• Published 7th Mar 2021
  • 1,569 Views, 16 Comments

What Happened?! - FireworksPOP

Sci Twi just made a huge mistake during one of Sunset's best days.

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Ch 1: Seriously?!

Sunset Shimmer walked through the halls of CHS, exited the school day was almost over and for her date with a special blue haired guitar player goofball. He had asked her out the day before, although this wasn't there first date since they got back together, but he said he had something special planed, although she had no idea what.

Sci Twi knew she had a date later that day, but had told Sunset she wouldn't have to wait long, apparently she wanted learn more about equestrian history, specifically windigos, so she had asked Sunset to share what she knew about them so she could write a book. So Sunset agreed to meet her after school in the computer room.

She walked down the hall while other student's passed by or grabbed something from there lockers they needed for homework that night. Sunset finally made it to the computer room with the wacky weird poster drawing of Ben Franklin at a computer with a speech bubble saying:

These things weren't around in the 1750’s!

There computer teacher was weird, and once came into class wearing clown shoes.

“Twilight, I’m here, can we do this quickly, I need go in two hours.” She opened the door and stepped inside. Twilight was at a computer typing away like her life depended on it.

“Hey Sunset, this won’t take long, I just need to know a few characteristics to get started on my fist chapter of Equestrian Villon's.”

“You gonna put a chapter about me and another about you?”

“No, that stuff happened here, I’m writing about stuff that’s happened there.” She nodded to the chair next to her and Sunset took a seat. “Since you are right with me in history, literally, your grades are through the roof like mine, I thought you could give me some intell on Equestrian history.”

“Okay Twi, here we go. So basically, this happened before Celestia showed up. All the tribes only got along because they used each other for personal gain, the pegesie only made good weather if the food that could only be grown by the earth pony’s was given to them. The unicorns demanded the same and in return for magically bringing day and night.

Mistrust between the three began to grow, until one day when everyone had had enough and everything went wrong. A misterious blizzard overtook the land they lived on, and took in all the tribes careless please. The earth pony’s were unable to farm and grow food, and they began to freeze and grow Hungary.

The home of the pegasie was no better, and they were so hungry they began to eat things that weren't food, even tried biting through metal and stuff, and the unicorn’s were cold and hungry, and they barley had anything to eat. The magic of the unicorns was powerless against the ongoing blizzard.

each tribe faught over everything that the others had, and became more angry and hateful. The more hateful they became, the worse the storm got, and so they all desided that a grand summit would be held to find a way to get rid of the ongoing blizzard.

Each tribe sent there leaders. Princess Glatna, don’t know if I said it right, and no she wasn’t a alicorn, Commander hurricane, leader of the pegisie, and the leader of the earth pony's, Chancellor pudding head, Pinkie Pie is apparently a direct descendant of him, both pinkie’s, And the leaders started to argue, there voices getting louder with each passing second.

Hurricane wanted to know why the earth pony’s where hogging all the food, then pudding said that the Pegasus where the ones hogging the food, then realized it was true, and started to talk about how the pegisie where making it snow. And Hurricane fought back saying it wasn’t them, and it was the unicorns, and Glatna, said the unicorn’s would never stoop to something so low, and they all fought about who would leave first.

The three leaders went home, and the blizzard became worse. Then all of the leaders declared they must find new land. They all left with there trusted advisers who all believed the tribes should be able to get along. They all arived at a new land at the same time, a land know called Equestria. The fighting got worse, and a new blizzard surrounded the new land.

The only shelter they could find was a cold cave they would have to share, and they split up the cave, and started to fight over rocks. The fighting got even worse than before, and the cave exit iced over. All the leaders began to freeze into blocks of ice, while there advisors stayed silent. Once there leaders were frozen, they all started to panic when they saw the windios flying overhead, feeding of there hatred and fear.

The advisors began to talk and joke and laugh as there bodies started to freeze. Just as they froze, a hot pink burst of fire erupted from Clover The Clever’s horn, encasing the windigos in the Fire Of Friendship, the whole night the fire of friendship stayed alive while they sang songs and laughed with one another, and the warmth melted the ice encasing there leaders.

They all escaped the cave and decided to become friends and share the land, and live in harmony with one another. Together, they named the land the advisors had saved Equestria, and sorry, I just have to add this, the end.”

“Wow, that was amazing! Windigos sound like the spirits from Greek mythology.”

“Well, a lot of Greek mythology exists in Equestria, the snake tiger goat thing, phoenix's, and griffons, and don’t forget, the sirens, all though this worlds description of them made me want to barf.”

“Me to, thanks Sunset, and you still have an hour until your date.”

“That story took less time than I thought.” Sunset got up, and just seconds later, a bubble gum colored girl with pink cotton candy hair ran in with a party canon.

“Twilight! I need your help, I was making streamers and confetti when my scissors fell inside my canon and got stuck!” Twilight got up from her chair and walked over to it. “Hmm, let me see.” She started to inspect the wheels, and Pinkie tried pulling the rope that set it off. “Twilight! I think I got it unstuck!” She let go of the rope and a mess of confetti and a pair of large sharp scissors flew out of it.

Sunset ducked out of the way and they flew across the room and landed next to one of the computers. “Pinkie, be careful with that! You could have killed me!” She looked at the clock on the wall not noticing them staring at her. “I need to go get ready.” She ran out of the room and down the hall. Twilight and Pinkie stared at the place were Sunset had been standing. “Oh no.” They both looked at each other with scared expressions on there faces.

Sunset walked down the beach wearing a light yellow dress down to her knees, flip flops and her favorite black jacket. She sighed and looked at the sun as it set over the crystal blue ocean. “Hey Sunset!” She turned and smiled as Flash walked toward her, but he stopped and his eyes went wide.


“Umm, Sunset? What happened to your hair?” Sunset tilted her head.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s...a lot shorter.”

Sunset felt her hair and was surprised when it didn’t go any farther than just above her shoulder's. “What... Pinkie Pie! And Twilight! Seriously?!” She looked mad. “I can’t believe they didn’t tell me!” She managed to calm down and sighed.

“I think it’s kinda cute.”


“I said it looks cute, short hair looks nice on you.”

Sunset giggled and hugged him. “Thanks, now what was it that was so special about this date?”

Flash leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. “Happy birthday Sunset.”

Her mouth dropped open. “How did I forget that?!”

Flash shrugged and smiled. “I got you something.” He took out a small box with a red ribbon tied on it and handed it to her. She opened it and pulled out a necklace with a gold colored chain and a sun at the end that was half crimson red and bright yellow. “i hope you like it.”

“Flash, I love it! Thank you.” She put it on and smiled again. They both sat down in the sand and laughed while telling jokes and stories.

“What are you going to do tomorrow?” Flash smiled sweetly.

“I’m gonna get back at Twi and Pinkie.”

“I hope your not planing something bad.”

“No, I’ll tell you after school, I love you Flash.”

“I love you to Sunset.”

Author's Note:

This is not a story off of my other one, I just had a head canon when I saw the picture and just had to make a story for it. Hope you like it!:pinkiehappy: Also, when I looked up Greek mythology and found out what Hasbro got the idea for the sirens from, it actually made me want to barf. Tell me if you wan’t this to have a second fic, and no, my other story is not canceled, I just need a short break.