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Prehistoric Reunion Part 1: Rough Morning

It was a peaceful day in Pteranodon Terrace and all were enjoying it. After discovering that Shiny was infected with Dark Magic, and with the blood of Jonathan Claw (who technically got scraped on one of the floating rocks in the Realm of Convexity), Shiny can now turn into a Weredragon by the name of WereShiny. However, unlike her short trip and stay at Skylanders Academy, Shiny could not control her new form back in her world; it still feels painful when she transforms at night. But, unlike her second time she became WereShiny, she would regress and act like a puppy. But even if she looked different and act different at night, she was still a member of Team Pteranodon. Her family, however, suffer every night -- in the form of doggy kisses. She would always lick nonstop, rub her scales up against one of her family's scales, and for acting like a cute puppy, she would always lay on her back as she allows her family to rub or scratch her belly.

But there are also some downsides to being part Werewolf, like, pieces of tree bark laying on the ground after sharpening her claws like a cat. Good thing, her Weredragon form knows not to scratch Tiny or Cindy Cimolestes's tree; she wouldn't hear the end of it. Not to mention that she would always howl at the moon. None of the Pteranodon Family knows why she does it. Good thing their neighbors, the Lambeosaurus Family, Daphne and her dad, Jess Hesperornis, Keenan Chirostenotes, Eugene Euoplocephalus, Cindy Cimolestes, and Henry Hermit Crab and Stella Starfish don't mind (even if they wake up with red eyes and wake up for brunch).

But today, ever since their daughter got powers, they made sure to keep an eye on her. Shiny doesn't mind -- she understands why they have to.

After breakfast, they started to play one of their favorite games, Hide and Seek. Sadly, however, to both Tiny, Buddy and Don, she always wins. And after finding them again, Tiny gets a little upset, especially since she's the last one to be found yet again in her Tiny Place.

"I know you're up there, Tiny," Shiny said.

"What?!" Tiny's voice ranged out of the hole to her Tiny Place. Then, she pushed her head out of her Tiny Place. "Again?!" Tiny shouted once more before flying out of her Tiny Place and landed in front of Shiny as well as being between her sister and her tree. Buddy stood on Shiny's right while Don stood on her left. "How are you able to find us so fast? We literally thought we could hide in places so you wouldn't be able to find us," Tiny said.

"Umm, because of your smell?" Shiny asked.

"I know that, but why is it easy to find me?" Tiny questions her sister's secret technique to always winning.

Shiny gave her a blunt expression.

"Because of your Tiny Place, Tiny," Shiny said as she points her right finger at her sister's secret place to be left alone with her thoughts.

Tiny looks up at her "Tiny" Place. "Oh," she said as she gave a blunt expression to her hiding place.

Tiny knows that most games of Hide and Seek that are mostly won by Buddy and his nose. Most of those games she would win by hiding in her hiding place, because it was her ticket to winning.

"I don't know if you're cheating or not, because of that nose of yours," Tiny said.

"You think I wanted to use my new powers to sniff you out when playing Hide and Seek? No. I can't even control it when your auras have either a meaty or fishy scent. (Sighs deeply) I wish Jonathan, Mike, or even Saivon and Luke were here, then I would know more about being part Werewolf. Even Ember would be a great help. (Sighs deeply again) I miss them so much," she finished.

Buddy goes next. "I know what you mean, Shiny. I miss Grimlock and Spike."

Don goes next. "I miss the Tribal Werewolf Pirates, too."

Tiny goes next. "I miss all of them."

Finally, they all go next. "We miss the Skylanders," the four said.

Tahlia and Peter Pteranodon, the Pteranodon Kids' mom and dad, felt sorry for them.

"I feel so sorry for them," Tahlia said.
" Me, too, hon," Peter said.

(Told ya)

Then, Tahlia had an idea. She turned around and looked at the horizon, then closed her eyes as she places her fingers on the side of her head. After a while, she stops and whispers into her husband's right ear. He smiles and then turns around and heads down over to where the kids were playing. He landed between Tiny and Don.

"Hey kids, don't be upset. We know you miss the Skylanders. But hey, they're keeping all the realms, including ours, a safe place," he said to cheer them up a little.

That actually made them feel a little bit better, but Shiny still felt down in the dumps. Tahlia lands between Shiny and Buddy. "Aw, Shiny, I know you miss them, but your father's right; they each have a job to protect their friends, families, and realms from the forces of evil. Evil never sleeps, especially, when it comes to Kaos," she explained as she placed her left hand on Shiny's right shoulder.

Shiny looks up to her mother, but with a sad frown still. Then, she looks down at the ground and sighs. "I guess you're right, Mom. But I still wish I could learn more about Werewolves," she said.

Tahlia placed her right finger on her chin and looks toward the right in thought. Then, she had an idea as she points to sky without looking up, sharply gasp, and looked back at her daughter afterwards. "My knowledge of Werewolves is a little hazy, but I know someone who could help; the Conductor," she explained.

"I guess," she said as her siblings started cheering. They always love to ride the Dinosaur Train.

"Yay," Shiny said silently.