• Published 6th Mar 2021
  • 1,099 Views, 79 Comments

Cheer Princess Reborn - TwinAttorney864

After following Sunset Shimmer through the portal and becoming stuck in the human world, Princess Celestia struggles to adapt while blocking Sunset's ambitions with her own popularity. - A continuation of the original Cheer Princess by MythrilMoth

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Book Two, Chapter One: (Side Celestia)

"201...201...Ah, 201!" Tia exclaimed.

Pocketing her schedule inside her jacket, she made her way inside the classroom. It looked like she was the last student to enter the class, as all of the seats save for one near the front and the windows were taken.

"Ah, Miss Lightbringer, welcome to class!" The teacher exclaimed, clasping her hands behind her back. "Do you have an excuse as to why you were nearly late for class?"

Tia looked at her, shocked, she wasn't that late for class, was she?

Suddenly, the second bell rang, signaling that class was now in session. She glanced at the clock, then look at her teacher sheepishly.

"Sorry, my locker was on the other side of the school." That wasn't technically a lie. She and Rarity had spent about 10 minutes cleaning the confetti out of her hair after Pinkie's impromptu party. While the gesture was nice, Principal Celestia did not like how it was held on school grounds, during school time, so Pinkie had to shelve the large party she had planned for later (And it was large, Tia had seen Pinkie wheel away 3 separate party cannons from the auditorium). By the time they had gotten the last one out of her large (But admittedly beautiful) hair, it was 3 minutes to the bell. It was fine for Rarity, who had her German class the next hall down from the bathroom, but Tia had to run to the opposite end for her class.

The teacher tsked, "In any case, please take your seat, and pull out a pencil and a sheet of paper."

TIa did as she said, and took her seat. Right next to her was a boy, with blue, spiky hair, and one of those punk rocker jackets that Rarity told her about when they went shopping for school clothes one day. Right next to him, she saw that there was a guitar case on the floor.

Suddenly, the teacher rapped her knuckles on the desk. "Hello, my name is Miss Cheerilee," she introduced herself, "and welcome to English Literature I."

From then on, it was your standard intro speech to the class. Cheerilee spoke about Shakespeare, plays, operas, poems, old books from long-dead authors, and anything from the 16th Century that the stereotypical high schooler found 'boring', Tia included. When she was allowed to pick her classes for the upcoming year, she had chosen this class believing it would be about the history and books of human history and believed it to be beneficial to her adapting to this dimension. She was sorely mistaken.

Tia never bothered to listen to the intro speech, having given many of them from her teaching at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns (At least, until bureaucracy required her to forgo that in favor of running her nation). After Cheerilee gave her speech, she handed out a test for the class to do, to gauge their knowledge of the class material beforehand. Tia found it easy, remembering how the history and culture of this Equestria and her Equestria fit together almost to a T. Within 15 minutes, she had finished the sheet and turned it in for near-perfect marks (She thought it was 'Romero, Romero, where art for thou Romero', not Romeo).

"Alright class," Cheerilee announced, standing up from her desk, "It seems that all of you passed with solid marks." She then motioned to Tia, "And congratulations to Miss Lightbringer for having the highest grade in the class." While most of the class clapped as a gesture of goodwill, Tia heard a voice from the very back of the class.

"NERD!" Someone called out from the back. Tia recognized the voice, remembering it from when she went to Cheesetopia with Lyra and Bon-Bon. Scoot-eloo, was it?

"Hush now!" Cheerilee called out. "Now, without any further questions, please turn your notebooks to the first blank-"


"Ah, it seems we have run our time already today," Cheerilee smiled, "I will see you all tomorrow. No homework for tonight!" As all of them packed up their bags to leave, Tia tripped on the desk leg and fell.

"AH!" She exclaimed, before being caught by some light orange hands. She picked herself up and spun around to meet the person who had caught her.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked. It seemed to have been the blue-haired boy she had sat next to in class.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine," She reassured him. She dusted herself off and picked up her bag. "Tia, Tia Lightbringer." She stuck her hand out.

