• Published 17th Dec 2020
  • 3,026 Views, 150 Comments

The Cloudsdale Chronicles - Boltstrike58

The adventures of the human-turned-pony Swift Wing in his new home in Cloudsdale.

  • ...

Let the Rainbow Remind You

It was another day off work for Swift Wing. He'd specifically requested it so that he could go through today's meeting without having to wait until he was done making more clouds. His superiors had evidently decided that he was good at that, and assigned him to solely focus on it for the foreseeable future. Swift didn't mind, but that kind of work sure was tiring.

At the moment, he was standing outside of his apartment, occasionally checking his watch. She was supposed to get here within a couple of minutes, but knowing her, she could easily be taking a nap, and would wake up, realize she overslept, and zoom over to him. One of the few things he missed about Earth was phones, and the ability to instantly communicate. Twilight had Spike's dragon fire, at least, but that was pretty much a luxury only she had.

"Yo, Swift!" called out a hoarse voice. Swift smiled a little. Right on cue.

He turned, discovering a mare trotting towards him. She was wearing the Equestrian version of a gray hoodie, which sat on her back, completely obscuring her mane, tail, and Cutie Mark, with only two little holes for her wings to stick through. She also wore a pair of sunglasses over her eyes. The exposed portions of her coat, the few that existed, were sky blue.

"Uh, do I really have to wear all this stuff?" Rainbow Dash complained. "It's cramping my style!"

"Come on, Dash," Swift replied. "You're a Wonderbolt. If you're seen walking around with me in public, it's gonna lead to questions I can't answer. Please, just do this for me?"

"Alright, alright," acquiesced Rainbow. "Gotta respect your right to privacy and all that. Sometimes I wish this place was smaller, like Ponyville."

"Me too." The two pegasi started to walk down the cloud street, side by side. "So are there any good places to eat around here? I haven't been looking, because I've been trying to save my money."

"Oh, there's plenty. But if you really want the best value for your bits..." Dash replied. She pointed with one blue hoof. "You can't beat the Silver Lining. Best place in the whole city."

Swift briefly snickered at the cloud pun, but still marched towards the place as Rainbow pointed it out. "Thanks for the recommendation. I'll pay, I've got the money now."

"Are you sure? It's really no trouble. I'm a Wonderbolt now, I make a lot more cash."

"Look, if you really insist, we can split the bill again. Just don't order an all-you-can-eat buffet."

"Don't worry, I gotta keep up this muscular body."

After they'd made their way to a table, they ordered (Swift going for an omelet, and Rainbow picking out a daffodil sandwich), and began to converse.

"So how's everything been?" Swift ventured. "I know about Twilight's impending ascension, of course, but what about you and the others?"

"Not a ton of stuff has changed, honestly," said Rainbow, taking another bite of her sandwich. "I was actually in Appleloosa a couple days ago. Ponyville was playing in the buckball tournament. I got to meet up with Quibble Pants again."

"The guy from that Daring Do convention? What's he up to?"

Rainbow proceeded to tell Swift about Quibble's problem with his marefriend's daughter, Wind Sprint, and how her attempts to mold him into a sports pony had pretty much ended in failure.

"That makes a lot of sense. Some ponies--and people--just aren't fit for the sports world. Look at me." Swift gestured to himself. "I'm never gonna make the Wonderbolts. Not that I'm complaining, I'm just stating the facts."

"Yeah, I suppose," Rainbow replied. "Hey, Swift? I know Twilight already wrote about it in her letter, but I'm really sorry I accused you of being a spy for some other evil universe or whatever. I didn't have any evidence, I shouldn't have done that." She snorted. "Some Element of Loyalty I am. I teach you how to fly and promise to keep your secret, but the second I find out what you are, I turn around and yell at you."

"Hey, I'm not still mad at you for that," Swift insisted. "You had a right to be suspicious of me. And I don't think you went against your Element. What should you be more loyal to, some guy you just met, or your best friends?"

"Fair enough. Still, you didn't deserve to be treated like that, and I'm sorry."

"Alright. I'll accept your apology, if it makes you feel better."

"Thanks, buddy." Rainbow took the last bite of her sandwich. "So, uh...I heard you met my parents."

Swift chuckled a little at her cringing face. "Yeah, although it was an accident. Your dad saved my hide from those idiots. I really owe him for that."

