• Published 17th Jun 2021
  • 1,077 Views, 20 Comments

I can show her the world - Italibaso

It's been one day since Silverstream's birthday, but Gallus still wants to do something special for her.

  • ...

I can show her the world

Silverstream stood close to the entrance of the hippogriff kingdom at the top of Mount Aris. She waited there patiently while lightly tapping her fingers against the ground. Eventually she noticed the sun rising up from behind the mountains, located all the way on the other side of Equestria. That's when a face of excitement appeared on Silverstream's face. She placed her claw above her eyes, covering them from the bright sunlight while she looked everywhere in the sky for the arrival of her friend.

A few more minutes passed, and he was still nowhere to be seen. Silverstream's excited look slowly disappeared and instead turned into a look of concern. She reached her right claw under her left wing and grabbed a small folded letter from it. She carefully opened the wrinkled piece of paper and read the words to herself one more time.

,dneirf doog ruoy

retfa thgir ereht eb ll'I. modgniK ffirgoppiH eht ot ecnartne eht fo tnorf ni worromot em teeM-

Silverstream stared at the letter with utter cluelessness, wondering why the words had suddenly changed. She kept reading a bit longer while trying to figure out the strange language of the letter. Halfway through the letter she realized that the piece of paper was being held upside down. Silverstream turned the letter a hundred eighty degrees and was finally able to understand the words once again.

Dear Silverstream,

I know that your birthday is already over by the time you're reading this, but I still want to give you a special surprise to celebrate it. Meet me tomorrow in front of the entrance to the Hippogriff Kingdom. I'll be there right after sunrise.

Your good friend,

Many ideas popped into Silverstream's head about what that surprise could be. Each new idea got her more excited than the previous one. She started to grow more impatient with each passing second.

''Silverstream!'' A familiar voice called in the distance. Silverstream looked up in front of her at the sunlight and saw the silhouette of a giant bird heading her way, eventually revealing itself to be a blue griffin.

''Gallus!'' Silverstream said with an eager smile. She didn't wait another second and quickly flew over to Gallus.

''Sorry I'm late,'' Gallus said, ''Turns out that getting from Griffonstone to Mount Aris takes alot longer than I expected. I hope you-''

Silverstream immediately hugged Gallus before he had the chance to finish the rest of his sentence. The blue griffin playfully rolled his eyes and hugged her back. Once they were done, they descended down to the ground of the mountain.

''I'm glad to see that you got my letter from Gabby,'' Gallus said when he noticed the piece of paper in Silverstream's claw, ''So, ready for the surprise?''

''What is it?!'' Silverstream asked with an eager look in her eyes, ''Is it a new necklace?! Another plumbing book?! A secret, far off hidden place filled with nothing but never ending flights of stairs?! Come on, you gotta tell me!''

Gallus smiled and couldn't help but chuckle at Silverstream's overly excited attitude.

''Slow down, Silver Pie,'' Gallus remarked with a playful smile while pushing her back a little, ''How about I show you the surprise instead? Follow me.'' Gallus turned around and walked away from the entrance. Silverstream eagerly followed him.

Gallus stopped in front of the giant staircase to Mount Aris, where a beautiful view of Equestria and beyond was waiting for them. Silverstream soon joined him and stared in awe at the many wonderous sights. They could see a giant sea of clouds hanging around dark mountains. Beyond there they caught glimpses of what appeared to be a giant town in the middle of a desert. And finally the fast amount of water that surrounded the land.

''Nice view, huh?'' Gallus said to Silverstream.

''So many different places,'' Silverstream said excitedly, completely fixated on what she saw, ''If only there was a way I could see them up close. That would be like a dream come true.''

''I know,'' Gallus said with a playful smirk, ''Would you like me to make that dream become a reality?''

Silverstream widened her eyes, ''Wait, are you saying....''

Gallus nodded, ''Just you and me, flying around Equestria and beyond, visiting many different places you've never seen before. How does that sound?''

Silverstream gasped with an overly happy smile on her face.

''Happy birthday, Silverstream.'' Gallus said. He was immediately rewarded with an overly tight hug from the excited hippogriff.

''Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!'' Silverstream said excitedly. Gallus chuckled before Silverstream eventually decided stopped hugging him.

''I knew you'd love it,'' Gallus said after catching his breath, ''Now then, shall we?'' Silverstream nodded immediately.

Gallus smiled before he suddenly noticed a worried expression on Silverstream's face.

''Is something wrong?'' Gallus asked.

''I'm just a bit nervous.'' Silverstream answered.

''About what?'' Gallus asked again.

''Well. It's just that, aside from going to the School of Friendship, I've never been away from Mount Aris before.'' Silverstream explained to him.

