• Published 3rd Feb 2021
  • 796 Views, 49 Comments

Fallout: Harmony - Foreverking0

A Fallout/MLP crossover. Equestria is Invaded by dimensional portals dropping wasteland horrors, Only 3 can help.

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23rd, October, 2077 (Optional Chapter)

Author's Note:

This entire chapter is a Written account of the fallout 4 intro from Nate's perspective. These optional chapters will mostly be just for people who:
1. haven't played fallout 3/NV/4
2. haven't played it in a while
3. Want a better perspective of our 3 wasteland legends.

I was getting ready for my big day, I was chosen to give a speech at the Boston veterans hall. A war hero they called me, But I knew after everything I had seen, there were rarely heroes in war. I was one of the lucky ones, I was home and in one piece. I knew where this war was heading, we all did, and that's why we all tried in our own way to end it. That's all I wanted, the fighting to stop, I got my wish.

The condensation on the mirror lessened as the hot water was turned off, the mirror now revealing Nate's freshly shaven face. In his head, Nate went over the speech he had written one last time in his head and the critical point of his message.

"War never changes" As he said them, he continued to consider the experience behind those words. From behind him came the voice of his wife Nora

"You're gonna knock'em dead at the veteran's hall tonight hon."

Nora's words were welcome, in truth, he wasn't sure how well it would go. "You think?"

"Absolutely, now get ready and stop hogging the mirror" Nora replied, Giving Nate a playful push to get him away from the mirror she needed. With a smile, he left the bathroom and headed to the living room on the left.

Hovering in the kitchen was the new family Mr Handy Robot butler, Codsworth. The Optical sensors on its head picked up on Nate's arrival and moved the freshly made coffee in front of its owner. "Ah, good morning sir. your coffee. 173.5 degrees Fahrenheit, brewed to perfection." The Mr handy unit was programmed with a voice that was made to sound like an old English butler, pleasant and harmless. Nate took the coffee from Codsworth and thanked him. "Thanks, Codsworth"

"Of course, sir" Came the reply.

The robot went on to do more duties in the kitchen, and so Nate went with his coffee and sat down at the nearby bench. On the top was today's newspaper, to Nate, it was more of the same. One thing that caught his eye was the date, the 23rd of October, Halloween was less than a week away. Nora walked into the living room, having finished with the bathroom.

"I can't believe it's almost Halloween, I need to finish making Shaun's costume," Nate said trying to get his mind off of tonight.

Nora could see through Nate's attempt at trying to distract himself, With a warm smile, she tried to treasure him. "nervous, don't be. Everyones gonna love the speech"

Before he could respond, there was a cry of a baby from the other end of the house, to what may have been strange to people over 20 years ago, It was Codsworth who answered the infant's call. "Ah, sounds like someone made a stinky! I shall attend to Shaun"

As Codsworth hovered over to the other side of the house, Nora started talking to Nate after a quick chuckle at Codsworth's antics. "You know, I was nervous at first, but Codsworth's really good with Shaun".

Nate had to agree, Codsworth had been a lifesaver. "We should take Codsworth to be serviced soon, don't you think?" Nate asked.

Before Nora could respond, the doorbell rang. After both of them looked to the door, Nora spoke.
"Can you get that? It's probably that salesman. He comes for you every day"

Nate, more than a little curious, went to the door. Upon opening it, a man in a trenchcoat and fedora holding a clipboard introduced himself.

"Good morning, Vault-tec calling!" The man seemed cheerful and energetic, a well-practised salesman.

Vault-Tec, that was a name that had been thrown around a lot recently. Radio, Television, and even their neighbours had talked about it since work was being done just up the road. But Nate didn't know much about the company himself.

"Vault-Tec? Remind me again." Nate asked, not wanting to sign up for something without knowing it first.

"Why we're about you, sir! And helping secure your future." The Vault-tec representative said, adding emphases on the 'you' and 'your'
"You see, Vault-Tec is the foremost builder of state-of-the-art underground fallout shelters. Vaults, if you will. Luxury accommodations, where you can wait out the horrors of nuclear devastation." After finishing the obviously practised speech, the Salesman looked at Nate with a level of thinly veiled concern.

"You can't begin to know how happy I am to finally speak with you, I've been trying for days. It's a matter of utmost urgency, I assure you"

Nate was confused about this, He never signed up with Vault-Tec, was it part of the pitch?

"What's so important?" Nate asked

"Why nothing less than your entire future! If you haven't noticed, sir, this country has gone to heck in a handbasket. If you'll excuse my language." The Representative's attitude changed to one of concern.

