• Published 29th Jan 2021
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My Filly From Tartarus - 5u0myn0n4

Twilight Sparkle has decided to look after Cozy Glow after her recent takeover attempt. Twilight now contemplates whether or not this was a good idea. Meanwhile she must come to terms with her promotion to be the Princess's successor.

  • ...

Chapter 8

At the top of a tower in Canterlot, there was a suite with three rooms. The double door led to the princess's suite. The other two doors were rooms belonging to Spike and Cozy Glow respectively.

"Here we are, Cozy. This is where we'll spend every evening sleeping." Twilight said.

It was just starting to occur to Cozy Glow. She was going to live in Canterlot, and live with the ruler of Equestria.

"Wow. I really get to live in Canterlot, huh..." Cozy said.

"Mmm hmm. We'll be spending a lot of time here in Canterlot. But also abroad, as there is still a lot of work to do to manage the land." Twilight said.

It was also just starting to occur how busy their day to day life might be. Would their lessons continue? Or did Twilight think Cozy was sufficient in magic and friendship? Would her focus drift from the filly to the kingdom?

Cozy was lost in her thoughts, but Twilight caught her attention by opening one of the doors.

"This room's just for you. It should have all you need. Spike and I will be in the other two rooms, so just knock if you need anything." Twilight explained.

Cozy entered her room. It was a nice place inside.

"And to prove this place is yours, as well as to show your status, I'd like you to have this." Twilight handed Cozy Glow something special. It was a royal crest, with a purple ribbon wrapped around it. Cozy held it with her magic.

Spike showed off his similar crest, which denoted his status as Twilight's personal Royal Knight.

"So, officially your Royal Advisor, huh." Cozy said.

"Yep. That's you, Royal Advisor Cozy Glow." Twilight said.

"The Princess's Royal Knight, and Royal Advisor. Both by her side." Spike said, holding his crest next to Cozy's.

And Twilight's crown completed the trinity.

My first friend, and my latest friend, both by my side, as we get ready to tackle Equestria, together. Twilight thought.

"Together, we'll be Team SParkglow!" Spike exclaimed.

"S-Sparklow?" Cozy asked.

"You know. Spike-Twilight Sparkle, and Cozy Glow." Spike said. "The three of us spread friendship farther than any one has before!"

Well, it was good to see that Spike still retained his playful spirit.

"I think that's a pretty fun sounding name." Cozy said.

*giggle* "We'll sleep on that name. And speaking of sleep, it's time for all of us to have some." Twilight said.

"Agreed." Cozy said, yawning.

Cozy glow flew onto the bed, and laid on her back. Twilight used her magic and lifted up the blankets and sheets. She slowly wrapped them around Cozy, until she was snug in the bed.

"There we are. Warm and c-"

"Don't say it." Cozy said.

"Warm and... comfy." Twilight said.

"There you go, all tucked into bed." Twilight said.

Cozy however did not reply.

"Not very talkative tonight?" Spike asked.

"I know all of this is pretty overwhelming, and it's been a really long day. You'll feel better in the morning." Twilight said.

Twilight patted Cozy on the head and turned down the lights. She and Spike headed for the door when suddenly-

"Twilight?" Cozy asked.

"Yes, Cozy?" Twilight replied.

"It's just... it's my first night in an unfamiliar place. I uh..." Cozy said. She held back her words.

"It would be nice if you... stayed with me, uh, just until I fall asleep. That's all..." Cozy said.

Twilight paused, but smiled.

"Oh, Cozy. Of course. It'd be my pleasure." Twilight said.

Twilight rubbed her hoof along Cozy's face.

"You really are the most precious little filly in all of Equestria." Twilight said, endearingly.

"Oh, stop it, Twilight. You're making me gag." Cozy giggled.

Twilight pressed her hoof against the bed and poked Cozy. Spike sat on the bed as well.

"So, the most evil filly in Equestria, huh?" Spike asked.

