• Published 4th Nov 2021
  • 704 Views, 5 Comments

Waters: An Equestrian Gangster - King Genesis

An infamous mobster sends "W" Waters, a young man born and raised in the mafia, to Canterlot, with the main task of secretly protecting his granddaughter Rarity from her ex-boyfriend and his group of friends, who may be hiding something else.

  • ...


Author's Note:

This is a remake of a story I published on FIMFiction in early 2019. Despite the original one it's a story I like and it has a surprising number of likes (which I still cannot believe how I reached that, dude), I found better ways to polish it, now that my writing skills (and also organization skills) have improved since that year. Both stories don't follow the same plot, so I won't erase any fic.

Important: Some OCs have human names. I tried to name them like ponies, but honestly, none of the names I came up with convinced me, so I decided to leave them like that.

Thanks for reading and I hope you like this. :twilightsmile:

Day 1

August 28th

Bormoth Street

"Crisis. The business is in crisis."

A car stops on a corner where the infamous Bormoth Street of Maretreal City can be seen. An important place for the local mob: A street filled with a huge backstory of drugs, violence and blood on its veins. The place where the Bormoth Fest is often celebrated, almost every weekend, organised by those endangered, damned souls who live there and are still alive. A violent contest where everyone fights until death.

Two are inside that 1989 Volkswagen Gol in black. A blue-skinned man in his forties, always with short dark hair, a full black beard, sunglasses, wearing his white shirt, black jacket and shoes, and worn-out jeans. His name is Jack Tyler. On the other side, a blonde girl in her twenties named Dko, a thin, pale, blonde girl with big brown eyes.. because of her appearance, friends often call her D'Arcy, because of his look-alike with a bass player of some 90's alternative rock band. She hates that nickname. Absolutely.

She slowly grabs a cigarette and puts it in her mouth. Then she looks at her friend Jack in the eyes, who gives to her his cold lighter. A small beam of fire burns the cigarette head and the flavours are released. "Your father knows you smoke?" asks Jack to her.

She chuckles. "Of course," she says. "I could say he knows I've been smoking since..." She thinks for a second and raises her shoulders. "Well... um... No idea, honestly."

Both of them chuckle. Jack says, almost whispering: "I've got to admit I still cannot believe your father let you be here on Bormoth."

She laughs and scratches her hair, interrupting Jack. He doesn't say anything. "Oh, yeah..." However, she's there for something else... she's been waiting to say something since the moment she entered. A lump on her throat that has to get out. "Um... I've been thinking about something," she says, observing Jack slowly opening the car's door. "You know, Jack, uh... this is about Abe's thing."

Jack raises an eyebrow. "Abe?" he says. "What's going on?"

"Um... well... I know what's going on with Abe's granddaughter... what he told you and W about her..." she says, turning her head to Jack. "He said he needed someone young, clever, conscious of what he or she has to do..."

"Yes," he says while smoking. "That's why he also told W. It's our only pick... He's the sanest young man of us. All of us are old stinky men, W's friends are stupid junkies who don't even know how to go to the bathroom and well, then you have W."

"But... come on," she says, after a sigh and a smoke. "I think you skipped your best option."

He blinks once, confused, and slowly closes the car door again. "What do you mean by that? Our best option?"


Jack moves his head and then looks at Dko again. "And who are you talking about?"

She raises her shoulders and extends her arms. "Um... me."

Once he hears that answer, Jack closes his eyes and sighs while turning off the cigarette. It's not the first time Dko falls into this. He really thinks she has a lot of potential for this, but eventually, it will be like putting someone into the lion's cage. Someone who shouldn't be there. "Dko," he says. "It's not the first time you say this... you know what does getting in this mean?"

"What?" she says. "What are you going to say now?"

He shakes his head. "No."

"Why?" she says aloud.

"The last thing your father would want is you getting inside our problems. I recognize you are clever, strong, an encouraged person, everyone recognizes that... but... no."

She clenches her fists. "But... you think I'm weak? I'm not, Jack!"

"No, you are not weak, I've just said you are strong," he replies. "Of course not. You are a tough girl... I know the winner in a fight between W and you... will be you."

"So?" she asks. "Why don't you want me to do it? Besides, you know I did freshman in Canterlot High, right? I have an idea about how the school looks like."

He shakes his head again. "Look... Your father wouldn't want you, but besides, I know you. I know you since you were a little girl... I know what you are thinking. You think about doing this, protecting Abe's granddaughter, kicking that stupid young kid's ass and then going back to the car store, a normal day begins again."

