• Member Since 1st Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2014


Fan of many things. Not much of an artist, but I think I can write.


A mysterious force is making ponies disappear in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle enlists the help of the Doctor, and his companions Zoe and Jamie, to find the creature, save her friends, and save Equestria from the monster's evil plans.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 7 )

Hmm. An interesting start. I thought you did a decent job with the characters and the buildup to... whatever it was.

A word of caution: from what I've seen, 'shadows' don't fare very well on this site. As in, people like to reject them as overused, usually as OC names, and for good reason. They are overused and are usually associated with black-and-red alicorn Stu's. I don't know where you're going with this, but just keep that in mind.

Finally, grammar. Yours has some issues. Careful proofreading is the only solution. Also, you don't have to put every line of dialogue in it's own paragraph. So:

“No, no. This won’t do at all. It would be far too garish”
With a flick of her head, Rarity tossed it aside into a heap at the corner of the room.
“Besides,” she said, as she tossed her mane as she turned to her young apprentice.
“There’s not enough of it. I need it for matching outfits”

could be formatted as:

“No, no. This won’t do at all. It would be far too garish” With a flick of her head, Rarity tossed it aside into a heap at the corner of the room. “Besides,” she said, as she tossed her mane as she turned to her young apprentice. “There’s not enough of it. I need it for matching outfits”

with absolutely no problems.

While I'm at it, it should be punctuated like this:

“No, no. This won’t do at all. It would be far too garish.” With a flick of her head, Rarity tossed it aside into a heap at the corner of the room. “Besides,” she said, as she tossed her mane as she turned to her young apprentice,there’s not enough of it. I need it for matching outfits.

Hope that helps. Good luck! :twilightsmile:

I like it and i'd like to see where this is going.:derpytongue2:


Thanks for the tips! I'm not accustomed to writing dialog... or fiction for that matter. :pinkiehappy:

Hey Spartiecat! I finally got around to the first chapter. Not bad. Good pacing, good suspense, and a very classic Doctor Who cold open. From a narrative standpoint you have a wonderful start, perfectly suited to the style of classic Doctor Who.

I didn't do a very close read for grammar and style, though I could if you like. What I did notice is some choppiness, especially in the sense that many of your sentences start and end with the exact same structure. This is not inherently bad, or else no one would know the name Hemingway. However, it can be a bit jarring and is probably not what you intended. One of the best ways to catch it is to read your own work aloud a few times.

Frankly, in a Doctor Who story, it doesn't stand out that much unless you're looking for it, since Doctor Who is a television piece and a choppy narrative style would be most evocative of a script. However, your comments on reddit made me think that you wanted someone to look for it, so there you are.

I would go on to Chapter 2 right now, but I am just not in the mood for something so dark as Doctor Who right now. I'll get to it eventually. Tell me if you'd like a more in-depth (or private) critique of what I've already read.

I don't know why I didn't read this yesterday; it's super cute and makes me want to finally check out the second doctor.

I eagerly await the next chapter.

... Did I just hear someone?
Nah, must've been my imagination.

(Obligatory Silence joke. Sorry.)

As a huge Patrick Troughton Doctor Who fan, you portrayed him marvelously, kudos!

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