• Published 23rd Jul 2021
  • 1,320 Views, 58 Comments

Chaotic Equestria Girls 2: Journeys into Perim - Roboman3000

The gang are back and ready to explore more the world of chaotic.

  • ...

Chapter 8 The Adventure Starts Now!

Twilight arrived back at the port court, where she saw Tom, Sunset, and Kaz. "Twilight!" The form two cheered as they sported and rushed toward her with Kaz following behind them.

Sunset then wraps her arms around Twilight in a hug, "Congratulations Twilight!"

"Thanks, Sunset, but can you let go? Please?" She asked and Sunset let her go.


Pinkie shouted as she rushed toward Sunset and tackled her to the ground. Twilight, Tom, and Kaz look down watching Pinkie hugging Sunset and helping them up, "So, are they always like this to each other?" Kaz asked while picking up Pinkie.

Tom answers while he helps Sunset up. "More or less, yes." He then looks to Twilight and Pinkie Pie. "Great job on your first match, girls." Tom congratulates them.

"Thanks" Twilight beams.

"Well, I'm happy for you, darlings. Wish I could say the same about me." Rarity said as she walked up to her friends with a sorrowful look.

"Oh Rarity," Pinkie went over to Rarity and patted her on her head to console her.

Then, Applejack and Rainbow Dash enter with frowns on their faces and their arms crossed. "This stink." They both uttered in unison.

"Come on you two, your first match wasn't that bad." Tom tries to cheer them up.

"Heh, yeah. At least mine wasn't as bad as AJ's." Rainbow comment.

"Excuse me?!" Applejack responds, angrily. "Ah wasn't the one who got cocky and got tricked!"

"Hey, how I was supposed to know he can change location and had that stupid mugic!" Rainbow protest.

"Still, you got overconfident and lost!" Applejack pointed out.

"You had a rock fall on you!" Rainbow argues back.

The two were now in a fierce argument and it was going to get worse until Tom had to push them from each other. Kaz looks at Applejack and Rainbow Dash still arguing. "Geez, Have those two always been like that?" He asks Tom and the others.

Rainbow stops fighting with Applejack and looks at Kaz. "Who's this?"

"Oh, guys this is my best friend, Kaz." Tom introduces Kaz to the girls, "Kaz, this are Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie pie." As Tom introduced the girls they each waved to Kaz in their own ways but when Pinkie's name was called up, she rushed toward Kaz and grabbed him in a tight bear hug.

"It's so nice to meet you, Tom tolds us so much about you!" Pinkie cheered as she continued her tight hug on him and Kaz's face started to turn blue.

Applejack walks over to Pinkie and taps her shoulder, "Pinkie, the fellow doesn't look so good, y'all mind pullin' him down?" She asked.

Pinkie looked at Kaz's state and with a sheepish smile, she let go of him. "Oops, sorry." She apologizes as Kaz falls to his butt.

"No problem," Kaz said as he got up and rubbed his sore butt. "So, what did Tom say about me?"

"Oh, that you're a good friend, a great chaotic player, and have great knowledge about the game." Rarity put in.

"But, you’re also a huge nerd that always tries to prove to everyone at your guys' school that chaotic is real even knowing that nobody is going to believe it." Rainbow Dash added.

"Rainbow!" Applejack scolded.


"Oh, really," Kaz turned toward Tom, staring daggers at him.

Tom had a sheepish look, "Yeah, except for the huge nerd part, and also mostly good things." Tom tries to assure Kaz but by the look of things, he’s not buying it. Tom then turns to the girls to try to change the topic, "Anyways, now you girls had your first battle ready to check out Perim?" Each of the girls nodded but then Kaz, still annoyed, noticed something.

"Hey, correct me if I'm wrong but, weren't there six of you guys?" Kaz asked the group. The girls were confused for a minute but then looked around and saw that one of them was missing.

"He's right, where's Fluttershy?" Sunset asked.

"Don't tell me she got lost," Rainbow asked.

"Oh no, the poor dear, getting lost in a place like this." Rarity began to worry.

"We better go find her, come on," Tom said and the group went off to search for Fluttershy.

