• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 1,037 Views, 83 Comments

Tales of Equestria: Changing into Love - Noratcat

Freed from stone, Chrysalis finds herself in a new form of prison, but will she ultimately find a new way of living?

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Chapter 7

Over the next several days, Spring Herb had been keeping a close eye on their new guest Crystal Hoof. Every morning, Crystal would head straight to the library, returning hours later looking rather sullen. She did this every day like clockwork. Spring didn’t pay it much mind, but part of him questioned it all the same. Then one thing had changed, she had returned with several library books.

“Where are you going?” Spring asked, finally gaining the courage to do so.

All the while Crystal did this, she held a determined look upon her face.

And on this one time, Spring had asked, Crystal replied, “The woods,” And that was her simple response.

With that said, she left. Still all the more curious, he headed towards the door but stopped before he could even open it.

“I’d leave her be.”

Turning around, he came face to face with his sister.

“She’s been acting strange Summer,” Said Spring.

“And that’s news to you? She always acts strange. She’s been acting strange since she arrived here,” Summer Flower exclaimed.

“Yeah but something’s bothering her, I can tell,” Spring observed.

“Little doctor-patient connection right?” Summer asked.

“I guess you could call it that,” Spring replied.

“I suppose, but I wouldn’t bug her when she is like that. I still stand by my belief that something is off about that pony,” Summer insisted.

Spring looked hesitantly at the door. He knew his sister was right but still could not shake off the feeling something was amiss.

“Listen to me Spring, leave...her...be!” Summer ordered.

Spring didn’t answer back and instead continued to stare at the door. Part of him wanted to listen to his sibling, while the other, the doctor in him, wanted to check up on his patient.

And so, he made his decision.


Chrysalis studied the books she had laid before her. She had poured hours of studying into these books, formulating her plan. It had taken time, but she was certain she had all the pieces in place.

“Alright, let’s see, mirror spell, with transfiguration, and shapeshifting, yes! Everything should be in place! Chrysalis told herself.

Though being the queen of the Changelings meant she had raw power from birth, that power still needed to be honed and trained. Such was the way of all magic. Unless one was a prodigy like that accursed Twilight Sparkle or her pupil Starlight Glimmer. Studying magic was part of her lessons growing up, and from what she had learned, these spells would certainly reverse this “irreversible” magic.

She knew it would, and she kept telling herself that.

Her horn glowed with the light of unicorn magic as she initiated the spells listed in the books. Connecting all the spells was a difficult task, but doable by talented mages. And seeing as she was a unicorn now, she was built for this sort of thing. The force of the spells hit her horn, this was different from Changeling magic, she supposed it was due to the different biology, but she contained them all the same. She could feel them all coming together now, all of it reaching its apex, and then…


The spells collided sending her flying back into a tree. Chrysalis let out a weary groan as she felt the throbbing pain course through her. The moment she came to her senses, she let out a loud yell.

“No! I refuse this!!!” She said as she swiftly kicked a tree repeatedly.

Chrysalis didn’t know what she had done wrong? She had read the spells from the books, done everything perfectly, only for it to blow up in her face, literally.

Nothing could make this day get any worse.


Chrysalis turned around only to face Spring Herb. The earth pony’s sudden arrival took her by surprise, so much she quickly composed herself to hide whatever she was doing. At least for the most part. Her mane was all frazzled, and her face was still etched with displeasure.

“Spring? What are you doing here?” She asked almost accusingly.

Spring raised a hoof up as if he was refraining from stepping in something unpleasant.

“I was just checking on you,” He replied.

Chrysalis widened her eyes briefly in surprise before slicking back her mane, “I don’t need anyone to check up on me!” She declared.

Spring hardly seemed phased by the mare’s words, “I don’t believe that I mean look at you, you’re a mess!”

Looking up, Chrysalis could see a hair was out of place. Quickly smoothing it she added, “Rather bold of you to say don’t you think?”

“My sister isn’t the only pony who speaks their mind, granted I’m more polite about it,” Spring explained.

“What do you want?” Chrysalis sighed.

“You’ve been going out on your own for days, I’m worried,” Spring said worriedly.

“Worried? You hardly know me!” Chrysalis declared.

“You’re still my patient, and as a doctor, it’s my job to make sure you’re alright,” Spring said with concern.

“I’m physically fine!” Chrysalis insisted.

Spring raised an eyebrow and cast a sly grin, “But not mentally or emotionally?”

Chrysalis realized what she had just said and turned her head up, “You know what I mean!”

“I do, and I think you’re just trying to come off as a tough girl,” Spring said bluntly.

Chrysalis said nothing to that, but instead continued to look away, “I just don’t get you, you come off all caring and like you give a darn, but I know it’s just a trick, you think you have me fooled but I’m not an idiot!”

“Can’t I just be naturally concerned?” Spring asked.

“Every creature wants something. Friendship, kindness, it’s all a front for some kind of ulterior motive!” Chrysalis spat.

Spring listened well, patiently, and intently, “No creature has ever been nice to you have they?”

Chrysalis was taken by that with surprise, based on the expression upon her face, “That’s...none of your business!”

“It’s true though isn’t it?” Spring pressed.

“So? What does it matter?” Chrysalis asked defensively.

“It’s just really sad that’s all,” Spring replied sympathetically.

Chrysalis had been putting on a tough front the entire time. She had been taught to remain a strong and firm leader, but even queens had their limit.

“Story of my life,” She sighed.

“That bad?” Spring likewise asked.

