• Published 20th Dec 2020
  • 2,824 Views, 107 Comments

Displaced Brawler of Equestria (RWBY x MLP Displaced Story!) - Ocelot the Devil

On an ordinary day like any other, I receive the most unusual package in the form of two golden-plated bracelets. Slipping them on, I didn't expect to get sent to another world or transformed into a hot-smoking blonde. Can't catch a break, can I?

  • ...

Status... Angry!

"Why on Earth am I doing this again, damn it? I don't even know why the hell I'm doing this in the first place!" The blonde woman admitted as she continued to run and run to where that explosion came from. Some inner part of her demanded she help those in need. Add memory loss to the equation and things would get very messy…

But there in laid a big problem - what was she going to do exactly? She wasn't a fighter nor did she have the skills or tools to take on opponents! Or maybe she was and she just couldn’t remember it. Whatever the case, her brain couldn't stop her legs from running towards the possible danger.

More explosions were occurring which meant one thing - something bad was happening. Soon she cleared the trees and could get a better look at what was going on.

What she saw made her jaw dropped - the most messed up biological creation was snapping its fingers and using what seemed to be magic to conjure the forces of nature. This was helping it out a lot in destroying the entire town with a cackle. "Ah! What a grand day for chaos!" It declared – humor in its tone.

He was having way too much fun ruining this town and hurting its inhabitants. That wasn’t alright with her! It was time to break up his little celebration and possibly save the day… if she could avoid dying.

"Hey, knock it off!" She shouted at the creature – anger visible on her face.

The creature stopped what it was doing and looked away from the chaos to see a blond-haired woman with lilac eyes who was glaring hard at him. "Oh, what's this? Who dares challenge the might of the most powerful creature ever?" He asked in an amused tone.

"I'm that person, you jerk!" She snapped at him before issuing a demand. "Now stop ruining these people's lives!"

The abomination stared at her as if she was crazy before breaking down in laughter. "HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! Oh, my goodness - you are telling me to stop? You are telling me stop?" He asked the blonde whilst laughing.

"I'm pretty sure that's what I said" She replied in a calm tone but with the anger still there.

The creature continued to laugh before it developed a serious face. "And how pray tell are you going to stop me? The spirit of Chaos and Disharmony? Me, the dark lord of the damned! Me - Discord!" Discord declared with an amused but serious face.

"I haven't quite worked that part out yet, but I'm working on it." She answered even though she didn’t have anything prepared on defeating Discord.

Discord became unamused. "You must be either stupid or dense... maybe both." He told her.

"Say you'll stop or I'll introduce your ugly face to my fist!" She threatened and raised her fists to which Discord snorted began to laugh once again.

"Bwhahahahahaha! Your fist!? Oh, you must be joking, surely?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you!" She took a swing at the self proclaimed 'lord of the damned'. Unfortunately, it was a very weak one and soon she was swatted away like a small bug.

"You are beginning to bore me, little girl." Discord growled at the little pest.

The woman got up and glared at the creature. "Coming from an abomination like you... I can tell you were never loved by your parents." She stated and cracked a grin despite the circumstances.

Discord's eyes glowed red at the insult. He could handle the minor insults and petty threats… but that comment about his parents? That crosses the line!!! She was dead!

"You're gonna pay for that, little brat!" Discord declared before grabbing her by the throat and sending her flying towards a tree.

She crashed into it hard, but for some odd reason it didn't hurt as much as she expected it too...actually, she was feeling a bit stronger for some reason.

All of this made the woman chuckled much to Discord's irritation and confusion.

"What, pray tell, is so funny?" Discord sneered in anger.

"I dunno about you...but that punch didn't hurt me as much as I expected it to be... in fact, I feel a little bit stronger and more angry." The woman admitted as she began to feel powered up.

"Oh? Then try this!" Discord said before summoning a baseball bat to hit her. It shattered against her, but again, it didn't hurt much and she felt more power coursing through her.

The woman began to grin and then something unexpected happened. The bracelets that she wore transformed into golden gauntlets with red-orange shells inside of them. "Whoa!" She declared in a surprised tone.

"Why won't you stay down?!" Discord raged. This was definitely not how it was supposed to go down!

"Stay down!? Buddy, you don't seem to understand something... I'M JUST GETTING WARMED UP!" The woman declared as she felt fire all around her before using the gauntlet to launch herself at Discord and issue multiple hits into his torso.

Discord was shocked at being physically assaulted and took the attacks in full view. "This... isn't... HAPPENING!!!" The creature screamed in full pain.

"Oh, but it is! You bully people, you better expect some justice!" She shouted with a grin.

Discord teleported away and transformed into a copy of the blonde. "So, you still eager to take on the god of Chaos and Disharmony?" He said in her cloned body – even replicating her voice.

"You bet I am!" She roared, her rage at full throttle.

The copy of the blonde charged forward and prepared to assault her yet wasn't expecting the original to break the illusion and complete turn back into Discord.

She didn't give Discord a second chance to get away. She hammered him relentlessly until she was sure he was knocked out.

"You... you..." Discord spoke his last words before getting knocked out by the blonde. He was looking pretty worse for wear… not even he didn’t expect this outcome.

"And stay down..." She said as she breathed heavily from her exertion.

Well... that's done it. She saved the day even though she had no clue what she was going against in the first place though. As she tried to recover, the residents of this world hesitantly approached her.

The woman got up slowly yet crumbled to the ground and released heavy breaths of exhaustion. She couldn't even do anything as they gathered around her and her vision slowly faded to black.

Author's Note:

Yep... I did the second chapter of this fic as well - surprise, surprise! Not much to expect here minor Discord vs. A very angry and pissed-off smoking blonde! Enjoy reading!

I don't own MLP nor RWBY - they are owned by their respective authors (Hasbro and Monty Oum/Rooster Teeth)!