She, in silence, nods her head. "Yeah."

He waves his finger. "It's not like that, Dko." He is about to stop the car.

"What?" she exclaims. "Then... How?"

The gangster's fingers start trembling while trying to prepare his speech. "I understand what you are telling me but... getting inside that school under a fake identity it's not something easy, even if you know how does it look like on its inside. You've gotta know how to play fake... and secondly, the most important thing... if you heard Abe talking to us, then you've must have also heard this as well. He said something about that boy. It looks like the guy who's scaring Rarity is hiding something. It seems that he has been expelled, kicked out from that school several times... but magically, after a couple of days, he is back in school again every time, and nobody knows why. Principals, School Authorities don't answer. That's what Rarity told Abe... and who knows what that guy may be hiding."

Dko, a bit confused, raises her eyebrows. "Maybe he is back because the Principals gave him one more chance to be there."

"And do you know if that's true?"

Dko tries to keep talking but clenches her teeth when she finds out she can't argue with that. She doesn't know the answer, and puts the cigarette on her mouth again. "No."

"You see," says Jack. "You don't know if that's true. I don't know if what I think about the kid is true. Nobody knows why is he coming back. Moreover... Eye Patch said the name of that kid sounds familiar to him... and that doesn't mean something nice. Who knows, Dko, if this kid has something big taking care of his back and suddenly looks at you crawling in the middle of the situation between him and the girl... Rarity told her grandfather he had a violent, monstrocious group of friends who may do anything for him. Who knows, Dko..." he says while scratching his hair. "If those guys are some kind of street gangsters. You may be in danger if you were there."

Dko remains in silence while laying her head against the car seat headrest. Now she's confused. If what Jack says it's true... can she confront that? "And who's the name of the kid?" she asks.

"Um..." Jack takes a look at the Street one more time. Nothing's going on. How strange. "Cattle Prod is his name."

"And..." she says, almost stuttering. "You say that it may be dangerous for me to be there?"

"We don't know if he's a gangster or not," he says. "But I'm sure it will be confusing for you. I mean, you never got so deep inside that pool, Dko. W has already done this with me a few times, not so long ago. Besides, if these children turn out to be a stupid street gang, W will know how to handle them."

"But..." she says. "Are you sure... tell me, with the honesty you have on your heart, Jack... are you sure W can handle all of that on his own?"

Boom. That question really caught him... he doesn't know what to answer. He raises his eyebrows, shocked at that question, and also lies his head against the car headrest. "Well," he says. "Honestly, girl, I think..."


Shouts are suddenly heard everywhere. What Bormoth Street was five seconds ago, does not exist anymore. The strange, odd peace that was around the place and which called Jack's attention, is replaced by a flying, almost naked man covered in blood and bruises coming out of a window and crashing against the ground filled with glass shards. "What the---" Jack says, while fastly opening the car door. Dko facepalms after throwing the cigarette away due to her jumpscare.

"WOO! WOO! OH MY GOD!" shouts are heard from inside the house where the flying man came out. Lots of men suddenly get out, looking like cavemen discovering fire, getting around the man, who may be dead or agonizing, nobody knows. One of those crazy, insane men is a young, yellow-skinned kid in his twenties, with short brown hair and a golden earring on his right ear, using worn-out jeans and shoes, a white t-shirt and a worn-out but still beautiful brown trenchcoat.

His name is Walter Waters, but everyone calls him W.

"COME ON! COME ON! LET THE BIG ONE COME OUT!" shouts someone, and another bleeding man, almost naked, with some worn-out, dirty slips covered in blood, comes out laughing and raising his arms to the sky. The crowd pops and W starts dancing like an idiot. A grey-skinned man with short dark hair, with his bare chest covered in blood and dirt, starts the count, due to the falling man not responding to anything. "1! 2! 3! 4! 5!"





"LOOK AT THIS DUDE!" shouts the counting man looking at the dead dude. "HIS FACE LOOKS LIKE FUCKING SMASHED CONCRETE!"

"SNOWBLIND!" shouts W, now holding a lent bottle of wine. "DO THE FUCKING COUNT, MAN!"

Snowblind, the counting man raises his middle finger. "You can suck my dick latah', Dubs!" he shouts, and then he keeps counting. "8! 9!"


No. That didn't sound like a voice from a crazy young dude from Bormoth Street. Everybody stops shouting and dancing and look at Jack, who they instantly recognize, especially W, who raises his hand and smiles. "Hi, Jack."