"The big kaboom is... it's inevitable, I'm afraid. And coming sooner than you may think. If you catch my meaning."

The way he talked concerned Nate. Considering that Vault-Tec's primary industry was underground bunkers, the doomsaying was always going to be part of the pitch. but after his time serving in the US army, it seemed less like madness and more like an inevitability that scared him. The Vault-Tec employee had continued his pitch.

"I'm here today to tell you that because of your family's service to our country, you have been pre-selected for entrance into the local Vault. Vault 111." The announcement was emphasised with hands being waved in a motion one would use to imagine a sign above a store.

"But there's room for my entire family, right?" It seemed like a stupid question, but for something as important as the potential end of the world, it was one Nate was going to ask.

"Of course. Of course! Minus your robot, naturally. In fact, you're already cleared for entrance. It's just a matter of verifying some information." The Representative went through a series of questions and pre-recorded information, making sure everything was correct. The representative started talking as he began to finish writing on his clipboard.

"Wonderful! That's... everything, Just gonna walk this over to the Vault. Congratulations on being prepared for the future!"
The Sales representative had begun to walk away from the door as he finished his speech.

"Right, Thanks again", Nate said as he closed the door as he considered the slightly eccentric fellow, all that for a bomb shelter.

"Hey, It's peace of mind. That's worth a little paperwork right?" Nora asked from the couch near the door.

Nate walked up behind her and put his hands on her upper arms. "For you and Shaun, no price is too high"

Nora turned her upper body slightly to look up at Nate, with a chuckle she responded "Good answer"

Nate with a smirk, replied, "I have my moments" and went in for a kiss, only for the sound of a baby crying to interrupt the moment.

As Codsworth slowly came from the hallway, Nate turned around and listened to the robot butler. "Sir, Shaun has been changed, But he absolutely refuses to calm down. I think he needs some of that 'parental affection' you seem to be so good at"

Looking back at Nore with pleading eyes, Nora pushed Nate to do his fatherly duties. "You heard Codsworth, go on"

With a sigh, Nate went down the hallway to the last room on the right. In the room was a Crib with a rocket mobile above it. Inside sat the most beautiful thing Nate had Seen since Nora, Shaun, his son. While Shaun could be a handful, he would storm Beijing by himself for Shaun. This is what he had fought for, this is why despite all the things he had seen during the war, he had faith everything would be alright.

Nate reached a hand down and played with Shaun, who had a toothless smile on his face.

"How are the two most important men in my life doing?" Nora asked from the doorway. "spin the mobile a bit, he loves that"

Nate spun the mobile he had fixed recently, it made a soft tune as it went around. Nora walked up to the crib and looked down to talk to Shaun.

"Hey, how's my little guy? Much better now, huh?" Nora then looked up to speak to Nate.

"Listen, after breakfast, I was thinking we could head to the park for a bit, Weather should hold up"

"Will it be like that night In the park a year ago?" Nate asked with a knowing grin.

Codsworth loud announcement cut Nora from any response.

"Sir, Ma'm, You should come and see this!" Codsworths artificial voice sounded afraid.

"Codsworth, what's wrong?" Nora asked with rising concern evident on her face. Nate too was concerned, Codsworth never sounded scared, and Nate didn't even know Mr Handys could. What was wrong?

Nate left Nora with Shaun as he went to the front room. In the silence, The Sounds of ads and news ramblings of the Television set were replaced with the solemn sound of a news anchor who was grim seriousness. Codsworth was viewing the Anchor, so Nate listened in.

"Followed by.. yes Followed by flashes. Blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions. We're, uh trying to get confirmation."

Nora had walked with Shaun into the Living room behind Nate, who slowly was having the blood drained from his face. He waited for the confirmation, he hoped to god he was wrong, but Nate knew exactly what was going on. It had happened.

"We seemed to have lost contact with our affiliated stations"

Outside, a commotion could be heard, slowly getting louder and more chaotic. On the Television, the News anchor listened into the earpiece he had. His composure began to crack as the information was passed to him. The Continued his report, the once unshakable Anchor stammering to get the words out.

"We... We do... We do have...We do have coming in...that's um...Confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in new york and... Pennsylvania. my god." The last thing to be seen was the Anchor holding his head in his hand in disbelief before the entire channel was replaced by a screen saying 'please stand by'.

Nate had what felt like every conceivable thought go through his head all at once. Who, What, When, Where, Why, Dear god Why? What could they do, where could they go? Wait, The Vault! The Representative had said they were accepted into the local vault.

"We need to get to the vault, now!" Nate Ordered, Panic was barely hidden under the surface. Nora made a break for the door stating "I've got Shaun, let's go!"

