• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 415 Views, 15 Comments

Diary logs of a Changeling Tank Commander - OshyWoshy_Blitz215

Story about a Female Changeling tank officer about her Experience in the Great War.

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Chapter 3: Seize the Western Port ( Log 9 to 12)

Log 9:

Name: Yanna Chitin
6th August 1010 ( 7 days after the Invasion)
Location: Mane street, Vanhoover ( occupation 79%)
Rank: Oberleutnant
Weather: partly cloudy
Time: 11:45

We have finally entered the City, as we passed through its defences, we have confronted huge masses of infantry charging at us. So I ordered my Radio operator to flush them with machine guns. Which it did wonders.

By now we the City is in 79% of its Occupation, the only areas are still holding up are the Coastal garrisons to the West, the Merrion Tractor Factory to the North and the one we’re ordered to reinforce the attack is the Vanhoover Radio station to the south.

As were close to reach the frontline, I have split my tank Company into 3 small platoons 5 Tanks each, and each platoons have a code in order to contact the platoon commander quickly. Three platoon code names were “rot”, “Blau” and “Gelb”. I commanded the “Gelb” platoon.

The once we’ve reach the frontline, we immediately informed about the situation of the battle by a Company Major, named Major Hanzel Xelin.

He told me about the Situation he was in, his Infantry company have given the Vanhoovernites inside the Radio station area a living Tartarus to them. He managed to take control key bridges for my Tanks to advance to the radio station, however despite their best efforts to break the defenders by massive artillery barrages and air strikes, the defenders are still hanging on and able to repel his infantry forces back to the frontlines.

He requires our tanks to assist him on taking on the Radio station. I’m happy to obliged, and start draw up the battle plans.

I told Major that I split my Tank company in 3 platoons, ‘Rot’, ‘Blau’, and ‘Gelb’. I would send ‘Rot’ and ‘Blau’ Platoons to the north to divert the defenders away from our position while my Gelb platoon, will support your advance. We would start our assault on 20:10 tonight to cover our track in a middle of the night and begin our assault.

He agrees on my decision and call all of his troops to get ready for another assault.

I hope this plan of action works...

Log 10:

Name: Yanna Chitin
6th August 1010 ( 7 days after the Invasion)
Location: inside Radio Station on Mane Street, Vanhoover ( occupation 81%)
Rank: Oberleutnant
Weather: clear
Time: 23:30

I am currently writing this Diary after we successfully captured the Radio Station in Vanhoover.

Speaking of Radio Station I would write what happen on that assault.

On the 20:10 we finally commenced our assault on the Radio station, as expected most of the Defenders have sapped their infantry ponies to the north to reinforce the line there, against my Tanks which they work wonders.

Once the defenders on the south is weak enough from sapping their troops, we finally commence our southern assault, the defenders were shocked as my tanks rolled in to their light fortifications, they threw everything at us like Granades, rifles and machine guns, in return I order my radio operator and the rest of the platoon to flush them out with Machine guns, which they did, as well ordered my gunner to shoot at the makeshift bunker right front of us and flush them out with machine guns.

Soon these defenders are dropping dead like flies as they don’t have a equipment for defending against our steel Panzers, by now we have captured key areas for securing the Radio station such as bridges and parking lots. Soon we have finally met up with other platoons and I merged them back to a single large Panzer Company.

With the outside is secured, Major Hanzel called upon his infantry company to secure the station inside. He thank us for Cooperation with his infantry company. I told him it’s no problem! Changelings stick together and fight together no matter what you carry. After all we as Changelings are quite the same physically speaking.

Log 11:

Name: Yanna Chitin
9th August 1010 ( 10 days after the Invasion)
Location: west Coast of Vanhoover ( occupation 95%)
Rank: Oberleutnant
Weather: clear
Time: 9:50

By now we have occupied 95% of the City of Vanhoover, the only area that hasn’t yet been captured was the Coastal garrison, station to the west of the Luna bay. Our Grubs in wings ( Aka the Luftwaffe) have made consecutive air strikes against the Garrison, one such air strike has ‘accidentally’ set the Oil reserves near the Garrison on fire, thus setting the blaze on fire, it then spilled not only on the Garrison but towards the city itself, soon the city is on fire.

Whoever unfortunate enough to be caught in the flames, would be roasted alive...
My Company have managed to get out of the city as soon as the Fire creeps towards the city.

We’re on route to the Garrison to fully encircle them, attack and destroy the last remaining divisions there.

One of the Drones who were accompanying our Panzers have managed to take a photo of me and my companions, I gotta say I look quite badass when I look at it.

Log 12:

Name: Yanna Chitin
14th August 1010 ( 15 days after the Invasion)
Location: Coastal Garrison of Vanhoover ( occupation 100%)
Rank: Oberleutnant
Weather: clear
Time: 10:55

By Queen’s fine ass!! Finally! After that shit We have been through, we have finally destroyed last remaining Commune Soldiers in the garrison, waiting to be executed by our brave Queen’s Guards. The Vanhoover Commune has capitulated.