The boy took her hand with stride, "Flash Sentry, ma'am. Nice to meet you."

Flash Sentry, huh? Tia thought to herself, Isn't that the name of one of the recruit guards for this year? Nice to see some faces I know for a change.

He rubbed his hand behind his back sheepishly, "So, you want to hang out at Suagrcube Corner after school?' He asked.

Tia giggled, "My my, so very forward Mr. Sentry. Do you plan on taking me home after that as well?" Crap, I think Rarity is rubbing off on me.

He stuck his hands out in defense, "No! No, not like that," He exclaimed, "I just wanted to meet some new people. First day and all of that."

Tia snickered, "Oh, I know the feeling. My cousin told me the same thing. Better to try and fail, than not try at all." She took some scrap paper from the paper bin and wrote her number on it. "Her, my number. I'll call you after school to meet with some of my friends, okay?"

He grinned, "You bet." He shot some finger guns at her, before running down the hall. Tia waved, then went the other way to her next class.

The next few hours passed by in a bit of a blur. In Home Ec, she had a sweet grandpa named Mr. Blush for a teacher, who always liked to talk about his granddaughter who went to the school herself. In Chemistry, she had a teacher named Mrs. Coral, who had a large affinity for diving and the ocean, even having her wetsuit and gear set on a mannequin set off to the side. Her last class for the morning was Gym, where she was met with a big surprise for the teacher.

Why in Faust's name is the teacher laughing at us sweating off from running? She huffed, having completed over 30 laps around the football field, as Disquord laughed at them from the finish line, while playing pranks on the kids who passed him. Airhorns, whoopie cushions, beanbags. She swore one time she even saw him load a water gun with chocolate milk and fired at the incoming students (She was on the other side of the field, so she was fine). Now I see where Disquord is in this world.

When she completed the introductory 40 laps without passing out (She was one of only 20, out of a class of 130 to not drop out early for the perfect grade), she grabbed her water bottle with Levi plastered on it (Principal Celestia opted to drinking liquor instead of dealing with the headache that would come from Luna introducing Tia to Attack on Titan) and headed into the gym room.

In Canterlot High, Gym students were allowed to be late to lunch by about 10 minutes because they had to wash off instead of entering the lunch room smelling like dirty rats. When she exited the changing room, she heard a familiar voice calling her from the other end of the hallway.

"Miss Lightbringer!" She spun around to find the school secretary, Raven Inkwell, calling for her. It was a pleasant surprise for Tia to find that her trusted assistant was her trusted assistant either way regardless of dimensions.

"Yes, Miss Inkwell?" She asked.

Inkwell stopped in front of her, and dug out of her jacket a envelope, with Principal Celestia's name on the front of it. She flipped it around, and borrowed Raven's letter opener to slice the top open.

Dear Tia,

Hello dear! How was your first day? I hope it wasn't to bad for your first time in a public school, Faust knows your mother stressed that to me when she asked me to take care of you. In any case, I am inviting you to my office for lunch. You are welcome to decline, I am only offering this to you should you decide you don't want to be overwhelmed in that room that we can legally call a cafeteria.

Your cousin,
Principal Celestia

Tia smiled, than handed Raven her letter opener back before pocketing the letter. "Tell my cousin I accept, and that I will be around as soon as I head to my locker, is that okay?"

Raven smiled, "Of course darling. I have to make my way over to another student anyways on the other side of the school."

Tia cocked her head, "What for?"

Raven looked at her puzzled, "DId the letter not tell you that Principal Celestia would be inviting another student to join you two?"

Tia shook her head, "No, who else did she invite?"

Raven tapped her head for a moment, "The amnesiac, Sunset Shimmer I believe."


Author's Note:

Hey, look! I got around to updating it!

Progressively, as I plan out the series of events more and more, these chapters will gradually get longer and longer, so watch for that!

Also, I have Geometry I, Equestrian History, Prench, and Physics I for the other classes of Tia. Who do you believe I should use from canon as the teachers for those classes?