''Aw, don't worry about that,'' Gallus replied with a confident grin, ''I felt the same way when I decided to travel around Equestria for the first time. But once I did it, it was one of the best feelings I've ever had.''

''Really?'' Silverstream asked, still sounding a little uncertain.

''Really really,'' Gallus said before reaching his claw out to Silverstream, ''Do you trust me?''

Gallus smiled at Silverstream as she glanced at his yellow claw for a moment.

A soft smile soon appeared on Silverstream's face, ''Of course I do.'' The young hippogriff answered. She reached her claw out and gently shook it with Gallus's.

''Then let's GO!'' Gallus said as he jumped off the mountain while still holding onto Silverstream's claw.

Silverstream widened her eyes for a quick second as she got dragged along by Gallus and fell down at great speed along with the blue griffon. They were nearing the bottom of the staircase.

''Time to spread our wings!'' Gallus shouted as he let go of Silverstream's claw.

Silverstream quickly spread out her wings at the same time as Gallus. Together they flapped their wings and immediately flew away from Mount Aris.

''Off we go!'' Gallus shouted as they started flying high up into the sky.

Eventually they got high enough to see most of Equestria and beyond. Silverstream looked down in awe, taking the many different sights and places she could see throughout Equestria from high above. The young hippogriff couldn't help but show an excited smile on her face.

Gallus noticed the enthusiam coming from Silverstream. He smiled warmly and began to sing.

🎡Have you always wanted to see the world, ever since you were small?!🎡

🎡Then take my claw, fly with me and get ready to experience it all!🎡

🎡I will show every forest, every island and every mountain that I know!🎡

🎡And if you feel nervous, then all you gotta do is just go with the flow!🎡

''Oh, I know a good place to start!'' Gallus said to Silverstream with great enthusiasm, ''Follow me!''

Gallus flew down towards one of the many islands on the east side of the ocean. Silverstream smiled and quickly followed the blue griffin. Eventually they entered a bamboo tree filled forest and began to explore the beautiful looking place. It didn't take long before both of them ended up in a small village, filled with many happy looking kirin who were walking around and interacting with each other. Gallus continued to sing as he watched more of Silverstream's enthusiasm unfold.

🎡The world is filled with many places ready to be discovered!🎡

🎡All of them with many secrets that are ready to be uncovered!🎡

🎡You might end up in a forest, filled with creatures you've never seen before!🎡

🎡And it all just leaves you wanting more!🎡

Many of the kirin took notice of the two birds and happily waved at them as they flew over their village. Silverstream happily waved back at the Kirin as Gallus kept on singing.

🎡It's always thrilling and exciting when you discover the unknown!🎡

🎡And it's even better when you don't have to experience it on your own!🎡

🎡I will take you on a journey that you'll never forget!🎡

🎡So hold your breath and get ready, cause you ain't seen nothing yet!🎡

After flying past a few more kirin and exploring parts of the forest, Gallus and Silverstream eventually made their way out and flew high above the sea.

''How was that?!'' Gallus asked Silverstream happily.

''That was AMAZING!'' Silverstream shouted out loud, ''Did you see those manes?! The shape of their horns and tails?! And how-''

Silverstream kept on raving about the kirin for a full minute with pure excitment, all while Gallus playfully rolled his eyes at her.

''And that was just the beginning!'' Gallus said, ''Ready to see more?!''

''Bring it on!'' Silverstream shouted with an eager smile.

Gallus sped up and headed towards a giant desert on the other side of the ocean along with Silverstream. Eventually they were flying above a land containing nothing but a huge amount of sand as Gallus continued to sing once again.

🎡Sometimes you might end up in a desert where everything looks plain!🎡

🎡But just look a bit harder and your efforts will not be in vain!🎡

Gallus led Silverstream through the giant desert and eventually came across a big, somewhat dreary looking town in the distance. All the buildings seemed to be made out of wood, many airship were flying right above the place and they could see the many different creatures that inhabited the town.

It didn't take long before Gallus and Silverstream entered the dreary town and flew through it while looking around the place.

🎡You could find yourself in a town where many more wonders will await!🎡

🎡Don't be afraid to explore, cause you'll never know when you might run into something great!🎡

🎡Like markets selling things that will surely blow your mind!🎡

🎡Or giant airships that are one of a kind!🎡

After Gallus had shown Silverstream most of the town, they exited the place and headed towards the north side of the desert, where a big jungle was waiting for them.

As soon as Gallus and Silverstream reached the exotic jungle, they began to observe the beautiful nature surrounding them. Close to almost every tree and bush were plants that Silverstream had never layed her eyes upon before. All different kinds of animals inhabited the green filled jungle.

