• Published 17th Dec 2020
  • 501 Views, 10 Comments

Fiction Addiction - Jest

It is a brilliant day, and Twilight Sparkle has no reason to feel so down. Yet here she is.

  • ...

A Little Blue

Twilight sighed, and looked out the window, her gaze passing over the many ponies going about their day. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and children played freely in the streets. Yet Twilight couldn't manage the effort necessary to even smile, no matter how nice everything was.

“Let me guess, a character in one of your books died?” Spike deadpanned.

Twilight blushed and hastily spun on the dragon, who was standing at the entrance to the ill used back room of the tree library. “I will have you know that is not why I am so despondent,” Twilight retorted.

Spike leaned against the door jam and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Did a fictional character get with a character you didn't ship them with?”

The unicorn’s face burned brighter still and she stamped her hoof in frustration. “That isn't it either!”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Really? Because you got really sad when that one character didn't get with some werewolf named Jacob I think?”

“That was different!” Twilight exclaimed. “I was sad because the writing quality dipped so much.”

“It took you three books to realize you were reading trash?” Spike retorted.

“No, I knew that going in,” Twilight murmured, shaking her head. “That's not the point.”

“So you aren't sad because something happened in a fictional world?” Spike continued.

“Yes!” Twilight all but shouted.

Spike’s eyes narrowed, and he studied the unicorn for several seconds. “You're sad because you want to read a sequel that isn't out yet, aren't you?”

Twilight grumbled, and looked away. “Maybe.”

Spike shook his head. “You know reading traditional print media and fanfiction doesn't mean you have two hobbies right?”

“I am well aware of that Spike,” Twilight muttered.

The dragon sighed. “Say, I was just about to grab a snack from sugarcube corner, did you want something?”

“Anything with plenty of chocolate in it,” Twilight remarked without turning away, her gaze returning to the window.

Spike lingered at the door for a moment before turning and walking away. “I better get Pinkie,” whispered the dragon before grabbing a bag of bits.

Pinkie Pie clopped a hoof against the open door, a soft smile already on her face. “Hey Twi, how's it going?”

“Mfine,” Twilight muttered, face pressed against the throw pillow.

The unicorn was now sprawled out across the small couch tucked beneath the window. She had hardly moved since Spike had left, merely sinking further into the comfortable peice of furniture, her phone resting next to her.

Pinkie Pie trotted inside, and placed a dish next to Twilight’s head. “I brought you a super special triple chocolate donut and some cocoa,” Pinkie Pie explained, setting the cup on the nearby end table.

Twilight turned, her eyes lighting up as soon as they settled on the baked good. “Thanks,” she muttered before grabbing the donut in her magic and taking a bite out of it. “Oooh, thash goob.”

“Thanks! I had a feeling someone would need a super special picker upper!” Pinkie PIe happily exclaimed.

Twilight nodded once before taking another bite and chewing slowly. A soft smile crossed the unicorn’s face as she enjoyed the delicious food, eventually perking up by the time it was nearly complete. After swallowing the last few crumbs Twilight sat up, and put the plate aside.

“Thanks Pinkie Pie, this means a lot to me,” Twilight stated.

“No problem freindo!” Pinkie Pie remarked, sitting next to the other mare. “Now, tell auntie Pinkie Pie what's bugging you.”

“I’m olde-” Twilight sighed. “It's nothing. I’m being silly.”

“Uh oh, you aren't trying to take my job now are you?” Pinkie Pie teased, pressing a hoof against the unicorn’s side.

Twilight chuckled and shook her head. “Really though. It's nothing.”

“If it's got you down then it's not nothing,” Pinkie Pie retorted.

“Well it's small. Something that shouldn't make me this down,” Twilight murmured, tapping her forehooves together. “I’m an adult now, after all.”

“Adults can still have bad days,” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“Yeah but they aren't supposed to be caused by a silly story they read on the internet,” Twilight bitterly exclaimed.

“Was it that sad?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Twilight shook her head. “It's not that. I mean it's sad, but that's not why I’m so down in the dumps.”

The unicorn stood suddenly. “Really though, I’m fine. Why don't we go see-”

Pinkie Pie gently took her by the shoulder and pushed her back onto the couch. “Why don't you enjoy your cocoa and tell Pinkie Pie what's bothering you.”

Twilight seemed ready to argue for a second before taking a sip of the drink and relaxing once again. “Okay Pinkie Pie, you win.”

“Oh boy, what do I win?”

“I’ll tell you what's bothering me, but you can't tease me okay?” Twilight demanded, turning to the earth pony.

Who smiled. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Twilight giggled. “It isn't quite worthy of a Pinkie promise, but thank you anyway.”

“No problemo Twi Twi,” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Well I.. started reading this story and it's good but it hasn't updated in a while,” Twilight admitted, the pony growing quieter by the second. “I know it's silly, and you probably think less of me for it but I just really like it and it's sad to see such a great story end without an end, ya know?”

“Hey hey, you don't have to defend yourself to me,” Pinkie Pie whispered softly.

“S-sorry. I guess I’m just so used to everyone teasing me about this kind of thing,” Twilight admitted.

“We all have things we enjoy which others wouldn't understand,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Why just last week Rainbow Dash cancelled all of our plans because her favorite sports team lost a game.”

Twilight chuckled. “I remember that. The Canterlot Mountaineers crushed Cloudsdale thirty one to three.”

