• Published 2nd Nov 2020
  • 395 Views, 2 Comments

Night Terror - Fable Caster

After a chance encounter with a stranger at her campsite, Trixie inadvertently sends a vampire to menace the small farming town of New Hayshire.

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Chapter 1.5: The Message

The sun had climbed high up in the sky, marking it being around noon, when Trixie finally had gathered enough courage to return to her campsite. She couldn't possibly just abandon her beloved wagon. It simply had too much sentimental value to her; not to mention it was all she had in this world save for the clothes on her back and the single emergency smoke bomb she still had stashed in her hat. And vampires couldn't walk around in daylight, so it was safe, right? She certainly hoped so.

The disheveled mare tiphoofed carefully from one tree to the next, bloodshot eyes darting left and right to catch sight of anyone lying in ambush. Her mane and tail were a mess, too, with dried leaves and small twigs sticking out of them after a night spent sleeping fitfully under a hastily assembled pile made of said materials.

She cursed that bastard Night Terror to the lowest pits of Tartarus. No, straight to Avernus with him, and even then pony hell seemed like too light a punishment!

How dare he play around with and mock the Great and Powerful Trixie? Why if I ever see him again I'm going to... To...” She had no idea what she'd do, actually. She'd felt the terrible power emanating from the monster once he had revealed his true nature; an aura of dark majesty that sent chills to her very core just thinking about it.

Much to her joy, however, she found the campsite was pretty much exactly like she'd left it last night. With one last quick check around she slipped into her wagon. Relief, once more, washed over her as she noted that the interior was mostly in good shape. Night Terror had obviously gone through all her stuff, but hadn't trashed or tossed anything about.

The next thing Trixie noticed was the big, juicy, shiny red apple and two golden bits left on top of the counter and underneath them seemed to be a neatly folded letter.

Trixie eyed the apple with suspicion. Could she really trust anything left behind by that maniac? She ignored the apple, for now at least despite the loud protesting of her stomach, and instead pulled out and unfolded the letter with her magic.

Dear Miss Trixie

I once more would like to extend my most heartfelt and sincere thanks to you for an evening of entertainment the likes of which I've not had in quite some time. For that reason I decided I'd let you go. Oh, I can just picture you rolling your eyes, but it's true! If I really, truly wanted to capture you, why would I have taken the time to write this letter rather than chase after you immediately?

I also went through all your things, not that there was much to begin with, and took all your smoke bombs; handy little things that they are. Don't you worry, I'll be putting them to good use.

Which brings me to my next point. I was touched by your story of how the denizens of New Hayshire mistreated you, so I decided I'd make that little town my next feeding ground. No need to thank me, miss Trixie. It will be my absolute pleasure to exact vengeance upon them on your behalf! They will know terror unlike anything they could possibly have imagined in their simple little lives...

Trixie had to stop reading for a moment to process. On one hoof they had insulted and wronged her and thus deserved to be punished, but on the other... Letting a monster like him rampage among them seemed a little excessive.

She shook her head and continued reading.

I also have a suggestion for you, miss Trixie, or more like a bit of advice. If you really want to face, defeat and humiliate this Twilight Sparkle, then you're going to need some help and I know just the thing!

In Baltimare there's a wonderful little shop called Mr. Wing's Magical Mysteries and it can be found on the back alley just off of Trottington Avenue. You should head there and see if Mr. Wing can help you. His assistance was invaluable to me and my plans, so I'm sure he'll have something to give you the necessary edge against that “stuck-up little librarian” as you so eloquently put it.

~ N.T.

PS. Do enjoy the apple I left. It's a long way to the next town and I'm sure you could use a bit of breakfast after all that running. It's perfectly safe, I assure you, but I'm not your father so feel free to make your own decisions.

PPS. I also left you some money as a tip for the show you put up. Two bits for a two-bit showpony!

Trixie snarled and crumpled up the letter, tossing it against the nearest wall as hard as she magically could. In a huff she swept both the apple and the bits onto the floor with a hoof, her anger threatening to boil over. Just who was he calling a two-bit showpony?!

She fumed for a good while longer, pacing back and forth in the cramped interior of her wagon whilst grumbling darkly to herself. Eventually, however, her impotent anger burned itself out and she was left with nothing else to do but to let out a deep, resigned sigh.

She threw another glance at the crumpled letter, chewed on her lower lip and then nodded, picking up both the apple and the bits from the floor.

Not fifteen minutes later she was packed up and ready to leave, strapping the wagon to herself and then making for a hurried exit away from the campsite.

Upon reaching the forest road she paused. She looked towards the direction of New Hayshire and for a few precious moments thought whether or not she should head back there to warn them of the danger.

They'll just hurl more vegetables and abuse at me if I return... Hay, they'll probably end up blaming that madpony's actions on me! Buck that, they made their bed, now they get to sleep in it. In fact, yes, I think it serves them right...” She thought bitterly to herself and turned down the road leading away from the town. Besides, she was no hero and she knew it; not that she'd ever admit it out loud to anypony, of course.

With her head held low she started the long journey towards Baltimare. She just needed to find a source of income first... Maybe she’d have more luck in some of the towns on the way?