• Published 9th Apr 2021
  • 1,436 Views, 43 Comments

The Sweet and Adorable Agent Trixie - Foal Star

Trixie was regressed into a foal after her age spell was redirected at her

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Chapter Two: Trixie's Regression Party

After her breakfast Trixie was strapped up in a stroller, getting ready to be pushed out into Ponyville. The little filly sat there with a cute little pout as Twilight strapped a diaper bag around her chest, looking like her own mother. Trixie just turned her head and then saw Spike coming over, eyeing the little filly as he asked Twilight. “Do I have to come?”

“Of course not Spike, just make sure you have Trixie’s crib ready,” Twilight instructed. “Also, clean out the diaper pail an-”

“-Yeah, yeah. I did all that with Shining and Cadence.” Spike grumbled as he walked back upstairs to carry out his assigned tasks.

Twilight then got behind the stroller and chirped. “Alright Trixie, let’s get going!” She pushed her charge out the door and down the road as they headed to Sugarcube Corner.

But the light blue coated little filly cried out. “Wait, I not gonna have anyting to covew my diapee!”

“Oh, right! Sorry.” Twilight squeaked out as she turned to her charge and lit her horn, dressing her into a little purple onesie with little blue and yellow stars printed on it.

“Ugh, not tis again.” Trixie cried out, pouting. She then looked around to see ponies waving their hooves, snickering and dawwing at the little filly. She started to shout and snap at the passerbys but she only elicited more dawws and coos from the crowds of ponies. It was all rather embarrassing and rude to her.

But things got a lot worse as she wa brough to Sugarcube Corner where she saw what could only be described as a foalish birthday party had been all set up. The entire room was filled with streamers, balloons and a giant cake in the center of one long table in the middle of the room.

Pinkie Pie bounced over towards and exclaimed! “Happy regression day!”

Trixie squeaked, being rather surprised as she placed her hooves over her face! Once she lifted them she looked around and saw there were others: Rarity with her adopted sons Prince Blueblood and Hoity Toity (though both were in training pants) who running around playing tag, Fluttershy with Princess Midnight and Discord plopped into a playpen, Applejack with her adopted daughter Zecora (apparently bragging that she was fully potty trained to the colts as she chased them around the room).

Even the Cakes were there with the Cake Twins sitting in highchairs.

Trixie pouted. She didn’t want to have to endure more embarrassment but it was far too late by this point to escape that possibility.

“Alright let’s get everypony to the table and prepare for the cake!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, then everypony struggled to gather their rambunctious foals and settle them down.

Trixie kicked and cried out, but Twilight strapped her down in a highchair along with the rest of the foals.

Pinkie Pie bounced in front of the foals and squealed in delight! “Alrighty! It’s time to introduce the newest regressed pony in Ponyville! Introducing: The Cute and Adorable Trixie!”

Everypony turned to the end of the table and clapped as Trixie squeaked, again trying to hide her face behind her hooves. She was too embarrassed to say anything at this point, but even this just drew dawws from ponies and giggles from the foals. She then slammed her hooves down the table and shouted! “Ya aww stop tis wight now! I stiww Ta Gweat and Powewfuw Twixie!” That of course only got more dawws from the audience..

Pinkie Pie then continued. “Well, she might only be a foal for a month or so, so let’s make sure we all make her time here special!”

Everypony clapped as Trixie just sat back, wanting to just leave.

Pinkie Pie then placed a giant cake decorated with blue frosting and pink and yellow icing in front of Trixie with just one candle placed on top. “Alright blow out the candle!

Everypony turned once more to look at Trixie. But she shook her head and snapped. “No, not gonna.”

Twilight snickered. “Oh, don’t be rude. Blow out your candle.”

“It not my biwthday!” Trixie snapped back.

Twilight gave the filly a glare. “It may not be your birthday, but Pinkie Pie and the Cakes worked really hard on this cake.”

Trixie slammed her hooves down again and shouted. “I dun cawe! I dun even know ta Cakes!”

“Oh, if the shy little filly doesn’t want to blow out her candle that’s fine.” Mrs. Cake cooed.

Trixie then pouted again, detesting that the plump baker had dared assume how she was feeling. “Not shy. Just dun wana blow on ta stupid candwe!”