"Where? I don't see them." Cozy replied.

The three of them all laughed together.

"So, Cozy. Wanna explain why you keep mentioning me in the context of Twilight?" Spike asked.

"The thing is, is that, Twilight told me that I reminded her of you, Spike. And, to be honest, it resonated deeper than that." Cozy explained.

"I wonder if I could've been reformed sooner if you gave me that sort of love to the real me, not the façade I put on at the school." Cozy said.

"Is that so?" Twilight asked.

"You know, if I'm being totally honest, I've always been sort of envious of what you and Twilight have, Spike." Cozy said. "Each of you without the other would be totally different creatures. Spike would not have even been born without Twilight. And after you imprinted yourself onto him, you raised him as if he was your own foal. And Twilight, if you had not had such a loving baby dragon to call your son, you might not be the resonator of friendship you are today. It's something I always admired. Even during my time at your school, separating you two seemed too cruel.. That's the reason why I sent Spike with you to Tartarus..."

"Uh... thanks, Cozy? For being considerate?" Spike said.

"The love between you two is just something so precious, and special. If you had just shared with me a fraction of that love, or just a little bit more... who knows, maybe I wouldn't have paved my own path at the school..."

"I admire Mama Twilight, because I've never known motherly love like that fist hand, as you could probably guess." Cozy explained.

"Oh, Cozy..." Twilight said.

"So, since you're a bigger fan of Mama Twilight than Princess Twilight..." Spike started.

*giggle* "Well, I can be any Twilight you want." Twilight said.

Cozy was touched by Twilight's generosity towards her. Not too long ago, such a thing seemed impossible.

But not everything was at ease. The past still haunted the three of them.

"But lately I've been sort of confused. It's almost like Mama Twilight and Princess Twilight aren't even the same pony. How could a pony be so kind to her surrogate foal, yet simultaneously so cruel to a young member of your own species?" Cozy asked.

"Cozy. My job first and foremost is to protect Equestria. If any creature is willing to make friends, I'll definitely do it. But when it comes to you, you..." Twilight didn't know how to complete her sentence.

"So then, where does that leave me? If I'm like Spike, then who's my Twilight? Growing up, I never had a Twilight to tell me how to use my wits. I had to figure everything out myself. Then with my cutie mark, that's when I discovered how much I loved manipulating my way up the ranks, which ultimately culminated in... you know. But I never could have imagined that Twilight Sparkle, the pony I had admired for only one quality alone, and that's your kindness towards Spike, was almost so unremorseful towards a little filly after her big mistakes. I still can't believe it almost happened. That you would stand there and do nothing and let Discord seal me away forever. I don't even know really what I changed in your mind to stop that from happening, other than reminding you of the values you spent your Ponyville years cherishing."

Twilight and Spike paused. There was a lot to take in. Neither one knew really how to follow up that thought, but Twilight was the first to speak after the silence.

"When you were my assistant at the school, I told you that you reminded me of Spike. And that wasn't an off the cuff thing I said. I really did appreciate you, and I was personally devastated when I found out you would try to deplete all the magic in Equestria, and went so far as to trap my friends and I..."

Cozy's eyes shimmered as Twilight reminded her of her unsavoury past and regrettable actions.

"Anyway. Don't think that putting you in Tartarus was an uncontroversial decision." Twilight affirmed.

"Sure doesn't feel that way. Why didn't you stop Celestia or Luna from locking me away?" Cozy asked.

"If I'm being honest, it's because that is what they advised. I trusted their judgement. It's what they decided, and I felt I had no authority to uphold their decision. But deep down, it didn't sit right with me." Twilight said.

Cozy was dubious of Twilight's claims.

"I don't know if I buy that explanation. If you really were concerned about me, then why did that almost happen?"

"I-I... I don't know. The more I think about it, it just doesn't add up." Twilight wept.

"Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Starlight was right. Intentional or not, Discord did almost destroy our ideas of friendship. If he had his way and the ending proceeded as originally intended, we were ready to do something so regressive and backwards. Lately, Celestia had made it a point to not imprison any pony or creature if we can help it, but we almost lost that sense of courtesy, and values we cherished in the first place. That wasn't Friendship or acceptance, it was inclusion and cynicism. We almost weaponized friendship against three creatures who definitely had it in their hearts to change. It would have been a disaster. I can only imagine that my rule from that point on probably wouldn't have been sustainable. Friendship and Harmony probably would have been replaced by paranoia and mistrust after just a few years." Twilight wept.

"Are you okay, Twilight?" Cozy asked.

"I don't know. I really don't know. I'm still bothered by it. I would never wish such a thing upon my worst enemies. So why did I wish such a thing upon my enemies?" Twilight asked.

Cozy wiped away Twilight's tears with her hooves.

"Hey. I wouldn't dwell too much on something that didn't actually happen. Or at least, didn't happen to us. It's still weird to think about..." Cozy said. "What matters now is what you, you Princess Twilight Sparkle, of the present, of this timeline -- It matters only what you think."

*sniff* "You're right, Cozy." Twilight said. "And you know what? Thinking about what Celestia said earlier, maybe they don't know what's best. Earlier, Celestia told me that I knew better than they did, to the point where I was doing their job better than them... and I think you're the reason why. They were referring to you."

Twilight's words touched Cozy closely.

Did Celestia and Luna decide to step down because they were ashamed of how they dealt with Cozy Glow? Not likely, but not totally impossible. That doesn't mean that it wasn't relevant though.

Twilight's recent treatment of Cozy Glow was the reason why Celestia and Luna believed Twilight would be a better ruler than the both of them. The two older princesses could not reach through to Cozy Glow. Here was a friendship problem that only the new princess could solve. And this was just one example of such a scenario. Promoting Twilight to ruler was a no brainer, and after seeing how she helped Cozy Glow, they knew for certain that she was ready.

"You of all ponies reminded me why the magic of friendship matters." Twilight said. "Only I could reach out to you. I was finally able to teach you an important lesson, and in the process, I learned a little something too. Celestia was right about one thing. I can make friends with just about any pony. And I was right about you, there really is a soft side to you." Twilight said. "And all I had to do was believe you could change, and then I found somepony brand new. The kindness you exuberate right now. I haven't felt this way since Spike became my responsibility."

Twilight and Spike wrapped their arms around Cozy on the bed, and they snuggled together, and it felt warm and nice. And just like that, it literally felt like their warmth patched a whole that'd been in her heart for years. Rather than trick other ponies so she could be an Empress, Cozy had found something better than any status or rank.

Finally... she had a family.

"Is that all you wanted, Cozy?" Spike asked.

"Not at first. At least, not when I first enrolled in your school. But now that I've experienced it, I wouldn't want anything more or less." Cozy said. "Thank you for believing in me, Twilight. Thanks for giving me another chance."

"This never would have happened if you weren't willing to change." Twilight said.

"All I needed was somepony to believe in me... and somepony who liked me, cared what happened to me, and wished the best for me." Cozy admitted. "Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis were almost that for me. And I clung to them, because they were the only creatures who were willing to team up with me, even after seeing the real me. But also, I clung to them because I never thought you'd show me any sign of kindness again."

"It wouldn't be right if I didn't. Things are going to be different now." Twilight said.

"Well, not that different. I think you already know a thing or two about raising fillies, or even dragons." Spike said.

"It's true. Raising Spike in his early years was some of the happiest years of my life that I cherish. As time went on and Spike became more independent, and I was able to focus more on studies, you're right, I did sort of shut the door on other ponies. Until I moved to Ponyville and was able to invite my friends into my life. Celestia wanted me to learn the value in making friends. A value I almost lost sight of on that fateful day. But it's alright now. I think we've more than made up for our mistakes by now."

