• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 269 Views, 15 Comments

Two Worlds Collide - RainstormRiddles

A world with magic, and a world meant to thrive without... Legend has it that six ponies would rise seal the rift between the worlds that were never meant to meet, returning harmony to both. Wait, these are the foretold heroes?! Oh, we're so doomed.

  • ...

The Other Side





"Weatherproof parchment?"

"With plenty to spare." Spike put the rolls of paper snugly into the backpack. He then made another mark on the checklist of things to be packed, right next to the two other checkmarks from the last two times they'd gone over their supplies. He then added a checkmark to the final box on the list, which was also the only one still without any marks. "And that concludes our triple check of the checklist!" He declared.

Twilight shifted her weight around. "Maybe we should do it a fourth time just in case..." He voice trailed off at the flat look Spike gave her.

"There are literally three items on this list." He held it up for Twilight to see the dishearteningly short list.

Princess Celestia had made it perfectly clear that they were to take only the bare essentials into the other world, and that amounted to a backpack full of quills, ink, and parchment. This way, she could still send word home through Spike's dragon fire.

According to Sunset Shimmer's research, getting things to the other world wasn't difficult, it was getting things back that served as a challenge. She and Starlight have been working on some sort of twin journal pen-pall thing as a means for easier communication, but have yet to find satisfactory results. Thus far, the only two ways to send word without actually opening portals was dragon fire and dream walking, courtesy of Princess Luna. Apparently dreams are held within a dimension of their own, so Luna would be able to access Twilight no matter where she was so long as there wasn't any magic deliberately blocking the dreams.

Speaking of which, Sunset Shimmer joined her and Spike in the library. She would be the one to open the portal and escort Twilight and Spike on the first leg of their journey. According to her, there was someone who would be able to assist Twilight on her quest. As a bonus, she was situated close to where Celestia believed the other elements to be.

As cryptic as Celestia was being about the elements, she did admit to having enough of a connection left to sort of 'sense' the whereabouts of the other five elements. It was the powerful burst of magic that Twilight had emitted upon receiving her cutie mark that had allowed Celestia to actually find her, but the princes was always vaguely ware of the presence of the bearers.

"You have everything you need?" Sunset asked her.

"No," Twilight grumbled, "just everything I'm allowed to bring."

Sunset shrugged. "If we want this plan to work, you can't be dragging a library around with you."

"I know, I know, I know," Twilight sighed. "Remind me again why I agreed to this whole 'getting myself captured' plan again?" She of course didn't actually need a refresher, the plan they had worked out was the most logical option.

Sunset Shimmer just shook her head and smiled. "You know that it's the leas suspicious way to get into the Vale. And it's not like you can't escape anytime you want." She glanced at Twilight's horn. "Just remember to keep a lid on the magic as much as possible."

The village that supposedly housed the other element bearers was a rather queer one. For one thing, it was located deep in a forest called the Everfree. It was a place most humans, especially those that considered themselves 'civil,' avoided.

The other thing about it was that it acted as a secret sanctuary for ponies. According to Sunset's observations and her mystery friend that they would soon be meeting, the people of that village treated ponies a lot better and gave them a lot more freedom than anywhere else in that world. A place where ponies and humans actually lived in harmony.

Of course, it was a precarious balance. Should outside humans learn how many ponies freely lived in the forest village, they'd try to exploits it as a resource. What kept them oblivious was the illusion spell that surrounded the area. Sunset said the spell wasn't a particularly impressive one, and if she wanted to she could diminish it with barely a flick of her horn. But it was enough to fool people that the village was decrepit and the forest dangerous. Any unwelcome visitors were quick to leave.

For all these reasons, the village hidden in the Everfree forest was known as Ponyvale. That was Twilights destination just as soon as-

"Okay, Twilight, I'm ready to show you!" Starlight Glimmer joined them in the castle library. Levitated in her magic were the six elements of harmony, all affixed to the golden neckband that had appeared when Twilight first touched her own element. Without waiting for permission, Starlight tied them around Twilight's neck, then angled her horn toward them. "Hold still," she warned just before blasting the elements with a beam of magic.