"Hi, what?" he raises his shoulders. "You son of a bitch, it's Saturday morning, and you're already doing this crazy shit?"

Snowblind stands up and raises his shoulders. "I mean, dude... we have free time---"

"Oh, you shut the fuck up," Jack interrupts while pointing to Snowblind. "You know your words don't have any value when I'm here, baby boy."

"Woah," says Snowblind, confused and also scared. "You called me Baby Boy?"

Jack sighs. "No, I called you Chicken Sandwich, asshole. Come on! Stop this crap!" he shouts. "I don't care who won, I don't care who lost, I don't care who is now lying like a piece of rotten meat on the ground, take him out! I have to talk to W!"

W rolls his eyes and sighs. "What now?" he says, approaching Jack. "Come on, it's Saturday! Weekend!"

"Weekend my balls," he answers to his partner, before touching W's shoulder. "I want you now in the car, Abe and I have to talk to you on Rusty's."

W's mouth now shuts and remains silent. Jack's being serious this time. Well, he's always serious, but this time he's getting tough. Really tough. "Um..." he says. "I'll be there."

"Now," says Jack, and turns back, going to the car. "NOW!"

"Just give me a minute!" he says, before approaching Snowblind, who's helping his friends to take the falling man out from the ground and make him enter the house. "Hey, Snowblind."

Snowblind turns his head around. "Man, how do you know if he's dead? You have to check his temperature?"

W nods his head, biting his lips. "Ambulances don't pass by here. They are too scared to take a look over here, isn't it?"


"A MINUTE, JACK!" he shouts, and then he goes back to Snowblind. "I forgot to tell you about the Dream Raider thing. Um... the plan, you know, any news?"

"Not yet," answers Snowblind. "But if there is... I'll give you a call."

"Sure, man," he says, and nudges his friend's shoulder. "See ya."

"See ya."

Now W turns around, scratching his hair, shaking his hands covered with sweat and buttoning his characteristic, unique brown trenchcoat. He observes how Jack hasn't entered the car yet. "What, sunshine?" he says, smiling. "Waiting for your Valentine?"

"I'm not in the mood now," he says. "Get in the car. I'll talk to you about what's going on in the trip."

"Um..." he stutters, turning to his left. "Something happened?"

"No," he replies. "Wait, you have to be in the backseat. Dko's on the passenger."

W, at the same time, finds out she, who waves her hand, is sarcastically smiling on the passenger seat. HIS seat. At that moment, he felt his whole existence being insulted. "What is Dick-O doing here?"

"Fuck you!" is heard from inside the car, while W turns around and Jack opens the door. "It's pronounced Deck-O, not Dick-O, you prick!"

"Yeah, whatever, penis," he says, while passing by Jack. However, once he's about to get in the car, his elder partner stops him by holding his chest with an arm. He sighs. "What now?"

"You are supposed to lead those boys for the business, not me. I personally don't care if your stupid junkie friends fight each other as if this was Ancient Rome, but what I do care about it's you."

He smiles. "How romantic from you..."

"I'm not fucking laughing," Jack interrupts. "Next time I see you inside those clumsy, exaggeratedly violent fights, I will kick your ass and you'll have to go from here to Rusty's on foot."

"And it's a freaking long way," says Dko. "I didn't remember how far was Bormoth from my dad's store."

W's sarcastic face now changes into a serious one while getting in the car and sitting in the backseat. "Uh, this feels like a freaking mice cave... can we swap seats, Dko?"

"No," she answers while Jack gets in the car.

"I mean... D'Arcy."

Now the girl quickly turns around and raises his hand, but Jack stops her by touching her shoulder. "You two, don't you dare to fight like two little kids in my car, OK?"

Jack turns on the car while looking at Snowblind and his friends entering the house with the injured guy. "What's going on, then?" asks W. "You seem to be much more serious than other days."

"Abe wants to talk to you," he replies. "It's about what we talked to you last week."

W's eyes widen while he scratches his ear. He feels like a statue for a second. "You mean... um... what was the name of this girl... um..."

"Rarity," replies Jack, while fastening his seatbelt and turning the car around. "She was the one who told Abe she was scared of this guy, Cattle Prod, and he wants someone to keep an eye on him during these days."

"Uh, come on," interrupts W. "I don't know. I've heard Patchie say the name of that dork boyfriend of Rarity sounds familiar to him but that doesn't mean he's something dangerous... besides, Jack, this whole idea is... I don't know. Isn't too overprotective sending a guy to spy on that relationship? I don't wanna be a third wheel."

