• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 2,215 Views, 24 Comments

Flutter Filly Playdate - lillytheomegawolf

It's a rainy day and poor Spectra is stuck inside until her mom Rainbow Dash gets home.

  • ...

The chaos of Playtime

A peaceful misty rain coats the area around the old tree house, wrapping it in its wet embrace. Rainbow Dash and Big Mac stare out at the trio of trouble as they play, allowing a brief wash of nostalgia to embrace them. As neither pony has much to say to the other, a peaceful silence reigns upon their domain.

The rainbow daredevil grins down at her filly as she races along, the youngster unknowingly helping her mother a great deal toward reviving her own fillyhood memories. Her thoughts drift to her Flutters, and the wonderful food that will be waiting at home.

Rumble, rumble.

Big Macintosh chuckles at the pleading sounds of the athletes stomach.

"Sorry about that. Guess I'm getting a little hungry." A light blue hoof caresses the offending tummy, doing her best to placate it.


"Didn't Twilight say she would be around too?"


"Right. I guess eggheads glued to another book then."



The close proximity teleport causes both ponies to jump in surprise. In the middle of the room stands Twilight, wings half mast, clutching a book protectively in her forehooves.

"Sorry. Luna was… holding me up." The lavender mare bears a slight darkening around her cheeks.

"It's okay Twilight. We were just wondering when you would decide to show up.” Dash grins at the new arrival, happy to have more than the silent tank of a stallion to talk to.

"Yea sorry about that.” The still blushing new arrival turns to the earth pony, “I hope Eve wasn't too much of a problem, Mac?"

"Nope," his reassuring tone tells her more than his otherwise brief reply.

"Oh good, thank you. She was getting to be a real handful at the library when I was trying to study."

"Sounds like your marefriend filled that role in her absence nicely." Smirks the cocky cyan mare, unable to help herself.

"It's not like that Dash. She just had… other ideas on the best way I could be researching."

Bout of immature giggles fills the room in the temporary absence of talk.

"Rainbow Dash!" The scholar now wishes she could have picked a better choice of words in light of her friend’s rudeness.

"It's okay. I'm just messing with you.” The trickster continues to giggle to herself.

The mood is totally annihilated by the arrival of three wet bundles of energy bursting in the door. Spectra gives a quick flick of her mane, donating water to her fellow ponies.

"You lot are back early," Dash comments, uncaring of the wet introduction they are blessed with.

"Too wet for me out there," Moonlight Eve replies, answering for her peers.

A tiny yellow and rainbow pegasus approaches the adults, looking like the face of trouble. Spectra gives another flick of her suprisingly long spiky mane, earning an annoyed look from her mother. It does little to deter her mischievous actions as she offers a cheeky nuzzle, gifting further water to her mother. Spectra grins innocently up at Rainbow Dash, who breaks out in a cheeky smile in reply.

"Here." The red muscle bound stallion passes out towels to the troublesome trio.

"So, dad… What are we going to do now?" Acey Mac pipes up, full of boundless energy, receiving her towel with a large grin upon her face.

The stallion glances at the other adults in the room.

Spectra beats her friend to it. “We’ll play a game!” She cries out, taking her towel and rapidly to drying herself off.

“Okay. How about a board game?” The farm filly offers her suggestion as she forages for her chosen game of choice.

“Awww... Come on! That’s lame! How about...” The tiny rainbow ball of fluff disappears, returning moments later with a box she pushes with her head, along with a bag in her mouth.

“Hey! Those are my blocks!” Acey Mac points out, observing the pegasus filly as she brings them out onto the floor. “What’ll we do with those?”

Grinning widely, Spectra opens the box with her hoof to reveal a menagerie of building blocks in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and colours. Eager, the sunny yellow filly practically dives into the box to get the blocks out in a vigorous manner. Moonlight Eve and Acey Mac catch on, somewhat, then go over to help take the blocks out of the box.

The energetic rainbow filly eagerly begins construction as her two friends continue to empty the box. The floor rapidly fills with all kinds of building blocks and other stackable toys, some of which are already piled up from having been shoved into the box haphazardly.

“So, we’re going to build a house or something?” Moonlight Eve queries, cocking her head, already making plans in her mind.

“Just build whatever! We need them to be big and tall! Like your daddy!” Spectra informs them, targeting Acey Mac in particular with the tail end of her instructions.

Acey Mac scratches her chin in thought before grinning, “Done!”