With Fluttershy, she was walking around the port court with the girl named Krystella. "Don't worry, we're almost there." She placed a hand on her shoulder and assured her.

"I don't know, I should really get back with my friends." Fluttershy said, worried.

"It will only take a moment. There he is." Krystella pointed at a person who was leading at a table, that person is Klay, the same one who Twilight battled early.

Klay walks toward the pairs and looks down at Fluttershy with a cocky grin. Fluttershy at this point was trembling until Klay placed a hand on her shoulder. "No need to be nervous love, we were all newbies once." He said with a big smile.

"Uhh, Krystella says you guys want to help me." Fluttershy said.

"Yes, we want to check your deck to see if you're really ready for chaotic. Can I see your scanner?" Klay asked.

Fluttershy hesitates to give her scanner to Klay but Krystella grabs it and hands it to Klay. "But... " Fluttershy tries to protest but Klay already slips her scanner into the table with two screens on either side. Once he did that, one of the screens started to show all of Fluttershy's cards. "Whoa," As Fluttershy glazed over at the screen in amazement, she doesn't notice the small smirk on Krystella's and Klay's faces.

"Oh no, I don't think your current deck will cut it in chaotic," Klay said to her.

"That right, you need a serious update," Krystella added.

"Really? But, my friends never said anything about it." Fluttershy stated.

"I'm sure they were trying to not be too mean to you." Klay placed his hand on Fluttershy's shoulder, "Look, all you need is some new cards, and lucky for you I have extra. I let you have them, all you need to do is set your scanner to trade, and let us do the rest."

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy asked again in worry.

Krystella got close to her, "Yeah, just do it and it's all over."

Then, a hand pulls Fluttershy's scanner out of the table. The three noticed and turned to see the person who took the scanner was Tom with an angry expression, behind him was Kaz, and the other girls with the same expressions. Rainbow then grabs Fluttershy and pulls her away from the two chaotic players. "Fluttershy, sweetie, are you okay?" Rarity asked in a dramatic worried voice.

"Yes, I a'm," Fluttershy answered, still confused over her friend's reaction.

"Krystella and Klay, why am I not surprised." Kaz sighs in disgust.

"Well, if it isn't major dork and kid loser." Klay's expression turns evil as does Krystella's. "Why can't you idiots mind your own business!?" Klay questions in frustration.

"Why do you two always have to scam new players!?" Kaz shot back.

"Wait? Scam new players?" Fluttershy questions.

Tom turns his attention toward her. "Fluttershy, those guys aren't good people. They were trying to jack your deck. In a few minutes they would had all your cards transferred to their scanner." Tom explains as he hands Fluttershy back her scanner.

"What?!" Fluttershy said in shock.

Krystella starts to laugh. "Yeah, and it would have worked if you guys didn't show up!"

"Tsk," Then, Klay clicks his teeth in annoyance. "I can’t believe your so-called friends are those two idiots." He then noticed the five other girls. "Who's your new pets?"

All the girls got enraged by him, especially Rainbow Dash and Applejack who even got into his face. "Who's ya callin' a pest you varmint!?" Applejack shouted.

"Yeah, and who do you think you are trying to trick our friend?!" Rainbow Dash questions him.

Klay backed off a bit and stated. "Stay back you," Klay then saw Twilight in the group. "You! You're the brat that tricked me out of a win!" He ranted.

"Hey, you have no room to say that! And besides, like the drome said I beat fair and square!" Twilight shot back.

Krystella giggled and said, "Chill Klay, it's not like this is the first time a newbie beat you." Klay shot a disapproving glare at her.

Klay back to the girls "Anyways, it's not our fault your friend was dumb enough to fall for it." He mocks Fluttershy.

Fluttershy almost cried for this until, "Klaybourne!" A voice with a dark tone behind it, called to him. Klay turned to the source of the voice and his face turned pale as the person calling to him was Sunset who looked absolutely mad with her arms crossed.

Klay trembles seeing Sunset again, "L-look... Red... If y-you think... can... threaten me then... " Klay tries to act tough but Sunset's glare shakes him to his core. Sweating buckets, Klay turns to leave. "Come on Krystella, there's no point in staying here." He left and Krystella followed with a huff.