"I don't see it in that way," suddenly says Dko. "Looks exaggerating if you overlook it, but think if you were Abe and suddenly your granddaughter calls you and tells you her violent ex-boyfriend who has a dangerous group of friends are mocking her... you would want to do something, even this kind of plan."

"Uh, man..." he says, almost chuckling. "Still sounds bizarre to me. I mean... She does know how to defend herself, doesn't she?"

"Of course," replies Dko. "But can you defend yourself from a group of violent dudes?"

"Come on, D!" he says aloud. "How old is Rarity now? 15 years old? When I was at that age, I would defend myself from 30-year-old gangsters carrying rusty knives, you know that? Come on! Can't she defend herself from four, five virgin kiddos?"

Jack suddenly stops the car. The traffic light is red and cars pass by. Then, he raises two fingers. "Two things," he says. "Rarity's not 15, but 19 years old."

"19?" W says, raising his hands. "But... I used to fight in the Bormoth Fest when I had that age! Come on!"

"Let me finish," he interrupts. "And don't remind me of those times... you are talking about how Rarity is 19 years old and doesn't do the things you did when you were young." He turns around, with his cold eyes looking at the young gangster. "Remember that you are not Rarity. You've got to know you and her are completely different. You grew up surrounded by a specific kind of people, people who you learned from, with the darkest backgrounds you can imagine, but there are others who have another point of view of life, a different way of dealing with things. She does know how to defend herself from anything, but nobody who is normal can handle with a group of violent dudes around your head, constantly threatening you."

A car horn is heard behind them. The light is green now and Jack keeps going on. Dko and W are both in silence. W felt his skin ripping out and breaking into pieces in the ground. "Uh...," says Dko, turning around to see W's lost sight.

"Um..." he says, with sweat coming out of his forehead. "Jack, uh... that thing you said... about normal... well, you're right but... that hurt a bit, I've got to be honest."

Jack sighs and closes his eyes for a second. "Yeah, I know it sounded rude but... it wasn't my intention, I'm sorry if it hurt you," he says, just before: "But it's not the first time I tell you this..."

He slowly nods his head. "Yeah."


The car stops and enters Rusty's Car Store, passing by the entrance and the cheap cars on sale. Dko finds there's something wrong. His dad, Rusty Wrench, has his round sunglasses, which he never takes off to cover his crow's feet, on his hand. He doesn't have a happy face while standing at the office's door. "Oh, snap," she says.

"Why the long face?" asks Jack. "What did you tell your father?"

"I was going with you."

"Yes, you did..." he says. "But did you say where?"

"Um..." she nervously smiles. "Canterlot."

Jack closes his eyes for a second and sighs. "Come on, Dko," he says while parking the car. "You didn't tell him we were going to Bormoth Street?"

"Of course not!" she says. "He wouldn't have let me, and I wanted to talk to you in private about that thing."

"What now?" asks W in the backseat while Jack parks the car. "You told Jack you have a crush on somebody? Who, Billy Corgan?"

"Shut the fuck up, you Rod Stewart," replies Dko, and then she points a finger at him. Jack turns off the car. "And you dare to say something to my dad while we are talking, I'll fucking kick your ass."

W is confused now. "Rod Stewart?" he says, while Jack and she get out of the car. "What's that kind of insult?"

Dko closes the car's door and the shouts begin to raise the roof: "You told me you were going to Canterlot!" shouts Rusty Wrench to her daughter. "You know how mad I am right now, girl? You lied to me! Abe told me you went to that street I told you not to be in!"

"I didn't even come out of the car, dad!" she shouts. "Besides, Jack was next to me the whole time!"

"And you still lied to me," replies the father. "How could you?"

"Dad, even if I had the whole Equestrian army behind me, you wouldn't let me step in Bormoth Street..."

"Of course!" he shouts. "That place is the most dangerous thing I know, girl, and I don't want you near that place, never!"

"Ok, Ok," interrupts Jack, getting in the middle. "Dko, next time, don't you dare to lie to your father like this and I'm afraid I won't take you to Bormoth anymore."

Dko's face goes blank. "But..."

"No buts," Jack says. "What you did it's wrong, and Rusty, she was with me the whole time, nothing happened to her. I thought she told you we were going to Bormoth to look for W, but well... turns out she didn't."