Twilight screwed her eyes shut at the light, then opened them to see that she could no longer see the necklace but she could still feel it on her. "An invisibility spell?" Twilight raised an eyebrow. By the way Starlight was grinning, you'd think she'd discovered a seventh element.

"Not just a regular invisibility spell. This one makes the elements invisible to all the senses. Well, to everyone except you, that is."

Twilight mulled over the concept. "You don't mean-"

"Yes I do, and yes I did." Starlight gave her a smug look.

"Wait, what did you do?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

Starlight pointed to Twilight's neck. "Try to touch the elements," she told Sunset.

Sunset complied, reaching a hoof to where she'd last seen the elements. She frowned as she met a resistance an inch above Twilight's fur. Twilight could not only feel the element pressed into her, but she could see the indent on her skin.

Sunset, however, jumped back as if Twilight's mane had just sprouted snakes. "Whoa that's wired! I didn't feel anything." She tilted her head at Starlight. "How'd you manage an ivisi-feeling spell?"

"Oh, well, it was not easy, I can tell you that. You see, in order to block nerve reception-"

"Um, girls?" Spike waved his claws between the two. "I really don't think we have time for this right now." He looked to Twilight for support.

"He's right," Twilight sighed reluctantly. As much as she'd like to delay for a little longer, she had a mission to carry out. First, though, she pulled Starlight into a quick embrace. "Thank you for all the work you've put into this. I'll be counting on you to do your part from here." Starlight simply returned the embrace.

They separated after a few moments, and Twilight nodded to Sunset. "Open the portal."

Sunset closed her eyes as a teal glow surrounded her horn. Sparks started to appear at a focused point about eye level. They went from flickering to a sizzling hum, three miniature stars circling each other tightly in the air. As the points of light gained speed, they grew farther apart from each other. The hoof-wide space between them seemed to waver. With a startling bang the whole thing stretched into a swirling vortex big enough to swallow a pony.

"After you," Sunset said.

Twilight gulped, but remained resolved. "You ready, Spike?"

The little dragon griped the straps of his pack. "Ready!"

Before she could allow any other doubts or delays to creep up, Twilight took a deep breath and ran through the portal.

"Uuug." The world slowly stopped spinning. Twilight shook her head to clear the fog of dizziness as her senses came too.

"You alright, Twilight?"

Her eyes focused on Sunset Shimmer looking down at her. "I think so. Is entering a poral always like that?"

"Eh, more or less. I guess I've just gotten used to it. All good, Spike?"

The dragon had landed on his belly with his tail dangling in the air, but upon being addressed he sprang to his feet. "That was actually kind of fun. Do you think we could do it again sometime?" He asked hopefully.

Twilight looked around their surroundings, but there wasn't much to see. Trees, trees, bush, flowers, trees...

"How close are we?"

Sunset pointed through the trees. "About fifteen minutes that-a-way to Zecora's. She's the friend whose been helping me out. And that way," Sunset turned about forty-five degrees, "it's about a two hour hike before you reach the outer edges of the illusion spell. It'll be even further to the village."

"Okay, so let's go meet this Zecora pony." Twilight started off in the direction Sunset had first indicated.

"Not a pony, actually," Sunset corrected. She took the lead and guided them through the twisting trees.

True to her word, it was only a short time before the group reached their destination. The shrubs thinned to reveal the biggest tree Twilight had ever seen. Colorful masks littered the area in front of it while chimes and other baubles hung from the branches. An ornate door was embedded between the roots while light spilled from windows carved into the wood.

"Whoa, does she really live in there?" Spike asked, pointing at the tree.

"Yep," Sunset said. "A little outdated, if you ask me, but she seems happy with it."

Twilight brushed her hoof along one of the roots. "I once read that a lot of ponies used to live in enchanted trees like this in ancient Equestria, back before in became too dangerous to live near forests."

"Sunset Shimmer," an new voice cut into the conversation, "please don't linger at the door. I haven't met these friends before."

"Zecora!" Sunset trotted over to greet the figure standing just inside the tree. "This here is Twilight Sparkle and the dragon is her assistant, Spike. Spike, Twilight, this is Zecora."

Twilight smiled and extended a hoof while Spike gaped silently. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Please, the pleasure is all mine," Zecora shook the offered hoof. "I'm glad to see you've made it on time."

