• Published 26th Apr 2021
  • 533 Views, 2 Comments

Silent Artemis - Hokusai3211

In the midst of a spree of vicious murders, Ponyville is gripped in terror, the Royal guard are clutching at straws. Until one day a weather pony named Rainbow Dash stumbles upon a dying creature who may hold the answers, if only she could speak them

  • ...

11) L’Enfant Sauvage: Part Two

“Have to keep going, have to keep going!” She said, or at least tried to say, but of course, no noise actually came from her mouth. Not a note or a syllable, not even a whistle and never would again.

She tried to look on the bright side. It had been a bad habit, talking out loud had gotten her into a lot of trouble in the past, almost as much as singing had, hunters should be silent after all.

She supposed that at least now, she would not have those songs constantly buzzing around her mind, taunting her with the melody that was always on the tip of her tongue but never quite right. After all, it had been so long since she had heard those songs sung properly.

She always strived to keep her thoughts positive, every cloud has a golden gleam as they said in her lands. But no matter how she spun it, it still didn’t feel much like a boon, because her voice was often the only thing that kept her company, and despite everything she still heard the song, but now she had no way to channel it out into any kind of melody.

All of that aside, her side arched and her arm felt numb, deep bruises the shape of pony hooves already developing on her arms and legs.

But she would think positively, because that was what she had promised herself she would do.

“Keep going,” She said silently, again and again, tongue moving, lips parting for the words already dead and hushed before they left her throat. Even as the spit in her mouth dried and her throat burned with the dryness she continued it mantra.

“Keep going, keep going.”

Her breath moved in a raspy rhythm, her footsteps drunkenly slamming into the ground, a far cry from what Farfar had taught her.

A hunter must glide through the forest, prance like a deer through the leaves and flow through the trees like a fish through water. She recited the words in her mind with a mocking exaggeration. She could still hear the lessons drilled into her mind, like she had been taught it just this morning.

She had always wanted to be a silent hunter, stalking through the woods like Farfar or Tyche had. But compared to them, she was as big and clumsy as the boar they often tracked, or failed to, if she was involved.

She supposed now she was truly silent, as silent as any living thing could ever be. She had finally gotten her wish, but that was the problem with wishes, you never quite got what you wanted.

She would know all about wishes, after all. That had been what had gotten her into this mess, what had ruined them all in the end, nearly killed her in fact and for what?

She glanced back hesitantly, fearing what she would see. she had already caught a glimpse of it back in that long grass not a few moment ago and that had been enough to send her fleeing backwards. Despite all the trouble she and been she had hoped the Rainbow one had gotten away.

But she knew the mare would be fine, After all, It was after her this time and only her.

She grimaced at the memory and tried to clear her mind. Think positive, you have your life, she chided, ignoring the irony of that statement, as it felt like it hadn't been her life for a very long time. At least not her in control of it anyway.

But on the lighter side of her darker thoughts, she had to admit, despite everything, it felt good to be back home again. Back in the embrace of mother as Farfar had called it, and she supposed she did as well. True it wasn’t exactly the forest she had called home originally, but Mother Velka was all connected to one after all. Every root clasped together in her embrace, or so they had taught her.

Each predator, prey, plant life and living thing, were all in a cycle of life, death and rebirth. She was once again a part of it and into the fold. She was one with the forest once more, feeling the warm dry soil beneath her feet and the rising sun against her back.

True it was a cruel and loving mother and more cruel and vindictive than it ever had been caring. But still, she had never felt so pleased to be back in it’s embrace nonetheless. Despite everything, it was as close to a real mother as she had ever gotten so like it or not, she was stuck with it all the same.

She sucked in the fresh breath, feeling the crisp morning air inside her lungs. She had taken it for granted, almost given up on everything and almost lost everything, now it was like she was seeing it all again for the first time, like light was somehow brighter and the air richer.