Suddenly, a man comes out of the office's entrance, passing by the doors. The old man who always uses those stupid squared shirts and never ever shaves his signature orange moustache. Abraham Flanks is his name, but people call him Abe. "What's going on?" he asks.

"Abe," says Jack, while W gets nearer the situation.

"W," suddenly says Abe. "Please, I need to talk to you. Come inside."


Abe, Jack and W are the only ones sitting in the car store's backroom. Meanwhile, Rusty Wrench is waiting for clients and Dko is between the store and the conversation, working with her father on silence but also listening to the office's inside. W swallows a bit of saliva while being at the table and looks at the two other men, trying to say something. "We already talked about this last week," says Abe, looking at W. "And also I told you I wanted to give you a bit of time to think about that..." He is now looking at a notebook where he wrote everything he has to know about the plan he made. "I know the plan I did it's a bit crazy, I know, I recognize it, but it's the best thing I came up with. Rarity is now in something in her school called College Course, which starts on Monday. There are two days left."

"Um..." suddenly says W, which makes Abe raise an eyebrow. "Uh, nothing... I've been thinking about it," he says. "I still believe... I don't know, though, I'm not sure about that but... when Eye Patch said the name of the guy sounded familiar to him... um... I don't think he is related to something from the mob just because Patchie knows his name."

"Yeah," replies Abe. "You may be right, but we don't know if it's true. The only things we know about that rascal is his name, that he is violent... and he magically returns to the place that's been expelling him this whole time like nothing."

"That's what calls my attention, that's what I don't like about this," says Jack. "I mean, that kid is anything but a good student. He's violent, may cause chaos in classrooms... you logically expel him from your school... but why would you register him again? And expel him again? And then going back?"

"It doesn't make sense," says W. "Are you sure that's true?"

Abe nods his head. "Rarity told me by phone. Her friends asked the Principals why is he coming back. They only answered her once, and said it was due to bureaucratic issues."

"Mm-hmm," Jack grabs his forehead. "Damnit... bureaucratic... How mysterious, isn't it?"

Suddenly, someone opens the office's door. A man with short, mustard-coloured hair, who always uses the same black sunglasses, frayed white shirt and worn-out black jacket, smoking a cigarette while listening to what his pals are about to say. He is the man responsible for everything that's been happening in this car store and this whole city's dark side. The man who is responsible for W, Jack and Abe's jobs. The boss. His name is Eye Patch, and he's the King of Maretreal. "Yup," he says while closing the door and waving his hand to Rusty, who also does the same. "How mysterious is this thing, huh? Really calls my attention."

"Hi, Patchy," says Abe. "What are you doing here? Didn't know you would come. We were talking about the school plan."

"Uh, passing by, I was going to tell you something but, you know," replies Patch, sitting down on a chair.

"What were you going to say?" asks Abe.

The boss bites his lips. "Nah, nah," he says. "I'll tell you once we finish talking about the Rarity thing, this is something serious... Are we defining the remaining things? What about the scholarship?"

W raises an eyebrow. "Scholarship?" he says. "What... you mean...?"

Jack, Abe and Eye Patch now look at the young man. "I mean," says Abe. "How can you enter school then?"

"Um... but..."

"We talked about this last week, W," says Abe. "Did you really forget that?"

"Oh, man... um, I don't remember, I swear..."

Abe sighs while raising his eyebrows. "You'll need the scholarship to be in the school without calling attention. We told you you had to be and behave like one more student in that school, you remember that... do you?"

W nods his head, confused. "Yes, I do remember that..." then, shocked, he opens his mouth. "Oh yes! I remember!" Eye Patch chuckles while W's face remains serious. "But... wait... didn't you tell me that school had dorms or something else in it?"

"It does have dorms, yes," replies Abe. "But don't care so much about that... everybody here knows you're not going to spend the whole year there, it will only be a week or two. Besides, I don't wanna be bossy but... you really should keep an eye on the dorms at night."

"At night?" asks W. "I don't think the dude may do something at night. Everybody must be sleeping."

"We don't know, W," replies Jack, "but just in case."

"But..." the young gangster interrupts. "We are talking about the dorms and everything else... but don't you need something else to have the scholarship?"

Abe nods his head and starts talking. "I've been looking up for information about the scholarships in Canterlot High," says Abe. "Firstly, you need to send a request letter... obviously we'll skip that step. The school asks for an Elementary School diploma and transcripts of previous High School Years, which will be examined by the school authorities. Then you will have to fill in an inscription file which will be also examined."

"And what if they examine that and they don't accept me?"

