• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 889 Views, 16 Comments

Project Gateway - DeloreandudeTommy

In 2047 a new technological breakthrough sends a scientist to the world of Equestria.

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Return home

You return to your power suit, which is in the exact same place you left it (thankfully ponies aren’t as likely to steal things as humans are).
“Well, here it is.” You say to Twilight Sparkle
“Boy, humans sure like putting their cutie marks on everything.” Says Twilight Sparkle, pointing at the MilTEC logo-soaked hazard suit.
“Humans don’t have cutie marks, that’s the logo for the company I work for.”
“Oh…Well, that explains it.”
“Well, off I go. I’ll visit you again tomorrow.”
You get into your power suit and sit on the return dish.
“I’ll be here when you return!”
You press the button to return yourself to the human world.
The whole world goes white and you hear a mighty roar as you’re returned to your world.
As the bright light fades you open your eyes to find you’re in the last place you’d expect to be.
You’re sitting on the roof of the MilTEC building, an 87-floor tower!
“Uh, Atlanta I’m back…but I’m not where you’d expect me to be…”
“Where are you, Nero?”
“I’m on the roof…but at least I have hands again.”
You get yourself down from the roof and are greeted by the head of MilTEC once again, this time with 8 armed guards around him.
“Well son, you’ve done it. You’ve done what we didn’t think to do until just a few centuries ago but weren’t able to actually accomplish until just now, and for that you get a new paycheck.”
He hands you your paycheck and you nearly jump out of your suit.
You’ve been given a bonus to the tune of 6 million dollars! You’re rich!
“Thanks!” you’d probably give your boss a hug if you weren’t wearing a power suit that’s probably not the most comfortable thing to be given a hug in.
You return home and immediately begin trying to find out why the world you were in was so familiar. As you search the internet you find out about the “brony movement,” a massive social movement based around the show “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” which released in 2010.
You’re amazed at how much art was created in such a little time, how much music was made. Rumors even went around that the head of MilTEC himself was a brony (he later confirmed this, although nobody’s sure if this was really true or if it was just a marketing ploy to try and improve the 18-34 male demographic). You’re amazed at how such a show became so popular in such a short amount of time. The show ran for 9 seasons before it ended, but in that time over 12 million people became “bronies.” It changed the face of television for the better as many other previously “girly” shows attempted to match the success of the show (though most of these attempts at “de-girly-izing” the shows usually fell flat on their faces compared to My Little Pony).
You remember your father told you how he was a “brony” back in the day. He tried showing you laser discs of the show when you were a kid (laser discs had a short resurgence in the mid-2020s due to the nostalgia factor of disc-based mediums among a growing youth demographic).
As you go to bed, you think to yourself how wonderful the following months are going to be.