With their goal in mind, the three fillies go to work at stacking the blocks, each of them doing a few building shapes each. It’s tedious, taking quite some time to do, but it isn’t long before a good portion of the living room floor has a bunch of block or stackable toy buildings scattered around. Some tall, some smaller, but overall, enough to make something of a small scale model of an average town. Somewhat.

“Okay, now what?” asks Acey Mac.

With a wide smirk, Spectra flaps her wings menacingly and then strikes one of the block buildings with her hoof. “Raaaaaaaaarrrrrr!!!! I’m a giant monster and I’m destroying the city! Raaaaaarrr!!”

The other two fillies stare dumbfounded for a moment, but they eagerly decide to join in! Acey Mac dons a plastic sword, while Moonlight Eve grabs a plastic magic wand with her magic.

“Yer a big monster an’ we’re gonna stop ya!” Acey Mac declares.

“You can never stop me! I’m far too evil and dangerous!” Spectra playfully roars, waving her hooves menacingly. “Raaaaarrr!”

Moonlight Eve giggles as she waves her plastic wand, “We’ll just see about that! I am Princess Moonlight Eve, daughter of Princess Luna, and I shall defeat you valiantly!”

“An’ Ah’m the Faithful an’ Strong Acey Mac! Here ta help save tha day!” Acey Mac laughed.

Laughing, the two fillies chase after the rainbow-maned ball of mischief, all three giggling as they race around enjoying themselves. The tables turn as Spectra races into her mum, leaping up as quick as possible to a vantage point on her shoulders.

"Get them!" Cries the adrenaline fueled filly, waving a hoof down at her friends below.

Rainbow Dash's tummy rumbles extra loud in response. The two ground bound fillies fall on the floor laughing.

"Tummy of doom!" Cheers Spectra, almost loosing her footing as she leaps for joy.

"Run, or the rainbow of awesomeness will eat you!" Grins the egotistical mother, leaping forward.

The sudden movement causes the Acey and Moonlight to scram. A light pinkish red and dark blue streak follows the pair as they race away laughing.

"Gotcha!" With two beats of her mighty wings, Rainbow Dash plows into the pair. A four pony ball forms quickly as Rainbow Dash collides with the wall.

Big Macintosh and Twilight exchange a glance before breaking down into giggles at the free show before them.

"Now we got you!" Exclaims Acey, leaping on top of Rainbow Dash before she can respond.

All three fillies pile into the powerful speedster's sides, tickling her mercilessly.

Laughter rents the air as Rainbow Dash cracks up laughing.

She laughs and laughs, her sides feeling like they are about to break apart at any moment.

As the fillies gleefully continue to tickle her sides, she feels fit to burst, rolling round and round to try avoid the tiny merciless miscreants.

Just as she feels like she will explode, the tiny terrors are lifted off, encased in a light purple aura.

"There now… I think Rainbow Dash has had enough." Twilight's voice is the first thing to attempt to talk over the loud cries of Rainbow Dash.

"T-thanks Twi…." Pants Dash as she lies there wasted on the floor.

“You know, I’m sure Big Mac and I will be enough to look after these rogues. You look like you could do with a break.”

“What?” The champion speedster slowly stands, gazing at her longtime friend.

"We defeated Rainbow Dash, We defeated Rainbow Dash!" Cry three triumphant fillies as continue to float in the air, suspended by the princess's power.

"Yep, you got me. But my friend Twilight had my back. Now I can do this…" With a cheek grin, the cyan mare advances.

She brushes past the troublesome trio, tickling them as she passes through with her wingtips.

Small fitful giggles escape and Rainbow Dash breaks out into a grin. "I was just playing nice. Since they are fillies and all."

With a knowing grin, Twilight nods, placing the trio down upon the floor of the clubhouse.

Rainbow Dash strikes a cool pose, not realizing her daughter is already on the move.

"Could you two stop with the silly smiles okay?"

"Eeyup." Confirms Big Mac as he continues to grin. He can see trouble coming for the egotistical pegasus.

"Dash…" Twilight motions behind her friend as if to warn her.

"What?" The cyan pegasus slowly turns, greeted by her airborne daughter who lands on her, yelling triumphantly.

Chaos erupts as Rainbow Dash's daughter uses her as a springboard, leaping away from the other incoming fillies who smack playfully into the side of the cyan mare.

As an addition, building blocks explode in all directions as Spectra impacts with the busted block building. "Weeeee!" Her tiny wings help propel her through the rubble. She stumbles to the top where she stands, like a boss.

