her room and gently flew down the long dark hallways until she came to the drawing-room where Storm King was reading a book. He was regretting having yelled at his guest. He glanced up, in the shadows he barely made out a pegasus form shuffling its hooves. "Come in" he commanded and he watched as the form slowly stepped into the light.

"Your majesty," Songbird said as she bowed, "I came to apologize for being so rude to you earlier."

"I forgive you. Rise and sit by me here and let's enjoy a good book." He sent Grubber to get food for Songbird and Tempest took leave of the couple and Storm King yelled out, "See you at Twilight!" Tempest blushed slightly because she knew Storm King figured out that she and Twilight were an item.

Songbird munched on her plate of exotic food while Storm King read aloud a book of poetry. Who knew that Storm King was so well.............cordial? As the fire died down and it was getting late Songbird fell asleep during Storm King's song. She suddenly sat upright and apologized for falling asleep during his performance. He smirked then a pillow appeared from the void and Songbird barely dodged the soft projectile. She found one had been stashed under the ottoman by the sofa and she retrieved it and fought back. Why was the pillow there? Then it donned on her, Storm King planned for her to make an appearance.

The pair had apologized and now were enjoying each other's company.