“You don’t know the half of it brother,” Chrysalis momentarily dropped the regal image she had formally presented for a more casual demeanor.

“Look if you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine, but if you ever want to open up you can talk to me okay?” Spring assured.

Chrysalis said nothing for about ten seconds before she spoke again, “You’re certainly accommodating towards a stranger,” The former changeling noted.

“It’s how I was taught,” Spring replied.

Chrysalis snorted, turning away almost dismissively, “And who taught you taught?”

“My parents,” Was Spring’s simple response.

Inwardly, Chrysalis gave another snort. It was so like pony parents to teach their children sentimentality. She had long been taught herself to scoff at such matters. But somehow, she couldn’t help but feel envious. Was envious the correct word? She had never felt such emotion before. She wasn’t even sure she was jealous. It’s just that brief little mention of his parent's sentimentality spurred memories of her past. Memories of her mother.


Young Chrysalis walked through the halls of the hive. She had just finished another one of her mother’s lessons. As the crown princess, she had many lessons. Some were simple lessons on Changeling habits and instincts, while others were etiquette on how the princess of the Changelings should act. And apparently, the princess herself had a certain image to uphold. At least that’s what her mother told her.

Though the hive had many changing paths, there were some windows to the outside world. She passed by one such window, a cold air blowing through. And in that opening, something fluttered through. Chrysalis looked up in awe as she spied a small butterfly. It had pretty yellow wings. The butterfly landed perfectly upon Chrysalis’s nose. Tickling her nostrils, the young Changeling let out a tiny sneeze. Momentarily frightened, the butterfly fluttered away but stayed within range.

Enthralled by such a beautiful creature, Chrysalis outstretched her hoof and let the insect land upon it.

“Hello there, my name is-”


The princess shuddered and gasped, turning around to see the one creature she dreaded to see.


Queen Cocoon stood there, eyes locking upon what lay upon her daughter’s hoof.

“What is that?” She asked.

Chrysalis turned away, hesitant to answer.

“Answer me!”

Hearing the anger in her mother’s voice, Chrysalis meekly answered, “A butterfly.”

Cocoon narrowed her eyes, carefully trotting towards her daughter. Taking her hoof, she allowed the butterfly to crawl upon it. That very action took Chrysalis by surprise. Normally her mother radiated fury, but a calm aura possessed her. So much the butterfly felt no fear. At least not enough to flutter away.

“Oh my dear sweet Chrysalis, just look at it,” Cocoon began, her face softening.

Chrysalis watched with shocked eyes as something appeared upon her mother’s face, something she had never seen before: a smile.

“So small, so delicate, a true example of nature’s splendor,” Cocoon spoke in a loving tone.

Chrysalis watched the butterfly dance upon her mother’s hoof, her eyes growing wide with sparkling awe.

“But there is one thing you should note,” Cocoon continued, her voice never losing its loving tone.

Then in a swift motion, Chrysalis slammed her hoof upon the ground. A soft but brisk crunch rang out. Chrysalis’s eyes lost their sparkle and instead looked on in shock and fear. As her mother removed her hoof, the young one caught a glance at what remained of the butterfly. One of the poor thing’s legs twitched before stopping completely.

“Sentiment such as this is not tolerated within the hive,” Cocoon recited coldly.

Chrysalis looked up and saw the stern glare in her mother’s eyes. Then a smirk formed upon the

cold and aged visage. Looking down, she held her daughter’s chin up.

“Never forget that my daughter. EVER!!!” Cocoon screamed in her daughter’s face.

Cocoon swiftly turned away, trotting down the hall. Chrysalis looked silently at the butterfly’s corpse. A soft whimper escaped her, but she held it down. She didn’t want to risk her mother hearing it. Choking back her sob, she kept her emotions to herself, but couldn’t stop the tears from falling.


Chrysalis shook her head as the memory ended.

“You okay?” Spring asked.

“Yes, I’m fine,” Chrysalis half-lied.

Spring looked uncertainly towards the mare, “Look, I don’t know what happened to you, or where you came from-”

“That’s a good thing,” Chrysalis interrupted.

“But I think you might be looking at this the wrong way,” Spring said.

“What do you mean?” Chrysalis asked.

“What I mean is that perhaps the life you had before wasn’t the life you were meant to have?” Spring suggested.

“That’s preposterous,” Chrysalis said bluntly, “I had everything, power, respect.”

“And now that’s it’s gone you don’t know what to do with yourself do you?” Spring asked.

Chrysalis paused for a moment, readying herself to speak, but found no words coming out.

“You are a wise pony Spring Herb,” Chrysalis said, complimenting the stallion to her surprise.

“I try,” Spring grinned, “Why don’t we clean up these books and go take a walk?”

Chrysalis stared skeptically at the pony. This wasn’t the first time he had shown her kindness, and she couldn’t understand why.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked.

Spring’s simple reply was, “Because you look like you could use a friend.”

Chrysalis looked away ever so slightly, “We aren’t friends.”

Spring on the other hoof, didn’t look deterred, “Well I’d like to be yours if you give me a chance?”

Seeing that the stallion was not going to budge in his friendliness, Chrysalis sighed and replied, “I’ll go with you on a walk, nothing more!” Trotting proudly towards the pony, she added on, “That doesn’t make us friends!”

Laughing with a shake of his head, Spring Herb only replied, “Whatever you say.”

And so Spring Herb and Chrysalis aka Crystal Hoof trotted off together for their walk. And although Chrysalis herself didn’t admit it, at least until it was over, she found herself enjoying it.