• Published 29th Apr 2023
  • 308 Views, 12 Comments

The Commonwealth: The Thoraxian Civil War. Book 1 - OshyWoshy_Blitz215

Thorax rally his people to stand against the Queen, Thorax plea his brother to join, he did. More Changelings joining the Thorax cause but may require a 'great and powerful' Ally to get a 'glimmer' of hope to win against Chrysalis

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Act 1: The Rally Chapter 1: The Book

Somewhere in the Soryth Forest region, January 16, 1005

It was a particularly rainy day in the Queendom, and inside the Humble home in the forest, lies a worried Changeling walking back and forth and constantly checking the mailbox, hoping for the delivery that he was waiting for arrives at his doorstep.

He waited, and waited and waited for the mail to come, however when the clock struck midnight. He stopped walking back and forth and looks down sigh in disappointment. " Hmmm... Another day has passed and not one mail came.." he sighs as he strides upstairs to get ready for sleep.

By the next day...

An alarm bell, buzzes loudly in which disturbs sleeping Thorax in a rude awakening, he stretched his cheese leg hoof to turn it off, however, he stretched his arm so far that he fell from his bed. The fall from his bed bumps his head and accidentally bites his tongue, in which he Yelps in pain. “YYEEOOWWW!” He screams in pain from biting his tongue.

“Oh great! Now only I fell from my bed.. but I bit my tongue!” He complained as he got from the series of his fall. Soon after taking breakfast and grabbing his clothing and his usual equipment for a factory he was working in, he got out from the door, and locked the key and flew towards the nearest station.

As soon he was at the station, many of the drones, who were also waiting for the train to arrive. Where already packed and no seat to be found vacant. Thorax sighs once more, and flies around at the station and finally lands on a spot where he could finally rest his wing.

“Ahhh... finally something nice once for a while..” he relieved himself. “Well well well! Look we have here? It’s the Dolly bug Thorax!” Said one of the green-eyed Changeling. “Not. Now Septicx!” Thorax groans as he confronts one of his grubhood’s Bully, Septicx.

“Awwww is that little dolly Buggy doesn’t want his feeling hurt?” Said Septicx but with a more taunting tone. “I said stop it!!” He scowled at him. But it only makes it worse. Soon other Changelings took notice of what's going on to Thorax and Septicx.

“Cut it out! Septicx!!” Thorax yelped as his bag was being snitched away by Septicx. “ oh come On Dolly Bug! I just want to!-“ he was interrupted by a Changeling Guard, who noticed and finally took action and broke the fight. “What’s going on here?!” Asked by the Guard, who uses his magic to shove Both Thorax and Septicx to break the fight.

“Thank you, officer! T-this bully trying to snitch the bag!” Thorax complains. “ snitch?! Officer I just want to see his dollies!” Complains Septicx. The Guard wasn’t amused. He then warns them to not fight at the train station again. “ enough! There will be no fighting!! If I see both of you fighting again... I will kick you out to this station Do you understand?!” Warns the Guard. “Yes, sir!” Both answered in Unison. “Good now! Back to the lines! The trains are coming soon!” Said the guard, he then turns away from two troublemakers and return to his post.

“You’re lucky this time Dolly bug!” He spats in front of him and walks away from him. Thorax sighs in relief that this shenanigan is over. He could finally be in peace. “ spoke too soon...” mumbled Thorax.

Soon the train arrived and many Changeling went inside the train for work, Thorax included. He seats on the left side of the cart and looks out in the window. He sighs, “ this is going to be a long day...”

Later the train finally arrived at his factory we were working in. He walked out from the train he was in and flew over his workplace. “ another day... another work..” he sighs as he landed on the entrance to the factory.

As he gets dressed for his work, some Changelings start to talk back at him. “Hey, it’s the Dolly bug again! Hehe” said some whispered Changeling. “ I heard he got bullied by Septicx again!” She whispered, “ hah weak!” He whispered. Though all of this talking back at him didn’t bother him, since he got used to their usual haunts. This was his typical day in his workplace, unfortunately.

He worked as a janitor to the lower floors, cleaning greasy floors, fallen nuts and bolts and sweeping weld sparks, he only earned a few bits. But he’s content with what he is doing.

Later in midday, while thorax is cleaning particularly tough oil stains from assembly floors, he was then rudely interrupted by Septicx once again, this time he got his friends. “Well well well! It’s Dolly bug again!” Taunt Septicx again. “Oh by Queen’s ass! Not now!” Thorax cursed as he saw them coming straight to him.

“What’s the aggression? I just wanted to see your dollies hehe!” Septicx laughs as his friend laugh, they were about to grab him and demand where his bag, until a loud hoof stomp that grabs the attention of both Septicx and Thorax. When they look at the source of that stomp, it was Highly decorated and highly praised General Pharynx. “ step away from my brother you grubs!” Pharynx ordered with a firm and aggressive tone.