"You're a zebra!" Spike blurted out. Indeed, while Zecora had a very pony-like figure, her mane mas short and her body was covered in black and white stripes. Gold bangles rapped around one hoof to match the gold around her neck.

Twilight glared at her assistant for his rude remark, but Zecora just gave a hearty laugh. "Indeed I am, my little drake. I assure these stripes are not fake. And before you inquiry about my rhyme, yes, it's something I do all the time." She winked and Spike gave her an awed look.

"Now come along inside my home, guest's are nice when you live alone." Zecora backed away to allow the others entry.

The inside of the house carried a voodoo ambiance. Jars and vials hung from the ceiling and lined the shelves, various flowers, roots, and gems placed neatly between them. More masks hung from the walls, and a set of stairs led to an upper level. But what really caught her eye was the large black cauldron stationed in the center of it all. It would have struck Twilight as rather creepy if the contents didn't smell so good.

The scent of the soup made Twilight's stomach rumble; it'd been many hours since breakfast by the time they actually left. She gave a nervous laugh.

Zecora smiled. "Do not be ashamed of you're stomach's squeal, we can discuss over a hearty meal." The zebra proceed to fetch four bowls and a ladle.

Once everyone was settled around a small table and had some time to eat, Twilight began to talk. "So, Sunset tells me you know a lot about this world, more than she has learned with all her research. And you have a way to help me save everypony?"

Zecora took her time in drinking her broth before giving her reply. "You, little pony, have a dream that's very large, a passion to heal some ancient scars. But this task of yours has no easy trick, no answers to make it all quick. For now it must be your greatest concern to be patient, listen, and learn.

"For a thousand years within this place, Equestrians have left a lasting trace. But in this time much was lost, the lives we live come at a cost. Few have kept the stories strong, and fewer still know that this is not where we belong."

"Ponies don't know about Equestria?!" Spike asked in disbelief.

Zecora nodded sadly. "It's the victors who weave the tails, and in this world where magic fails it's the humans that prevail. Thus, it is your task to bring them light, and give them all a reason to fight. If you should simply knock from door to door, they'd dismiss your words as silly lore."

In all her research and preparation, Twilight had never even considered the possibility of ponies forgetting Equestria ever existed. Zecora was right, even if everything with the elements worked out perfectly, ponies would be skeptical at the very least. "What should I do?"

"Ponies may not wish to follow your lead, but a hero is still something they need." Zecora pulled a large tome from her small bookshelf. She set aside the empty bowls to put the book in their place. She flipped through it to reveal intricate maps with colorful markings, pages of notes, and much, much more. "Strike the problems that are worse, dispel what makes life a curse. Aim to ease the pain of the land, be the one to take a stand. Of your good deeds whispers will spread, of heroism rumors will thread. When your name has reached it's height, and ponies speak it in good light, then you will finally have the day when you can lead them all away." She closed the book.

"But too much we've spoken of distant times, you already know what's on the line. Each journey begins with step one, and it's high time that you've begun." Zecora stood from her stool. and led the group to the door.

"I better get back to the castle," Sunset agreed as she to stood up. "You going to be alright from here?" she asked Twilight.

"I think so. Thanks for taking me this far."

"No worries." Sunset made her way to the door. "And don't hesitate to message me if you need anything. I can always make a special delivery to Zecora's." The zebra nodded her agreement, and with that Sunset left to go preform her return spell.

"Your destination is north that way. I recommend letting the people have their way. They are good and will cause you no harm, so long as you don't give them reason for alarm."

Twilight smiled without humor. "Sunset told me they'll try to catch me like I'm an animal."

Zecora gave her a stern frown. "And for this they have good reason. Ponies that show up have usually lived a harsh season. They do not know that these humans wish to help, for it was humans that caused the damage dealt."

Twilight drew here ears back, realizing what the zebra meant. "Sorry."

Zecora gave a satisfied nod. "This experience will do you good, teaching what's to be understood." She looked to Spike. "Now, to a dragon they may not be as friendly, so Spike will stay here with me."

"Cool! Can you teach me to make potions?" Spike asked her eagerly.

Zecora smiled. "Perhaps I may, so long as you obey."

Spike stood up straight with an earnest nod, his wings folded back formally. The twitch in his tail betrayed is energetic excitement.

