• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 1,352 Views, 6 Comments

The Team Raucous Trio - Matthais Unidostres

Prepare for trouble Mane Six, because the Team Raucous Trio is up to no good.

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Chapter 1: Operation S.P.I.K.E.: Seize Powerful Important Key Energy-source

Although Team Rocket is clearly being referenced here, the Pokemon references will only be in a bare minimum. The other ones will be the whole evil organization concept and a couple of good old mottoes. Other than that, there will not be any references to Pokemon Anime or Video Games. THIS IS NOT A CROSSOVER!!!

Chapter 1: Operation S.P.I.K.E.: Seize Powerful Important Key Energy-source

In a secret location somewhere within the mountains, carefully hidden away from view, a unicorn, dragon, and griffon kneeled before a larger fourth figure.

The fourth figure stood in the shadows, its identity hidden as it said to the three figures before it, "What is your mission?"

"To capture rare and powerful creatures and use them to help Team Raucous take over Equestria," the three of them recited dutifully.

"Correct," the fourth figure said, "You have proven yourselves in combat, and have gone through our training. It is time for your first mission. Do not fail me. You must always succeed for the glory of Team Raucous."

"Yes sir!"

Twilight Sparkle frantically ran back and forth within the Library that night.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! What am I going to do?" she said anxiously.

"Relax, Twilight. What are you so worried about anyway? This is gonna be fun!" Spike said.

Twilight shook her head, "I know Spike, but I'm just so worried. This Sapphire Shores concert may put me behind on my studies! And I'm still not sure if I've fixed up my schedule the right way."

"I thought you said you weren't going to go crazy staying up late and pacing over schedules?" Spike replied, giving Twilight a suspicious glance.

Twilight groaned, "Uggh! I know Spike, but you can't just throw it all away. You have to have some structure to make sure things go right." Twilight then stopped in her tracks and sighed, "But, maybe I am going a little overboard." The purple unicorn then chuckled, "You're right Spike, I'll just relax and enjoy tonight's concert!"

Spike chuckled, "Oh Twilight! What would you do without me?"

Twilight teleported over to the little dragon and hugged him, "Yes, what would I do without you!" she said while chuckling.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie bounced in through the front door, "Hey Twilight! The girls sent me to make sure you're still coming to the concert!"

Twilight gave a dead-pan expression, "First of all, have you ever heard of knocking, Pinkie Pie? And second, it's only 5:50 P.M. The concert starts at 9 P.M."

Pinkie blinked, reached into her mane, pulled out a flier, and handed it to Twilight. "Um, I'm pretty sure it's 6 P.M. Twilight."

Twilight gasped when she saw the flier, "Ah! I must have gotten confused! Come on Spike! We're gonna be late if we don't hurry!"

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Spike quickly ran out of the Library-

When a metallic claw suddenly came down and grabbed the little dragon!

"Help!" Spike shouted.

"Spike!" Twilight gasped as she and Pinkie gazed up as the claw telescoped back in towards a strange looking machine in the branches of the trees. It was about the size of one of Applejack's apple carts, and standing next to it were three figures dressed in black cloaks.

"What is the meaning of this! Who are you?" Twilight demanded.

"If you ask us something or other. . ." came a male voice of the figure that stood upright on two legs to the left.

"The answer we give will be the compassion of the world!" came a female voice that stood on four legs to the right.

"To prevent the destruction of the world!"

"To protect the peace of the world!"

"To carry out the evils of truth and love!"

"The lovely, charmy villains!"

The two speakers, as well as the third figure who had remained silent so far, all jumped down and landed in front of Pinkie Pie and Twilight. The machine, still hanging on to Spike, also lurched forward and landed onto the ground with a crash.

"Garble!" said the first figure, throwing off his cloak.

"Trixie!" the second figure said, whipping off her cloak.

"The pair form Team Raucous soars through the galaxy!" Garble declared.

"A white hole, a white tomorrow awaits us!" Trixie shouted.

"Something like that!" the third figure said, throwing off her cloak and revealing herself to be Gilda.

"What the hay-? What are you three jerks doing?" Twilight said, completely in shock at what was happening.

"We're stealing little Spikey so Team Raucous can run some really painful experiments!" Garble sneered.

