• Published 13th Feb 2021
  • 166 Views, 1 Comments

Random Thoughts of Pony Life - TPC-2k16

A modern story for modern kids to relate to.

  • ...

The Only Chapter

What a lovely, sunny day in the small town of Ponyville.

Everypony out and about on the town, enjoying the bright rays of sunlight.

Well, everypony except six unique, different ponies. They (probably only they) call themselves the ‘Mane Six’.

The six unique, different ponies instead spending this beautiful, sunny day inside the most best -est, most awesome -est hangout of all time. Sugarcube Corner. All six ponies passing the time right now on their tablets.

Ugh, I'm sooo bored.” Rainbow Dash, the cyan colored mare with a rainbow mane and tail exclaims to all of her friends, her head slouching down on the shop's counter.

“I’ve looked through every app on here like, too many times to count. And there’s no new any news of wonderbolt gossip. I’m pooped.”

Pinkie Pie looks up from her tablet. “Oh, you’re not ‘pooped’ Rainbow Dash. You just need something new to do.”

Rainbow whinnies at that. “New? Unless there’s some major awesome, cool, extreme, awesome new thing I just hadn’t found yet. Sure, why not. I’ll be up for it.”

Just then, all six ponies get a notification appear on all their tablets.

Oooo... a brand new app for one particularly bored pony.” Fluttershy says after seeing the notification being one advertising a brand new app.

“Sure, why not. I’m sure that-“ Rainbow interrupts herself as she sees the notification for herself, it definitely getting her attention.

Woah. There’s a new app called Super Sonic Rainboom Simulator!!! I have to download it! NOW!!!”

Rainbow gets out of her ‘bored’ funk. Immediately opening up the appstore on her tablet to download the app ASAP.

“Wow! That sure got ya outta yer funk, huh RD?” Applejack asks her friend.

“No time for talking. I got a game to get a high score on!”


“Do we have everything? Are we ‘cool’?”

“Oh we’re way ‘cool’. Why, we’re practically awesome!”

Twilight and Fluttershy are both outside, standing in line in front of the newest store Ponyville has ever seen.

Today’s the grand opening of Ponyville’s very own SunLight Store.

“I can hardly wait! What’d ya think will be available?! I’m hoping they have the brand new SunLight Watch. It’s like a phone, only on your hoof!” Twilight says joyously.

“I’m at least hoping they have the latest SunTablet Air X. I hear the camera is real top notch. Perfect for taking pics of adorable animals with.” Fluttershy says.

“Well, let’s stop hoping. ‘Cause it’s now open!!” Twilight exclaims loudly as she sees the two glass double front doors being unlocked for the first time.

Twilight and Fluttershy (and the other ponies standing in line) all rushing in.


“Applejack, darling, have you, or have you not, seen my hat?” Rarity asks Applejack, all dramatic like.

“A hat? Ah’m awfully sorry Rare. Ah have not. But if ya tell me 'bout what it looks like, I can be on the lookout for it.”

Rarity blows a raspberry at AJ’s answer. “Alright. If I MUST,” Rarity thinks about the hat for a second, “I believe it's a hat exactly like yours. Only rounder. And has a pink bow tied around the top. Oh, and color is a light reddish pinkish orange. Hope that helps. I’m off now!” Rarity exits the scene, dramatically, of course.

“Uh, okay. Ah’ll be on the lookout, then.”


“High score! Yes!”

Rainbow Dash has just spent the last two hours getting the high score on ‘Super Sonic Rainboom Simulator’.

“It made of taken two hours, and lots of nonblinking, but it was worth it. So worth it.”

As Rainbow is ‘chillaxing’ her victory for the day, making sure to blink all she wants, a notification flashes on her tablet’s locked screen. And it's about the game she’d just got the high score in.

“Huh?” Rainbow taps on the notification and sees... somepony else having the top score.

“What?! Oh no way!! I’ll show... SpiDragon99, who the real top high scorer... -er is!”

And like that, Rainbow goes back to playing ‘Super Sonic Rainboom Simulator’ to show SpiDragon99 what hit him, or her.


“Wow! What a great time that was!”

Hmmph. I was glad they at least had the things we wanted.”

Twilight and Fluttershy say as both ponies walk home from the SunLight Store, each carrying with them special ‘SunLight Store’ brand boxes filled with the electronics they wanted.

“So, what are you gonna do first with your new tablet?”

Fluttershy’s about to speak before the two ponies hear something.

That something being Spike the Dragon. Him flying over to them.