"Be good, Spike," Twilight warned. "I don't want any reports of you causing trouble, well meaning or not. If Zecora tells you no, that's final. Alight?"

Spike nodded, then tackled Twilight in a hug. "You won't be gone long, right?"

"Tell you what, if I don't come check in with two weeks, come and find me. I don't think it'll take that long, but just in case." Twilight gave him a final squeeze.

"Thank you, Zecora. If there's any way I can ever repay you-"

"My actions aren't for personal gain," Zecora waved her off. "I truly believe it's time for a change."

Twilight gave her a grateful smile, then stepped out the door. "You can do this, Twilight," she whispered to herself.

She felt the illusion long before she saw it. The air around her was laced with magic, but it was a feeble and finnicky thing. Almost like a delicate spiderweb. Soon after, the effects of the spell became apparent. Golden bark turned grey as heathy trees became twisted and sickly. Pools of black goop nestled in the roots and dark green weeds obscured her vision. If Twilight couldn't feel the magic of the spell, it would have made a very convincing haunted forest.

Twilight kept walking, unhindered by the glow of eyes or any frightening sounds. She had to admit that a glamour spell this size in a world resistant to magic was rather impressive. After some time she decided to indulge her curiosity and dipped her hoof into a pool of the black ink. When she pulled it back, her hoof was still purple and dry.

"Not a tangible illusion, then," she muttered out loud. Illusions were only as good as they were undetectable. If anyone was brave enough, they'd quickly see through this.

Twilight then tried to investigate a pair of eyes, but as she drew close they winked out. When next she saw some, she used a quick telescopic spell to see it from afar. "Thought so." The two orbs of light hung suspended in the air with no actual animal attached to them.

"Still, it's clever." Twilight looked around the various aspect of the illusion with a newfound respect. "Whoever makes this illusion must have to keep it up constantly, the spell's not strong enough to hold out on it's own." She heard a bird whistle somewhere to her left, and another returned the call some ways ahead.

She trudged on, her interest in the illusion quickly fading as her hooves began to ache. The sharp snap of a twig caused Twilight to jump. "It's just the illusion," she scolded herself. Still, as she walked she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

All of the sudden, a figure stepped into her path. Twilight took an instinctive step back, then paused as fascination took over once again. I'm seeing a human for the first time! Her inner thoughts screamed excitedly.

True to the descriptions, it stood on long hind legs, making it so that her snout barely reached the height of it's belly. It's arms and hands where like a monkey's, held up in what Twilight assumed was a non-threatening gesture. What really got her, however, was his face. Despite lacking a proper muzzle or longer ears, his face was distinctly pony-ish. The expression he wore conveyed a clear message of calm friendliness.

Twilight was so enraptured with this first human that, until now, she'd failed to realize she was surrounded by them. Most had their hands up like the first, but several held lengths of rope. Twilights ears drew back.

The one in front of her made a series of clicking noises and beckoned with his hands.

Twilight didn't move. Being captured may be part of the plan, but her heart was still pounding uncomfortably in this situation.

When she made no move, the human took a cautious step forward, then another.

Not sure what else she should do, Twilight simply stood her ground. She didn't approach, but she didn't run.

As he got close, the human reached to his belt with one hand, his other still up. Twilight realized that he had a rope of his own that he was pulling out, still keeping eye contact with her.

She briefly wondered if she should put up a bit of a fight to make her 'capture' more convincing, but the next moment the rope was around her neck. The moment it was pulled taught, the tension of the area broke.

The humans around her visibly relaxed. They grinned and pointed, chittering out words she didn't understand. Her captor said some things to her, but Twilight couldn't make any sense of what it was. His tone, however, was friendly.

With gentle tugs of the rope, the humans led Twilight forward. A few reached out toward her, but when she flinched at the touch they backed away respectfully.

They're not so bad, I guess, she thought. It's still wiered, though.

A sound from ahead drew Twilight's attention, and soon after a mare trotted out of the foliage to meet Twilight and her new entourage. She was an amber orange color with straw-like hair tied at the ends. She wore a wide rim cowgirl hat and an even wider smile.

She dipped her hat in greeting. "Howdy there! Name's Applejack."