At least that was what she tried to tell herself, but despite everything, all she could really notice was the tugging of the scar across her neck.

That tightness of skin stretched to accommodate the wound it had grown over, the gap where her voice used to be. Every time she craned her neck, every time she even opened her mouth, and every time she felt the wind against it, she was reminded of the numbness of her throat.

Like a noose around her neck, or more accurately fingers against her windpipe.

It’s fingers.

She caught herself stroking her neck as she ran, eyes gazing up at the sky, then behind her again, but could see nothing save the forest around her.

The sun was still in low morning, giving the sky a reddish ominous glow as the world around her woke up or fled the light accordingly. Pulling her hand away from the ugly scar, she drew them into a fist and down at her sides, she was not going to give the loss of her voice any more of her time today.

She had mourned it’s loss far too much already, in fact, she had done far too much mourning in general as of late.

Positive thoughts. She chided herself again, but already she was starting to grow tired of the near constant reminding.

She pressed on, hoping to put as much distance between her and that pony town, the warriors of the sun raiser and more importantly the healing construct as she could. She chided herself for staying as long as she had, hoping perhaps in a futile way, that things would have been different if she was away from the forest.

But it had come all the same, it always did and she was a fool to think otherwise, she had been lucky to get out with her life this time.

Luck, it was a funny word, she knew the meaning of it, but didn’t think she ever had enough to truly understand what it was. But if she had amassed any, it had all used up in those few hours before she had escaped. If that pony had not snuck into her room at that moment, if she had not already had one hand freed, she didn’t want to think about it.

Despite her best efforts she began to slow, her already limping run drew into a crawl as her body begged her for rest. What little energy she had remaining was quickly draining with each step forward. Her muscles ached and protested, her ankles clicked unnaturally with each heavy step and her body begged her for food, water and rest.

Her dragging heel finally caught on something below her and she stumbled, grabbing weakly for support against a red wood as she bent over. Stinging sweat dripped into the corners of her eyes as she bent down, pulling away ashen hair that was plastered against her forehead as she sucked in greedy gulps of air.

That healing place had made her weak, made her soft, all that time resting on that bed, strapped to that prison had zapped her of what strength she had left. Though if she was being honest, there hadn’t been much strength in her beforehand.

She looked up into the sky again. But this time she wasn’t looking at the sky itself, and even as her gaze flickered around the gentle swaying of the trees she couldn’t see what it was she was trying to find.

It seemed she had finally lost her little tenacious follower.

Part of her was surprised to feel almost saddened by that. Despite being one of them, she had almost liked the little mare. For a member of the sun goddess's guard, she had been strangely different from the rest.

Not as stupid as the other for a start, which had surprised her first of all. She might look the part and play it as well, but she could see there was something more behind those eyes. Not like the rest of those meat headed, grass eating ungulates in shining gold armour.

Easy to tease for sure and quick to anger, yet also quick to forgive. Perhaps the most shocking part of it all was how much the mare had made her laugh. She hadn’t remembered the last time she had even smiled. She didn’t think herself capable of laughter at all, but somehow, in some way the mare had coaxed sounds from her mute lips where nothing else could.

She had been told all her life that ponies were pompous blustering self important fools, as likely to take a joke as they were to take to hard work. But the Rainbow mare was no blushing maiden or pompous arrogant brat, like the others of her tribe.

If anything, she almost reminded her more of a griffoness than a mare.

But something else bugged her about the mare as well. She couldn’t shake the feeling that they had met someplace before, she had thought about it long and hard after the first time she had met her. Feeling the oddest sense of a deja vu, but where had she seen her before if not for the hospital, it wasn’t like she had met other ponies since then.

Come to think of it, why wasn’t the mare scared of her, like all the rest were?

Intimidated perhaps, cautious absolutely, but that was no bad thing in her eyes. Danger always lurked in those who got too comfortable. But the mare wasn’t afraid of her and she had to admit that intrigued her.