Tom turns to face Fluttershy, "Hey Shy, check your scanner to make sure all your cards are still there." She nodded and did what Tom said, "Well?"

"All my cards are still here," She answered but then lowered her head in shame. "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused."

Rainbow placed a hand on her shoulder. "No worry Shy, you have nothing to apologize for." She told her.

"No, she does," A male voice called out, walking toward the group was a man with yellow hair, and red skin, and was wearing a black leather jacket. And following behind him were other people wearing leather jackets too. "She owes us one for humiliating one of my men!" The main one stated.

"What are you talking about? And who are you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

The main male adjusted his jacket and answered her, "The name is Garble and this is my pack, The Dragon Pack." He pointed to the group behind him.

Sunset then went to Kaz and whispered to him. "Hey Kaz, are those the dragon pack chaotic players you were talking about earlier?"

Kaz nodded, "Yeah, that's them. And that one is their leader, Garble. His screen name is BlazeFang, and from what I red, nothing good." Kaz whispers, not noticing Garble's rage expression.

"Hey! Don't talk like I'm not in the room, you idiot!" Garble yelled, Kaz shuddered and ran behind Applejack to hide. "Now, you're going to pay for what you did to one of my men!" He pointed at Fluttershy, scaring her.

Tom came in between them and spoke, "Look, Fluttershy didn't do anything wrong. She beat your friend fair and square!"

"What!?" Garble growls and grabs onto Tom's shirt, pulling him closer to his face, "You trying to call me a liar?"

"Hey let go of him, you..." Rainbow shouted as she was about to touch her geode to use her power but noticed that she wasn't wearing it. "What? where's my geode?"

But Applejack ended up grabbing Garble's wrist and forcing him off Tom. "That's enough, partner. Now leave before I make you." Applejack warns him, coldly.

Garble continues to glare at Applejack and the others. After a few seconds, Garble pulls his wrist away from Applejack, "Fine," He turns away from Tom and the others. "We settle this next time, we’re leaving now." He said, facing his Dragon Pack.

"What?! What about me getting payback?" Clump whine.

"Shut it!" Garble shouted at him but then leaned close to whisper. "Look, we get them but not right now." He then wraps his arm on Garble and begins walking with him. "Let's go!" He shouted.

The rest of the pack follows, one of them that has purple skin and yellow hair with bangs covering his eyes moves close to them. "You've never been the one to back down so easily, what's wrong?" He asked Garble.

"Shut up, I have a plan... " He whispered and they all left.

"You okay, Tom?" Applejack asked as Tom was adjusting his shirt.

"Yeah, I didn't think it would end so well." Tom stated.

"Ah can't believe the nerve of those chaotic players. First, that Peyton fella made a joke out of me in our match. Then, those two rats try to steal from our sweet Fluttershy. And, those Dragon jerks try to start a fight with us. What is wrong with the people here!?" Applejack ranted.

"Yeah, but don't worry, Applejack. Not every chaotic players are like those guys." Tom said. Then, Rainbow Dash began to look around, frantically, "Uh, Is something wrong RD?" Tom asked Rainbow Dash in concern.

"My geode is gone!" She screams, "I don't get it. I had it a moment ago!" She checked the floor like crazy.

Rarity placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. "Rainbow, please calm yourself. I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. But seriously, how careless can you be to lose your..." As Rarity was lecturing Rainbow, she noticed there was something missing from her chest. "My geode is gone too!" She screams.

The girls heard this and checked their own. "Ah lost meh geode too!" Applejack shouted.

"Ours too!" Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy all scream.

"Whoa, calm down girls." Sunset said, trying to calm her friends, "Yeah, I forgot to mention. For some reason, our geodes don't come with us in chaotic. I tried to port here with mine a few times but it never worked." She explained.

"Really? I wonder why that is?" Twilight wonder.

"Wait! Does that mean we can't use our powers when we are here?!" Rainbow asked, worried. "We can't even pony up?!"