Twilight rubbed her hoof in Cozy's mane.

"Thank you, Twilight. For believing in me when nopony else did. Not even me." Cozy said.

"And thank you Cozy Glow, for reminding me what the Princess of Friendship is supposed to do." Twilight replied.

"But how could I remind you if I was such a troublemaker?" Cozy asked.

"Just because it was difficult to talk sense into you, doesn't mean it was impossible, or that I shouldn't have tried. Besides, that's all the more reason to keep going. I wouldn't have been reminded if you didn't warn me of what was to come." Twilight said.

"So you needed me to remind you about friendship, but I needed you to be willing to listen to me, and that wouldn't have happened if I didn't break the rules of the time continuum..." Cozy said, bewildered.

"Eh, whatever it takes. Though it sort of makes your head spin thinking about it..." Spike said.

"It's so confusing *yawn* it makes me awfully sleepy..." Cozy said, her voice trailing off to sleep.

Cozy closed her eyes, and Twilight patted her head one last time before climbing out of the bed.

Twilight and Spike got up and walked to the doorway. They looked at the alicorn filly one last time for the night. Twilight used her magic and turned off the lights in the room.

"Good night, Cozy Glow." Twilight said.

The door closed, but she didn't hear it, for the alicorn filly was already fast asleep.


It was already morning time. It was a short night, as everypony stayed up late with the coronation, and then the little fiasco that same night. Despite that, Cozy had one good rest. Sure beat sleeping in a cage in Tartarus, or even Grogar's lair, or... the eternal sleep. But waking up in a big comfy Canterlot bed, now that felt nice and relaxing.

Cozy Glow slowly started to awaken. She rubbed her eyes, and gave out a big hearty yawn. She looked outside, and the Eastern sky had a tint of bright orange. That meant it was time for her favorite time of day. She crawled out of bed, and moseyed her way out of the room.

She looked out to her balcony, and saw Twilight Sparkle and Spike standing at the edge of the balcony. She could see Twilight Sparkle holding the talisman that was linked to the Sun and Moon.

Twilight calmly used the talisman to gently lower the Moon, and rise the Sun. The balcony faced the East, and beamed directly in front of Twilight, and into the room behind her. The Sun's light hit Cozy's face. Seeing her new caregiver raise the Sun was a spectacular and beautiful sight to see. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.

Twilight put away the talisman, and turned around. At the entrance to the inside stood her filly, Cozy Glow.

"I can see why so many ponies love watching the Summer Sun Celebration." Cozy said with a warm smile.

"Well, there's plenty more where that came from, Cozy." Spike replied. "The Sun is supposed to rise every morning after all."

"So, Cozy Glow, for your first day as royalty, what would you like to do first?" Twilight asked.

"Me?" Cozy asked.

"Yes. Our first activity shall be decided by you. So, Cozy, what's on your mind?" Twilight asked.

"Hmm..." Cozy thought hard. What could a filly with near limitless magical power want to do? And then she realized the perfect activity to do this sunny morning. Cozy realized she had unfinished business to wrap up.

"I know exactly what I would like to do." Cozy replied. "If there's enough time, I have something fun in mind."

"Let me run it by Spike first." Cozy said.

"Secret SParglow meeting. Minus the spark." Spike said.

Cozy whispered into Spike's ears.

"That sounds like a perfect idea for you two to indulge in!" Spike said. "Cozy told me she has something special she wants to show you." Spike said.

Cozy kicked her hooves, shyly. It was true, but spelling it out embarrassed her.

"It's true, Twilight. I think you'll have fun." Cozy said.

"That's so sweet, Cozy. But, just two of us? What about you Spike?" Twilight asked.

"Well, one of us has to stay behind and take care of morning duties until you two get back. It's the least I could do for you as your Royal Knight." Spike said.

"But, missing out on my first morning as ruler?" Twilight asked.

Cozy was second guessing if her idea was that important or not...

