• Published 12th Aug 2021
  • 636 Views, 24 Comments

Love is Blue Remastered - WildAce

The Reboot of Love is Blue. What happens when a Brony fan of videogames gets transported into a Templar-ruled world?

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2. Beginning Part 2.

Hushed voices echoed through the corridors of an office complex. Many sounds rattled through the building, ringing phones, printers whirring... and a strange music which played through rows of loudspeakers.

To ‘motivate’ and ‘inspire’ the employees in the business.

Though just having a job should seem motivating enough on it’s own, the music made the employees uncomfortable and alert to keep them on their toes. However, one of these offices differed from the rest… and was much more grand in scale. Most interesting about it was the event currently unfolding at the large table in the center.

Many figures were seated around the table, one of them raising their hand as they spoke. “You can’t go outside the field, we can’t even get in his mail! We only have access to the main desktop.” The voice, Cesare Borgia, spoke with authority.

This is how Cesare should look.

“Bullcrap, Antonio once made it to the explorer, said he could see everything Jorge was doing… said he even edited a couple documents.” A more feminine voice spoke next, the fair Fatima Cruz.

This is Fatima.

A third figure spoke, much louder than the last two. “Just myths from the locals, do you actually believe there’s even a chance? Don’t dream about such things, think! The security is so high we wouldn’t even make it past the first 100 yards!” This was Jael Kibba, a padawan-turned-sith.

This is Jael

Fatima glared back at Jael. “Shut up you sicko. Listen, we just need to gather enough viruses and scripts to brute force our way through the firewall. From there we can get into the registry and destroy the computer.” said Fatima.

“No!” Cesare slammed his fist on the table, silencing everyone. “That’ll only end in three possible situations… we end up brainwashed and endlessly obey the system, we die and also endlessly obey the system, or worse... replace us completely and end our existence.” Pausing his speech, he rapped his fingers against the table. “I’ve tried. I- I’ve tried a dozen times, and every… single… time they brainwash me.”

No one said anything for a while as they glanced at each other, a long silence reigning.

Sighing, Cesare spoke again. “And what do you think will happen if we start crashing the desktop? The antivirus will surely come for us all. It’ll shred us down to our last string of code before erasing us. Who knows… maybe instead of playing the game he’ll just watch this again.” He paused for a moment, tossing out a file with a video name on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPf85p0aoXY (A small “Aww how cute…” could be heard from somewhere in the office’) “Whatever we do always ends up a strategic blunder. Let’s have patience and wait this out, maybe someone will show up to help us.”

Jael let out a sneer. “Help us? Do you have a bug or are you finally losing it? Not even our peer villains support our actions. We’re alone… we can’t do anything. It’s like the ant trying to beat the elephant.” He finished with a sigh, rubbing the side of his face.

Cesare began to retort, when Fatima quickly raised her hands. “Silence! We’re just splitting ourselves. We need to stick together, work together.”

The conversation however was quickly drowned out by the sound of slow clapping.

A moment later, laughter accompanied it as everyone's eyes turned to the cause. However, upon realizing what had caused the interruption, many of the figures devolved into mixtures of scoffing and laughing.

Cesare was the first to speak up. “Hey old man, don’t do anything too rash or you might break those bones... or worse, have a heart attack.” He finished with a snicker.

However, all of the laughter quickly grew silent as the new figure slowly lifted his head. As he stretched out his arms, all of the lights in the office began to brighten… before bursting in sequence.

In a matter of moments, all of the power for the building had been drawn out and absorbed into this now massive (and muscular) Centaur.

As the shock wore off, power slowly began to return to the few remaining light bulbs in the office… until Cesare hesitantly stepped forward, “Who are you?”

He gave a deep chuckle, and you could almost feel the table shake from his gravelly voice. “It doesn’t matter, what does is how you can achieve your vengeance.” He paused as he let out a large grin, “I have a proposal for all of you…” The rest all watched hesitantly as he slowly pushed his hands together, a small ball of light forming and creating an illusion. “Now, listen closely…”

As the illusion fizzled out the group all adorned sly smiles from the tantalizing deal the strange creature had presented them with. However talking big was one thing, how were they sure he could deliver? But if that illusion was real magic, something that no being inside this digital hell can reproduce themselves, then this offer may be just what they needed.

Not a single disagreement was uttered through the group as they all turned back to the strange being with looks of determination.

“Good decision. Though, I should add that you must be careful, as when you pass to this next world your appearance will change. Don’t worry about your clothes, they’ll change accordingly.” He assured and, with a casual wave of his hand, tore open a portal in the air behind him.

Nervousness was to be expected, how else was one supposed to feel when presented with such a display? All three of them felt the same thing as they stared at the tear, leading to what was, presumably, an entirely new world.

‘What if it fails?’ ‘What will I look like?’ These and other questions were passing through the three of them rapid fire.

