• Published 4th Jan 2021
  • 426 Views, 13 Comments

True Loves - SweetCarol

Seeking to be in love again, Big Mac and Marble find themselves happy when they meet anonymous ponies virtually.Parallel to this, Bright Mac the second and Chee Chee fall in love, but are unsure about it for their families might be related.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Chee Chee was sad, but at the same time, very confused. If she was doing what was right, then why did her heart hurt so much?

In the store...

"At this moment the lovebirds must be making a thousand declarations of love for each other!" Fiamma said, while selling 3 donuts to a griffin who was a friend of Bright Mac.

"Finally, huh? He's been falling for her since we were kids!" He commented, recalling the time when they were pre-teens and his friend sighed through the corners for Chee Chee.

Suddenly, they turned towards the door when they heard it open. Fiamma smiled when she saw that it was her friend, but the smile disappeared as soon as the dragoness noticed her sad face and her eyes were swollen from crying.

"Chee Chee, what happened?" She asked worriedly.

She didn't answer, just cried again and went up the stairs, going to the top floor where her mother used to live when she was young.

Despite becoming a secretary, Pinkie's old bed was still there and she lay on it, feeling like doing nothing but crying.

Meanwhile, Rocky went with Buttercup to the farm to invite Apple Belle to their slumber party that day. Just as her aunt helped her mother with her shyness problems, Rocky wanted to help Butty.

"Why don't you say it? It'll be at your house after all!" She whispered in her younger cousin's ear.

It took Buttercup a while to build up the courage to speak.

"... Uhhhh Apple Belle ..."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand Butty, can you say just a little louder?" Apple Belle asked.

"... There will be a slumber party later at my house and I want to know if you wanna go!" She said, a little louder, but too fast.

"Uh, are you inviting me to a slumber party?"

"That's the one!" She replied, with the muscles tense with nervousness.

"It can be fun, I'd love to, let's go to my room so I can pack my purse!" The little magenta-colored pony said, going up the stairs.

"See? It wasn't that bad, you did it!" Rocky celebrated, hugging her cousin.

Suddenly, the 3 little fillies were startled by the loud noise of the door slamming against the wall.

"Big brother, how did it go?" Apple Belle said, but her brother showed no reaction, then she made another question. "Are you two dating now?"

As soon as he heard that, Bright Mac burst into tears again, pulling her into a hug.

"... Apparently not, right?" She asked, patting him on the back.

"If you don't mind me knowing, what happened to him?" Rocky asked.

"The girl he likes doesn't like him back!" She replied, she was one of the few people who knew who she was, but at her brother's request, she didn't let everyone know.

"No Apple Belle, I know that she loves me too, I know that, I feel that. But she's stubborn as much as I love her!" He said between sobs.

"And why did she reject him?" Buttercup asked, without suspecting they were talking about her older sister.

"... It's a complicated subject!" Apple Belle replied.

"If it weren't for that damn blurred scroll, we would be together now!" He said, leaving Apple Belle and Buttercup confused.

"So, I know this is not the best time to ask this, but are you still coming with us?" Rocky asked.

"I'd really love to, but I don't think I can. I'll have to stay here looking after my brother!" She answered.

"No little sister!" Bright Mac said, breaking away from her and wiping the runny nose. "If you want to go play with your little friends, go ahead, I wanna be alone for a while!"

The little unicorn gave him a concerned look.

"It's okay, I just want to be alone!" He assured her.

"Okay, I'll go. When Dad arrives, can you tell him that I went to spend the night at Butty's house?"

"Yes!" He answered quietly, going up the stairs to go to his room.

After Apple Belle packed up her things, the three little foals went over to Maud's house to invite the last guests.

Maud answered the door and they smiled adorably at her.

"Oh, my nieces!" Maud said, as always in a monotonous way, but she had a smile on her face.

"Hi Aunt Maud!" Rocky greeted her.

After a brief silence, she gave Buttercup a slight push, who understood that it was her turn to speak.

"Oh, it's me now!" She said. "Can Andi and Honey B (Buttercup gave Branchina that nickname when she asked to be called just B, as she didn't care, everyone started calling her Honey B) come and spend the night with us?" Buttercup asked, pointing to the girls.

"Hmm, I don't see why not!" Maud replied. "Come in and talk to them!"

Andi happily agreed with the idea, since she had seen slumber parties on films and always wanted to participate in one, that day it was her chance.

On the other hand, B seemed too busy with yet another of her inventions. She was totally fascinated by engineering and admired someponies who invented for themselves, machines and technologies that didn't need any magic to work.

"Oh come on sis, it won't be the same without you!" Andi insisted, while she was tightening the machine's nuts.

She came out under her invention and lifted her glasses, putting them in her hair.

"If you didn't understand, I'm kinda busy and ..."

"You've been working on it for days, it won't hurt if you take a short break!" Apple Belle said.

"I don't really believe in that theory, I can't help doing today what I can do tomorrow!" She answered.

"Ugh, it's so hard to believe that we're twins when we're so different!" Andi grunted.

"Do something, you are her sister, the only one who can win her is you!" Apple Belle whispered to her.

Andi thought, until he had an idea.

"Hey Honey B!"

"What?" She asked, as she rummaged through a screwdriver in the toolbox.

"Do you remember when you called me to help you with one of your machines over there?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I'll help you!"

"Really?" The little light blue filly asked beaming, her eyes shining with joy. "But don't you hate getting greasy?"

"Yeah I do hate it, but what do we not do for our friends? With the condition that you participate in the slumber party with us!"

Honey B was thoughtful, until she finally accepted, making them all celebrate and jump euphorically around her. She didn't like revelry very much, but despite that, she liked her friends very much.

Meanwhile, after a very fun day at the beach, Marble returned to the hotel with her husband and they had dinner. But she had to put on a sweatshirt, because the sea breeze made their hotel room extremely cold at night without sunlight.

"Don't overdo it baby!" Caramel said, before eating another bite of apple pie.

"I don't know how you can handle it, it's too cold!" She said, as she closed herself even more in her sweatshirt.

"If you think it's so cold, we'll be under the duvet when we're done with dinner!" He suggested and she happily agreed.

After brushing her teeth, Marble lay on the bed to wait for her husband, but began to regret not doing it before dinner.

"The sequence was totally wrong, after that amount of food I ate, of wine, with a swollen belly and freezing to death, how do I get out of this sweatshirt to have sex?" She mentally said to herself, hoping that at the last moment, the solution would emerge as in the movies.

Even trying as hard as she could, the gray mare began to feel tired and her eyelids became heavy.

"I'm not gonna sleep, I'm not gonna sleep ..." She repeated to herself, struggling with sleep.

After brushing his teeth, Caramel ran anxiously into the bedroom to be with his wife, but again he was disappointed when he found her sleeping. And it wasn't the first time that it had happened.

He had to admit, they had lost themselves spiritually and couldn't find each other.

Meanwhile, the girls put on their pajamas and started the party, all very excited, except Honey B.

"And now what are we going to do? Flirt with a poster of some teen singer, prank calls or get dressed even though we won't be leaving the room all night?" She asked, not seeing the slightest sense in all those activities.

"You really need a treatment on your mane!" Andi said, having the dream of being a model, she was always well groomed and elegant, the opposite of her twin.

"No, my mane's fine!" She said, as she slid the hooves through the strands of hair.

They turned their heads towards the door, when Buttercup came in as sad as Apple Belle was, after her older sister came home crying.

"What happened?" Rocky asked her cousin.

"She didn't tell me, when I asked her, she started to cry again!" She replied, sitting on her bed.

"How curious that Apple Belle's brother and his sister are so suddenly depressed at the same time!" Honey B said, turning the page of the book he was reading.

Apple Belle started to feel uncomfortable being the only one who knew what it was all about.

She couldn't see two of the ponies she loved so sad, she felt she had to do something.

"I know what happened!" She said, about to break her promise to her older brother, but he'd certainly forgive her if the plan she was up to worked out.

"Do you know? And why didn't you say it before?" Andi said, sitting across from her. "What it is?"

"Well, it's because it's a secret. If I tell you, do you promise not to tell anyone?" She asked.

"We promise!" They said at the same time, making the sign of the oath.


Before she started talking, they were startled by the sudden noise of the door opening.

"Giiiiiirls, I brought a snack!" Pinkie Pie hummed, with a tray of cupcakes in her hooves. "What are you doing?"

"Counting secret ..." Buttercup said, before being interrupted when Apple Belle covered her mouth with her paw.

"We're playing tuth or dare!" She lied.

"Hm, alright!" Pinkie said, placing the cupcake tray on a chair. "Have fun!"

When they were sure she was gone, they came back with the subject.

"What? Our siblings fall in love?" Buttercup shouted and everyone immediately told her to be silent. "Our siblings fall in love?" She repeated the question, now in a low whisper.

"Yes!" She answered.

"But what are they waiting for to be together?" Rocky asked.

"Do you remember when Aunt Pinkie found out that our two families may be related because we have a common ancestor?"

"Yes, but what's the matter with that?" B asked.

"Chee Chee thinks it's wrong for her to have a relationship with someone who may be from her family!" Apple Belle replied sadly, as there were ponies suffering from the discovery that made Pinkie and Applejack happy.

"But this has never been confirmed, we may not be related!" Honey B added.

"Exactly and that's what I wanna find out!" She said, with an air of determination.

"What do you mean?" Rocky asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm going after the truth, no matter where it is. In fact, I'm gonna visit Goldie Delicious' old hut!" She said. ""They say that in her hut there is the whole history of the Apple family and ..."

"But don't you remember? The family tree records that might mention someone in the Pie family are blurred, it's impossible to know!" Buttercup said, which discouraged her. "But Grandma Quartz and Grandpa Igneous may have something on the rock farm!"

"Good thinking Butty!" Apple Belle celebrated, giving her a hug. "Will you guys come with me?"

"I don't know Belle, it may not work!" Rocky said.

"Aww we're just going to visit the rock farm, it's no big deal!"

"Yeah, but can we at least warn our parents not to be worried?" Honey B said.

"No. Otherwise, they'll ask what it's about and we'll have to reveal the secret. We can leave a note!"

The girls enthusiastically accepted, it was just a trip to the Pie family farm, but for their imaginative minds, it meant a great adventure.

"But Butty, you're going to have to stay!" Apple Belle said.

"What? Why do I just have to stay while you all go?" She protested, crossing her front legs.

"You're only 5!"

"I'm not that much younger than you are. Okay, so if I can't go along, I'll tell our parents and the plan will go down the drain!"

Their eyes widened in awe, they didn't know that Buttercup could do that kind of thing.

"... Okay, you can go, but always stay close to us!"

"Yayy!" She applauded.

"Very well, everyone putting our hooves together!" She said, placing one of the hooves in front of them.

They gathered their hooves and threw them up. Suddenly, Honey B was confused when she was hit by a pillow.

"Oops!" Andi laughed.

"Oh yes?" She said, taking another pillow and tossing it.

"Pillow war!" Buttercup shouted and everyone started to attack, laughing non stop.