Silverstream got so excited from what she saw that she couldn't help but start singing as well.

🎡It's always been my dream to see the world, ever since I was small!🎡

🎡And now thanks to you, I finally get to see it all!🎡

🎡Like this big, exotic jungle, where everything looks beautiful and green!🎡

🎡I'm already excited, and yet there's so much more left to be seen!🎡

🎡I can't wait to see what other amazing things will lie ahead!🎡

🎡And with you by my side, I have nothing more to fret!🎡

🎡Let's hurry up and see those places, because time is running out!🎡

🎡But even if I don't see it all, you've already made me proud!🎡

Silverstream and Gallus exited the jungle and headed towards the ocean once again. The sunlight was shining over the gentle waves of the sea. They noticed a few dolphins jumping out of the water and back into the ocean.

Eventually Gallus and Silverstream were flying above the sea. They started singing together as the dolphins playfully followed them while jumping out of the water multiple times.

🎡We are off to see the world, visting many places big and small!🎡

🎡There's so much out there and we can't wait to see it all!🎡

🎡The thrill and excitment of discovering the unknown!🎡

🎡It's a true experience to behold, and now I'll never have to do it alone!🎡

Right before Gallus and Silverstream left the ocean, two dolphins jumped out of the water and past each other. The two sea mammals formed a giant heart behind Gallus and Silverstream for a split second before diving back in the ocean.

Gallus and Silverstream started to fly up as high as they could go, to the point that they were even higher up than the sun. From high above they could see how the sun illuminated most of the places in Equestria. Silverstream watched with pure happiness on her face as she sung to Gallus one more time.

🎡You've given me something I will never forget!🎡

🎡A journey around the world with the best friend I've ever met!🎡

🎡I will always remember this for as long as I'm your friend!🎡

🎡And if It were possible, I'd wish for this day to never end!🎡

Gallus smiled and continued to show Silverstream parts of Equestria that she had never seen before. Including, Appleloosa, Cloudsdale, the Crystal Empire and many more.

After an hour or two of flying around Equestria and beyond, Gallus led Silverstream to the tip of the mountain next to Canterlot. Together they landed on the mountain, sat down next to each other and let their wings fall on the side of their bodies. From the mountain they could see all of Canterlot and all of it's pony inhabitants going about their day.

Gallus looked over at Silverstream with a shy smile, ''So um, what did you think?"'

''That.....was......AWESOME!!'' Silverstream answered excitedly, ''I've never seen so many new things at once in all of my life! It's so much to take in, I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight.''

Silverstream kept on raving about many of the other things she's seen throughout their journey for a few more minutes. Gallus couldn't help but smile at Silverstream's adorable enthusiasm.

''And we didn't even see the half of it.'' Gallus remarked.

Silverstream looked flabbergasted at the blue griffon, ''No way. There's MORE?!''

''WAY more,'' Gallus answered, ''But it would take days before we've seen everything. Believe me, I know.''

''That is so amazing,'' Silverstream said with a face of pure happiness, ''And you get to do this all the time?! You must be the luckiest griffon in Equestria!''

''I guess I am,'' Gallus said, ''But it's funny, though.''

''What's funny?'' SIlverstream asked curiously.

"Well, even though I've done this many times before,'' Gallus began to explain, ''Having a friend like you by my side somehow made it feel like a whole new and better experience."

Silverstream smiled with a light blush on her face, ''Really?''

Gallus looked away with a shy smile while rubbing the back of his side.

''Y-Yeah,'' Gallus answered awkwardly, ''Just uh....wanted to let you know that.''

Silverstream showed an endearing smile before embracing the blue griffon into a hug.

''Thank you,'' Silverstream said, ''This is the greatest thing anyone's ever done for me.''

''Y-You're welcome.'' Gallus said stutteringly before hugging her back. The hug went on for a whole minute before Silverstream eventually let him go.

Gallus and Silverstream kept silent for a few seconds as they both looked at each other with a little smile. A strange, yet satisfying feeling was going through the blue griffon as he looked into Silverstream's beautiful and adorable looking eyes. A blush appeared on Gallus's cheeks before quickly looking away with a shy smile.

''Silverstream.'' Gallus said while still having his head turned away from her.

''Yes?'' Silverstream asked innocently.

''I um.....'' Gallus said in a nervous manner. Before the blue griffon could say another word, he noticed half of the sun was behind a mountain far in the distance.

''Uh, never mind. Look!'' Gallus quickly said as he pointed towards the sun.

Silverstream gasped when she looked back and saw the sun slowly moving down behind the mountain.

''It's sunset already?!'' Silverstream said in a surprised tone.

''I guess Professor Pinkie was right,'' Gallus remarked, ''Time really flies when you're having fun.''