“Rarity cries like, every time she finishes reading another romance story,” Pinkie Pie continued. “Fluttershy sometimes gets sad whenever she sees a particularly beautiful butterfly.”

“They are just so beautiful,” Twilight exclaimed, doing her best Fluttershy impression.

“And Applejack gets mopey when she doesn't have chores to do,” Pinkie Pie continued. “Like, could you imagine being sad because there wasn't more work?”

Twilight smiled. “Not in the slightest. My backlog is far too big.”

“See? We all have things that we enjoy that sometimes make us sad which other people may not understand,” Pinkie Pie remarked.

“What about you?” Twilight asked. “What is your thing?”

“Messing up a cake,” Pinkie Pie murmured in a low tone. “When I first started baking I got so sad I used to bury them in the backyard when I thought no one was looking.”

“R-really?” Twilight murmured.

Pinkie Pie giggled softly. “Yupperooni. It doesn't get me down quite as much anymore but seeing all that potential squandered still makes me a little sad.”

“I think I understand,” Twilight added.

“So, feel better?” Pinkie Pie asked, squeezing her friend’s shoulder softly.

Twilight took another sip of cocoa and sighed. “Yes actually. Thank you Pinkie.”

“Not a problem Twi Twi,” Pinkie Pie happily proclaimed. “Say, what was the title of that story anyway?”

“It's a fanfiction called Among the Ruins,” Twilight admitted somewhat reluctantly. “It's kind of dark but I really like it.”

Pinkie Pie slapped herself in the forehead. “Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot.”

“Forgot what?” Twilight inquired.

“Forgot to update it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, pulling a mobile phone from her mane and hastily unlocking it.

Twilight watched curiously as her friend’s hoof became a blur of motion, ending with the phone beeping and being put back into the earth pony’s mane. “Err, what was all that?” Twilight questioned.

“Check your phone,” Pinkie Pie offered, gesturing to the unicorn’s cell phone.

“Err okay, what am I looking for?” Twilight questioned as she opened the device.

“I think you know,” Pinkie Pie cryptically replied.

Twilight raised an eyebrow and flicked through her apps before suddenly stopping when she noticed there were six new notifications waiting for her. Six notifications which when clicked on revealed a surprise that Twilight never thought she would ever see. The story she had been obsessing over had received updates, and not only that it was also marked complete.

“Pinkie, your-”


“And the story-”

“Is complete!”

Twilight blinked. “I can't believe you have over two thousand followers.”

Pinkie Pie winked. “If you don't tell anyone about me, I won't tell anyone about you. FlashSentryXBigMac69.”

Twilight blushed. “How did you know that was me?”

“You're the last commenter,” Pinkie Pie replied.

Twilight shook her head. “Thank you Pinkie Pie. Not only for updating but for chatting with me.”

“No problem Twi,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Don't ever feel bad for liking something.”

“I won't,” Twilight replied. “Would you mind giving me some space?”

“Oh of course!” Pinkie Pie hopped off the couch. “Don't forget to let me know what you think of the ending!”

“I won't,” Twilight replied.

Pinkie Pie trotted back into the main library area, where a nervous Spike stood.

“Is she doing better?” he asked.

“Yuperooni!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed.

“Oh thank goodness,” Spike murmured. “She only makes that kind of high pitched squeal when she's really angry or really happy and I thought I might have teased her a bit too much.”

“I wouldn't tease people about what they like, Spike. Unless they like punching ponies or something,” Pinkie Pie reprimanded. “Oh and one of her stories she was waiting on just got updated,”

Spike grinned. “I won't PInkie Pie. I hope she’ll be in a better mood now.”

“She should be,” Pinkie Pie replied. “Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve gotta get home.”

“Oh, what are you busy doing?” Spike asked.

“Why writing a sequel of course!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed.

Author's Note:

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Comments ( 10 )

Here's a little story to remind you that it's okay to like what you like and to be a little blue sometimes.

The first half is relatable, the second is hopeful. Sadly, of all the good stories that haven't been updated in a while, none have suddenly gotten 17 chapters and 2 sequels.

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Really? Because you got really sad when that one character didn't get with some werewolf named Jacob I think?”

“That was different!” Twilight exclaimed. “I was sad because the writing quality dipped so much.”

“It took you three books to realize you were reading trash?” Spike retorted.

“No, I knew that going in,” Twilight murmured, shaking her head. “That's not the point.”


This was a sweet story all around, but I'm curious when it takes place, considering Twi's a unicorn.

This happens in my boring universe wherein after the events of episode 2 nothing else happens in Twilight's life. She just kinda stays as the Ponyville librarian and lives her life normally.

About half way through I had to click back and check if this story was set as “Incomplete” or “on hiatus” just as a joke.

“Well I.. started reading this story and it's good but it hasn't updated in a while,” Twilight admitted, the pony growing quieter by the second. “I know it's silly, and you probably think less of me for it but I just really like it and it's sad to see such a great story end without an end, ya know?”

We all know that feeling, Twi...

“And Applejack gets mopey when she doesn't have chores to do,” Pinkie Pie continued. “Like, could you imagine being sad because there wasn't more work?”
Twilight smiled. “Not in the slightest. My backlog is far too big.”

Same here...

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

And hopefully no one else learns about Twilights username.
Otherwise things might will get awkward...

Comment posted by LightningStrike34 deleted Dec 24th, 2020
Comment posted by LightningStrike34 deleted Dec 24th, 2020

Meta story is meta!

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