“Uh hey Twilight, Fluttershy. How was your shopping?” Spike asks the two, acting a little inconspicuous.

“Great Spike! We wished all our other friends could’ve made it. It was a blast!” Twilight answers him.

“Great great. I uh, gotta be somewhere. See you later!” Spike shouts as he flies away from the two.


Well, Applejack didn’t plan to go to the park today. But here she is.

Looking under and over almost everything. From under literally a rock to over the top of a water fountain.

All just to look for Rarity’s hat.

“Uh, hey Applejack. What’re ya doing?” Spike asks the orange country pony, seeing as she’s lifting up a park bench to check under it.

“Oh," AJ brings the bench back down, “Imma lookin’ for Rarity’s hat. Know where Ah might find it?”

“Her hat?” Spike thinks for a second. “Is it the one that’s a lot like yours, but only rounder, has a pink bow tied around the top, and is a light reddish pinkish orange color?”

“Why yes! How did ya know-“

“She’s been asking about it for weeks now. Haven’t you been checking up on her latest MyHoof posts?”

“Uh...” Applejack’s face goes red, feeling a slight embarrassed.

“If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t seen it.”

“Uh, that’s alright Spike. Ah’ll keep searchin’.”

And like that, Applejack continues on the lookout for Rarity’s hat. All the while Spike flies away, bringing up his tablet as he does. Seeing how there's a new notification from the game 'Super Sonic Rainboom Simulator'.


“Now. That should do it." Rainbow Dash had just reclaimed the high score for ‘Super Sonic Rainboom Simulator’, and this time making sure that nopony (or others) can beat it.

“It may of taken two hours and lots of holding it in, but it is done. And now for my ‘congratulatory nap’.”

After saying that, Rainbow immediately falls back onto her bed, immediately falling asleep, snoring loudly.

(Four Hours Later)

Ahhh. Now that was relaxing.”

After taking her ‘congratulatory nap’, still lying in bed, Rainbow brings up her tablet, opening up to check on her MyHoof feed.

Ugh. We already know you’ve lost your hat Rares. You don’t need t’ make a post about it every five minutes.”

Rainbow annoying says, using the angry reaction emoji to comment on Rarity’s post.

As she continues strolling through her feed, seeing the same old same old, a notification pops up from the top. And it’s from Super Sonic Rainboom Simulator.

Rainbow sees it, questioningly opening it up to see that her high score had yet again been broken by SpiDragon99.

“What the WHAT!!!”


Twilight and Fluttershy are both sitting on a park bench, deeply engulfed in their new electronics they’ve recently bought.

Hmm. Are you experiencing problems with your new SunLight product?” Twilight asks Fluttershy, appearing puzzled at her new SunLight watch.

“Now that you say it, yes! Every time I seem to turn it on, it just shuts back off again.”

“I’m sure it’s just some bug. I bet if we go back to the store, they’ll help us with our problems.”

Both Twilight and Fluttershy get up from the park bench to head back to the SunLight store, bringing their newly bought electronics with them.


“Rarity! Oh Rarity!” Applejack sounds out loud as she finds her friend Rarity in Sugarcube corner, sitting on a stool.

“Ah’ve found it! Ah’ve found yer hat Rares!”

“Oh, darling. That is the best of news, and-“ Rarity interrupts herself when she sees the hat, levitating it over to her to take a closer look.

“Oh nonono. This is not my hat.”

It’s not,” Applejack says, sounding a touch disappointed, “But Ah’ve looked everywhere for it! How can that not be it?!”

“Oh, well you see. This hat is more of an oval than a round shape. And the color is more light pinkish reddish orange. Totally different from light reddish pinkish orange. Hope that helps clear things up.”

“No, it doesn’t!! Ah’ve looked everywhere. From the smallest of cracks to the largest of trees! No! Ah don’t know where yer hat is!!! Okay!!”

And just like that, AJ collapses onto the floor, exhausted of all that’s happened today.

“Wait, your looking for your hat?” Pinkie Pie asks Rarity, popping up from behind the counter.

“Why yes. And I’m afraid that I may never be with it for the foreseeable future. Why I-“ Rarity says all dramatic like before being interrupted by Pinkie.

“Have ya check the lost n’ found?”

“Wait. Lost n’ found?” Applejack perks back up after hearing this latest bit of information. Getting up off the floor and running straight towards Sugarcube Corner’s lost n’ found bin.

“The bin is that a ways!” Pinkie shouts out, pointing in the opposite direction of where Applejack ran off to.


Another day comes to a close in the town of Ponyville.