"Cozy explained to me that today's the only morning to do this right. So I think you two ought'a get a move on." Spike said. "Part of Team SParkglow, is that each one of us is self-sufficient. Besides, you won't regret it. This'll be special."

Twilight was eager to see what Cozy was so excited to share, yet too shy to just say out loud.

"Alright, Cozy. What did you want to show me?" Twilight asked.

In a little tent in the White Tail Woods, Diamond Tiara and Pipsqueak were just waking up from their sleep.

*yawn* "...Good morning, Pipsqueak." Diamond Tiara said, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning... *yawn* Cozy Glow?" Pip asked.

"She left last night, remember?" Diamond Tiara said.

"But she came back, remember? We helped her and Twilight overcome their fears." Pip said.

"That was just a dream, Pipsqueak." Diamond Tiara said.

"But it couldn't have just been a dream. It felt so real. Why, I betcha more than anything that Princess Luna connected all three of our dreams together. That's what she does after all." Pip said.

"Heh. Sure, Pip. I suppose that's possible." Diamond Tiara giggled.

The two foals heard voices from outside the tent. But they also heard lots of wind and rustling of their tent.

"Did you hear that?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Hardly. It's so windy outside." Pip said. "It's almost like perfect weather for..."

They exited the tent, and were surprised at what they saw.

They saw Twilight and Cozy sitting in a clearing in the forest. The grass was short, it was like a serene meadow. Together they were flying kites, using their hooves, not relying on the aid of their magic.

Twilight's kite crashed onto the ground.

"Oh, darn it." Twilight said.

Twilight started to use her magic to get it in the air, but Cozy urged her not to.

"Come on Twilight. Try again. And remember, no magic." she said.

"Heh. Of course, Cozy." Twilight said.

Twilight reeled in her kite to try again.

"Cozy Glow?" the foals asked together.

"Hey guys." Cozy greeted in return.

Pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara walked up slowly to the royal alicorns. They seemed a little intimidated by their importance, but Cozy and Twilight urged them that there was nothing to be nervous about. They were still ponies, just like the two of them.

"So, you must be Cozy Glow's friends." Twilight said, eager to learn about their interactions with Cozy.

"That's us. I know we've already met, but it's always an honor to be in the presence of a princess." Pip said.

"I had no idea Cozy had made friends all on her own, though I guess I shouldn't be surprised." Twilight said, rubbing Cozy's mane.

"Yep. You know, manipulation isn't that different from cooperation. She was surprisingly natural at helping us out." Diamond Tiara said. "I'm glad we ran into each other when we did. Not to brag or anything, but I feel like Pip and I were the two ponies she needed the most."

"Well, I'm more than glad that Cozy Glow has two sweet little fillies to call her friends." Twilight said, feeling a sense of satisfaction.

Cozy made these friends all on her own. Just more anecdotal evidence that Cozy Glow had what she needed to make friends in her all along.

"So, not that we aren't pleased to see you, but, what are you doing out here?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Just a little something to connect back to nature. Plus, Cozy wanted me to meet her friends. And I am over the Moon happy that Cozy has two little friends like you guys." Twilight said.

"So... you're flying kites?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Yeah. Wanna join?" Cozy replied.

"Do I? But of course!" Pip said.

Pip was more than excited to jump in. But the rich girl was... less than enthusiastic about kites.

"How about you, DT?" Cozy asked.

"Well, I don't know..." Diamond Tiara replied.

"What's the matter, DT?" Cozy asked.

"It's just, I've never flown a kite before." Diamond Tiara said.

"WHAT?" Pip was somehow surprised.

"No worries. I'll show you then." Cozy said.

Diamond Tiara was still unsure, but Cozy seemed friendly and excited to help, so she went for it.

Diamond Tiara sat next to Cozy. Cozy handed her the kite she was currently flying. Immediately the kite tumbled in the air.

"It's gonna crash!" Diamond Tiara cried.

