• Published 4th Feb 2021
  • 263 Views, 2 Comments

Lullay Moon - Lulla

Before her banishment, Luna creates a magical entity to help her manage dreams

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Luna sat in her favorite spot in the dreamscape. She focused her magic on her chest. She pulled out some of her own essence and shaped it into an alicorn filly. She condensed the pseudo-filly into an apparent solid. The filly was blue. She was completely blue. Mane, tail, coat, eyes, all completely blue. But she was semi transparent. Not completely there. But that was okay with Luna. It was all she needed. The filly was lying on the ground, her eyes closed. Sleeping.

“Awaken, Lullay Moon. We have work to do,” said Luna, standing up.

Lullay Moon stood up. “Hello mother. I am ready,” she said in a monotone voice. “Let’s go.” She had a vacant look in her eyes.

Mother? Hmm. I didn't expect her to call me that. Luna thought.

Luna opened a portal out of her dream and into a large empty area. It was blue and sparkled with stars on the ground and in the sky. There was nothing for as far as the eye could see, except for an occasional bright light floating at shoulder level in midair. “There aren’t many ponies here except for a few who are napping because it’s daytime right now,” she said.

“Yes Mother. I know,” said Lullay Moon. “You don’t have to tell me how the dreamscape works. I already know.”

But I haven’t told her anything yet. How does she know? Could she have inherited my memories? Luna thought.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s get to the first dream already!” Lullay Moon said. She galloped off to the closest of the lights. She put her hoof to it and it expanded into a portal. Through the portal, she could see little fillies playing in the park. She stepped through the portal, oblivious to the beauty of the wild flowers or the gentle breeze whipping her mane around on the warm summer day. Instead she walked straight to a unicorn filly and put a hoof on her shoulder. “Hey,” Lullay Moon said, “Are you having a nightmare?”

“Um, no? I’m having a great time actually,” the filly said.

“Okay,” said Lullay Moon. She walked back out of the dream. “Everything’s fine with this one. On to the next,” she said to Luna.

Luna wondered at the robotic nature of her creation. It’s what she wanted, but something just didn’t sit well with her. It was uncanny. Ponies should not be that way. Lullay Moon was not a real pony, just a magical dream construct, but still. It didn’t feel right. Was this really what she wanted?

“You are really lost in thought today, Mother. Are you okay?” asked Lullay Moon.

“Yes, I- I was just thinking about some stuff we have to do today. Let’s get going,” said Luna. She led them to the next light and expanded it into a portal. Luna and Lullay Moon entered together.

This dream was much different from the last. An old mare lay in her bed, surrounded by young ponies and foals. They were mocking her and physically hitting her. “You old hag!” one mare said. “You are useless like this, old, frail, and in a nursing home! You think I like having to pay for your care?”

“I’m not that frail!” the old mare cried. “I can still wipe my butt on my own!” She tried to sit up, but collapsed, panting.

“Ya think?” said a colt. “Let us see you try!” he grabbed the old mare’s cane and jabbed her with it.

All the other ponies laughed.

Luna stepped forward and lit her horn, extinguishing the bullies. She cast a spell on the old mare, making her look young again.

The now young mare excitedly jumped out of bed and ran out of her room. Luna and Lullay Moon watched as she showed off her new body to the other old mares in the lobby.

“Enjoy your time as a young mare while you can. It won’t last long,” said Luna. Luna and Lullay Moon left the dream. “I want you to handle the next nightmare, Lullay Moon,” said Luna.

“Sure,” said Lullay Moon, running off to the next dream. She moved so fast that Luna struggled to keep up. In each dream that followed, Lullay Moon swiftly destroyed each nightmare and moved on to the next, sometimes so fast that she had gone through two or three dreams before Luna caught up.

What have I created? She is so fast that if she can keep this up at night I’ll be out of a job! But can she do it well? Luna thought.

“Lullay Moon! Stop! That’s enough for now. We’ll do more tonight,” Luna called.

Lullay Moon trotted back to Luna. “But there’s more left! We still have time to finish.”

“We don’t have to do them all tonight. Besides, I wish to spend some time with my sister. If she isn’t too busy being glorified by her loyal ponies who always sleep through my beautiful night! It’ll be fine.” Luna said. She led Lullay Moon back to her dream.

So indifferent! How can she keep such a straight face? Dare I say she even looks bored? Does that filly even have feelings? Luna thought.

Lullay Moon sat down on the floor where she was first created and Luna lay down on her bed. Luna closed her eyes. She opened them again and was back in her bedroom in the waking world. She looked out the window. The sun was already setting. Luna jumped out of bed. “Horsefeathers! I was almost late!” she said. She quickly raised the moon.

I slept in! I’m almost certain to miss out on sister time! Again! Will I ever get to hang out with her? This is so infuriating! Luna thought.

As she galloped through the hallway toward the throne room she saw Celestia walking out the throne room door. She slid to a stop to avoid colliding with her, stopping a hair away from ramming into Celestia’s side. “Celestia! Good night! Do you perhaps have time for-”

Celestia cut her off. “Sorry, sister. I’ve had a long day. It’s time for me to head to bed.”

Comments ( 2 )

I thought Luna learned her lesson with the Tantabus fiasco.

this is before her banishment

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