Jael was the first to step up, and steeled himself as he approached the gateway.

As he readied himself, the strange creature gave a low chuckle and spoke, “Watch your step, remember; you could be anything.” Jael gulped and nodded, locking eyes with the swirling nexus in front of him.

Here goes nothing.’ Holding his breath, he stepped into the portal... and the world around him stretched infinitely, before exploding back with a loud snap.


Jael groaned as he propped himself up, a coppery taste filling his mouth. He winced in pain as he tried to talk, his tongue throbbing after nearly biting it off on impact with the ground. Ignoring the pain, he pushed himself onto his feet… before crashing back down again.

What the hell?’ He looked to where his limbs should be, but found a pair of claws and paws in their place.

A cat-like tail twitched behind him as he studied his newfound form, noting his lower body resembled a lion… while the rest seemed to be an eagle.

A griffon, huh?’ He pondered as he shifted his stance, and attempted to stand on the new limbs.

Success! After a couple close calls he stood to his full height, before hesitantly looking around. This new world seemed nice enough, so after feeling prepared to move on he pushed his head through the still open portal to see his other partners peering back at him in surprise.

“So? Is it safe?” Fatima asked impatiently.

“Yes! It’s great here. Come through the portal, quickly!” Jael reassured before pulling back into the swirling whirlpool of energy.

One by one they passed through the portal, transforming into an assortment of creatures. Cesare became a red dragon with deep green stripes he was as big as Celestia, while Fatima transformed to a yellow pegasus sporting a beautiful red mane.

“Where exactly are we?” Cesare growled out, observing his scaly new body.

Scanning the area around them, they all froze at the sight behind the portal in the distance. A large city filled with creatures resembling Jael soared through the air majestically.

“We’re on a planet called Equus.” Tirek snapped them all from their stares as he came through the portal. “That city that you’re watching is called Griffinstone, it shall be the first city we’ll conquer. It’ll be an important stepping stone for our victory over the ponies and the Celestial sisters.” Tirek explained as the group followed him through the woods and towards the city.

The rest of the group grew slightly nervous as they approached the massive entrance to the city as they steeled themselves for the upcoming battle. However, as they entered the city, a chorus of cheers and applause reached their ears.

“Lord Tirek! What a delightful sight to behold. Lady Grizelda told us you would come sooner or later! She’s expecting you at the main hall.” A gray griffon excitedly greeted Tirek as he hurriedly shuffled towards him, before dropping to a bow.

“What’s the meaning of this? What did you not tell us?” Fatima accused, turning to Tirek as the rest returned the look as well… all feeling deceived.

“Calm yourselves, this is simply an unexpected positive for us. Before I left I’d assigned a traitor among the griffons... however I didn’t expect her to have the whole territory conquered already.” He trailed off as he scratched at his chin, thinking about the new situation he was in.

I wonder how many years have passed.’ Tirek pondered as he turned to the griffon.

“How many years have passed since the conquest of Griffinstone?”

The griffon blinked once before bowing again. “Well according to Grizelda it’s been ten months since you last spoke with her.” He said cheerfully.

“Who are you? How do you know her?” Tirek threatened the griffon.

“Don’t worry My Lord. I’m the brother of Grizelda, Gist.” Tirek relaxed at the new information, before nodding and following Gist through the city towards the main hall… the trio of villains in tow.

As they marched, griffons all around stopped to applaud and cheer Tirek for his return. It seems that Grizelda did a wonderful job in painting a good reputation for Tirek. It was such a good job in fact, it almost seemed like they praised Tirek as something akin to a god. Murals were painted on walls around the city, all depicting Tirek in various threatening ways and promising power.

They walked through the streets of Griffinstone, and little by little they all realized the conditions in which the Griffons lived. To Fatima and Cesare it reminded them of the architecture and environment from back home. Jael however felt everything looked old and lame, and had an uncivilized air about the place.

All around the streets one could see various pitiful criminal acts on display, and to Jael the state of the city made him sick. From the petty thievery of meat off a nearby butcher, to a griffon being mugged in the alleyway next to them.

Jael sneered as he observed the area around himself. ‘Bunch of animals, this isn't what I came to deal with. Better get a ship and get the hell out of this madness, this place is just pitiful.’ He thought to himself.

It seemed that everyone shared variations of the same opinion as they looked between each other skeptically, until Cesare decided to put an end to this. Grabbing a nearby crate and sliding it to the middle of the street, much to the annoyance of a nearby stall owner, he heaved his draconic body atop it and took in a deep breath.

“Griffons! Stop this madness at once!” Every nearby creature stopped what they were doing as they turned to the source of the shouting, all eyes landing on Cesare.

Many of them pointed ignorant looks towards him, but a few did draw closer as to listen better.

“Why fight amongst one another, do you believe yourselves petty and weak? Look upon your forms! Are you not the same predator your ancestors were before you?” The griffons all looked among themselves, many dawning looks of shame.