She reminds you of Tyche, maybe that was the reason you kissed her? She thought, unable to tease herself with the idea, as despite everything a small smile creeped onto her face.

Then she frowned, as the memories associated with that name came flooding back. Enough to make her almost sick with longing and angry for even joking about that.

But before she could even chastise herself further, the thought died in her mind. She had perhaps mistaken it during the chase, too distracted with escaping the mare, but now that she was alone she could hear it all too clearly. A scratching sound inside of her mind, like hundreds of tiny needles against stone.

She tried to focus on it, giving it her full attention now. But it seemed there was little need as before she even had time to contemplate on anything a sharp, impossibly loud blood curdling scream pierced thought, as if the sound had been levelled directly into her ear.

The noise of it hit so hard and so fast that she almost bit her tongue right through from the pain, narrowly missing disaster by a hair's breadth, her knees buckled and she slumped up against the tree.

No, thought I had… more time!

Her hands grabbed at the air around her chest and she cursed as it fumbled for what wasn’t there. She bit her lip enough to draw blood and spat it onto the ground.

She needed the amulet and she needed it now.

It’s gotten stronger.She thought sullenly, grimacing as she made herself run again. Battering her way through the undergrowth, all thoughts of Farfar’s teachings of dancing or swimming through the forest completely forgotten.

Why would it stop? She thought, chiding herself, after all it had told her with its very lips that it wasn’t ever going to stop and it had done nothing to dissuade her of that notion.

A knocking sound rang out over head and she turned like a viper, craning her neck to look just above her. Then at the sounds of rustling as whatever had made the sound crashed against the forest floor somewhere in the distance.

She couldn’t stop now, her calf muscles shook, and her knee almost buckled even at the slightest pause and she knew it would not let her move like this again if she tried. But even in that moment of brief hesitation she thought she glared a rock rolling across the floor.

She lifted a brow in puzzlement as she watched it roll onto the floor past the trees.

What in Velkas feathers was-

She grimaced as she clutched her head, the scrapping growing louder and ever more present in her mind. There was no time to think on it any further. She shook her head and pressed on, eyes snapping left and right looking around the forest, hoping with all the last scraps of hope she had left in her, that she did not see what she dreaded was coming.

In the distance she could hear nothing, which worried her, no birds singing, no animals scurrying, all was quiet in the area around her, all unnaturally quiet. All except for an odd roaring sound in the distance, like the sound of a great torrent of water flowing somewhere in the distance.

So distracted by the sound, or perhaps the lack of it, she almost missed what was right by her feet until it was almost too late. She skidded to a halt just as the ground in front of her gave way, her toes clutching the edge as her foot kicked pebbles and twigs down a sharp decline nearly vertical in it’s descent. Her arms shot out around her, steadying herself before she could fall forwards.

Vekla's beak, too close, need to stay focused. She thought, gulping as she watched the scattering pebbles fall on and on until they flew away out of view. Unable to stop herself from picturing her body doing much the same thing.

Lifting her head she had only enough time to see something coming towards before it struck. The blow slammed her hard, colliding into the side of her head, she stumbled, eyes closing reflexivity as everything went white for that moment, sound, vision and feeling temporarily knocked out of her.

Dizzying pain and disorientation blurred her vision as she stumbled for a moment, trying to regain her balance, but it was far too late for that. She shoot her foot out trying to steady herself, but instead of finding sturdy ground like she had hoped, she found nothing but thin air and the drop she had tried to avoid.

Without any means to stop herself, she flailed her arms for the briefest of moments looking for anything to catch her, before she fell. The feeling of weightlessness lasted only for a second before she hit the ground hard.

Landing as gracefully as a fish hitting dry land, the force of it knocking the breath out from her lungs and temporarily blinding her, as the world began to spin out of control. Despite it all she managed to grab at a root jutting out of the loosed ground around her, and for the briefest moment was able to momentarily stop herself.