“Oh, shi-oh hey General! sir!! Um, I was just wanted to see yo-your by-brother’s dollies hehe..” Septicx pleaded as he doesn’t want to face the Wrath of the General of the Heer.

Pharynx however not amused and so he shape-shifted into an aggressive bugbear creature, in which he roared at them, scaring Septicx and his friends away. “Aahhh!! Runaway!!” Septicx screamed as he and his friends ran away from Pharynx. Pharynx then transformed back into himself chuckling himself as those troublemakers are running in fear. “ hehe! Still got it” he smiled.

“Ah, thanks Pharynx!” Thorax Relieved as his big Brother Pharynx saved him once again from the bullies once more. As he was about to hug him like a bear, pharynx immediately grabbed his left hoof and started to hit himself with it. “Why are you hitting himself? stop hitting yourself! Hehe!” Pharynx teased.

“Aah! Cut it out, Pharynx!” Thorax pleads as he doesn’t want to get smacked by his hoof and being teased again.

Pharynx giggled at his little brother’s whining. “Hehehe it's nice to see you Little bro..” he greeted. Thorax just rolled his eyes “ hello to you too.. Big bro…” he pouted.

“ I heard you got bullied by Septicx fellow again, right?” he asked. As he’s particularly ticked off by something bullying his little bro again.

Thorax simply nodded in response, Pharynx just sighs. “ Little bro! You gotta have a tougher Chitin if you going to have to stand against the Bullies!” he said with a firm voice, as he already told about this incident many times over hoping for Thorax to be a tough Bug, but alas he is still a wimpy as a flimsy stick.

“I-i know but being tough like you is too hard!” he complained. Which Made Pharynx Sigh in frustration. But then he remembered why he was here in the first place.

“ anyways... Little bro wanna come to me?”

Thorax was confused. “ um where too?”

“ just come to me! “ he leans closer and whispers. '' it's a secret project that I have cooked for some time now, behind the backs of that Trimmel snob ha!”

Thorax was in wonder, what his brother's little secret project was about, he was quite curious now.

“Ooohhh! I wanna see!” he gleefully agreed to come with him. Which made his brother smirk, not only he’s interested in his little secret project but also a good distraction from his… Bully issues.

“ but big bro I can't… I have work to-”

Pharynx just showed him a paper of his excuse for leaving. “Already sorted out!”

“ you're the best ya know?” he smiled at his big brother Pharynx. In which Pharynx smiled back.

And so Thorax and Pharynx prepared to leave the factory and head out to his secret facility, somewhere in Soryth.


Later somewhere in the Undisclosed location, North of Soryth:

Thorax and Pharynx ride in a truck with an emblem that resembles a Cog and Changeling wings on its doors.

“Um, Pharynx… What does that emblem mean?” he asked.

“You’ll know once we're there..” he assures him.

Finally after the truck ride through the snow-covered road. They finally arrived at what seems to be a large Warehouse where Changelings work and toiling the grounds for clearing up the snow. Thorax is amazed at how big the Warehouse is… yet so secluded in a forest up north of the Queendom.

“Wow! Just wow!” thorax amazed.

“Save your amazement little bro! Once I show you my little ‘project’..” Pharynx smirks.

As the Brother’s trot towards the door, two Changeling Soldiers wearing their uniform that is very different from both Queen’s Guards and the Wehrmacht, blocked their way, more specifically to Thorax’s presence.

“Seas siar, a Drone!” said the Solder. Thorax was confused, he’s never heard about this language before, it sounded like an ancient Dialect that has Forgotten long ago.

“ Lig dó dul tríd, tá sé liom …” Pharynx respond. The Changeling Soldiers responded by unblocking Thorax and letting him through the Door, Pharynx proceeded to enter as well.

“What kind of language was that?” Thorax asked his Brother, as he had never heard that dialect before.

“That is the language that we used to have before the Great Industrialisation…” Pharynx answered.

Thorax wanted to ask about more until he was interrupted by the large spacious building with, Chains and metal parts whizzing throughout the Warehouse, Changeling workers assembling what seems to be a Suit of Metal complete with Helmet and chest plate. And lastly at the end of the rail, was a Changeling is testing an armour made of metal, after testing out its manoeuvrability the changeling engineers pull out three dummies and ask the wearer to destroy them with the armour he's wearing. he nodded and proceeded to knock out three dummies with ease. impressing Thorax in awe he has never seen an armour that could just knock out dummies that strong.

Thorax just jaw-dropped by the sight of a mechanical marvel of this Armour, and Pharynx is just there beside him smirking.