Abe chuckles. "Trust me. Do what I tell you and they will end up accepting you."

W raises his eyebrows. "If you say... besides, I didn't send any request letters so..."

"They'll accept you anyway, trust me."

The young gangster rolls his eyes. "Ok... and what about the diplomas and transcripts? I don't have anyone..."

"Easy," replies Abe. "We'll call Fletcher and his friend Calc."

The young man opens his eyes widely, almost in fear. "Oh, man... are you sure about that? Are you sure they will accept me just by reading falsified papers?"

"Of course..." says Eye Patch. "That freaking kid, Calculated Risk, never fails at his job. By now, I've never seen better papers than the one little Calc forge."

"I've got to admit he has the thing," says Abe, while Jack nods his head. "The talent."

"Mm-hmm," only moans W before a short silence comes into the room until Abe asks something else:

"And have you been thinking about what I told you about the fake identity?"

W raises an eyebrow. "Fake?" Then he closes his eyes, remembering what they told him last week. "Oh, yeah, you are right."

"You can't enter that school as yourself... Firstly, you'll use your real name, and your real name outside the business is not something good. Secondly, Big Baby, the King of Canterlot, and his henchmen may recognize you and keep an eye on you. We didn't tell him anything about this and we won't... that wouldn't be good for us. I've been thinking about a fake wig, a fake name... and fake eyes."

W gets shocked at that. His eyes widen and his pupils shrink. "What? Fake eyes? You mean..."

"Contact lenses," replies Jack.

"Oh no, come on... you know I don't like those. I hate putting those things. My eyes are sensitive, don't you know?"

"Everyone's eyes are sensitive," replies Eye Patch. "We also put on contact lenses in the past for these things and didn't like it."

"But... uh, come on--"

W gets interrupted when Dko opens the door. "I can put on those contact lenses if you want," she says. Jack closes his eyes, not again.

Rusty Wrench turns around and looks at his daughter. "Dko!" he shouts. "Please, don't you dare to get your nose into that stuff, I've already told you!"

"But... dad!" she says. "I've been in Canterlot High, freshman year! Do you even know if W ever stepped inside a school? Inside Canterlot High? It's not a school where you can put up with easily."

"Woah, Woah!" shouts W, turning around. "Are you saying I can't put up with that? Really?"

W stands up and Dko asks: "I mean... have you ever been to a school?"

W's angry face suddenly melts and turns into a colder gesture. "Um..." he says. "The orphana--"

"A school that hasn't been the orphanage where you stayed as a child, the street or Eye Patch. I'm talking about a real school."

"Uh..." W scratches his hair, making this a really tense and uncomfortable situation. "No."

She raises her shoulders: "You see?"

Eye Patch stands up. "However, that doesn't mean you are capable of going to Canterlot High under a fake identity. I truly understand what you mean, Dko... but no. I won't let you do the job. Your father wants you here and I can't disrespect his decision. Besides, no one knows what does this Cattle Prod have on his back. It is better to send W, who may haven't been inside that school, but knows how to deal with this kind of people and also street gangsters." Silence again. "You understand, Dko?"

W turns around to look at Eye Patch and then at Dko, while she looks at her father and then turns around to look at Eye Patch. Both of them are really serious this time. She bites his lips before looking at W and then blinks. She's embarrassed about how did she talk to the young gangster. "Well... um... I think I... understood," she pauses. "OK then," she says. "But call me if you need help."

Rusty Wrench rolls his eyes and Dko slowly closes the door. Jack says "Sure," and silence comes into the room one more time. After a couple of seconds, W turns around and looks at his cellphone. It's 10 AM.

"Um," he says. "I'll think about the plan... might need to take some fresh air outside... can I?"

The three of them nod their heads. "Don't ask us," says Eye Patch. "Just do it, you are big enough."

"And... what about that thing you were going to tell us?" asks W.

"I'll later tell you," replies Jack. "Take a breath. Breathe some fresh air."

W chuckles. Everyone chuckles a bit when W opens the door. However, Abe opens his mouth one more time: "W."

W is holding the door handle while turning his head back. "Yeah?"

"I know you are not so sure about this... and I want to say I'm sorry for being so annoying, insisting and pressing you with this... I understand how you feel... but there are things about that Cattle Prod which I don't like, and I don't want my granddaughter to be in danger... and unfortunately, you are the only person I know in this shitty world who can do something alright without ending up wrong."

The young man only makes a small gesture. "Sure, no problem, Abe," he says, and closes the door.