• Published 8th Feb 2021
  • 509 Views, 2 Comments

The Flash: Rainbow Racer - BronyBoy98

Rainbow Dash meets The Flash in Central City.

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Chapter 7

Back at STAR Labs, Team Flash and Rainbow discuss what had happened before.

"He turned into a demon? That is messed up." Cisco said.
"Rainbow, have you seen anything like that before?" Barry asked Rainbow.
"Well, I've never seen it," she said, "But one of my friends went to another world where she saw a human become a demon because of magic from our world."
"The Rainboom!" Cisco exclaimed and typed on the computer, the screen changed to show the rainboom. "That's what made Victor a meta, your double rainboom must've been way more powerful than you think."
"So instead of the particle accelerator explosion, it's a magic rainbow explosion-" Joe began.
"Rainboom." both Cisco and Rainbow Dash said to Joe.
"Whatever, that event, that gave Victor his powers." Joe said.
"Oh crud." Rainbow Dash muttered.
"What?" Barry asked.
"I think I know how he can control them." Everyone looked at Rainbow. "I'm the Element of Loyalty."
"The Element of Loyalty? What does that mean?" Cisco asked.

"It means that I am the bearer for an artifact called the Element of Loyalty, one of six Elements of Harmony. I'm loyal towards my friends and everyone else I care about, that magic could've easily rubbed off me during the Double Rainboom." Rainbow explained.

"So everyone Victor affects becomes completely loyal to him." Iris said.
"And because of all of that magic building up, he mutated into a demon." Cisco said.
"So how do we stop a flying demon that controls people's minds?" Joe asked the team.
"We need to figure something out." Barry said.

All Cisco could see was blue. Cisco found himself in a grassy field, the skies were clear, the stars and full moon were out.

"Okay," Cisco said nervously, "I'm not in my apartment right now."

The full moon flashed for a second and a line tore vertically through the moon and opened wide. a smoking blue figure leapt from the moon and landed softly on the grass; and Cisco could not believe what he was seeing. When the smoke cleared, standing in front of him was a tall navy blue winged unicorn.

"Whoah, I'm trippin'." Cisco said. The unicorn looked puzzled.
"I apologize, what does thou mean by "trippin' "? she asked.
"Am I dreaming right now?" Cisco asked.
"Nay, you may be asleep but this is no dream," She explained, "I believe you call this a vibe."
Cisco looked relieved, "A vibe! Ok, that makes more sense, but that doesn't explain what you're supposed to be"

"I am Princess Luna, princess of the night and dreams." Princess Luna said striking a pose.
"You're a...pony?" Cisco asked curiously. Princess Luna frowned.
"I am a mare, I'm over a thousand years old!"
"Oh right, sorry." Cisco said.
"I assume Rainbow Dash is in your world?" Luna asked.
"Yea, you know her?" Cisco asked back.
"Of course, she is one of my very best of friends." Luna replied with a smile.
"Oh, that's cool." Cisco said.
"Indeed." Luna said looking back at the moon, "Time is of the essence so I must be very brief."
"What is it?" Cisco asked.
"A great evil is coming, a terrible foe from your multiverse, do not play his game, that is just what he wants." Luna explained.
"Wait, who's the bad guy? What game??" Cisco asked concerned.

Luna began to fade. "Trust the queen, she can help you."

Cisco woke up in his bed, it was morning.