Only for her heart to sink into her stomach when she heard the snapping noise and she managed only to let out a noiseless gasp before it snapped under her weight and sent her toppling backwards.

She didn’t remember stopping, but based on the fact that she was still feeling pain, she prayed that she wasn’t at least dead. Because that would have just been unfair. She groaned weakly and clutched the side of her head. Feeling a sickly wet and warm patch as she pulled back her hand.

Spitting a long tangled ashen blonde from her mouth now muddied from the fall, she tried to bring her hand back down to support her side, but felt nothing underneath it.

She turned just in time to catch herself as she stared down at nothing but a sheer drop, hundreds of feet down to a thrashing white foamed lake bellow. Her eyes followed the cascading water up to perhaps the biggest waterfall she had ever seen in her life bellowing beside her, not a stones throw away.

Pushing herself back through sheer willpower and a healthy amount of adrenaline crossing through her veins she kicked and dragged backwards, never taking her eyes off the edge, until her back hit against the mountain side.

She coughed violently, trying to force air back into her lungs that had been struck out from the fall. When she could feel some sort of normality return to her breathing pattern return, she looked around her. Somehow she had managed to land on a flat part of the decline. Thanks in part to a natural bulwark of a single stubborn willow tree, jutting from the side of the mountain slope. She had once again, narrowly avoided death, by sheer luck.

Perhaps she had amassed more luck than she had thought, but she was surely scraping what dregs she had left at this point.

This can’t get any worse. She thought. Flexing her limbs to see if they still worked. She slumped her head backwards, feeling pain, numbness and ache in every part of her body.

She closed her eyes, hearing nothing but the dull ringing of her ears and the sounds of the pounding torrent of water surfing over the ancient cliffside just beside her. Despite it all, the sound was soothing, if only because the deafening noise addled her mind and obfuscated her more worrying thoughts.

Better than the scratching She mused and despite herself smiled darkly. But no sooner had she thought that, the true realisation of what that meant struck her and made her breath catch in her throat. Opening her eyes as slowly as she could she looked around her and quickly found what she had dreaded to confirm. In the distance leering back at her was all her worst fears realised.

It was there and it stared back at her, smiling, that black toothed grin.

The sight sent a chill up her spine so strong didn’t even realise she was standing up again until she felt the breeze coming from below her against her back. She glanced down and nearly lost her balance as her heels teetered on the brink of the abyss below her.

Even then, she had to fight her mind not to take the final step backwards.

No, not like this, please. She pleaded, she was shaking already, the sound of the water behind her drowning out in a sea of needles, fingernails clawing at the inside of her mind.

It smiled, that deep impossible smile, then finally, after a moment that seemed to stretch on and on, it whispered to her, “Hello Arti, I missed you.”

She felt herself shiver at the words, feeling her skin crawl at the sound of such an abomination using her name with those lips, feeling like the very symbols could touch her bare naked form. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes as she stared at it, at her,

No, not her, it. She corrected as her lip trembled. There's nothing left of her. But still it changed nothing of how she felt.

Its smile only grew wider as it took the smallest step forward, tauntingly, like the inevitability of the tide coming in or the moon rising in the sky.

She thought she would have pleaded more at that moment. Thought she would have begged and bartered and scraped down on her knees screaming for mercy. But all she really felt at that moment, was just how tired she was of it all.

I can’t do this anymore. She thought, leaning a foot further backwards until her heel drifting off into nothingness. Her foot half in the air, sending rocks tumbling down to oblivion, where she might soon follow.

“No-no-no Arti.” The voice from it warned, seeping into her mind like a snake slithering into her ear, it’s tone taking on a preternatural warning, “I’ll be very upset if you do.” It giggled as it punctuated the sentence with another step forward.

She looked down again at the inches of stone over the cliff's edge, the deep foamy white torrent of water raged below her, the displacement of air from the force shooting up her naked back.