As the sun is setting and everypony returns home, our six mares find themselves all sitting in silence at Sugarcube Corner.

Each one still processing the day.

“So everypony, how’d your day go?” Pinkie asks everypony, breaking up the silence.

“Daunting.” Rainbow answers.

“Disappointing.” Applejack answers.

“Extremely disappointing!” Twilight and Fluttershy both answer.

“Oh uh, tragic.” Rarity answers dramatically.

“Hm. I’m sure it wasn’t that bad. Like, Applejack, did ya find Rarity’s hat in the lost n’ found-”

“Nope.” Applejack abruptly interrupts.

“Oh. Well, what about you Rainbow? Did you get the high score in that new game?”

“I did. But no matter what, I always got second place. I hate being second place.”

“Twilight, Fluttershy?” Pinkie asks them both, desperately hoping for a good answer.

“Well in a broader sense, yes...” Twilight answers.

Pinkie feels relieved by Twilight’s answer. Before Fluttershy finishes her sentence.

“...Until we found there being an issue with our new electronics. We went back to the store to ask for help, but they just simply said ‘sorry, can’t help you’.”

“Oh.” Pinkie deflatingly said.

The six ponies go back to their quiet selves, before Spike the Dragon comes flying in.

“Hey guys. What’s up?!”

Though he gets no answer as everypony still sits in silence. Not noticing Spike even being there.

Okay. This is weird.” Spike says to himself.

“So anyway. Hey Rarity, I’ve found your hat for ya!” Spike says, taking out Rarity’s hat from whatever he had it.

Hearing this news causes Rarity to break out of her funk.

“Huh, Spikey Wikey, ya did?!” Rarity says, sounding delighted, as she levitates her hat from his claw onto the top of her head.

“Uh huh. And ya never guess where I found it! It somehow made its way to Sweet Apple Acres!”

“Wait what?! This whole time, yer hat was back home! Ah’d looked everywhere for yer hat. And it was back home all along?!?!” Applejack acts out surprised. And a little peeved.

“Oh yeah. I thought since you were having a hard time finding it, that I’d help you with your search.” Spike says.

“Huh. Well thanks Spike. Ya knew Ah needed it. And Ah’m awfully glad ya did it.” Applejack smiles bright at the dragon.

“Ah well, it was nothin’. Plus I had t’ take a break from this game I’ve been playing all morning. Super Sonic Rainboom Simulator. Ya heard of it?”

“Heard of it?” Rainbow Dash moves her attention towards the young dragon. “Why, it’s only the most super awesome, awesome, awesomeness game ever! Why, I have the high score in it. Or I had. Until SpiDragon99 beat it for the fiftiest time.” Rainbow saying that last part quietly.

“Oh yeah. Sorry ‘bout that. I just couldn’t help myself though. This game is truly awesome!”

“Wait, you’re SpiDragon99?!” Rainbow coming to that conclusion. And smiling about this moment. “Aight. You got me Spike, you win. But next time, I’m coming for you hard!”

“Well, this sure has been a nice little talk. Hey Twilight and Fluttershy. Why don’t ya show Spike what you got today?” Pinkie asks the two ponies, relieved at what’s happening.

“Well I would...”

“...But our new electronics don’t seem to work properly. And we don’t know what to do.” Fluttershy yet again finishes Twilight’s sentence.

“Problems? Like what?” Spike asks either of the two.

“Well for one,” Twilight moves her hoof to show her new smart watch, “Every time I turn this on,” Twilight holds in a button on its side, the watch turning on but only for the slightest of seconds before shutting back off again, “It just shuts back off again!”

“Mine does too.” Fluttershy does the same thing to her tablet as starting it, only for it to shut off instantly.

“Hold on, I think I may of found something for this...” Spike gets onto his own tablet, checking up on something he’d seen earlier. “...ah ha! Found it! To fix your problems, all ya gotta do is plug your devices into the nearest computer, and download update one-point-seven. It says it should work after that.”

Spike, how did you know that?” Fluttershy questioningly asks.

“I just saw it on the official SunLight store MyHoof page. Haven’t you seen it?”

Twilight gets up from her stool to walk over to the dragon. “Geez Spike, if we knew you’d be such a big help today, we would of just come to you, first things first.”

The rest of the six ponies all agree simultaneously.

“I think to celebrate the end of this day, I give you all a try of my latest dessert creation. It’s called ‘Raspberry Banana Blueberry Split’!”

Everyone laughs themselves a good laugh as the sun sets onto the horizon. Signifying the end of the day.