• Published 23rd Feb 2021
  • 500 Views, 16 Comments

Far from home. - Fortunate Son

United States Marine's are teleported to Equestria but this landscape is a wasteland of nuclear atoms.

  • ...

Chapter 1: A Town of the remaining government.

3 American C-17 transport planes were taking off from a runway. One C-17 carried at least one-hundred soldiers while the other two carried supplies and 6 Humvee's along with an Abrams tank.

As the Marines were sitting in the seats they talked and prayed with their friends a bright flash of light passed through the windows of a door. Everyone looked over and thought it was someone turning on their flashlight or worse, searchlights. The skies began to rock with Flak Fire and SPAA tracers.

[INTERCOM]: "We have a situation up here so prepare to bail out if we get shot down!"

Everyone checked their rifles and backpacks to make sure they had everything. A Marine prayed for the men once again and everyone said Amen after the speech ended. They started to put on their goggles and their brothers checked their parachutes.

[INTERCOM]: "Command just said that the damn Russians launched the nukes! Everyone prepare to bail out!"

Every Marine on the plane was on edge. They started to mumble while a Private started crying. His friends there to pat his back. Every Marine started to think about their familys and just relaxing in the living room watching TV or going out. A bright light suddenly came into view from the windows on the door and every Marine covered their eyes. The crew of the plane ran towards the gate and pulled the lever. The gate was opening slowly and the whole plane shook. The light was getting more intense when suddenly everything went dark.

Twilight watched as everypony was just having another "normal" day. She walked around with a brown cape on her back. She looked around for her friends when it started to rain.

"This ain't good les get outta er." A familiar voice said.


"Ah Twi, I wa tryin to fine yah but I ha to help these fellers."

Applejack was helping a Mare and a foal. They seemed like they were new around here so she decided to go alone with Applejack. They said their goodbyes as they ran inside a shelter. Twilight made a dash for her tree house. The branches of the tree were gone and the leaves were also gone. When the rain got heavier she decided to shelter under a market workers shop. She watched as the poison rain dropped from the sky.

She also spotted something else. 3 giant flying "dragons" were going over Canterlot Castle. The rain suddenly stopped and she now walked into the street to see these flying dragons better. They flew around and around the castle for quite some time. 30 minutes had passed and she was still eyeing these flying dragons. There were other ponies looking with her too. When the dragons are seen flying towards Ponyville Twilight thought of the dangers. She started to run to her tree house and barged through the door.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna! There are dragons coming to Ponyville!" Twilight screamed.

The two sisters sat up and walked over to Twilight.

"I want you to find Captain Order and tell him what is to come."

Twilight bowed and ran off to the Guard barracks.

Three of the C-17 pilots look at each other.

"Man you look handsome today."

"Ah, same to you man, that horse form is odd though."

"Pony." He corrected.

"So you used to be a farmer?"


The cockpit door opened and the Major stepped inside.

"Alright so we have calmed down and what are you guys going to do. Land in a field or bail out with us."

"Bailing out sounds nicer."

"Alright keep under the clouds, were about to drop and ever since that damn nuke dropped you might wanna keep those masks on."

The Major left the door open and went down the set of stairs.

"There's a field with a town nearby, seems fortified so it might be enemy."

"Well I don't see any where else to drop the boys and I don't want to lose more men to a goddamn tree."

"Well the town seems to not have anything else down there so we should be fine... I hope..."

"Alright call in the other fly boys."

"Alright Marines, we may have turned into some goddamn pony but we ain't letting that stop us. Were going to land and prepare to meet and Russians who will be down there. Make sure gas masks are on at all times until I can get a volunteer. HOORAH!!!"

Everyone else responded with a hoorah.

The plane gates were still left wide open and the crew of the plane started to put on parachutes. The red light turned on and everyone stood up double checking their comrades parachutes. Everything started to tense up as 5 seconds passed by.





The lights turned green and everyone started to run out of the back. With the pony form everyone tried to find a good way to slow the decent towards the earth. One Marine watched as the supply crates were being thrown out and the Humvee's. The Abrams tank was the last to be thrown out after the Humvee's. Their chutes pulled early on so the fall would be slow and not cause any damage. The Marine turned around and saw the ground closing faster. He pulled the chute as the rest of his team did. He eyed the surroundings and saw that it was almost a complete wasteland. There were barely any leaves on the trees. There was a whole area that had fallen or destroyed trees.

He then looked at the town. It had people moving around it and ponies in golden armor. He landed directly in front of the gates that entered the town. He watched as the ponies in golden armor started to point their bows at him. He quickly looked for cover and saw a boulder. He dove for it dragging his parachute with him. The Gold armored ponies fired and missed all of their shots.

"Commander, This is Sergeant Bark! I am taking fire from an unknown force! They seem to have golden armor and bows!"

The radio was static for a few moments.

"*PSHHH*-You are granted to open fire on them, I will radio to all units that these horses in golden armor are enemy, over and out."

Arrows were being thrown at the boulder and it bounced off harmlessly. Bark was now searching his back for more magazines. After he did he tried to look for a way to shoot his rifle since he had no fingers. When he felt like he had a finger on a trigger be pulled it back. The gun created a loud explosion sound. The barrage of arrows stopped. Bark was now finding another way to hold the rifle since the shot had hurt his arm or hoof. He peeked out and saw that the Guards were not there.

"Hold your fire men, who told you to shoot!" Yelled someone behind the wall.

A pony came up from the wall and Bark took aim. He was about to pull the trigger when the pony spoke up.

"We hope that we did not hurt you in any way. I apologize for the actions my men did. They were just scared at the fact that you jumped behind the rock. We hope we did not-"

Another loud bang rang out and half of the ponies head was gone. Screaming was heard behind the wall and someone shouting for medics.

"Hold fire damn it, hold fire! They did not mean to shoot at me god damn it!" Yelled bark into the radio.

Author's Note:

This is Fallout Equestria but in a Alt human universe and Alt pony universe.

Comments ( 16 )
Comment posted by Fortunate Son deleted Mar 1st, 2021

United States Marine's are teleported to Equestria but this landscape is a wasteland of nuclear atoms.

What is it that the Marines own?

They own many things.

Could you explain more of what you mean?

You used a possessive apostrophe. Implying ownership.

Do you know any stories that a marine or a soldier goes basilisk and starts punching or chucking grenades like a mad man at Equestria mr author?

oh...that's sad news. See alot of these soldiers stories but never ones when their rampaging.

I almost forgot! Here was in my mind but switching with my lil pony lol

Althought there are TCB sotrys that do.

I dunno why but it kinda sounds like red dawn

I feel like its the ones that have either lost their minds during war or just do it for fun like that one guy from full metal jacket


[Adult story embed hidden]

Sorry cant rembemer anymore names for you right now. Possibly find some in here.

Thank you ^^ this is a rare find. Trying to find such stories such as this. Getting tired of the good guy merry-go-round.

yes, always good to get some contrast. glad i could help

story canalled but why I really liked this story :fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritycry:

Sorry but this will be back up with a rewrite!

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