It would have been so easy to just fall back and let go. But even now her leg stiffened, refusing to move, her heart beat faster in her chest and finally let out a silent sob as she pulled herself away from the edge.

She couldn’t do it, Velka, they were right, she always was a coward. But before she could finally decide on what her fate was to be, all choice was taken away from her. It slithered closer, then like a serpent, hunched down, arching itself to strike, readying itself to pounce at her.

“Don’t worry I got you!” A scratchy feminine and oddly familiar voice, boomed over the sounds of the rushing waterfall, through the undergrowth, leaves and branches whipping open in all directions as the speeding creature flew closer.

She had just enough time to turn, mouth open in a state of confused bewilderment, before all of a sudden, her world turned a shade of blue.

Ten minutes earlier

Why's this place looks super familiar? Rainbow thought, as she caught her breath leaning against the top of the tree for support.

She stared down at the pink furless monolith who was simply standing there, one foreleg, (or whatever the heck it was called) bent at her side, the other against a tree for support. It took a moment for Rainbow to realise she was also catching her breath.

So she can't just run forever? Thank Celestia, I was starting to think that really was one of her super powers.

She had to suppress the urge to take another lunge at her, but managed to hold herself back. She had a plan and she was going to stick with it. For now, she was going to watch and wait for the right moment.

“What are you up to?” Rainbow whispered, narrowing her eyes at the creature. Watching as it took slow and deliberate breaths her chest lulling Rainbows eyes for whatever reason towards it's orb like appendages.

Whatever the heck they were.

Look like udders? She mused, unable to take her eyes away from the rhythmic movements of them, but unlike the udders she had seen they seemed rounder, fuller and less... well uddery.

The creatures head moved to the slightest twitch of the forest, the lightest gust of wind made her delicate small looking nostril twitch, but after a moment, the creatures shoulders slumped slightly and she rubbed her eyes, leaving muddy streaks on her face, though if she noticed or cared she didn't show it.

The creature's expression grew melancholy and took on a thoughtful expression for a moment as she stared up into the sky and Rainbow followed her gaze, until she realised that she was probably looking for her.

“I’m coming, just you wait.” Rainbow muttered squeezing the rocks in her hooves as she continued to peer at the creature.

Rainbow would never say it, but she was thankful for the momentary break. Her chest still felt like it was on fire, and was likely going to for a while after the blow she had received. Her pride hurt even worse, but all of that was like a paper cut to how her wings felt. She didn’t want to admit it, but right now, she would have said she had lost that chase.

But that was going to change very soon.

At the moment it was a pause, a ceasefire of sorts, though one side didn’t know that the other was still watching them, it was time to sit back and watch what She did next. Also, secretly a time to get a better look at just what it was she was really dealing with.

Running after She through the woods and even tied to a hospital bed had given Rainbow some indication of just how big the creature was. But now she saw her at her full height standing still, it was more than a little...daunting to say the least.

She was tall, so much taller now that she was upright. But despite that she wasn’t bulky, not like minotaur's were. In fact there was a slender roundness to her, like a feline in places, around the hips and down her legs. Sweat glistened off her furless skin, giving her a sheen that accentuated each curve and tone of her muscle, and give her an almost bronzed venire.

Rainbow caught herself staring at She's stomach flat odd ridges going down it, six in total giving the impression that she was wearing armour rather than just her regular skin.

As if she couldn't get any odder looking. Rainbow grumbled.

Although the flatness of the woman's stomach and the gauntness of her face made Rainbow wonder if that was normal. Not the ridges but the skinniness of her, supposed alien or not, it was easy enough to see when somepony wasn’t getting enough hot dinners in their life, or any kind of food at all really.

Must’ve not liked hospital food, can’t blame her for that, it’s pretty rough...What the heck does she eat anyway? Rainbow wondered, but remembered Night Lights' comment about sharp teeth and decided some questions were best left unanswered.

