• Published 24th Mar 2021
  • 2,278 Views, 25 Comments

Fight For Love - AestheticStory_Cathe

An old threat comes back... Will the Mane 6 succeed to defeat them once more? Can they protect their love with villains on the loose?

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Chapter 1: Day Off

Moons have passed since the defeat of Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow. A purple alicorn mare, Princess Twilight Sparkle, woke up from her slumber in the morning. She stretched and got ready for the day. Ever since Twilight and her friends defeated the Legion of Doom, peace has been restored throughout Equestria. The Mane 6 has been able to relax again without having the pressure to protect Equestria.

Today, they were going to go to the spa in Ponyville together. But ever since her highness’s coronation, Twilight moved to Canterlot, so it isn’t very often that they get to get together. Even though the rest of her friends live in Ponyville together, they also have their own responsibilities there.

But today is going to be different. They’re going to spend the whole day together as friends once more. Twilight left her responsibilities to Spike so that she could relax today. Even though she refused at first, Spike managed to convince her to go. And she did.

She was currently on the train to Ponyville. It’s been about 2 weeks since the last time she saw her friends. And she couldn’t wait to see them again.

Rarity sighed as she got a hooficure, “It’s been forever since we’ve hung out like this, girls.”

“I know it’s been a while, but I’m glad that I can spend this whole day with you five.” Twilight replied as she got a massage. Her friends nodded in agreement.

“I agree,” Dash sighed, “We hadn’t had a hang out since forever...”

“It has been so long, but now, let’s change the topic to something more... Exciting.” Applejack said.

Rarity nodded, “Yes, we have so much catching up to do!” She squealed.

Pinkie had a wide smile on her face as she whisper-shouted a sentence. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

“What’d you say, Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash asked as she got into a seated position.

She couldn’t hold in her excitement anymore as she shouted, “Cheese Sandwich is coming to Ponyville, tomorrow!” Everyone gasped in surprise and happiness.

“Really?” Fluttershy asked in her timid voice. Pinkie nodded, “Yep! He’s coming!”

“Darling, if I remembered correctly,” Rarity started, “Don’t you have a crush on the stallion?”

Pinkie turned slightly red as her friends teased her about her crush on the party planner.

“Aww, that’s adorable.”

“Mhm. She definitely has a crush on him.” Fluttershy giggled. Pinkie’s attention turned to her as she pointed out, “Don’t you have a crush on Discord, Fluttershy?”

“Discord?!” Rainbow cried out, “Him?! Really, Flutters?”

Rarity waved her hoof, “Come on, darling. Don’t tell me you didn’t know. It’s painfully obvious those two like each other more than friends.”

Fluttershy had a small blush on her cheeks as she nodded, “I won’t lie, Discord is really sweet even though he is the Lord of Chaos. But do you promise not to tell him?”

Twilight laughed, “It’s okay, Fluttershy. We won’t say a thing.” Twilight assured her shy friend, “Right, girls?” Everyone nodded.


“Of course, we won’t say a word.”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

“Don’t worry, Flutters. But if he ever lays a claw or paw on you, let me know.” Rainbow Dash warned

Fluttershy smiled at her oldest friend, “Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash. He won’t.”

“I know he won’t. I’ll make sure of it.” Rainbow smirked and everyone started laughing, “But seriously, if anything happens, let me know.” Fluttershy smiled and nodded.

“Enough about Fluttershy and Pinkie,” Everyone looked at Rarity, “Hearts and Hooves Day is right around the corner. Who are you guys going to go with?”

Pinkie shrugged, “Eh, beats me. But I’m hoping Cheese will ask me.”

Fluttershy nodded, “If Discord asks then I won’t mind going.”

“Well, you two already have somepony in mind,” Rarity started, “But what about you three?” She pointed at Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.

“Oh! Ah probably won’t be going.” AJ replied, “I mean, Ah don’t know anyone who’d want to go with me. Plus, I have some chores to finish on Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“Yeah, me too.” RD said with a small smile, “I’d rather just hang out with AJ at the farm or something.”

“That just leaves Twilight.” Pinkie pointed out, “Are you going to come on Hearts and Hooves Day?”

“Probably not.” The Princess of Friendship responded.

Rarity’s expression changed into an upset one, “Well, why not, darling? Can you not come? Because I thought you were staying till’ after Hearts and Hooves Day.”

She sighed in sadness, “I thought so too, but turns out I can’t come. I have some royal duties in the Crystal Empire, so I’ll be gone for a week and by the time I get back, Hearts and Hooves Day would have already ended.” Twilight looked down, “Well, that and the fact that I don’t have a special somepony. I’m just so busy with my duties that I don’t have much time to think about other things.”

“Well, that’s a bummer.” Rainbow spoke up.

Fluttershy nodded, “Oh, I wish you didn’t have to go, Twilight.”