"Ah yes! The Great and Powerful Trixie will have her revenge on Twilight Sparkle for humiliating her!" Trixie said.

"Whatever, I'm just in it for the money and power, and so are you." Gilda said with a "whatever" tone.

"Wait, what's Team Raucous?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"A powerful organization that plans on dethroning your precious Princesses by gaining control of rare and powerful creatures," Trixie said with a smirk.

Garble rolled his eyes, "Yeah, well I don't know about powerful, but we were told that the shrimp has some sort of magical fire or something. That's why we're taking him. And little wimpy ponies like you can't stop us!"

The trio suddenly heard loud banging. They turned to see that Pinkie Pie had sneaked behind them and was hitting at the machine with her hooves, as if to force it to let go of Spike.

Gilda laughed, "Ha-ha! You'll never get anywhere like that, Stinky Pie!" Gilda then tackled Pinkie Pie with outstretched claws.

"Leave her alone!" Twilight shouted, and she shot a beam of magic at Gilda. Trixie created a shield with her magic, which blocked the attack.

"How pathetic, Sparkle! Just shows who the superior unicorn really is!" Trixie boasted.

"Tell it to the Ursa Minor," Twilight shot right back.

Trixie charged at Twilight while shooting magical lazers at her. Twilight deflected each one and shot back a few of her own.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie hopped up, down, and all around, dodging each and every one of Gilda's talon swipes.

"You are sooooooo slooooooooowww!" Pinkie mocked as Gilda's face nearly glowed red with rage.

Spike watched the fighting from within the claw, which increased in size and extended bars to make it into a diamond shaped cage. "I've gotta get out of here and help! But how. . .maybe if I build up some fire. . ." Spike thought. He then took a deep breath and held it, clenching his fist and tightening his face in concentration.

As the other four went at it, Garble strode over to Spike, "Aww, poor little Spike!" he said mockingly, "All caged up and helpless as his little friends get pounded. How does it feel to be so helpless?" Garble looked at Spike's comical position and laughed, "Haha! What's wrong? Are you mad? Are you gonna blow a fuse? Don't hurt yourself now!" Garble continued to laugh, but then he stopped when he saw that Spike was beginning to glow bright green.

"What are you-?" Garble began, but he was gut off by an explosion of green fire and smoke. The machine was completely destroyed, and the smoke made it impossible to see.

"Gah! Abort mission!" Garble snarled.

"Aw man, I almost had her!" Gilda groaned.

"This isn't over, Sparkle!" Trixie shouted.

When the smoke cleared, the three friends looked up to see Gilda and Garble hovering in the sky with their wings, and Trixie wearing what appeared to be mechanical wings made from her star spangled purple magician's cape.

"We'll be back, Spikey Shrimp!" Garble shouted, and the three of them flew off and disappeared into the distance.

"Are you okay Spike?" Twilight asked nervously.

Spike nodded and flexed his muscled, "Sure I am! I busted out of that cage all by myself! Aren't I awesome!"

Twilight chuckled, "Well, I have to admit that was amazing. Who knew you could charge up your fire into a blast like that?"

Pinkie Pie stared off into the sky, "But those meanies got away! Ooh! Gilda really did it this time! And I didn't think she could get any meaner!"

"You think we should tell everypony else about this?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, but not right now," Twilight said, then she gasped, "Oh my gosh! The concert! Quick, we only got a minute to spare!"

In the end, everypony got to the concert on time, and it was most certainly a blast. Sapphire Shores, the Pony of Pop, danced and sung on stage, dressed in fabulous clothing of Rarity's design. Even after the concert was over, the excitement still went on, with ponies asking Sapphire Shores for autographs, and ponies going to Rarity and asking her about the dresses she had made for the Pony of Pop.

With all the action and excitement going on, the three friends actually forgot all about Team Raucous.

Deep in the Everfree Forest, the trio looked into the screen of the book-sized electronic communicator Trixie held with her magic. A shadowy figure could be seen.

"I expected failure. These are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. I suggest we move on to other plans. Stealing the dragon of the Element of Magic will be difficult. Perhaps these other missions will give you more experience and confidence."

"Yes sir!" the trio said.


If the motto seemed unfamiliar to you, that's because it's the Japanese version of the original Double Trouble Motto translated into English.