Upon leaving their home, Nate and Nore Were Caught in the Fury of the local panic. People were packing cars, running down the road, and even trying to bar their homes. A Vertibird flew overhead, close enough to the ground to feel the ai being pushed by its rotary blades. A Speaker was broadcasting a message from the Rotorcraft. Nate heard it as He ran with Nora and Shaun down the street.

"Residence of sanctuary hills, If you are registered, evacuate to vault one eleven immediately."

One man was shouting over the noise at his wife as he filled the car with luggage.
"We'll drive to the coast, that's got to be far enough" As Nate passed them, he could hear the wife's response.
"What if it isn't"

Nate then saw a Soldier motioning people down a dirt side path while barking "This way, all vault participants"

As Nate And his wife and son followed the path the soldier had motioned to, Nate saw another couple with the husband bent down repacking a spilled bag. The Wife was Baffled at her husband's actions.

"Leave the bags, who cares?" She Cried, his response being "Just help me pack it up!"

Nate and Nora walked up the side of the hill, eventually, they reached another soldier who was in front of a large crowd. He was Barking another message.
"Check-in at the gate, if you're in the program, you'll get in!"

As they reached the chain-link gate, Nate could see the Vault-tec Representative from before arguing with a soldier with a clipboard.
"That's absurd, I AM vault-tec, I'm going in there!"

Another Soldier in power armour nearby began to power the motor on his minigun. This ended the argument instantly.
"Whoa, okay, okay!"

The representative turned and ran, shouting as he left "I'm reporting this!"

Nate went up to the Soldier with a clipboard. All the while, More Announcements were being barked "if you're in the program, step forward, otherwise go home!"

"We need to get it, where on the list!" Nate Explained

The soldier gave him and Nora, who was holding Shaun, a glance over and then down at the clipboard.
"Infant, adult male, adult female. okay, go ahead."

"Thank you," Nora said to the soldier as they passed through the gate.

"Good luck ma'am and God help us all" The soldier responded as they left.

Up ahead was a man dressed in blue with light leather protection on, he motioned to Nate and Nora.
"you two, follow me, Come on!" He ordered.

"What's going to happen to all those people outside the gate?" Nora asked

"We're doing everything we can. Now keep moving!" The Vault security officer responded. It was a blatant lie, Nate knew the answer was sweet nothing.

As they reached the top of the hill, the Security officer motioned to a Sizable gear-shaped elevator platform on the very top of the hill.
"Step on the platform, In the centre"

Doing as they asked, Nate and Nora stepped onto the platform centre with a handful of others. The officer then shouted to a man operating the lift. "All right, that's it, send them down"

Nate attempted to reassure Nora.
"Almost there, We're gonna be okay. I Love you, Both of you."
Nora responded with "We love you too."

The world went so bright that Nate could see nothing but white.
After a moment, the glare began to fade, only for Nate to see the worst thing he could imagine.

In the far distance, Was a rising mushroom cloud, pushing out the clouds. The blast wave was expanding rapidly, and it would hit them, within a minute.

"NOW, SEND THEM DOWN NOW!" Screamed someone.

The platform began to descend, But the wave of destruction was now visibly passing over the tree line.

"Hold on!" Nate Yelled.

Everyone on the platform began to cower at the approaching hellfire.

The platform made it within a second, the roar above them was deafening. As the Platform went deeper, the opening above was sealed, cutting off the light.

It was black. but eventually, a light appeared as the platform reached the chamber at the bottom.

"We did it, we made it, we're okay." Trying to calm herself down.

The Vault overseer announced to the still-shocked platformers.
"Everyone please step off the elevator, and proceed up the stairs in an orderly fashion. No need to worry folks, we'll get everyone situated in your new home, Vault one eleven. A better future underground."

One of the neighbours responded with "So we just..."

He was cut off by vault-tec security who confirmed it for him "yes, up the stairs"

Another neighbour, stated, "I can't believe it, if we had left a minute later, we'd all be.."

This time the overseer cut him off. "No, No. Don't get caught up thinking about that, you're safe now."

Nate Moved along with everyone up the stairs and through the giant gear-shaped hole that leads inside the vault.

An Electronic announcement stated the same instructions as the overseer as Nate passed through some scanners, a vault-tec employee stating their sex as they passed.

Another vault-tec employee directed Nate over to a table where a woman was handing out vault suits.

As he collected a packed suit from the woman, Nate said "Thanks, what now?"

She responded, "Just follow the doctor and he'll show you where to go."