Suddenly, a yell from the crowd cut into Cesare’s speech. “Who are you then to chastise us?! We recently survived a revolution, and no other kingdom is willing to trade with us now. The homes we live and fields we work are all but destroyed!” A few scattered agreements from the crowd trickled forth after that.

“Even before the revolt we lived miserably, the ponies say they are so compassionate and loving but here we are…” Another voice continued, pausing for a moment, “-fucked! Treated like waste!”

Fatima realized Cesare’s plan and quickly scrambled on top of the crate next to him.

“I may not be a griffon, but I understand your anger, your resentment. I too was betrayed by the ponies and those that reside across the sea.” Fatima waited a moment, as the crowd murmured at being talked to by a pony. “What would you prefer? To be branded as weak by the other races and have your civilization crumble to dust, or become a force to be reckoned with… and take what’s rightfully yours.” Fatima finished her speech with a stomp, scanning their thoughtful expressions.

As she spoke many more griffons had flooded the street and listened to the exchanges. From Chicks to graying elders, they all listened intently. Tirek smiled, he was seeing his handiwork bear fruit… and it was sweet.

This is all moving along perfectly… just need one last push’ He thought with a chuckle.

Stepping in front of the crate, all eyes fell on him. “You will become a force the princesses learn to fear. Use your anger, your rage, let it fuel your desire to rebuild stronger than before.” Starting to pace, he motioned to the derelict state of the nearby homes.

“Build again your homes and fields. If we give up now, we’ll be crushed. Don’t give in, we can prove to those ponies what it means to be predators. They don’t know suffering, they don’t know war. You do, you who have suffered and cried at the hooves of these lowly herd animals.”

Pausing for a moment, he turned to the large crowd again and spread open his arms.

“Join us! Help us! Let us build an empire that every creature fears.” He announced, watching the rising spirits of the Griffons.

Cesare followed suit, stretching his wings apart from the crate and giving a wicked toothy grin. “Long live Lord Tirek! Long live the Gang of Four!”

The griffon's pride swelled, and their cheers and screeches roared through the air. “Long live Lord Tirek! Long live the Gang of Four!”

Tirek was ecstatic at the reception, and rubbed his hands together as he turned towards his mismatched party. “Good job. These fools will make great cannon fodder when the time comes. As for your revenge on Jorge.”

Fatima pointed a hoof towards Tirek. “You better uphold your end of the deal. You may have magic and stuff to make you more powerful but you’re still mortal like everyone.” Tirek couldn’t help but smile at the threat.

“Don’t worry, I’ll bring him into this world, but I can’t right now. I need to recharge.” Tirek said.

“Recharge? What? That wasn’t part of the deal! You said now, and now is now.” growled Jael.

“I also didn’t expect this but listen to what I have to tell you.” Tirek then whispered something that no creature could hear even if you are right with them. “I need three years.” proposed Tirek.

“Three years?” Fatima scoffed. “Fine, but if those three years came to pass and he is still not here, I’ll skin you alive.”

“Of course, darling. I always keep my word. Come now, let us feast. We have many hard days ahead of us to prepare.” And with that the group continued through the city, a celebration kicking off that lasted many days to come.



“Come in.” A motherly voice spoke out as the door opened to reveal a certain cream colored mare. “Ah, special agent Sweetie Drops, we’ve been waiting for your return. What report do you have for us?” Celestia asked from a nearby table as the pony slid the paper over to her.

The pony looked around in surprise, she hadn’t expected to see the elements and princesses to be having a council. After a quick greeting to the other ponies, she addressed Celestia again.

“Tirek has successfully conquered Griffinstone. Though, I couldn’t identify the three other creatures he was accompanied by. Referred to themselves as the ‘Gang of Four’.” She gave Celestia a brief description of the gang, noting their varied races.

Celestia hummed before she passed the paper around the table. When the paper made its way to Twilight she squinted before talking to herself.

“A pony… alongside Tirek? But why? Who could it be?” After a moment of silence, she continued passing the paper to the rest of her friends.

Celestia turned her gaze back to Sweetie, who straightened out at the sudden attention. “Anything else to report, Agent?”

“Yes, there’s something that has been bugging me. I heard them mention revenge on a creature named ‘Jorge’… I’ve never heard that name before, and they never elaborated on it any further.” she paused for a moment, before continuing, “But, there’s something more your Majesty... Tirek mentioned he needs three years to 'recharge' but I couldn't figure out what he was referring to… sorry. What do you think he's got planned? War? Famine?”

Waving her hoof for extra effect, she spoke with a motherly tone. “Calm down, agent. Now, three years…” she pondered the information for a moment, before calling in another guard and giving the order. “Call for a council with all the members of the Alliance. We have new information they'll be interested in hearing.”

Author's Note:

Well, the second Chapter is done. I like how it went.