"Get her!" Cries Acey as she charges toward the wrecker filly.

"Yea!" Adds Moonlight Eve. "Come here!" Her horn lights up, throwing a solo block at the one who had ruined their work.

Spectra pokes out her tongue at the two incoming youngsters before taking off on the run again. The trio of trouble race through the legs of their parents, nimbly darting about. Spectra heads toward her mother, side stepping past one set of hooves only to slam into the other set.

The ball of rainbow plush tumbles out to land at her mother's forehooves. The filly wears a near tearful expression as she gazes up into the strong pink eyes of her mother. Dash promptly nuzzles her daughter, giving the sore muzzle a loving lick. The unstoppable youngster lights up under the affection of her parent, forgetting the ouch and the other filly eyes that are watching her. Still in a ball at Dash’s forehooves the tiny pegasus returns the nuzzle with gusto, giggling happily.

“There. All better. Now run along. Mum’s going to go home to mummy now.” Grins the proud speedster, gently rolling her daughter over, onto her tiny hooves. "I'll pick you up later."

“Yay. More playtime!” The sunny yellow filly charges off after her friends.”Bye mum!"

“So you are going home to cuddle her?” Twilight grins.

Dash snorts then shoots off out the window. "Now why would I, the cool and mighty Rainbow Dash want to go home for cuddles…?" She sakes as if she is above such things.

"I can think of a few reasons. Now go.. before your daughter crashes into you again." The scholar shakes her head, typical Rainbow Dash, never one for wanting to appear sentimental around other ponies.

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh replies in his trademark fashion.

“Daddy, daddy! Come join in!” The summons from the big red giant’s daughter are enough to gather his attention and he turns to see the playful fillies, each and every one grinning up at him with hopeful looks on their faces.

“Uh... okay girls.” He allows himself to be dragged along by his energetic daughter who bounds over to her friends, leading her father who wears a look of minor confusion upon his muscular face.

"Yay!” The three fillies cry out, rushing around their latest addition to playtime as if on a sugar high.

Twilight smiles happily at the display. "I guess it's Big Mac's turn…" She watches as Acey leaps on top of the stallion with aid from Eve. ‘At her age...? Performing levitation spells with ease?’ The young princess turns her attention to her alicorn daughter who with a bust of magic, flies up to sit astride Big Mac with the farmer filly.

“What about me?” Spectra calls out, waiting for a bust of magic to carry her up as well.

“Can’t you fly? Silly!” Acey Mac breaks out into laughter, nearly rolling off her dad’s back as she points at the little sunny yellow wings that adorn her fellow filly’s back.

“I know I can fly.” Huffs the multi-coloured ball of plush. “I wanna see what it’s like being magicked up!”

Twilight was about to step in for her daughter when the young spellcaster surprises her mum, horn lighting up with a night blue glow and quickly transporting the delighted pegasus up and onto Big Macintosh’s back.

“You’ll be okay with them all up there Big Mac?” The concerned mother asks.

“Eeyup! Ah’m goina take you galls for a ride.” The strong stallion grins up at his riders.

“Yay!” The three cheer.

“Go dad!” Acey can’t help but add an extra vote of support for her hardworking father.

With a happy smile, the big red pony trotts around the room, spurred on by the trio on his back. “Faster Dad! Faster!” The light red filly cries out.

“Yea, my mum walks faster than this!” Spectra shouted eagerly stomping on the muscular back she is sitting on.

“Ya’ll sure ‘bout it?” He turned to face the trio of trouble.

Two nodded eagerly, Moonlight Eve joining in slowly as she realises she is outnumbered.

“Okay... Hold onta ya hats!” With that, Big Macintosh powers out the door into the storm, laughing softly as three excitable balls of filly cry out in excitement.

Twilight watches the spectacle as it unfolds. She feels a sense of pride, watching her daughter quickly proving her skills as a young mage, horn alight as she keeps her friends from falling off the powerful ride they share. Big Macintosh rapidly becomes covered in mud as he happily gallops through the mud, weaving between obstacles, doing his best to entertain the eager youngsters.

“If only you could see this Luna...” Twilight Sparkle smiles as the trio continue to push the boundaries on board their ride, aided by the young unicorn’s magic.

Author's Note:

The second half has been rewritten, I hope that the few who read this, enjoy it.

Its been a long time since I last added to this story, so the re-write is my first step to finishing this smal cute tail off.