This means that the entire section of Commune province now belong to our Proud Queendom. And finally giving us a large opening to the Equestria Proper, and clear the way for a next Objective, capturing the Green city itself, Tall Tail City.

But before we talk about that I should tell you about that shitshow of a Assault on the Garrison happened yesterday.

2 days before our attack on the Garrison, my Panzer crew of the Pz.IV ausf.G have caught illegally sucking the POW ponies which is against our law in the Wehrmacht and they’re punished by that action, and my former crew have been sent to the Northern front, in which most of the Equestrian force are its strongest. Which I the Commander forces me to get a fresh new grubs, Uuugh! So annoying...

Though as a Oberleutnant, I managed to get a fresh new crew mates quickly for the final assault to the Garrison.

My new gunner is Xyla Carapace, she just recently finished her training on Antax Military school, she’s quite aggressive, loud and quite reckless but loyal, which I have to keep an eye on her when she’s holding a cannon, she might fire it, she’s also a Vrakkian Changeling.
Which it explains of her aggressive and very eager to fight, which is explain why’s quite eager to get her hooves on a tank cannon and shoot, in which I’m quite fine with it, as long as she’s not being reckless, and NOT! Being a annoying little grub! Ugh!

Next up is Bruno Helix, my new Radio Operator, calm and collective, he not quite a talker but he’s loyal to me and my new crew, he hopes that his radio skills would give us victory on our countless battles. He also very dedicated to his job, as soon as I ordered him something, he immediately does that order until I ordered him to stop or finishes his orders I gave to him. He finished his training on Gradis Military Academy.
He’s a Lyciditan Changeling, which is why he’s quite mysterious, shy and not quite a talker, but I think he’s quite smart, charming and a very Queen’s Guard material, doing orders without question and very loyal to his crew and our glorious Queen.
Which I find it confused why he didn’t join the Queen’s guard instead choosing To become a Panzer crew.

My new Driver is Hans Shultz, young, loud and extrovert with a big Ego.
Quite the Opposite to a Loyal, quiet, shy and introvert Bruno. The only common thing about these boys are they’re both young Grubs. He finished his Training as a Panzer Driver on Vrakkian Panzer Academy, which he was the top of his class and able to beat his rival classmates on his academy, which is why he has that big ego. He would sometimes would be at butts with Xyla due to their competitiveness and eagerness of fighting and battling each other.
Which I rolled my eyes on.. He came from Port city of Ditrysium, he’s father was a Kriegsmarine captain of the U-Boat of U-343, Under the command of Admiral Mimic.
Which is why he’s quite proud of his skills and quite an extrovert. Which could be a problem.. though thankfully he's quite loyal to my new crew ( albeit mostly to me) and he's a very skilled Driver, which I'm quite fine with him being my new driver.

And finally my best friend! Anna Xylem!! Adele's little Sister and my old bestie and my old Classmate on Vesalipolis Grand Military Academy. She and her big sister Adele, came from the lake City of Soryth. And volunteered as a Panzer crew on Vesalipolis.
She's quite a Bookbug, she love reading books and likes learning new things and makes very good tacticful decisions which I was able to ecxcecute our plans quite perfectly when we were just young Nymphs on a Military school. Last time I saw her was on the graduation day of our school and we part ways due to being assigned as a Panzer loader on a different Panzer Battalion to the northern Front. That was
So when she saw me for the first time in 2 years she immediately hug me and I hug her back, she congratulated me that i promoted to be a Oberleutnant and my first battle against Equestrian tankers.
Oh it so good that I she's here as my new Panzer Crew mate.

Over all this new crews are very good at their respective jobs and I hope they would successfully win this assault on the Garrison.


On the 12th Of August 1010. I've finally trained my new crews on how to be a effective Panzer crew mates in a heat of battle, soon after I give them a riggerous training, I give them a bit of break.

Xyla and Hans, being competitive grubs they are, were doing Hoof wrestlings at each other.

Bruno is working on the radio to pick up any form of chatter to the Garrison or other chatters that picked his interest.

And my Best friend Anna is catching up on her book about a these fictional and weird looking creatures known as humans that fights bigger humans that eats smaller humans to protect their last safe city on their world. Which I find them really weird... Anna describes them as bipedal creature that uses machines instead of Magic because they're dumb or something... I don't understand these Humans anyway and honestly I don't care about them...

Later in afternoon, I've gathered my crews Adele, other Tank Commanders and Major Hanzel Xelin about my plan to attack the Garrison.

My Panzer Company would create a massive Spearhead throat would attack in full force against their last ditch fortification around the Garrison. But first we would call on airstrikes on these fortifications to soften them up and I would able to break through their defences, as soon I able to Pierce their defenses, Major would bring his Troops on trucks and solidify our flanks and capture several key structures on defeating the last remaining defenders.

Major Hanzel agreed to my plans but he worried that they may have some anti tank rifles and they able to disable one of my tanks, I told him, that they would be eliminated once I call in airstrikes at them.


As soon as I called in the Airstrikes, the familiar Sirens of the Junkers Ju-87s swoops down and bombed out key sections of their defenses, once smoke clears free of 87s. Their fortifications are smoking badly, suggesting that they did make a lot of trouble there.