Swiftly, Cozy wrapped her arms around Diamond Tiara, and held the kite's spool with her.

"Now, just hold the spool steady. Don't let it control you." Cozy explained.

Diamond Tiara took her advice, and concentrated on keeping the kite stable.

"The key is to make sure you catch enough wind." Cozy explained.

Diamond Tiara held the spool, and got a sense of how much string to release, and how to control the kite.

"We're doing it, Cozy!" she said, excited.

"Correction, you're doing it." Cozy said.

Diamond Tiara looked down, and she was the only pony holding the kite's spool. At this moment she realized she had learned something new.

"I think I got the hang of it!" she exclaimed.

"Just because you haven't done something before, shouldn't intimidate you or deter you from trying." Cozy said.

But just as one filly was flying their kite, another hit a snag.


"Oh no. My kite got stuck in that tree." Pip cried.

"It's okay. One of us can fly up and get it." Twilight said, readying her wings. But Cozy had something else in mind.

"You know what? I have a better idea." Cozy said. "Afraid of heights, Pip?"

"Not so long as you have a firm hold of me." Pip said.

"No worries, Pip." Cozy said.

Cozy used her magic to lift Pipsqueak into the air. She drifted him to the tree, so he could reach his kite.

"Careful." Diamond Tiara said.

Pip grabbed a hold of the kite, and pulled it out of the tree.

"I got it!" Pip shouted. "WOAH!"

Pip fell suddenly, but Cozy caught him in her arms, and he hugged her tightly. She flew down gently to the ground with Pip in her grasp.

Pip noticed the crest wrapped around Cozy's neck.

"Wow, Cozy! Now you're a Princess!" Pip said, excited.

"What? This thing? Uh... nuh uh. I'm just a Royal Advisor." Cozy said, rubbing her head, blushing.

"Oh come on. Royal Advisor? Alicorn? You're practically a Princess." Pipsqueak said.

"Heh heh. I guess... Princess, minus the whole crown thing." Cozy said.

"Crown or not, we still love you, Cozy." Diamond Tiara said.

Cozy's eyes watered and shimmered. *sniff* "...Thank you guys, for everything..."

Diamond Tiara and Pipsqueak both wrapped their arms around Cozy Glow and gave her a big hug. She wrapped her arms around them both. Having normal friends felt really nice. Not tools to manipulate. Not disposable pawns. But real friends that she really cared about, and who really cared about her. It was a feeling she held tightly to her heart, and never wanted to let go of. They were her friends, and she loved them both. But deep down, she loved one of them especially.

Twilight looked at her filly with her friends. She smiled.

She was proud of her filly. She was nothing like the filly who lied to her at the school. For once, she was genuine, and so were her friends. And she was all the happier for it.

"That's my girl." Twilight said to herself.

The End (for now)

Author's Note:

This is effectively the end of the story. There's one chapter left after this. but it'll be more of a bonus/epilogue. You might already be able to guess which direction it'll be going.

I just want to add on to something in the chapter. In it, Twilight says:

I can only imagine that my rule from that point on probably wouldn't have been sustainable. Friendship and Harmony probably would have been replaced by paranoia and mistrust after just a few years." Twilight wept.

What's that referring to? Is that a jab at how in the G5 movie, it's stated that the tribes live separated and live in mistrust? Yeah. If G5 is a canonical successor to G4, then it is my thinking that if whatever calamity awaits Equestria -- If Twilight's rule as princess really was disastrous, then that disaster was the eventual result or consequence of what happened in The Ending of the End.

All of the pieces sort of just seem to come together in my head.

Someone on Derpibooru said that the biggest takeaway from Ending, is that it suggests that there is no rhyme or reason to who is reformed, thus trivializing reformation. Reformation became an arbitrary concept in The Ending of the End, not based on anything at all. Which honestly is the best objective take on the episode I've read.

Anyway, something more fun:

But deep down, she loved one of them especially.

