• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 1,477 Views, 60 Comments

Dear Princess Celestia, From: The Battlefield - Cabooseforpresident

My first Fan fic. Letters from the battlefield to Princess Celestia. **STARTING WITH RARITY FIRST**

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Rainbow Dash

Dear Princess Celestia;

Rainbow here! Or, as they like to call me here, Seargent Rainbow "Longbow" Dash!!!! No, no please... hold the applause. Yes it really is I, the "Longbow" of the Elite Cloudsdale Sky Brigade -well my letter anyway-. I still can't believe its only been eight months since we first arrived here. I had to unfortunately turn down the invitation to join the Wonderbolts, in order to get into the Sky brigade.

Personally, I think we should call ourselves the Rainbow Crusaders. It would totally strike fear in the hearts of our enemies, and make us about.... twenty percent cooler. Sadly, our commander thought it was a ridiculous idea. I told him that was a load of changeling dung. I'm ALWAYS the first one in, and the last one out. He should have a bit more respect for a mare of MY status. They don't just give anyone in the army an awesome name like "Longbow" do they? Okay, okay. I know you are just dying to hear the story on how I gained the fitting name of "Longbow."

You see it was 2 months into our deployment, and we were totally caught off guard by the enemy night attack. So anyway, there was screaming and yelling and stuff, and it was incredibly hard to see. What did I do? I took out my night-vision goggles, - which i may or may not have taken from the spec-ops armoury- a bow, a quiver of explosive bows and arrows, and one of those bombs of "canned heat" and took to the darkness of the sky. It was a foggy night, as usual. The changelings were used to it but it seemed to decrease the morale of our ponies.

As I did my initial recon of the area, I spotted 2 changeling tanks closing in on our second trench line. Since the tanks were very close to each other, I dropped the bomb of "canned heat" and simply watched the cogs and bodies fly. Boy did they fly! Though that was pretty impressive, that's not the reason I got my name. As I was busy celebrating, I didn't notice the tank converging directly towards commander Shining Armour's tent of operations. The huge thing was tearing ponies apart, literally. I then knew in my head, I had to act fast in order to save Shining's life. I spotted 2 fuel tanks at the very back of the tanks, exposed. I flew around the tank at high speed, took out my bow and a single arrow. My aim was as deadly as my name. I lined up the shot perfectly, and let go. I saw things in slow motion. So many things were happening at once, but somehow I managed to focus on my arrow. It flew as fast as I did, hitting the fuel tank. The explosion was one that was hard to describe, and had to be seen to fully take in what happened. Pieces of the ruined tank, littered the ground, as well as some of the bodies of the changeling drivers. I heard my name chanted throughout the trenches. "RAINBOW! RAINBOW! RAINBOW!" Of course being me I had to take a bow. Can't let your audience down can you? I blew a kiss to the Commander, as I slowly made my decent. From that day forth, I was known as "Longbow." What can I say? I'm a war hero, but really, it was no sweat.

In case the other girls don't write to you, I'll give you a heads up on what's happening.

Applejack tells me she misses home. Who doesn't? Even if it is a war, and it is totally fun blowing stuff up, we all do want to come back home. She's always up late with her mortar pals, getting drunk on how they "totally bombed those changelings," or how they "totally saved that guy's ass." To be perfectly honest, it sounds like me, only one of us is totally cooler -its me hint, hint!- From what i hear, she is becoming quite the strong-mare. She weight lifts from five in the morning, till we all get roll called at eight. She even continues lifting and pushing herself in the gym till we get called for a mission. She is a fighter that one, but lacks the twenty percent of coolness that I have. Though I admit, -though so unlike me- that I could only push myself to the maximum of two hours. I would collapse after that.

Pinkie is totally insane. You know that saying about not playing with fire? Because she is the pyro expert, that's exactly what she does. She almost burned down the commanders tent down TWICE, almost set off a trench full of explosives, and was a hoof-step away from blowing our armoury and munitions cache to the moon. Long story short, she is a time bomb which is set to explode at any given moment. To be quite honest, I don't like this Pinkie. I miss our old cake guarding, balloon-in-a-boxing Pinkie. She cackles like a witch when she makes a kill. It scares the whole lot of us. I hope that this is only a battle attitude. If we bring her to Ponyville, one can only imagine the damage that she will do.

Rarity is totally hiding something from us. She always tells us it's nothing when any of us ask her, but her eyes shy away to look up to the sky or to the ground. She definitely has a lot on her mind, I can understand that, but I wish she would at least let us help her. I can't help but wonder what she thinks about every night. I hear her talking to herself at night. I've actually never seen her like this, ever. Y'know what, I'm getting to the bottom of that... one of these days.

Fluttershy... oh sweet Celestia... She must be horrified, poor mare. She works in the medical station if you didn't know. I can't even imagine the horrors she has to face each day. Sure I have had my visits and check-ups there, but there is a critical room where only she and some choice doctors and nurses can be. I wonder what's in there. At night you can hear her comforting the patients, telling them to calm down as they scream like banshees. Her voice is amazing. It's like a singing angel. As far as I know, she's the only pony that can do that, who can make patients calm just by the sound of her voice. I will be honest, It's the only reason some ponies -such as myself- can go to sleep at night. I personally think it would be awesome to have a permanent scar on me, but I doubt anyone can shoot this speeding wing warrior!

Twilight is totally, totally, TOTALLY, stressed. I'm sorry to say but that mare is a total disaster. It will be a miracle if she survi- I mean... just... don't... never mind. I think she is depressed. It's like the magic inside her somehow died. I hear her quiet sobs in the night. I don't cry very often -just the odd bit of sand in my eye,- but it makes me a bit depressed too. Maybe I'll check on her. Maybe all she really needs is nice company with somepony else. Maybe I'll visit her next time I hear her crying. I hope my egghead isn't too depressed.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say right now. Say princess, have you ever been in a war as a soldier? Was it cool? Was it fun? Was it depressing? Sorry, sorry, I'm ranting on again aren't I. Alright, I gotta go. Maybe I'll join Applejack for a nice cold sarsaparilla. STAY AWESOME!!!!

-SGT Rainbow "LONGBOW" Dash

PS: Take after Tank for me please! DASHIE WILL BE BACK HOME TANK!!!! I would ask you to keep in touch, but you're a turtle.