"Well... "

The group were now seated at a table and Sunset was telling her friends how she was able to use her power in Gothos Tower during her first time here. "Wow, that's so cool Sunset!" Pinkie beam.

"Especially the part where you fought the M'arrillians!" Rainbow added.

"That's our girl." Applejack claim.

"Thanks, girls. But ever since then, I haven't been able to pony-up again." Sunset tells them.

"Really? Have you tried to make a similar event to how it happen?" Twilight asked.

Sunset turned toward Tom and Kaz with a deadly glare, causing the two to look away in fear. "Yeah, we make a few attempts," Then, scenes of Tom and Kaz putting Sunset in danger to activate her power. Like, she almost gets hit by rocks from an avalanche, she hops through The Lava Pond while lava geysers pop up next to her, then, she falls off from very tall places, and lastly, she almost gets hit by attacks from some mad chaotic creatures."But to no avail." She finishes, dryly.

"We're sorry!" Tom and Kaz bow their heads on the table in an apology. Sunset shrugs it off but the girls look at the boy's strange behavior, curiously.

Tom, wanting to change the subject before any of them ask, said. "Now that you all had your first taste in the dromes, are you all ready to see Perim?" He asked.

"You bet we are!" Applejack answered.

"Yeah, I wanted an opportunity to study the physical laws of a novel dimension, Twice." Twilight stated.

"Let go already!" Rainbow Dash pumps up her fists.

"I really hope the mean creatures don't try to hurt us." Fluttershy said in worry.

"Don't worry about it Shy," Kaz comforted Fluttershy, "As long as we stay away from the dangerous ones, we'll be fine." But his comfort only makes her worry even worse.

“Let go, let go, let go!” Pinkie said, excited as she pulled Tom’s and Sunset’s arms away. “I really want to meet the Mipedians and be friends with them… "

“Whoa, hold it there.” Rainbow Dash holds her hand in front of Pinkie. “Who said we were going to the Mipedians first?” She questions Pinkie. “We should go to The Underworld first!”

“Why would we want to go to a creepy and scary place like The Underworld?” Rarity questions her.

“Because, they have the best locations, creatures, battlegears, and..." Rainbow continued listing off her points.

"Yes but, The Overworld has nicer creatures and better places. It should be our first destination.” Rarity suggests.

"What?! No way we're going there first!" Rainbow protests.

"Yeah! Our first place should be Mount Pillar in the Danian area." Applejack said.

"We are not going to a giant ant hill!" Rarity shouted.

"That's right!" Rainbow agreed.

The three girls start to argue with the others trying to stop them. "Easy girls, there’s a simple solution. We just split up, We each take you guys to your favorite tribes and get your scans. And when we finish, we can rotate if you want." Tom suggested.

"Okay but, how do we each take them to four different tribes when there’s only two of us, not counting Sunset?" Kaz asked.

Before anyone could answer, a familiar voice called to them. "Yo, what's up Major T and Kaz!" Then, two people walk toward them. The two were Peyton and Sarah, the chaotic players Applejack and Pinkie battled earlier.

“Sorry we’re late guys, you wouldn't believe the players me and Peyton battled today,” Sarah said but then, she noticed the Rainbooms seated with Tom and Kaz. “Oh, who are your new friends?” She asked.

But then, She and Peyton spotted Applejack and Pinkie Pie seated with them. All four of their eyes went wide in shock. "YOU!?" All shouted but Peyton and Pinkie's tones sounded much happier while Sarah and Applejack's sounded more dreadful.

Pinkie jumps out of her seat and grabs Sarah in a hug. “Sarah! It's so good to see you again!” She said, cheerfully.

"W-What? What are you doing here?!" Sarah asks and tries to push Pinkie off her.

Then, Peyton walked toward Applejack, "Yo, you're Jack Hammer . Huh, you must have really wanted that date, or are you after my sweet moves." Applejack looks really annoyed by Peyton's statement.

Seeing this, Tom stood up and got everyone's attention. "Everyone calm down. It looks like I have to make another introduction. Girls, these are Sarah and Peyton, my friends from chaotic. And guys, these are my friends from Canterlot High School, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy."

"Oh, so these are the friends you make in Canterlot." Sarah exclaimed, finally getting Pinkie off her.