"Those same three who bullied me and Fluttershy at Flight Camp? Yeah, I remember them." Rainbow groaned at the memory. "I can't believe they tried to beat you up just because you ignored them. Who does that?!"

"Losers who have nothing better to do with their time," said Swift. "They couldn't even come up with a decent insult from my name. All they had was Swift Wimp. That's even less creative than Rainbow Crash."

"Still, I never expected them to go that far. Then there's the fact that my dad rescued you. I never thought of him as a tough pony. He has a desk job, for Celestia's sake! And before that, all he did was weather work!"

"You wouldn't know that by watching the way he took on those three. It was like they couldn't even touch him. Lucky Sombra's enchantment didn't manage to touch him, or you girls might've had to fight him back at the castle."

"Yeah," Rainbow agreed. "So, do you have any interest in joining me on a trip to my parents' house, since you're friends with them? I promised them I'd visit the next time I was in Cloudsdale, and it would be nice to talk to them about somepony besides me."

"Sure. I'll come if you want me to." Swift was actually happy at the prospect. He'd been meaning to visit Bow and Windy again at some point, and this gave him a perfect opportunity. "Just don't tell them my secret, alright?"

"Don't worry, I'd never do that to you."

After finishing their meal, and Swift caught Rainbow Dash trying to pay for the whole thing when he wasn't looking, they set off for Bow and Windy's house. They lived on the other side of Cloudsdale, so Rainbow Dash's cover had to endure for longer than they'd expected. Still, nopony recognized her, or if they did, they didn't call out to her. Everything was going great.

"You sure you want me along for this?" asked Swift. "You know there's a chance that they'll get the...wrong impression."

"What wrong impression?" asked Rainbow. "Seriously, you know them. Sure, they're overbearing, but they're cool ponies."

Swift got the feeling Rainbow hadn't picked up on what he meant, but he decided not to press it. Instead, he raised his hoof and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" came a familiar voice on the inside. A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal the face of Windy Whistles. "Oh, hi Swift, how are you doing..." She trailed off, as she noticed the second guest on her doorstep.

"Uh, hi mom," said Rainbow, pulling down her shades. "I—"

She didn't get out another word before Windy tackled her to the ground, squeeing all the way. Rainbow's glasses fell off, and her hood slid backwards.

"RAINBOW!" she shouted, wrapping her forelegs around Dash's neck. "WE HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN SO LONG AND I KNOW I TOLD YOU TO VISIT, BUT IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AND I LOVE YOU!" She lifted her head and yelled back into the house, "BOW! RAINBOW'S HERE!"

From in her mother's embrace, Rainbow groaned. She turned her head to look at Swift, who was trying (and failing) to contain his laughter.

"Hardy har har," whined the pegasus. "You wouldn't be laughing in my position."

After Windy got through gushing over Rainbow (and Bow proceeded to do the same thing), the two pegasi had finally calmed down enough to let Swift and Rainbow into the house. Windy had been baking cookies, so they were served some, along with glasses of milk, despite informing the couple that they'd already eaten.

"We didn't know you two were close friends!" said Bow. "Swift mentioned he knew you, but not very well."

"We're not that close," said Rainbow, shooting a quick, coded glance at Swift. "We just met while he was in Ponyville. He seemed like a nice enough guy. I dropped by the city to visit him, and I figured I could knock out seeing both you two and him at the same time."

"Yeah, she was interested to hear about me getting a job at the factory, since she used to work there," added Swift. They'd practiced their cover story on the way here to avoid alluding to the truth about Swift's time in Ponyville, which could potentially expose him.

"Glad to hear it," said Bow. "So Rainbow, how's the Wonderbolt business going? Everything you ever dreamed of?"

"Pretty much, yeah," said Rainbow. "We're practicing a new routine for Princess Twilight's coronation. Spitfire says I've exceeded a lot of her expectations."

"That's good," said Windy. "Sorry we weren't able to come to your performance last week. You know, lotta weather arrangements needed to be sorted out."

"That's okay." Rainbow pressed her forehooves together, looking a little awkward. "I, er...I guess I never apologized for not telling you and dad about the whole Wonderbolt thing. So I'm sorry."

"Thanks, Dash," said Bow. "But we forgave you already. We could never hold a grudge against our Rainbow Dash!" He wrapped a leg around Rainbow's neck and squeezed her close.

"Dad, you're doing it again," Rainbow moaned.

