• Published 21st Mar 2021
  • 988 Views, 7 Comments

The Last Wish - zodia

He only wishes to have at least one date with Rainbow Dash before he dies of a cancer

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The Last Wish

Zephyr woke up at his parent's house every time he saw his parents happy it makes him happy even though he's been hiding a secret from them even his sister Fluttershy doesn't know about his current condition. Zephyr has a cancer a heart cancer. Every single day his living his life to the fullest his happy even getting scolded by his older sister Flutter shy, His even happier when her sister finally found her the one even though it's the lord of chaos. his happy for her.

One day he went to the market to buy her parents some gift as a thank you for letting him stay even though that he was supposed to be living in his own house now. He knows his days are numbered he loves Rainbow and he knows how much he annoys her, coincidentally Rainbow is also at the market so he approached but this time in a formal manner.

"Hey Rainbow what are you doing here at the market?" Zephyr asked.

"Well... I'm just looking for some fabric although I couldn't find them Rarity's list is full of nonsense" said Rainbow, she was surprised that Zephyr didn't even mention anything about his love for her it's really new for her.

"Huh... let me see that" said Zephyr, Rainbow gave the list to Zephyr.

"Oh you won't find this here at ponyville but they do have this at clouds dale" said Zephyr.

"Oh really thx for your help cya" said Rainbow then she flew away.

"Rainbow wait" said Zephyr.

"Umm yeah?" said Rainbow, curiously.

"I... umm... no it's nothing its really not important" said Zephyr, then he just walked away living Rainbow Dash confused.

Zephyr felt sad since if she tells her about his condition she might not believe it or even if she did she might just pity him. And he doesn't want that so after buying some gifts he went home and gave the gifts to his parents.

"Oh what the occasion," said his mother, curiously but happily.

"It's nothing really is just my thank you for letting me stay" said Zephyr.

"Well son you're always welcome here" said his father, and Zephyr hugs them both holding his tears. After that, he just went to his room and just sit there on his bed thinking if he gets closer to Rainbow than he already is will she let her date him even just for one day. He asked himself that but he finds it impossible he remembered when he begged the doctor not to tell about his condition to his family. Cause if they found out they will get sad but if he didn't tell them and just find him lifeless somewhere and found out about his condition they will feel sadder and even blame themselves for not knowing. So he has to make a decision so exactly tomorrow he will try and ask Rainbow on a date if she said yes after the date he will tell everyone if not his still going to tell everyone.

That is his choice it's his only chance to be with her for him it's now or never. Tomorrow morning he woke up feeling confident, He rushed outside and went to a flower shop he doesn't know if Rainbow is even into flowers but it doesn't matter for now. After he got some flowers he rushed to her house and knocked on her door several times. But no answer so he thought she might be in the clouds dale at the wonder bolt facility so he flew as fast as he can and luckily there she was just in time before she starts her training.

"Rainbow! hey... I have something to tell you" said Zephyr.

"Okay umm, what with the flower?" Rainbow asked.

"Rainbow I know this isn't a good time since your about to start your training and this flower is for you... Can you pls go out with me later after your training if it's okay with you" said Zephyr worryingly.

"Seriously HERE!" said Rainbow annoyingly and embarrassingly, Zephyr just looked down and it almost seems like he just lost it.

"I... I'm sorry I knew this is a terrible idea why did I even bother" said Zephyr with a very sad tone, He walked away and just left the flower in front of Rainbow. He went home and just went to bed again but it's not helping so he decided to help around the house a little bit.

"Hey honey are you okay?" asked her mother.

"Yeah mom I just felt like helping you know hehe" said Zephyr.

"Well if you felt like helping why don't you help me in the garden" said his father.

"Of course dad why not" said Zephyr.

He may not have the chance to have a date with Rainbow well at least he made his parents happy even by just helping them a little. But on that afternoon Rainbow knocked on the door, Zephyr was shocked when he found out Rainbow was the one knocking.

"Uh... hey umm can I help you?" said Zephyr, feeling awkward.