The doctor smiled as Nate and Nora looked his way

"All right you three, follow me," He said.

Nora spoke to Shaun. "see, this is our new home"

The doctor overheard this and began talking about the Vault. "oh you're going to love it here. This is one of our most advanced facilities, Not that the others aren't great mind you..."

Nate's attention drifted off as he overheard others talking about what had just happened.
"It's gone, Our home, Everything we had..." "My mother and father were down in D.C. Oh god, what if they didn't make it?"

Nora's words brought Nate back to the conversation happening as they walked down the cold halls.
"How long do you think we will be down here?"

The Docter brushed the question aside "Oh, We'll be going over all that during presentation. Just a few medical items we have to get through first." As the doctor talked, they entered a room filled with large machines. They were bulky and filled with pipes. The machines opened to show a place where a human would be.
The doctor motioned to one of the machines and told Nate "Just step in here and put your vault suit on"

Before Nate could do that, he heard Shaun crying. Nore was trying to comfort Shaun
"shh, It'll be okay. Daddy's right here, see?" looking at Nate, Nora asked, "Honey, Could you help me?"

Nate went over to Nora and played with Shaun "who's my little guy, I'm not going far, I'll be just over there"
Shaun smiled and Nora kept reassuring the child. "There he is, see? Daddy's not going far"

With Shaun calmed down, Nate went back to the machine he was designated. Putting on the Vault suit, it was sleek yet not constricting. Nate then grabbed a handle inside the machine and pulled himself inside. As the front slid down and sealed, Nate wondered what kind of medical test this was. Looking through a small window, he could see Shaun and Nora in the machine on the other side. The doctor stood in front of Nate's machine and spoke to him.
"The pod will decontaminate and depressurise you before we head deeper into the vault, Just relax.

So Nate tried just that, saying to himself "time for a whole new life"
as he tried to calm down he noticed something, Why was the pod so cold? A voice played inside the pod.
"Resident secure, Occupant vitals: Normal, Procedure complete" suddenly it was getting really cold!
Before Nate could comprehend what was happening, he was losing consciousness. "In 5...4...3...2..."

"Manual override initiated, Cryogenic stasis suspended"
Nate awoke in confusion, where was he, what was happening? Oh god, the war, was it real? Where was Nora? The pod, he must have dozed off during the procedure. Why was he so cold?

Looking out the small window, Nate could see a person approaching his wife's pod, they wore a hazmat suit of sorts. they pointed at Nora's pod and said "This is the one, here" What was going on? A bald man came into view, he gave an order to the woman in the hazmat suit "Open it"

Nora's Pod opened. Nora keeled forward as she coughed, Shaun crying.
"is it over, are we okay?"

"Almost, everything's going to be fine," The man said

The Assistant in a hazmat suit tried to take Shaun from Nora "Come here, come here, baby..."

Nora held on to Shaun "No, wait, no, I've got him"

The man pulled out a gun and aimed at Nora. Nate Banged on the glass, trying to get out, to save her.

"Let the boy go, I'm only going to tell you this once" The bald man threatened

"I'm not giving you Shaun" Then the gun went off. Nora went limp as the Assistant took Shaun. Nate tried to scream, but the Cold had him mute. He continued to slam on the window.

The bald man spoke "Goddammit, get the kid out of here, and let's go"

The murderer then wandered over the Nate's Pod, looked in the window and said "At least we still have the backup"

Nate looked at the face of his Wife's murderer and son's kidnapper. He would never forget that face, or that scar going down and over his right eye.

"Cryogenic sequence reinitialised" Went the Pod's speaker, as Nate fell back into unconsciousness.

Nate's lungs felt like they were on fire, He coughed as he awoke once more.
While furiously pounding on the door, Alarms were going off.

"Critical failure in cryogenic array, all vault residents must vacate immediately"

The pod door shot up. Nate with what little strength he had pushed himself out of the pod and onto the floor. After gathering himself, he forced himself onto his feet and towards Nora's Pod. Falling on the pod, he searched for a latch to open the pod. "Come on, there has to be a release!"

Then he saw the red latch nearby and pulled it down. As the Pod door began to open, Nate shouted in panic "Come on, Come on, Come on, Oh GOD"

As the door flew up, Nate saw Nora, She was not moving, not breathing. She was gone. As the Alarms wailed around him, Nate fell to his knees, Lost, and cried.

It was unknown how long he knelt there, but eventually, he found something to drive him. Shaun, they had Shaun. Shaun needed him, and he needed Shaun. Looking at his wife one last time, he took her wedding ring, so that he had, something. "I'll find who did this, and I'll get Shaun back, I promise."