Pinkie Pie bounced over and chirped. “Well, if the little itty bitty filly isn’t shy then she should blow her candle out.”

“Blow tan candwe! We want ta eat ta cake!” Blueblood shouted in impatience.

“Yea, blow ta candle out! Or ya gonna hear us shout!” Zecora chimed in, speaking in rhyme.

“Ugh fine!” Trixie shouted she looked down at the candle then blew it out and everyone cheered.

Pinkie then went and carved the cake and served it out to the other foals. As the ponies ate the cake and the adults talked to each other, Blueblood looked over and inquired of Trixie. “So, ya ta newest wegwessed foaw huh? How ya doin?”

“Pretty good I guess, onwy been a foaw fow wike a day.” Trixie responded as she munched on the cake.

Zecora turned towards the two with her face covered in cake and replied. “Weww, it’s nice to see anothew filly here, tough ya was pwetty mean fwom what I...uh...hear.”

“Nah uh, not mean! And ya dun have to whyme evewyting.” Trixie snapped back at the foals.

The little zebra cheeks flushed pink. “Otay, sowwie. I know tat can get annoying,” Zecora apologized and then continued, “Weww, doesn’t mattew, guess ya a new friend! And guess what? I potty trained and I can teach ya too.

“Tanks, but Trixie can go potty by hewsewf!” The little blue coated filly exclaimed.

Zecora poked at the little filly’s diaper. “Pwobabwy not, siwwy. Not when ya weawing tat.”

“Hey, dun poke tat!” Trixie whined. “I’ww prove it to ya, but not hewe!” She proceeded to finish her cake along with the rest.

Twilight then came by and popped a bottle of formula into Trixie’s mouth. “Let’s wash that cake down, huh?”

Trixie grumbled but reluctantly suckled down he rbottle. She smirked seeing other foals getting bottles or sippy cups as well. At least she wasn’t alone in that regard.

After the foals had all finished the cake, Blueblood and Hoity Toity continued their game of tag while Fluttershy was dealing with Midnight and Discord as they were fighting amongst each other. She scolded the two, placed them in a double seated stroller and then pushed them out the door.

The Cake Twins were taken aside for diaper changes as Trixie shook her head. Foals were disgusting, nasty and icky. And she’d somehow turned into one.

“Alright, cutie, how about you go play with your new friends?” Twilight cooed as she placed Trixie in a playpen with the Cake Twins. But Trixie just stuck her tongue out and then turned away.

Meanwhile, the little zebra skipped over and nuzzled Applejack. “Hey Mama, can I teach Twixie how to go potty?”

“Sure, that would be nice. But for now just go play with her, ok?” Applejack responded. She didn’t want a repeat of what had happened with Pinkie Pie when she’d tried to teach the Cake Twins (even if Applejack would personally supervise the teaching this time).

Zecora then tapped a hoof to her chin and then replied. “Mama, can ya put me in a diapee ten so I dun have to wowwy about making Twixie feew bad?”

“Ok kiddo, for little Trixie.” Applejack snickered as she taped Zecora back in a thick diaper and placed her in the playpen.

“Ya didn’t have ta do tat, Zecowa,” Trixie irritably grumbled. “I dun wike ponies doing stuff wike tat, cause ten I feew wike I have ta owe tem. Now I gonna have to wet ya teach me how to potty.”

“Nu-uh, ya seem ta need a fwiend and I taught it would be more comfowtabwe if ya tawked with me wike tis,” Zecora responded. “I tink tat we awso shouwd discuss on how ya can make fwiends with ta othew foaws.”

Trixie turned towards Zecora and reluctantly asked. “Otay, wha ya want me ta do?”

“How ‘bout ya put on a show?!” Zecora cried out.

Trixie tapped a hoof to her chin. “Actuawwy, tats not a bad idea...bu I need some stuff to hewp me pewfowm,” The little zebra then took Trixie by the hoof, showing her a top hat and some stuffed animals. “Weww...I can make do with some of tis stuff, but I need somethin’ to make cwouds of smoke.” Trixie insisted

“Oh, I gots ta perfect idea!” Zecora exclaimed as she scurried off to ask Applejack something. “Hey Mama, can ya give me some foaw powdew?”

“Oh no, you're not making another potion! Not here.” The farm mare protested.