“ impressed?” asked Pharynx with a smug on his face.

“Very! This is amazing!! What is the Queen's horn is that Armour?!”

“ that machine! Is called ‘Ridire Iarainn cróga’, meaning ‘Brave Iron Knight’ in old Changeling tongue! or in modern dialect, Gepanzerter Jäger or Armoured Jagers. Made out of Titanium-Aluminium Alloy, light and strong and could take many shots before failing!”

Thorax walks around the wearer in detail, he's still in shock at how such a metallic armour like this could even support a changeling frame like him.

" um Pharynx even if you picked that alloy, it's still quite heavy..." he said to his Brother with concern with the wearer.

"Don't worry little bro! each of these armour contains a crystal, if the wearer put magic on that crystal, it would significantly lighten the load of the armour from the wearer and able to make graceful actions like the Jagers" he explained, which it made thorax a Sigh of relief.

Soon thorax asked him something that made him hiss.

"Pharynx... it looks great and all, but I have never seen these Armour before, no Changelings wearing this out in a public, not even the Elite Jagers nor Queen's Guards what's up with that?" Thorax asked.

Pharynx makes a loud sigh and a hiss answers his question.

“ The reason why my idea was shut down…” he swallowed his pride and answers " is because Queen Chrysalis picked Trimmel's Idea. which is Mass Mechanization and Panzer tactics such as Blitzkrieg and bewegungskrieg. My idea for the future of the Wehrmacht was mobile warfare consist of special Changeling Infantry wearing this Armour that could sustain multiple hits and able to punch harder against the enemy, with the benefits of Our Mass numbers and armour that is essentially like the Knights from Griffonia.... However, Chrysalis instead picked Trimmel's Idea. he too believes in mobile warfare just like I am, but he has another idea entirely, he believes that Mechanization and these new wunderwaffe the Panzers, these new machines would lead to victory and requires less manpower... With those idea laid out for her. She picked the Trimmel’s idea..”

After concluding his explanation and a bit of venting his frustration to the Queen‘s decision of choosing Trimmel’s idea instead of his. He looked back at Thorax with a small smile.

“ Thankfully I have managed to make a deal with some ‘clients’ from Griffonia to allow me to construct these Wunderrüstung without the need of constructing new facilities in scratch.“

“Pharynx um who are these clients you’re speaking of?”

“ sorry little one but that’s classified!”


Thorax looks to the Armour once again in awe, after several tests, the wearer finally takes off its helmet. Thorax was surprised of the gender of the wearer, he thought that the wearer is male changeling, turns out to be a female yellow-eyed changeling with a pinz-nes glass pinching her snout.

Pharynx smiled at her latest test of armour she conducted this week. “ Nice Work Zweiterlutnant Yanna Chitin!” he complemented her.

Yanna just smiled at his Superior’s compliments “ why thank you Hivegeneral Pharynx! It's a honor to work with you” she saluted, which he then saluted back. Thorax just look at her armour in awe.

For the rest of their day, Pharynx and Thorax tour around his secret warehouse, in which his jaw dropped on every corner, in which he made his Big brothers giggle. And soon they ate their dinner at his office, which was delicious according to Thorax’s critique at His brother’s cook.

Night time: at Thorax's house.

After Pharynx brings his little brother back to his home, Pharynx is about to leave to go to Vesalipolis for another meeting at the high command on Queen’s tower, he was suddenly hugged from behind by thorax.

“ thanks for that big bro! I really needed that!” He squees making cute bug noises, which made his brother glow red as tomato.

“ ahh! Ok! Little Bro that enough now!” He gently shoved his little brother away. And soon ride his truck and drives away. Thorax saluted his brother's departure, and soon he went inside his door.

Upon entering his humble abode, he noticed that there is a brown package. Upon closer inspection, he noticed a snowflake insignia with deer antlers on each side.

Thorax Chirps in joy. “Finally! It’s here! The book!”

Thorax uses his magic to rip it open and reveals a purple book with an element of harmony design on the front, as well the letter that is stuck between two pages. With his magic, he pulled it out and opened the letter, the letter was from his pen pal in Equestria. Velvet:

Deer Thorax

I’m sorry if you received my gift late, it’s because the Equestrian mail service is jammed packed with mails and packages that it took days to get my package for you to receive.

But here you go! I hope you like it, this book is quite popular in Equestria as this is a mass produced copy of Twilight’s journal of Friendship.

I hope you give me that sorythian Crystal cream in return! It feels good to my skin and my face, it reminds me of home see ya Thorax!

Sincerely, Velvet.

Thorax felt a little funny at his chest when he read her letter, but he shrugged it off. He then proceeded to read the Book of Friendship and the adventures that Twilight and her friends made during their adventures.