Everything about her was so alien to Rainbow, but oddly enough nothing repulsed her, it was strange. There was something to the creature, something that if she had paid even the slightest bit of attention in her Eques language class she might have been able to use to describe the feeling.

Awkward, one part of her thoughts said.

Eloquent? another part added.






The two voices ended together. Both sides came to the same conclusion followed by an awkward silence that made Rainbow really consider getting some psychiatric help after all this was done. Rainbow looked up, shaking her head, Pony-feathers, she really was thinking some weird thoughts.

Snap out of it dude, what the heck is wrong with you, you got a job to do remember!

Rainbow felt her hoof go to her lips, feeling the invasive part where She’s lips had touched her and flushed red once again at the memory. Celestia what was wrong with her. A moment ago she was contemplating dragging She willing or not, awake or not, back to the hospital. Now she was ogling her?

She was tired, of course she was, hadn’t expected to be awake this long with the sun only barely touching the horizon and flying a marathon after an escaped mental patient with mud all over her.

Stay focused dude, still got to catch her, still not sure what she’s capable of. Rainbow thought sourly, thinking back to the hospital room, that strange black mare groaning on the corner, that bent and broken lamp. She wasn’t quite so pretty when Rainbow pictured how it had been broken in the first place.

If that indeed was how it had happened.

Rainbow leaned closer, but paused when she heard the sounds of rustling coming from somewhere in the distance. It was an odd sound, like something slithering along, but snakes didn’t make that kind of noise. In fact, they didn’t make much of any noise, now that she considered it.

She narrowed her eyes, leaning up further until she could see over the tops of the trees around the forest. Something was definitely moving, the very tips of the trees bent and snapped back into place, like stems of long grass, like something big was pushing them aside. She cocked her head, wondering if it was waves of heat coming from the distance, making the eyes see what was not there.

But as she focused on that point she noticed what looked like black clouds shooting up in all directions, until she realised with an ominous sensation that they were birds, hundreds of them, all fleeing in their direction.

What the heck is that?

Before Rainbow could think anymore on it though, she turned back to see She buckled against the tree, one hand reaching to her chest, the other clawing at her head. She looked like she was in a great deal of pain but Rainbow couldn’t understand why.

This might be one more of her sick games. Stay sharp kid, prolly just another act. Rainbow’s eyes narrowed. She watched as She turned her head to the side and spat onto the ground next to her. Blood red saliva splattered against the roots of the tree and onto the green grass below.

All right… hear me out, maybe she’s one of them method actors? Rainbow thought lamely, but it was obvious that at least in this case, that was real blood and this was not an act.

As Rainbow deliberated on what to do next, She made up her mind for her. Turning on the ball of whatever she had at the end of her leg, she sprinted off into the forest, somehow going faster than she ever had before.

With a long drawn out sigh as she looked down at the objects in her hoof, Rainbow realised that it was now or never, she would have liked more time to rest but, Guess it’s time. Last chance, Pony-feathers I still hope my pitching aim ain’t too rusty.

Leaning backwards in the air, Rainbow waited until she was a good distance away from her, then letting her wings catapult her forwards she loosed the rock in her hoof and sent it flying into the distance.

The rock clattered against the tree, just a few hooves away from She, hitting a branch and ricocheting off it towards another. She nearly jumped at the sound, glanced around her and dived towards the next direction.

Rainbow almost chuckled, unable to believe that it actually worked. Nope still got it! She thought with a smirk, but it wasn’t time to gloat just yet, it could have been a fluke after all, the second rock was going to get even closer.

Right, now just gotta get her right where I want her to go and…

She pitched another hoof back, leaning as far backwards as her wings would allow her body to go. Then she flung herself forwards, upper body going along with the throw, just as her mom had taught her to do, when she was younger and threw.

This time, the rock landed directly in front of She, hitting the centre of the red wood just a few paces in front of her before cracking against the bark. Rainbow expected the rock to ping to the side, going wide, but instead it spun, curved almost impossibly towards the opposite angle, then collided perfectly into She head.