“No, nothin wike tat! Just need it fow Twixie!” The little zebra immediately replied.

“Alright, well ya better not be doing anything crazy with it, ya here?” The farm mare warned as she reluctantly gave her little filly a bottle of foal powder.

Zecora scurried off to her friend and gave her fellow filly the bottle. The little blue coated filly eyed it and then took it up with a grumble. “Guess tis wiww do.”

“Alwight, we can do tis in fwont of evewypony!” Zecora cheered in delight!

“Oh, is Trixie going to put on a show?” Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced over. “Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear your adorable little conversation. I’ll gather the foals up and then we can have the little show you’re planning, Trixie!”

She skipped off before Trixie could even protest and rubbed hooves down her face. “I guess is too wate now.”

“Yup! Now deaw with it!” The little zebra chirped as she gave Trixie a little foal blanket and tied it around her friend’s neck. “Thewe, now how about we go show how gweat ya stiww awe?!”

“Fine…”Trixie grumbled as she followed Zecora to the table and then stood on the table and proclaimed! “Awight, wisten up! I’m hewe to put on a show fow ya foaws!” She turned towards the foals and exclaimed. “Alwight, watch as I make tis pwush bunny disappear!”

The little filly took her blanket cape and threw it over the plush bunny then she slammed down onto her diaper, causing a cloud of foal powder to envelop her as she used her magic to make the plush teleport into a top hat.

Everypony gasped as the powder dissipated, revealing the bunny was gone! They all clapped and cheered at Trixie as she then waved a toy magic wand at the giant top hat, revealing it had nothing inside. Everypony gasped as Trixie gave a snicker. “Ah ha! Ya aww taught tat ta pwush bunny was gonna be in ta hat, but in actuality it was in Zecowa’s diapee!”

Zecora gasped, seeing the plush in her new pampers! She then used her hoof to dig it out and exclaimed! “Twixie wight! See? It wight hewe!”

The other foals all clapped their hooves and cheered as Trixie bowed. “Tank you! Tank you!” She was rather proud of herself as Twilight scooped her up. “Well, I think somepony had too much fun performing !”

Trixie wondered what Twilight was talking about before she looked down and squeaked! She’d peed her diaper and hadn’t even noticed.

“Alright, Little Miss Great and Powerful, let’s get you changed,” Twilight cooed as she took the little filly and placed her down for a diaper change. Fortunately, it was quick and painless. She then carried Trixie back to the stroller and strapped her in with the little bunny plush. “That was really adorable what you did back there. I hope you had fun!

Trixie didn’t say anything, not wanting to admit that she had actually enjoyed herself. She then turned to see Zecora toddle over as the zebra asked. “Ya will come pway at Sweet Apple Acwes sometime, rwght?”

“Um...whats tat? A fawm ow sometin?” Trixie scoffed back.

“Yeah, it’s our family’s farm, Trixie,” Applejack replied as she came over. “And if ya behave yourself, ya can come by any time.”

Twilight looked down at Trixie as they all waited for a response. The little filly grumbled, “Fine...but Zecora, ya gots to pwomice to teach me how ta use ta potty.”

“Otay, I wiww! Potty is wots of fun, you’ww see!” Zecora chirped as Twilight snickered and pushed Trixie down the road healing back to the Golden Oak Library.

Once returning to the library, Trixie was put down for a nap. She was dressed in a purple sleeper with a similar pattern to her onesie and then given another bottle of formula before Twilight placed her down in a crib. “Alright, you stay here and get some rest. I still have some stuff I need to do.”

“Ugh, how did ya get so good with foaw cawe?” Trixie grumbled.

“Trust me, It wasn’t something that I wanted either. But I had to care for my brother and his soon to be wife along with Celestia and Luna,” Twilight explained before blushing. “Plus, I was kind of a foal myself...though the circumstances around that were rather crazy,” She then tucked her charge under some foal blankets and kissed her on the forehead. “Now, do you want a pacifier?”

“Yeah, fine…” Trixie grumbled as a blue colored one similar to her coat was popped into her mouth. She gave it a few suckles. The little filly was rather tired and was starting to enjoy the soothing sensation from her pacifier. She had to admit that after miles of trekking trying to find jobs and working on a rock farm, this was actually rather relaxing. She eventually settled down as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.