“Yes, I agree with Fluttershy. Even if you didn’t have a special somepony, you could’ve still spent time with us,” Rarity said, “I don’t have a special somepony either.”

Rainbow Dash cocked her eyebrow in confusion, “Really? I’d expect you to be the first one of us to even get a special somepony.”

“Honestly, I thought so, too. But I guess the world had other plans.” She sighed, “But it’s fine. I still have my friends with me. And I wouldn’t trade you guys for the world.”

Pinkie had a smile on her face with some tears, “Ah! It’s so emotional!” She ran up to Rarity and hugged her. She returned the hug and everyone else joined in.

After they finished at the spa, they went to a restaurant to have lunch. And afterward, they decided to go walk around town and they restored some memories while they’re at it.

“You guys remember when AJ had a lack of sleep and she sent me flying all the way to Twilight’s Library?” Rainbow asked

“I still remember that day like the back of my hoof,” Twilight laughed, “She was so stubborn back then.”

“She still is very stubborn ‘till today, Twilight.” Rarity pointed out and everyone, minus Applejack, started laughing.

AJ blushed and decided to change the topic, “Alright, alright. Ya’ll had your laugh, let’s change the topic, now.”

Pinkie raised her hoof in excitement, “Ooh! Remember when Cadence and Shining Armor were expecting?”

“Oh yeah,” Twilight said, “You already knew about it and had a hard time keeping it a secret.”

“Tell me about it.” Pinkie rolled her eyes in a joking manner. They kept remembering more and more memories that they hadn’t realized that hours have passed and that it was already sunset. And since Twilight isn’t at Canterlot to do it, she asked Celestia and Luna to cover for that day.

And once they realized it was late, they started retiring themselves to go home.

“Oh, I was having so much fun with you all that I hadn’t realized it’s getting late.” Twilight stated as the sun went down.

Dash looked at the sun and asked, “How is the sun going down if you’re not doing it?”

“I asked Celestia and Luna to cover for me today.” She explained, “So then I wouldn’t have to worry about it when hanging out with you guys.”

“Well, the moon’s comin’ out,” The farmer spoke up, “I’mma go home and retire for the day. See ya’ll later.”

“I gotta get home as well to tuck the critters in.” Fluttershy said. And everyone started separating ways until Pinkie shouted, “Wait!”

Everyone stopped and looked at her, “What is it, Pinkie?”

“Today’s the only day for a long time until Twilight’s gonna come back to Ponyville,” Pinkie started

“Your point, darling?” Rarity raised her eyebrow.

“My point is that we shouldn’t waste the night not being together,” She said, “We should have a sleepover at Twilight’s old castle!”

Twilight thought of it and said, “Pinkie Pie, you’re a genius!”

“Yeah, I have my moments.” The pink mare said

“But I still have to tuck the critters for the night.” Fluttershy spoke

“And you will,” Twilight assured, “But after, we’ll meet back at my castle.”


“Great! Everyone meet me at my place at 7. See you guys!” Twilight shouted as she ran towards her castle.

“See ya’ll!”

“See you later!”

Rarity, Pinkie Pie, AJ, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all met up in front of Twilight’s Castle. They knocked on the door and Twilight answered, “Great, you’re all here!”

Everypony entered and got settled in. Even though it was their old castle, it kinda got turned into an attraction site ever since the Mane 6 moved out and went back to their respective households. Though they still visit the castle often to hang out or to renew the memories they made there.

They settled in the master bedroom of the castle and were currently sitting in the throne room.

“What kind of responsibilities do you have in the Crystal Empire tomorrow, Twilight?”

“I’m not sure, but I do know it has something related to getting information about something that’s been going on with the Crystal Heart.”

“Oh, dear,” Rarity said, “Is something wrong with it?”

“I don’t know, yet,” Twilight admitted, “But I will find out tomorrow.”

“But Twilight, who’ll be in charge of your castle while you’re gone?” The cream coated pegasus asked.

“My castle?” Twilight sipped her tea, “My castle?! Oh, I forgot about leaving someone in charge.”

Rarity and Applejack looked at each other in confusion. Rarity then asked, “Why so, Twilight? I thought Spike was already in charge of it.”

“Well, yeah. But he can’t manage the whole castle for a whole week without me,” She freaked, “He still hasn’t remembered every royal duty I have that needs to be done.”

“Oh, that is a problem.” Applejack said

“I know!” Twilight let her wings go limp as she fell to the floor, “Aughh!”

Rarity put her front hoof to her chin as she got an idea. She looked at Applejack with a large smile and AJ instantly knew what it meant as she said, “No. Absolutely not.”

“Oh, come on, Applejack. It’s for Twilight.” Rarity pushed further.

AJ groaned, “Fine.”

“Yes!” The fancy unicorn squealed, “Twilight?”

“Hmm?” She answered while still laying on the floor.