But, when Peyton looks closer to each of the girls, his eyes turn into stars. "No way! You girls are The Rainbooms!" Peyton said in excitement.

Kaz and Sarah look at Peyton, confusedly. "The Rainbooms?" Sarah questions.

“Yeah! They're an awesome band from Canterlot!” Peyten then plays a video on his scanner. “I watch all their videos!" The video shows Rainbow Dash doing a guitar solo.

Rainbow beams at this and walks around to his side. "Awesome, glad to see you have good taste!"

"Yeah, I especially love your special effects!" As the video was still playing Rainbow's guitar solo, It shows Rainbow glowing blue and growing out pony ears, wings, and a tail.

This causes Tom, Kaz, and the others to have surprised reactions. "Wait? Is she glowing with ears and wings?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, you girls must have a really good effect artist!" Peyton stated.

"What this isn't a... " Rainbow was about to protest until Tom quickly moved to cover her mouth.

"Yeah, something like that." Tom answers, still holding Rainbow’s mouth.

"Is that how everyone else outside of Canterlot saw our video everytime we pony-up?" Sunset wonders as she watches the video.

"You guys never told them about our equestria magic?" Fluttershy asked Kaz.

"Well, without any proof, we can't just tell them you guys got those powers from a magic talking ponies dimension." Kaz explained and The others nodded in understanding.

"Anyways, your guys' timing is perfect." Tom let go of Rainbow Dash, then turned to Peyton and Sarah. "You see, we plan on taking the girls to Perim but they want to visit their own favorite tribe."

"So you want us to be extras." Peyton added, getting what Tom means.

"Yeah, I'll take Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy to the overworld. And Kaz can take Sunset and Rainbow Dash with him to the underworld."

Pinkie then stares at Sarah, Peyton, and Applejack. "Oh, that means the rest of us can go together!" She said, rushing over to Sarah and Sarah trying to stop her. While Peyton smiled and Applejack groaned at this suggestion.

As Sarah was trying to stop Pinkie, she turned toward Tom pleading with him to help her. "Actually Pinkie, since Peyton is more into Mipedians, you sure just go with him and Sarah and Applejack can go together since they're both Danian players," Tom suggests.

"Yes!" Sarah agreed as she got Pinkie off her. “Pinkie might not have any Danian location scans and the same is for Applejack not having Mipedian location scans. So there’s no way we can... "

“No worry girl,” Peyton pulled out his scanner and on it was the Mount Pillar location card, “I have extra scans of Mount Pillar just in case. And, I can throw in another Mipedim Oasis scan for AJ here."

"No need, I have 7 extra Mipedim Oasis cards for when I get to Chaotic and visit there with all my friends." Pinkie shows her own location scans.

"Wow, I like the way you think, Pinky!" Peyton beamed at Pinkie as he threw his arm over her shoulders and they started to burst out laughing. While Sarah and Applejack look on with dread.

"Well, I guess that settles that." Tom gave an apologetic response but unknown to all of them there was some kind of listening device inside his shirt.

Later, Tom, Kaz, Sarah, Peyton and Sunset stand on a teleport pad while the rest of the girls stand on another one. "Okay, everyone ready?" Tom asked.

"Yes, we got our Kiru City cards ready," Twilight said as She, Rarity, and Fluttershy showed their Kiru city cards on each of their scanners.

"You two have your UnderWorld City ready?" Kaz asked.

"You bet!" Rainbow answers as she and Sunset show that card in their scanners.

"And we decided to see the Mipedians first!" Peyton tells everyone.

"Yeah!" Pinkie agrees as two high five but Sarah and Applejack don't look too happy about this.

"Alright guys, now just press the button on your scanner. In three, two, one!" The others did what Tom said and they all disappeared in a blue beam of light.

But then, The Dragon Pack shows up as Tom and the others ports. They each got onto a teleport pad, "This was a great idea, Garble." Clump said to him.

Garble had a scary look on his face as he looked at his scanner. "Yeah, we're going to make those new girls' first time in Perim a nightmare." He declares as he and his crew press their scanners and then disappear.