"Umm i know i should have shouted at you and i just wanna say I'm sorry" said Rainbow.

"Oh it's okay it really is stupid of me to even try i remember i just such annoyance to you I'm sorry too" said Zephyr he was just about to close the door when Rainbow stopped him.

"Wait pls... i... I'm free now and... I'll be glad if you still want to ask me out" said Rainbow, Zephyr felt happy but somehow to him it felt like a pity.

"Umm sure I still wanna ask you out" said Zephyr.

"Well where do you wanna go?" asked Rainbow.

"Well i know how much you like extreme things so i was thinking about theme park" said Zephyr, Rainbow couldn't stop her smile.

"Well what are we waiting for let's go" said Rainbow, So Zephyr and Rainbow went to the theme park together. But first, they have to take the train to manehattan.

"Are you excited?" asked Zephyr.

"Yeah I'm so excited" said Rainbow.

After waiting for a couple of minute's Rainbow and Zephyr finally got on the train to manehattan. Even though it's almost dark they still went to the theme park, and boy good thing they did cause the exciting stuff is only open at night.

"Hey let's try that one" said Rainbow.

"Okay then *gulp*" said Zephyr, Then they went to the space coster, While on the ride Zephyr couldn't even open his eyes cause of how fast the coaster was going. But he didn't mind it, he can hear Rainbow's scream of excitement and happiness and its enough for him. Their fun went on and on all night Zephyr and Rainbow had the best time of their life. A couple of hours later they both rest for a while in a cafe'.

"Hey Zephyr thank you for taking me here" said Rainbow, Zephyr felt really happy he manages to make Rainbow had fun with him.

"Yeah... that makes me happy" said Zephyr, after taking a short break Rainbow stand up and saw one of the best rides in the park.

"Hey, Zephyr let's try that one... Zephyr?" Said Rainbow.

"Zephyr.... are you sleeping" said Rainbow, then she touched her Zephyr was cold.

"ZEPHYR... this isn't funny you know wake up" Said Rainbow worryingly, she lifted his head and put her ears to his chest.

"SOMEONE HELP US" Rainbow shouted, Rainbow couldn't stop her tears when the moment she realizes that his heart was not beating. And moments later an ambulance went to the theme park and brought Zephyr to the nearest hospital. Rainbow immediately sent a letter to ponyville to her friends and Zephyrs Family. After a couple of hours they arrived.

"What happened to my brother" said Fluttershy while crying.

"I don't know I just saw him like that" said Rainbow.

After waiting for hours the doctor approached them, but it isn't a good news.

"I'm sorry we did everything we could to save his life we managed to make his heartbeat again but it didn't last I'm sorry Zephyr is gone" Said the Doctor.

"What caused this" said her mother.

"Didn't you know? that your son has a heart cancer" said the Doctor, then the doctor showed Zephyr's medical record Fluttershy and her parents couldn't believe that Zephyr hid this from them.

5 months have passed, Fluttershy and her parents even Rainbow Dash couldn't believe Zephyr was gone. But they are fighting for Zephyr especially when Fluttershy found Zephyr's diary and found the reason why he didn't tell them. Fluttershy shared this to her parents and even to Rainbow Dash, Zephyr's true last wish was for them to move on with their lives without him cause it will make him extremely happy.

Author's Note:

I hope you liked this short story

Comments ( 7 )

Oh man that's so sad now I feel bad for Zephyr 😢

Pretty good story, it does need a few edits. But I enjoyed it nonetheless.

I wish I can give more likes.

If you'd like I can help you edit or point out what needs editing

You have no idea how hard it was to hold back tears.

that will be great

Kk, I'll get to editing as soon as possible

I actually like how it ended realistically, with his sad passing away. This was good. Yes, it could use some more details when they move locations- and it felt really quick. Short stories are... well... short ... but explain as much as you would like, this could benefit from more details. I like the story nonetheless

Story was... alright. It needs work, but overall it was relatively alright.

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