• Published 7th Jun 2021
  • 615 Views, 4 Comments

Silver Lining - Soad24k

Sweetie Belle finds a crying Silver Spoon and befriends the bully.

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Silver Lining chpt .2

The next day, the white unicorn filly was trotting up the street and turned towards a house. She looked up at the modern house rather nervously, knowing that this was the home of Silver Spoon. The bully she befriended the other day and earned her trust. She nervously raised a hoof and gave the door a few knocks. After a few seconds, the door unlocked and slowly opened. In the doorway was none other than the gray filly.

"Uh, hi Silver Spoon" Sweetie Belle said, greeting her with a light wave of her hoof. "Thanks for inviting me over."

"It's the least I can do." Silver replied, gesturing to her to come in. Sweetie hesitantly walked in, still can't believe one of her bullies is opening up to her. When she entered the house, she was expecting it to be all fancy, it was but not by any high levels. It was a close copy to what Rarity's boutique looked like from the inside mixed with the look of any modern house interior.

"Wow Silver Spoon, your house is really nice." She said as she gazed around.

"Uh thanks, it's nothing too special about it." Silver replied. "Anyway, hope you don't mind my parents being away at work."

"Oh no, I don't mind. My sister leaves me home alone from time to time." Sweetie said with a smile. "So, what do you want to do Silver Spoon?"

Silver Spoon looked puzzled at Sweetie's question. She looked away, a bit embarrassed not able to reply. "I...don't really know. I never had a guest over or ever had somepony ask me that. I've been....more of a," she paused, a bit ashamed at the word she was about to say.

Sweetie was waiting for whatever Silver was talking about. After a few seconds she soon became concerned on why it was taking her this long to say what she was about to say. "Silver Spoon?" She finally spoke out. "Is there something wrong?"

Silver then looked at the unicorn, like she just noticed her for the first time. "Ah n-no, it's just..." She then paused again, not wanting to say anything.

"You've been more of a what, Silver? Please, you can tell me. I'm your friend." Sweetie Belle said with a warm smile. Silver Spoon looked at the white filly again, hearing the word friend with a gentle smile made her realize that she can open up to her. She returned the smile and let out a sigh.

"I've...been more like a.....follower to Diamond. I've been like that ever since we met. I'll go wherever she goes, do whatever she does and say whatever she wants me to say. I felt like....like I'm more of a sidekick than a friend to her. Treating me like I'm not important or like I'm not even there."

"Yeah, I kinda saw that when you and Diamond wanted to see Twilight." Sweetie added "You had to include yourself in when Diamond said herself."

Silver Spoon nodded to Sweeties analogy. "Yeah, you know how it feels being in somepony's shadow?"

Sweetie Belle nods, knowing far too well on the subject.

"So anyway, I never had any ideas of my own without Diamond judging them as lame or boring."

Sweetie put a hoof on her chin and thought of any idea for them to do. What she thought of turned into a question. "Hey, what do you like to do?"

The question made Silver turn her eyes to the white unicorn. "What do I like to do?" She did a lot of activities with Diamond, but they never did any of hers. She had one idea, but even to her it was somewhat foalish. "Well, there is one thing I kinda wanted to do."

Sweetie felt a little excited that the former bully turned friend is opening up to her. Silver on the other hand or hoof in this situation felt nervous about telling her newly made friend this embarrassing activity she does in her own time alone. She wasn’t so sure about telling her this but Sweetie seems to be intrigued in what she does when she’s not around Diamond.

“Well...I like to....play with.....d-dolls.” Silver uttered out in the quiet tone. She didn’t face Sweetie after saying it, but she felt a little blush on her cheeks feeling her gaze.

“Oh really? What kind?” Sweetie asked, tilting her head. “You play with the old kind like hoof-made or the new pretty ones like Glams?”

Silver raised her head and looked at Sweetie, a bit surprised that she’d be asking that. “Uh, yeah. I play with Glams”

“Oh I love Glams! I have almost all of them!” Sweetie exclaimed, jumping a bit. “I just need the adventure one and I’ll have all the Glams!”

Silver Spoon was relieved and a bit thankful that there was someone in this town that had the same interest as her, unbelievably someone she just now became friends with. “So uh, you want to play?” Silver finally asked. The other filly grinned wide and nods. Silver then leads the way up to her bedroom. Up the stairs and making a left to the second door on the right Silver opened the door to her room. The walls were bright green, a bed across the doorway, a closet, a toy chest and dresser. It was very neat and tidy, Silver made sure she had cleaned up her room before inviting someone over, preferably Diamond one day. Silver trots to the chest and opens it and out five Glams dolls. An athlete, an action star, a singer, a doctor and a fashion model. All of them were a slim white earth pony, with a blond mane tail and blue eyes. All wearing different outfits fit for the numerous jobs. Once she turns to show them off, Sweetie immediately takes the fashion one.

“This is the one that I’ve been trying to get!” Sweetie inspects the fashion doll. It was in an elegant blue dress with tiny detailed designs. “I’ve been looking for this one fro ages! How did you get this?” She asked the baffled Silver.

“Uh I got it from Diamond for my birthday. She thought it was kinda foalish to buy me this, but she got it for me anyway. Even got me another one.”

Sweetie looked up at Silver with shock on her face. “You have two?!”

“Y-yeah, just in case something happened to this one.” Silver replied.

“You think I can have it? I really want to complete my collection!” Sweetie begged her.

Silver felt a bit uneasy letting Sweetie have her other fashion Glam doll, but she really doesn’t have a need to have two of the same toy. In her mind, this could be a token to their newly formed friendship and maybe strengthened their bond. She took one last look to the white filly, her eyes sparkling with hope. “Yeah, you can have it. I don’t really need it anyway.” She turned back to the chest and dove into it again and pulled out a freshly boxed Fashion Glam doll and gave it to Sweetie.

Once she took the newly boxed toy and squee’ed and gave Silver a big hug. “Oh thank you Silver Spoon! This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me!”

Taken aback from the sudden hug, Silver collects herself and hugs Sweetie back. “You’re welcome.”

Sweetie breaks the hugs and sets the box aside. “So, shall we play now?” Silver nodded and both grabbed a doll. Sweetie takes the action star as Silver takes the athlete. They both played for hours, coming up with amazing and unique adventures with the five dolls. As the sun was setting the two cleaned up and Sweetie carried her new fashion Glam doll.

“I had a great time with you Silver Spoon. We should do this again soon!” Sweetie said, walking out the door.

“Yeah, I had a lot of fun too Sweetie.” Silver said, smiling.

“So, I’ll see you later then? “Sweetie asked.

“Yeah, we’ll hang out tomorrow, if you want to.” Silver added, sounding a bit anxious about hanging out with someone she bullied for all these years.

“Totally! It’ll be way more fun that way! “Sweetie excitedly said.

“Hehe, okay. Tomorrow then.” Silver nodded.

With that, the two fillies hugged one more time before Sweetie set off for home, with her new toy for her collection.