• Member Since 15th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


"The clever are not so much looking for loneliness as they avoid the fuss created by fools." - Arthur Schopenhauer

Comments ( 18 )

I hope many enjoy this story. The Sphinx is very popular, you know. (Disliking a standalone comment that's vaguely related to my story? I swear that I'll never understand other humans for as long as I'll live on this planet. I'm only stating my opinion, not inciting a bomb threat. You guys can relax, nothing bad is going to happen.)

So what's wrong with this story? I made sure to dot my I's and cross my T's with this one. Even doing more effort to improve my spelling and grammar. I personally made sure of that- I thoroughly checked every possible variable for this to succeed. And using the excuse that it's my attitude has nothing to do with the story itself as a whole, therefore, it is not recognized as actual criticism.

Is it too bland? Not enough details? It is too short and not long enough to be classified as a standard chapter? There has to be something I'm doing wrong, legitimately. I'm looking for actual pointers for my work to improve, not my attitude. That has nothing to do with my work, it's just used as an excuse. I'm not dumb, you know.

Saying that my attitude sucks is your opinion, nothing more, nothing less. That says nothing for my actual potential as an author. That's an incredibly shallow and petty reason to dislike a story. All I understand was that enabling ratings was a mistake- one that for some reason I keep making.

By just disliking and not explaining why is like someone taking their driving exam and being failed for a random reason, not because they were incapable of preforming their task, but probably because of a mistake they made. (Nobody's perfect), How can they improve if you don't tell them what they actually did wrong? "Those that fail to learn from their past are condemned to repeat it." - John F. Kennedy.

10832500 I can't speak for everyone but I could see a few just from the description alone. N-Not judging but just saying from first glace.

I'm just looking for some good criticism. That's all. A means to improve. Is that asking for too much? I understand that I might have an attitude, but that shouldn't be the final kibosh on the story, just because of that. Where would those mistakes be so I can fix them?

10832628 I completely understand where you're coming from. As much as it pains me, I'm unable to offer said advice as it would be biased on my part(since most of these... fetish(s) aren't my forte). But even if that wasn't the case, I'm not very good a pointing stuff out very easily. Still, I wish you the best of luck:heart:

Oh? You're referring to the warning in my disclaimer? Yeah, those are roughly the fetishes that you should expect from the chapters.

That would probably be where a lot of the dislikes are coming from. Any fetish story will get them. One with this many will get it even worse. And there is a couple of spelling mistakes in the description.

"There was a new crisis in the deserted regions of Equestia."

You spelled Equestria wrong. And I assume you mean "In the desert regions"?

Thank you. I appreciate your help. I mean I've seen stories all about manure fetish getting much more love so I thought that I could easily do the same and get the same results. Monkey see, monkey do, as they say.

And fixed. Just because I've made one teeny-tiny little mistake doesn't mean that the story itself is trash.

Why is it say complete if this is just the first chapter? And when is the next chapter?

As always you create some of THE best content ^-^
It always makes me excited when you upload, thank you so much for everything that you do for us seriously thank you again! >3<

"But We're needed in Equestria. We cannot be in here with you, Sphinx. Surely there must be an arrangement we could make?" Celestia asked the towering feline in front of them.

Here, Celestia seems weirdly amenable. She later explains the reason:

"Luna, we're trapped in here and our magic is controlled by hers in her temple. I'm afraid that we don't have much of a choice here."

However, I don't see this being mentioned before. If something happened to their magic, I think it deserves some focus.

One dislike on a comment of someone I know showing their appreciation? Don't be hating on my friends. Mind your own business.

In not going to read the story but I appreciate you a lot for putting the warning on the front page of the story many authors dont do that and then I have to read it and stop because it's tucking disgusting

At least you had the common sense to heed warnings. Go easy on this guy, fellas.

Sees only 2 likes and 7 dislikes, Now I remember why I disabled the ratings. Nobody pays attention to warnings. Like if it pisses you off or disgusts you, why're you reading it? Just an honest question.

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