"Oh, sorry!"

Swift giggled a little. If he had to be honest, he was feeling a little jealous, having not had a great relationship with his own parents. Still, it wasn't like that was Rainbow's fault, so he pushed it aside.

"So," Windy began, "is this your...first time hanging out?"

"Pretty much, yeah," said Swift. He was confused over the hesitation in her voice. What was she thinking about?

"Well, Rainbow...you know..."

Rainbow Dash blinked a couple of times. "Mom, I'm sorry, but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about."

Windy fumbled with her forehooves a little. "It's just...we would like some grandfoals, and Swift is a nice looking stallion—*"

Rainbow and Swift had both been taking sips of their milk at the time, but upon those words, both spewed the contents of their mouths out. Bow and Windy narrowly avoided the spray of liquid coming their way.

"WHAT?!" Rainbow screamed. "YOU THINK...ME, AND HIM...?!"


"Honey, we talked about this," said Bow. "We promised we wouldn't pressure Rainbow about the whole relationship thing. She'll find somepony in her own time."

"I know, I know," Windy responded. "I just thought they looked kind of cute together..."

"MOM!" Rainbow screamed again. "AGAIN, WE BARELY KNOW EACH OTHER!" She grabbed a nearby paper bag and began taking deep breaths into it.

Swift could only cradle his head in his hooves and shake from side to side from sheer embarrassment. "This is not happening..." he moaned.

"I'm so sorry, you two," Bow hastily said. "It's just something we were talking about earlier. Rainbow's pretty much accomplished her career goals, so we were thinking about her personal life."

Rainbow only glared at him.

"Not that we want to put any pressure on you in that department, sweetie!" Bow added. "And Swift, I promise I'm not asking you to date our daughter."

"Good," Swift replied with a groan.

Windy, to her credit, did seem to realize she'd been overbearing. "Sorry, you two," she apologized. "It's a motherly thing, I promise not to do it again."

Swift didn't know how to respond anymore. And apparently, neither did Rainbow Dash.

The rest of the visit passed, albeit awkwardly thanks to Windy's shenanigans. After they'd finished their cookies, Swift and Rainbow Dash headed back to Swift's apartment.

"I'm sorry about my mom," said Rainbow. "I swear, I never expected her to pull a stunt like that. Did that show of our lives ever show you my parents?"

"Yeah. There was an episode that told the story of them finding out you were a Wonderbolt and all that stuff with Scootaloo afterwards. I never expected that either."

"They love me, I love them, and I understand they mean well, it's just a little...much sometimes. I mean, seriously? I think it's just because you're the first stallion they've ever seen me hang out with."

"Lucky they didn't see you with Quibble Pants then, am I right?" Swift joked. The two pegasi shared a small, uncomfortable laugh at that thought.

"Thanks for being so understanding, though," added Rainbow.

"It isn't your fault. My mother once made a joke when I had a friend over who just happened to be a girl. She wouldn't talk to me for a week. Then my mom made another joke that I didn't even like girls, when she knew fully well that I did."

"Sorry about that." Rainbow looked at Swift. "Are you alright? I know you've had some pretty rough times here, what with those three idiots trying to beat you up, and Sombra managing to take control of you, and everything."

"Don't worry about me, Dash," insisted Swift. "Honestly, anything Equestria's thrown at me pales in comparison to how much life sucked back home."

Rainbow frowned a little at that statement, making Swift curse internally. He knew that topic was probably something he should avoid, considering how they'd reacted when they'd learned his reasons for leaving Earth. He suddenly felt worried about what Rainbow Dash would report back to Twilight.

"Well, if you're sure," Dash continued. "Rarity wanted to be the next one to visit you. Do you wanna set up a date for that?"

"Uh, sure," replied Swift. He pulled a small notebook out of his saddlebags, in which he'd written down his work schedule for the next couple of weeks. "How about next Thursday? I've got nothing going on there."

"Sounds good. I'll let her know." Rainbow spread her wings, and took off from the ground with a single flap. "Take care of yourself, buddy." She made a turn in midair and zoomed off, leaving Swift alone.

The crimson pegasus sighed as he made his way back into his apartment. "That could've gone better," he grumbled.

Author's Note:

*I'm sorry. Ever since Blue Cultist put this idea in my head, I couldn't resist throwing it in. Don't worry. If Swift ever develops a relationship with a pony, it won't be with a canon character.