“Me and Applejack could handle things while you’re at the Crystal Empire,” She said, “Right, Applejack?”

“Mhm. Absolutely.” AJ smiled.

Twilight looked up and asked, “But don’t you have chores to do back at Sweet Apple Acres?”

“Well, no. I went back to the farm and finished all of ‘em.” She explained, “So I’m free to help you with yer responsibilities back at Canterlot. Plus, Rarity’s going to be there as well to help.”

“Thank you. I really am lucky to have friends like you guys.” Twilight thanked as Fluttershy helped her get up.

Everyone came in for a hug and when they separated they heard a knock. Pinkie jumped up and down while shouting, “Pizza’s here!”

Everyone instantly got up and left. Everyone, except for Twilight. She used her magic to grab a mirror and she looked at herself. She asked herself, “Why do I always have to rely on my friends for help? Can I not take care of myself anymore?”

Pinkie popped her head in the room with a slice of pizza in her mouth asking, “Don’t you want pizza?”

Twilight shyly nodded her head with a smile while Pinkie zoomed back to the dining room. Twilight left the room while looking down in shame. She wasn’t looking where she was going and she bumped into someone. She rubbed her head and cleared her vision. And as soon as her vision cleared, she saw Starlight rubbing her head.

“Starlight?” Twilight asked in disbelief as she hasn’t seen her pupil in ages because Starlight was always so busy working at the School of Friendship as Headmare every time she came to Ponyville to visit. And it looked like she just came back from work since she was still in her Principal Attire.

Starlight looked up from the ground and was in shock to see her former friendship teacher, “Twilight?” She rubbed her eyes to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming, and when she realized that Twilight was really here, “Twilight!” She jumped into a hug with her friend, “Oh, it’s so good to see you again.”

Twilight laughed, “It has been a while. So, how’s leading the School of Friendship going?”

They broke the hug and Starlight answered, “It’s been going well. Sunburst and Trixie are always there to help me with any trouble. Though Sunburst’s been acting a bit off these last few days and I keep catching him sneaking off with Trixie,” She said with worry in her eyes, “You think something’s going on between them?”

“Ooh, somepony sounds jealous...” Twilight teased.

“What?! No!” Starlight denied, “I am not jealous of my own best friends.” She crossed her hooves in denial before looking over at Twilight who had a raised eyebrow, “Okay. Maybe I am a little bit jealous.”

Twilight’s expression softened, “Don’t worry, Starlight. If I know Trixie and Sunburst, they’re just friends. Really good friends that is, but I know that nothings gonna become more of that.” She winked.

“But how would you know that?” Starlight asked.

“I may or may not have gotten some help from my sister-in-law.” She winked for the second time which made Starlight go a little bit red.

After they ate, they all got settled in their beds, ready to go to sleep. They also decided to ask Starlight if she wanted to join, and of course, she said yes. After a few minutes of convincing her that she won’t be a burden to their reunion.

“I don’t know about ya’ll but,” The country mare yawned, “I’m ready to hit the hay.”

“Me, too.” Rainbow Dash added.

Pinkie jumped on top of Twilight’s bed as she shouted, “Are you kidding me?! This is so exciting I don’t know how I could ever-“ Her sentence got cut off as she fell asleep on the edge of Twilight’s bed.

Everyone just smiled at their friend, except for Starlight who asked, “Should we wake her up or do something about her?”

“Just let her be, darling,” Rarity chimed in, “She’s just very tired after a whole day of fun.” A yawn interrupted her as she added, “And so am I. Goodnight, everypony.” She slid on her eye mask and fell asleep.

Everyone else started yawing and they also said their goodnight’s.

“Well, goodnight everyone.”


“Sweet dreams, everypony.”

“Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

Fluttershy jolted up from her bed after Rainbow said that, “Bed bugs?!”

“Rainbow!” Twilight and Applejack shouted.

The rainbow maned pegasus laughed sheepishly and as she bashfully said, “Oops. Hehe, sorry, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy tucked herself back in bed as she said, “No worries, Rainbow Dash.”

“Well, anyways, goodnight again, everypony.”


Pinkie even woke up for a brief second to say, “Nighty-night, everyone!” She then fell back asleep, drooling.

The rest of the ponies who were awake shrugged and laughed softly so that they wouldn’t wake the others up. And after a few minutes, the whole room was filled with gentle snores from the sleeping ponies.

And unbeknownst to them, a black mist watched the scene, and right after everyone fell asleep, it zoomed to Canterlot at light speed. It reached the Canterlot Gardens and engulfed the statue of Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow. A crack appeared in the statue as the black mist overtook one of the creatures before it started sinking into it. That being started to shift in place before accepting the mist in.

Author's Note:

The first chapter posted! What do you guys think? I hope it wasn't bad and if I made a grammar mistake, just tell me in the comments!

And hopefully, the next chapter will be out next week! :pinkiesmile: