• Published 27th Dec 2020
  • 1,145 Views, 74 Comments

One Thousand Years Ago - Scroll

The past has come back to haunt Cozy Glow in more ways than one. The fate of those who shared a similar history hangs in the balance.

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Chapter 31: Touring the Carpet, Part 3

After that invigorating encounter with Gizmo and Widget on the third deck, the group makes their way back to the exposed top deck where the only shelter above is the giant balloon itself. From there, they make their way to a medium-size room built near the bow of the ship. The entrance to this room is on both sides of it. Inside that room, there is a large, panoramic window facing towards the front of the ship. Before that window is a large wheel and several controls around it. For the moment, nobody is attending it.

Instead of that, two individuals are located at the back of the room where there is a table and a few chairs tucked around it. There is a bunch of maps and navigation equipment placed on that table. To the right of this room, if facing aft of the ship, is another door that leads to the captain's quarters. This is directly behind the bridge of the ship.

As for the individuals themselves, one of them is a middle-aged male hippogriff with white feathers that have dark blue tips. The feathers on the top of his head are pretty short and swept behind him off to the side of his head. The feathers are also thick below his beak. They extend down to his neck which sort of resembles a beard.

Standing next to him is a bright yellow-hided pegasus mare with a curly golden mane and tail. She has spectacles clipped to the edge of her muzzle and is wearing a khaki-colored cargo vest. Since nothing is concealing her lower legs, her cutie mark of a compass is visible. Sunset Shimmer and, to a lesser extent, Cozy Glow can identify that cutie mark as an 8-bit looking compass from old-style video games. It seems to hail from a certain famous adventure game in particular.

“That makes sense,” the hippogriff agrees with his adjacent companion before turning his head to his right as he regards the new guests entering the room. He widens his eyes slightly at the sight of how many enter the room. He looks doubly surprised to recognize one of them as Princess Twilight.

“Good gracious!” the hippogriff exclaims in surprise when he beholds Twilight, then bows to her. “Greetings, Your Majesty, and welcome aboard my ship, The Flying Carpet.”

“You must be the captain,” Princess Twilight figures. “Captain Tidus Williker, if I'm not mistaken. We meet at last.”

“Indeed.” The captain adopts a dignified pose. “You are most astute and well informed, Your Majesty.”

“I heard good things about your career from General Seaspray,” Twilight reports.

“Yes.” Captain Tidus looks out the window. “It's been quite the adventure in Her Majesty's Royal Navy ever since we started exploring beyond Mount Aris.” He looks back at Twilight. “We didn't have much experience as sailors back then, but since then I've developed quite a bit of experience under my belt.

“However,” he looks at the steering wheel of the ship, “an airship poses a new and interesting set of challenges for me and my crew.” His eyes shift back at Twilight. “One which I look forward to, I assure you.”

Captain Tidus looks at the pegasus mare he was originally talking to as he asks, “And have you been introduced to my navigator and helmsman?”

The group regards her as Twilight replies, “No, I have not, and that is something I am looking forward to.”

“Then without further ado, may I present our helmsman and navigator, the lovely Miss Golden Compass.”

“Hi!” Sunset greets in a friendly manner.

There is no reply. Golden Compass still seems heavily engrossed in studying the maps on the table.

Captain Tidus grins a this before he explains to the group, “You'll have to excuse Miss Compass. When she gets engrossed in a task, she can have a remarkable focus on it. Unfortunately, the trade-off is it can give her tunnel vision.”

“In that case, one must know how to approach matters like this,” Professor Stygian says as he approaches the table. “What are we looking at, Miss Compass?”

“The map of Equestria, at least over here,” Miss Compass answers immediately. “And over here,” she points at another set of maps, “are some rough sketches of the area we will be moving to. I was studying the geography of what is known in an attempt to ascertain the most likely climate in the regions we're about to head into. Along the way, we have five possible places we can resupply while on route, but once we cross this border,” she points to the edge of the map of Equestria along the east coast, “we'll be sailing into uncharted territory, especially when we get over this land.”

“I might be able to help you with this,” Stygian proposes, then extends a hoof to Miss Compass. “Professor Stygian, at your service.”

“Charmed,” Compass says offhandedly while absently shaking Stygian's hoof. “How is it that you may be able to help?”

“I have access to great libraries, and I'm well versed in using them,” Stygian answers.

“I am as well,” Twilight adds as she steps up to the table. “Libraries are also my specialty. I used to live in one.”

“Same,” Spike puts in with a raised finger. “Although I could never keep up with Twilight's research skills. I am her Number One Assistant, though.”

“Oh my goodness!” Compass blinks at Twilight. “Your Majesty! What a pleasant surprise. Forgive me for missing your coronation. I was too busy drawing up new maps.”

“Ah,” Twilight squints an eye at Miss Golden. “Weren't you be a young foal back then?”

“Yes. What is your point?” Compass asks with a genuinely confused blink.

“Miss Golden Compass isn't just a skilled navigator or helmsman, she's also a skilled cartographer,” Prince Salizar informs the group.

“Excellent!” Twilight cheers as she looks from the prince to Miss Compass. “That will be super useful where you are going because all of you might be the first to chart this new territory.” She grins at the prince. “It's curious how you happened to have a pony who can do that already aboard the ship. It's almost as if you were preparing for this voyage before I even contacted you about it.”

“Preparation is key to a successful venture,” the prince says as if to answer her question. “We needed a helmsman and navigator on this ship for sure, but the reason I hired her was because of her history as a skilled cartographer. I wanted to be prepared just in case we do venture into uncharted territories. Possessing the world's first maps of such a region could sell for an unbelievably high price.” He looks coyly at Miss Compass. “I know she is looking forward to this trip for that very reason.”

Miss Golden blushes as she says, “I must admit . . . I do have a lot of supplies for this in my quarters.”

“Good, because those are sure to come in hoofy soon,” Twilight tells her happily. “If you didn't have the supplies, I would have ensured you did because I'd be very much interested in getting a copy of those maps.” When she finishes her sentence, she gives a meaningful look at the prince.

“In the interest of diplomacy between our two countries, I assure you that you'll be well versed and updated on our progress during the journey,” Prince Salizar assures Princess Twilight. “That will include any maps we create during the journey, although I'd like to add a few stipulations towards that future offer.”

“Oh?” Twilight questions Salizar.

“The value of an item depends on how exclusive it is,” he says before waving Twilight off. “We'll get more into that later. For now, just be assured that you shall have that information in due time.”

“I would be most appreciative,” Twilight tells him sincerely.

“Your Majesty,” Salizar says back to Twilight while wearing a cunning grin, “I'm counting on that, for it is indeed wise to have friends in high places.”

“It's an all-out friendship bargain sale,” Cozy grumbles under her breath.

“Giving them a tour of the ship, I take it?” Captain Tidus inquires of the prince.

“Indeed, and I'm almost finished,” the prince reports back to the captain. “All that is left is to show them my place on the ship, and then,” he looks sharply at the princess, “we'll have important matters to discuss.”

Prince Salizar Alabaster's place on this ship isn't so much as a room as it is a miniature palace which is located at the back of the top deck. This is as luxurious as a tent can get.

“Your Highness,” Mirage greets her prince as soon as he, as well as the others, enter his mobile home in the sky. “I have tea prepared in anticipation of your arrival for you and your guests, if they wish it.”

“Thank you, my lady,” the prince replies with respect. “We'll have it in the study room shortly.”

“Very good,” Mirage accepts before moving off swiftly and silently.

“I'm going to minimize the tour of my personal space,” the prince informs back to the group. “There is no need to go into too much detail here, but the study room is the place where I most officially entertain guests. You may freely approach me there, but the rest of my home is private.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Twilight graciously accepts. “Shall we?”

“Indeed. Follow me,” Prince Salizar instructs then leads them to a room adjacent to the foyer of the home. In the next room is several bookshelves lined up on the walls with racks in front of them to help secure the objects, but it isn't just books on the shelves. It has that too, but it also has a rich variety of curios.

In the center of the room are a bunch of cushy looking pillows that are facing each other in a broken circle. At the back wall furthest from the entrance is a well-stocked desk that has a bunch of scrolls inserted into slots at the back of the desk. Several secured objects, mostly paperwork, lies on the desk. Several drawers lie closed on the side and below the desk.

Upon entering, Prince Salizar floats off his cape and turban to hang on a rack near the entrance of the room. Since the turban is finally off, the others can see his short black mane.

“Please make yourselves comfortable,” the prince requests as he makes his way to one of the piles of pillows on the floor. From there, he spins about to face the group as he lays on the pillows. “So, to begin with, what did you all think of my ship?”

“It's certainly quite a number of steps above a hot air balloon,” Spike says in an admiring tone.

“Indeed,” Salizar replies with a grin.

“You must be exceedingly wealthy,” Spike goes on. “Most zeppelins that I know of are owned by entire companies, but you have one for your personal leisure.”

Prince Salizar shrugs as he says, “If you are comparing this to my Grand Palace or my summer homes on a private island, then you are partially correct.” He looks around the room. “However, this ship is designed for the service of my country.” He regards Spike again. “And I am their loyal servant. My subjects are my strength, so I will take care of them to the best of my ability.” He gestures around the room. “Obviously I have no qualms about luxury and decadence, but all of this is in pursuit of a greater cause.”

“I can certainly appreciate that statement,” Twilight agrees. “Heavy is the brow that wears the crown.”

“It can be,” the prince partially agrees. “It certainly is a hefty responsibility, but if you are referring to a burden . . . then that depends on the issue at hoof. I do not always find this job stressful. Indeed, there are many times when I find it quite relaxing and/or enjoyable.” He taps the side of his head twice. “Much of it has to do with our mindset while we perform our duties. We could consider ourselves a martyr on behalf of the service of our subjects, or we can consider it an honor and a privilege. Personally, I consider both to be true to varying degrees.”

“Well, to answer your question, I find this ship amazing,” Sunset informs. “Especially by the standards of this world.”

“Aye, this world,” replies the prince as he leans back and gives her a sly grin. “For you do indeed speak from a broader sense of experience, do you not, Miss Sunset?”

“How did you . . .?” Sunset almost asks, but trails off as she looks at her friend Twilight, the most likely culprit to explain his uncanny knowledge about her.

“I told him why you are all going on this trip,” Twilight answers Sunset's silent question. “I figured it is important I be honest with him considering the fact that some risks may be involved.”

Right after she says that, Mirage quietly opens the door and enters while balancing a silver tray on her head which has tea in a pot along with several empty glasses around it.

“Yes, about that,” the prince brings up, “it would be wise of us to be discreet about the information of our final hidden passenger,” he says with a look to Cozy's magic necklace. “I assure you that I understand the importance and relevance of this mission. Our cover story isn't false,” he looks at Stygian, “but there is more than one issue involved here, and announcing the arrival and involvement of none other than King Sombra seems unwise in most situations.” He taps his right hoof beside him on the pillows. “Most creatures in the world have never heard of him, but of those who have, it is very unlikely they have fond memories of him.”

“But isn't it wise to be honest with one's friends?” Twilight asks.

The prince tilts his head at Twilight as he subtly accuses, “I'm sure you have never struggled with that issue in the past, have you . . . Your Majesty?”

Twilight unfolds one wing in order to press it on her chest as she says, “I fully admit that I have my faults, and I struggle with them every single day. My life has been lessons after lessons, and more than one of them indicate the folly of withholding vital information from one's friends.”

“Friends perhaps,” Salizar agrees. “But not everyone aboard this ship is my friend. Instead, they are hired staff, and they may not look too kindly upon this information even if they did consider me a friend.

“Sometimes, Your Majesty, it is wise to be discreet. It can even be a struggle for monarchs to endure sensitive information, but we have training and advisers to help us cope,” he says with a brief gesture to Spike. “State secrets are important for a reason. Not everything has to be known. When it comes to dangerous information, a need-to-know basis is the smartest default.

“Please don't insult my intelligence by denying the fact that you keep certain dangerous and vital information from your subjects when you know they'd likely panic if they knew, or worse.”

“I won't deny that,” Twilight admits. “Nor will I insist on an open policy with your crew. If you want us to keep this secret, I shall not deny you but rather cooperate with respect. If you think this is wise, rule as you see fit.”

“What about you?” the prince asks as he regards Cozy sharply. “Will you respect my authority while aboard my ship or, indeed, for the duration of this mission?”

“Honestly, yes,” Cozy is fairly quick to reply. “I've carefully observed you during the tour and it leaves me with certain impressions that are quite flattering. I respect the way you carry yourself, and I appreciate the fact that you're willing to really stop and think about what you're doing. You strike me as a pony who is always armed with a plan, or at least seems that way.” She narrows her eyes slightly, turns her head a bit to the side, and flashes him a cunning grin. “As a leader, a diplomat, and a merchant, I'm sure you understand the value of a good performance. You know how to talk to others and adjust your tactics for each individual.”

And he's not the only one, Cozy thinks privately. Curb Stomp has yet to say a word, but if looks could speak, he's been shouting several times during this encounter.

And Mirage . . . oh, that sneaky pony. As blatant as Curb Stomp and the prince dominated our attention, I've noticed how that subtle pony slithered like a silent shadow in the background. I think she is supposed to be unnoticed, which is why I kept a cautious eye on her until she left our party. Even then, I can't be certain she left too far.

“As I previously mentioned, I consider myself a good judge of character,” the prince reminds. “You, my dear, are still holding something back. You ply your trade carefully and strategically. I think we have much to learn from each other, and I would be honored to teach you what I know.”

“Likewise, I'm eager to learn,” Cozy says back. “So . . . do you trust me? Do you believe I mean what I say to you?”

“Do I trust you?” the prince reflects. “That answer is no. Your history should not be discounted, nor the hidden resentment that still lingers within you. You did mean what you said to me now, but there are more layers and hidden subtext in your words, I think.”

“A cunning strategist does not reveal all of her secrets immediately,” Cozy says while maintaining her cunning grin. “You should know this.”

“Well I, for one, agree wholeheartedly with the prince,” Stygian chimes in. “Primarily because he added the stipulation, 'Need to know basis', meaning he has left the determination for that open without too strict of a restraint. An exit clause, if you will.”

“Thank you, Professor,” the prince says with a courteous nod to Stygian.

Meanwhile, while everyone is discussing, Mirage is wordlessly passing out tea. She asks if the others want some with a mere look.

“For my part, I'm looking forward to discovering the state of my old home,” Stygian put forward. “I used to live where we're going, but my knowledge is over a thousand years out of date. Accordingly, it can certainly use an update. I'll offer what insight I can, but in the end, I'm discovering the fate of my old home along with the rest of you. While we're at it,” he looks to Cozy, “we'll investigate any old artifacts from Sombra's history. With Cozy's help, as well as that of Sunset's, we'll get to the bottom of this mystery piece by piece.”

“I've read some of your old books,” the prince informs Stygian. “Because of that, I'm looking forward to getting to know you better during this voyage. For such a humble-looking pony, you're honestly quite interesting.”

“Thank you for saying so, Your Majesty,” Stygian replies with a humble nod of his head. “You honor me with your words.”

“Well,” Spike puts his claws on his hips, “are we going to talk about the fanfare now during your entrance into the city? You said you had more to discuss about that.”

For a moment, Salizar simply regards Spike silently, then looks over at Stygian as he asks, “What do you make of this, Professor? You seemed to have some insight into this matter.”

“Well, for me, I . . .” Stygian began, but he paused as Mirage approaches him to offer him tea. In response to her silent query, he replies, “Yes, please. I'll have some.” She nods in confirmation then proceeds to pour him a cup. While she does that, he looks back at the prince and resumes answering the prince’s question. “I've been thinking about how the citizens of Canterlot were aware that you were coming. If they weren't expecting you, their reaction to your showmanship should have been more confused, or at least mixed. However, I believe I have ascertained a theory as to how they knew you were coming.”

He looks down with a sigh of shame. “I'm sorry to say that this might be my fault, for you see,” he looks back at the prince. He almost spoke until he is given the cup with the poured glass of tea. Once again he pauses a moment to give her a silent nod of thanks as he accepts the offer. After that, both of them move on. “Well, long story short, I made some discreet attempts to gather funding for this expedition. As such, I contacted several noteworthy scholars of archaeology, sociology, and other fields that I figured would be interested in this. I had several of these distinguished colleagues gather so I can give them the sales pitch for the trip.” He sighs again. “But I heard rumors that some students like to spy in on these meetings somehow. I'm still not certain if this is true, but if it is . . . it might help to explain how this information leaked into the general public.

“Now, rest assured that, even if this is the case, they still don't know about Sombra. All I proposed in the meeting was that this trip was about uncovering the hidden mysteries of our own history. Many ponies here in Equestria migrated from my homeland. What has befallen those who were left behind?

“Even if nopony survived, we might at least be able to uncover our old structures and other priceless archaeological artifacts.” He waves a hoof. “I'm not suggesting a full archaeological dig yet. That might come later. For now, we just need to update our maps and discover the gists of what happened to those left behind.”

Stygian taps his hoof on the floor with a thoughtful look as he goes on to say, “Now, with all that being said, I'm still perplexed why you drew so much attention to yourself as you came into this city, but my theory is the fact that you were trying to confirm a theory of your own. You gave a grandiose display in order to test the city's reaction. In other words, you wanted to find out how expected you were.”

“Close,” the prince replies. “But the fact of the matter is I already knew that the citizens of Canterlot were expecting us. After all, I have agents working for me on the streets of Canterlot, and they report to me any findings that they deem relevant.”

“Really?” Sunset asks in confusion. “In that case, if you already knew the answer, why the performance?”

“What are performances usually for?” the prince reflects back to Sunset.

“Gathering attention, I suppose,” Sunset answers. “Also to entertain, obviously. Such things can also serve as a legitimate business. Is that what this is about? To gather profit?”

The prince shifts his gaze from Sunset to Stygian as he says, “The professor was partially on the right track, but I didn't cause this show to test what I already knew. Instead, I did it to prove a point to all of you; and that point is the fact that some of the information about our mission has leaked into the hooves of the public. I wanted to make this fact clear.

“And no offense, Your Majesty,” he looks over at Twilight, “but your security forces could use some tightening. I'll admit, they have gotten better since you and Flash Magnus took over, but I think you'd be startled to realize how many of your forces are secretly in my pocket. And, if I can pull that off, who knows how many others are stealing trade secrets?

“A merchant civilization finds it very necessary to be concerned about such things. After all, information is power, and as such, can be used to threaten our livelihood. With your friendly open-door policy, you left the door just as wide for your potential enemies.”

“I've been saying that for years,” Cozy growls in annoyance. “But who ever listens to an ex-criminal?”

“I respect your opinion and your honesty, Your Majesty,” Twilight says back to the prince after a brief glance at her daughter for that comment, “but I believe my policy about treating others as friends solves more problems than it causes. Furthermore, you may be surprised how many contingencies that I've prepared just in case things do go south. I might seem too trusting, but I am prepared with many backup plans just in case.” She waves a hoof. “I'm not going to tell you that I lack foolish moments or haven't made mistakes. I've never claimed to be perfect. I've made plenty of them in my time both before and after I ruled on the throne, but I learn from them each time. As time goes on, I'll accumulate more and more wisdom, just like my beloved mentor, Celestia.”

Prince Salizar taps his hooves together as he regards Twilight critically, then he says, “That's all well and good in intent, Your Majesty, but one of these days one of your enemies won't give you a chance to enact your plans. All it takes is one quick slash of a blade, and it's over. No warning, just straight for the kill. Not every princess gets kidnapped in every situation. Being a monarch paints us as a clear target, and there is plenty of motivation to act against us in one way or another.”

“My friends are loyal to me,” Twilight assures, “and I have more than my fair share of friends which will undoubtedly make any would-be assassin give pause.”

“Anyway,” he waves a hoof as if to show that he's about to shift subjects, “the fanfare I had upon my entrance has several layers of purposes. To gather the attention of the crowd, to reveal to all of you the weaknesses in your defense, and most importantly . . . to regain control of the narrative.” He nods confidently. “For you see, now that I have secured their attention, I plan to use it. I'm going to be sending agents out on the streets as well as attend a few meetings personally to confirm some of the rumors that have been going around. At the same time, I will be hiding other bits of information.” He leans back into his stack of pillows. “For you see, one way to cover certain details is to hide it with a distraction. To give hungry ponies what they want satiates their hunger. After that, they'll leave on their own accord and most won't perform a follow-up investigation because they'll think it isn’t necessary. They'll think they've already won what they sought. After that, all that is left to do is hang back and gloat in victory. They'll brag to all of their colleagues the juicy details they managed to scrounge up. Eventually everypony will know the scoop. Because of that, the news will fade into history with ever decaying interest while yet more news replaces it in the limelight. In the meantime, we protect our interests by ensuring that only certain kinds of information are credited. The rest will be forgotten.”

“In that case, what information do you plan to make public?” Stygian checks.

“Mainly only what they already know,” the prince answers. “I'll tell them that we are on an expedition to unknown lands which is also part of our ancient history. That kind of information isn't completely harmless, but we can manage it. Also, issues like this weren’t likely to stay quiet for long anyway. If we actually succeed in this mission then of course it's going to be big news.

“You certainly know what that feels like, don't you, Your Majesty?” he asks Twilight with a coy grin. “You've made headlines on the newspapers many times in your life so far. Both you and your friends.”

Twilight shrugs as she says, “As you said, these are rapidly changing times. My friends and I may have started something, but it will be up to successive generations to pass on the torch. I'll be here to help manage and guide things in the long gallop, but in the end . . . I foresee a more quiet role for my future. At least, compared to what it was before.”

“You don't think you're the protagonist of this story anymore, huh?” Cozy teases her mother.

Twilight flashes her daughter a coy grin but says nothing else in response to that comment.

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