Rainbow went white, the colour draining from her face as she watched in horror as the rock smacked into She. Sending the creature staggering.

Oh... crud

That had not been the plan, that had not been the plan at all, she brought her hooves up to her mouth. She had only meant to distract the creature, make her go backwards through the use of noises towards Rainbows trap. The one she had set up back in the fields. But the rock had had other ideas.

Rainbow watched with sickening fascination as She clutched her head and staggering backwards. The shock of it took over her body, making it impossible to do anything save watch helplessly.

Things went from bad to worse fast, as She stumbled further backwards, shot out her right leg and tried to find ground, then fell out of sight. Rainbow gasped, puzzled for a moment, then realised, that had not been her imagination. She had fallen off the edge of something.

The knot in her stomach dropped down like an anchor, as She, tipped over backwards and fell from her sight.

“Oh crap!” Rainbow yelled, muttering a silent prayer to the sun before she screamed out, “hold on, I’m comin’!”

Rainbow shot across the forest at speed, twigs and branches and thorns scratching at her side and muzzle; she didn’t care, her sole focus was on this creature.

Smashing through the undergrowth, she cast her gaze around looking for She, but couldn't find her anywhere, she looked back up thinking just for the briefest of moment, that she might have tricked Rainbow into giving away her sneak attack. But no pony, no matter how tough, could pretend to take a blow to the head like that.

Moment's stretched to minutes as she shot about with what little strength and speed she could still muster up, as she scoured the slope. Until finally she caught only a glimpse of something and arched towards it, something in the distance covered in mud and moss and pale as snow looked up at her, her eyes wide, her face in shock as they locked eyes.

“Don’t worry I got you!” Rainbow screamed, lifting both hooves to grab hold of She, who for some reason was standing up, looking at her with sheer terror in her eyes.

It was only then that she noticed the sound of the crashing waves below. Only then did she notice that the slope had an end and behind She was a chasm hundreds of hooves deep. Only then did she notice the waterfall.

But at the speed she was going. There was just no time to stop.

The two collided into one another with a dull thud that knocked the wind out of both of them. Tangled in one another’s limbs, they both flailed weightlessly in the air, before gravity finally pulled them both downwards into the abyss.

It was funny where the mind took you when you found yourself looking at the end. Some ponies say they see their life flashing before their eyes, some ponies say they see nothing or paradoxically that they see the light of the sun and the sole monarch of Equestria smiling down at them. For Rainbow all she could picture was her and her uncle fishing in the wilderness.

For a pony with a patience's as thin as ice in a spring thaw, it might have surprised most ponies to know, she loved fishing. In fact, in some cases she might have actually loved it almost or perhaps more so than even flying.

Despite her uncle driving her up the wall every chance he could. She remembered her fond halcyon days as a young filly fishing with him, when she had first left the cities of Cloudsdale and come to the countryside.

But what triggered that particular memory then and there was not the act of fishing itself. But something her Uncle said as they cast their rods into a peaceful lake a few miles downstream from a river, near the everfree, one summer morning.

She remember her uncle pointing with a flask of coffee in one hoof, a fishing rod in the other, smile adorning his muzzle as he inclined his head towards a mountain in the distance.

“You see that kid, that’s the largest waterfall in Ponyville, in fact, that's the third biggest waterfall in all of Equestria.”

Oh yeah I see it! Rainbow replied back as she plummeted downward. Stared up at the cacophonous torrents of water above her from the third largest waterfall in Equestria. Eyes wide, limbs wrapped around a creature she had been hunting down for the better part of the entire morning, who she didn’t know the name of, nor anything else about her at all.

Save for the fact that, apparently she found her pretty.

Fat lot of good that would do her now.

At least I didn’t go out lame, she thought as the water swallowed them both and the world turned a shade of blue.