As soon as they finished their bombing runs, I ordered my entire panzer platoons to charge at them in full speed! We've mad dash towards their defenses, once the commune soldier kicked their wounds from the airstrikes, they starts to fire Anti-Tank Rifles at us. Three shots hit us on the front.
All non fatal, but their deadly rifles have made their spot one iof my tanks, one well aimed shot, hits the ammo rack of our comrade Panzers and exploded, disorganizing our Spearhead, this would be the start of series of unfortunate events on this attack.

We have managed to defeat the fortications by smashing through their weak frontal walls, thanks to that several consecutive days of airstrikes on the Garrison. With a cost of our 2 Pz.IV Asuf. Ds were disabled from their AT rifles.

Thankfully Major's Infantry manage to sweeps over some surviving Communist Soldiers hiding in a pillboxes like a cowards. Once we've entered the Garrison I ordered most of my tanks to go around their defenses and flank them while the rest would follow my lead.

As soon as we've entered their Garrison. I ordered Xyla and the rest of the tank plattoons to destroy all of their parked vehicles to prevent from commies from driving them. Which were successful at first.

Then I met a fucking beast of a Tank! It is a large tank, with a massive turret and that howezter size cannon that could easily hit me and other tanks in one shot. So I ordered my tanks to destroy it.

Unfortunately their short barrelled cannon aren't able to make a dent on this steel Monster. The monster's turret start to turn on the first tank it saw and with was a pz.IV ausf. D on front of him, the monster fired it's massive howezter cannon. It's armour could not able to withstand that kind of power and so it was destroyed immediately.

I ordered Hanz to drive around this monster of a tank and ordered Xyla to shoot at it's tracks so it can't move. So Xyla fires at the tracks and she successfully hit the tracks and the monster won't able to move due to its legs were maimed.

However I think I just provoked the giant, because this monster's turret start to rotate at out current position, I ordered Hanz to drive faster which he did, I ordered Bruno to call in reinforcements ASAP! Which he did it immediately.

I ordered Anna to load of the HEAT rounds that we currently have and ordered my Gunner to fired it on the rear of this monster.

However the Monster fired at us, it hit our topside of the engine block in the rear, and by Queen's fucking grace! that was a glancing hit, if it were a direct hit. We would've been a jelly inside. That would be the end of my career permanently.

One of the surviving tanks managed to hit the turret ring of the Tank, preventing it from attacking me. As soon as Anna finishes her load the HEAT rounds, I immediately order Xyla to fire it to the rear.

When she fired it. It round hit the engine of this monster and finally! The monster has slain, it have contact the fuel and burst into flames and soon the entire monster of this tank finally cought on fire and i some pony scums getting out from the tank who's also on fire as well, I ordered Bruno to put them out of their fiery misery. Which he did. Upon closer look these ponies are volunteers from Stalliongrad, those bastards are supporting them! How dare they!

The battle is over, the entire Garrison has fallen to our hooves, but to this encounter, I was close to death, though I manage to slain the Monster. My tank was mortally wounded but still operational, the monster killed 3 of my Panzers already and counting up the losses from this assault, 5 out of 15 of my Panzers in my company was destroyed...


I congratulated my Crew for their effective and bravery of being a Crew mate, Xyla and Anna squee in delight, Bruno just nods his head for the Compliments, and Hans just boasted that his driving skills have saved the entire crew. I just rolled my eyes from his ego.

I visit Major Hanzel inside the field hospital which he has lying down on a bed, with lots of bandages on his left eye, due to a recent surgery, the Changeling medics have managed to pull a shrapnel lodged on his left eye,by some miracle he survived from it.

I told him that I was thankfull that you helped me out on my Assault, he said it was no problem as he pointed out I also helped him out taking over the radio station.

It looks like I would stop this log at here for now...

Author's Note:

Wooo!! Another chapter done! This is my biggest writing I've made so far! I hope you like this chapter! So you have a nice day!

Comments ( 11 )

awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I think I get what the story is going for but it’s so disorganized and unfocused I might be wrong in my assumptions.

Comment posted by Max Ksenofil deleted Feb 28th, 2021

well, it is a Diary based Fanfic... so what do you think? ( ps: this is my first story btw so be gentle on criticism

Are you a World of Tanks player?

no i'm not, this is based on a Hearts of iron 4 Mod called Equestria at war

Oh yes. I heard about this. I honestly wouldn't play that kind of thing. My psyche is already broken! Army and Prison!

I think you picked a very difficult method of storytelling without understanding the medium. A diary-style story should never get into the details of a fight because its a diary, everything is written after the fact. Additionally a diary written by a military personnel would not write the details of troop numbers, movements or the assignments of other units, let alone different branches of the military.

You put in a lot of details to flesh out the world but those details are just getting in the way of the core of the story: Yanna Chitin and her experiences in the Great War. If all these extra characters don't add or contrast Yanna Chitin, what is the point in mentioning them?

i understand, this is my first fanfic story. so it won't be as amazing as it is...

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