''Let's go! My parents will ground me for a week if I'm not back in time!'' Silverstream shouted. She quickly jumped off the tip of the mountain and flew back in the direction of Mount Aris. Gallus quickly followed her.

After many minutes of flying over Equestria and beyond, Gallus and Silverstream finally began to notice Mount Aris further in the distance. It didn't take much longer until they arrived at their destination. The two birds landed next to each other right in front of the entrance to the Hippogriff Kingdom.

''Phew,'' Silverstream said while catching her breath after the long flight, ''Just in time.''

''Yeah,'' Gallus said while trying to catch his breath as well, ''Well, it's time for me to go now. I hope you had fun today.''

''Absolutely!'' Silverstream answered excitedly, ''I'll never forget this day for the rest of my life!''

''Glad to hear that.'' Gallus said with a genuine smile.

Gallus had an uncertain look on his face as he watched Silverstream slowly walking to the entrance of the Hippogriff Kingdom.

''Silverstream.'' Gallus said, which caused Silverstream to stop in her tracks and turn herself around.

''What is it?'' Silverstream asked curiously.

''Would.....'' Gallus said while rubbing the back of his head, ''...Would you like to do this again someday?''

An eager smile appeared on Silverstream's face, ''Of course I would!'' She said, ''We can do that?!''

Gallus nodded calmly in response.

''Oh, Gallus! You're just the best!'' Silverstream said.

Without even thinking about it, Silverstream went over to Gallus, moved her head towards his and kissed him on the beak for a quick second.

Gallus's face turned bright red and looked at Silverstream with widened eyes. The happy hippogriff noticed his surprised reaction and nervously rubbed the back of her head while blushing slightly.

Silverstream let out a shy giggle, ''Sorry,'' She said nervously.

''It's alright.'' Gallus said back with the same nervous tone in his voice.

''So, when would you like to travel around Equestria again with me?'' Silverstream asked.

"How about the next school break?'' Gallus suggested.

"Sounds good to me!" Silverstream said happily, ''I'll see you after the school break, Gallus.'' She winked at the blue griffon and walked back to the entrance of the Hippogriff Kingdom while waving back at him.

Gallus had another blush on his face as he waved back at Silverstream. He watched the adorable hippogriff walk through the entrance as she disappeared into the kingdom.

Gallus still tried to process the feelings that were going through him after Silverstream's kiss. His mind kept on pondering about it for a few more seconds. Eventually he tried to shrug it off and decided to head back home. He turned around, jumped off from the mountain and began to fly back to Griffonstone.

Author's Note:

After my last story, I wanted to do something more small and cute. And I had an idea like this in my head for awhile now. I hope you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

And yes, this was obviously inspired by A Whole New World from Disney's Aladdin

Comments ( 20 )
Comment posted by Italibaso deleted Jun 17th, 2021

''Really really,'' Gallus said before reaching out his claw to Silverstream, ''Do you trust me?''

Awww just like how Aladdin told jasmine 😊

Without even thinking about it, Silverstream went over to Gallus, moved her head towards his and kissed him on the beak for a quick second.

Gallus's face turned bright red and looked at Silverstream with widened eyes. The happy hippogriff noticed his surprised reaction and nervously rubbed the back of her head while blushing slightly.

Omg 😍 that's so sweet and adorable

Oh wow thats so cute short story so Silverstream was waiting for gallus to show up but then he finally show up and with the excitement she rush to him and hug him so he told her he have one last gift for her birthday and basically show her the world some many places that silverstream never seen and I like the lyrics of it and once they made it home she had fun with him traveling all over the world and pretty much there's more out there evidence to season 10 comic but with that she gave gallus a quick kiss and aww so cute then want back home and so did gallus but they will never forget this experience with each other again this was a really good story and yes those two are very cute together Keep up the good work 😊

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, I really ship those two 😊

All aboard the SS GalluStream! πŸ›₯

Absolutely beautiful!

Aww, that was really sweet!

I know you said you wanted to do something small and cute (and mission accomplished, for sure), but I'd love to see a longer story just following their adventures around Equestria.

Aw, thank you! 😊

Thanks, glad you liked it. And yeah, I can understand. Perhaps in the future I'll do another story like that. Only time will tell

Short and cute, a nice little fluff story. These are the stories I like the most because they’re readable in one go, yet still provide an entertaining story. Keep it up.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Heck yeah πŸ₯°

Wow this is a nice lyric you got there and yeah I ship those two so much this is a pretty cute story dude

Thanks! And yeah, I really ship them too

Aw, so cute and exhilarating!

Glad you liked it ^^

Now I want a fanfic parody of Aladdin starring the two.

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