• Published 9th Nov 2020
  • 232 Views, 4 Comments

Glistening Soaps The Soap Pony - Positive Musical Brony

Glistening Soaps goes to Ponyville to make friends after living by himself in the forest for most of his life.

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Chapter 1

Glistening walked through the forest, and looked around to make sure nothing vicious was around. He had two bags full of what he needed while on his trip. He was going into the town near the forest he lived in to try and move there. He has lived in the forest for ten years of his life, and has now decided to get out of his small little house there. He travels on a little path he knew that led to the town. He was careful with each step, always looking around for any timberwolves or anything else that can harm him. After a minute of walking, he saw a lot of moonlight, letting him know he was almost out of the forest. He continued until he was out of the forest, and walked around the pond, and continued walking. When he got into the town, he looked around to take in his surroundings so he knew where to go when he needed to go back. When he took them in, he continued on.

Glistening walked around for a bit, looking for a possible house to rent or buy. He was hoping he could find one so he could move into the town, and talk to ponies, and finally interact with them. All this time he was in the forest, he hadn’t interacted with many ponies. The only one he had talked to during those ten years was Zecora. She was a nice pony, or zebra rather, and they talked frequently. Though, over the years, they talked less and less. He was getting excited from the thought of this happening. He was thinking of all the friends he could make, tell them about himself as a soap pony, have fun with them… and maybe even find a mare-friend. He was lost in his thoughts, and accidentally bumped into somepony. He fell back onto his butt, and rubbed his head from the collision. He looked, and saw a pink pony doing the same thing as him.

“Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you like that!” He apologized.

The pink Earth pony giggled. “No no no, it's alright. It's my bad for bouncing into you.”

“No no no no no, I should have looked where I was going. It's my fault.” Glistening assured.

“Wait… are you new? I haven’t seen you around here before.”

“Um, not exactly. I live in a little house or shack in the forest over there.” Glistening informed the pony, then pointing near the direction of the house.

The pink pony gasped. “You mean in the Everfree forest!?

Glistening said, “If that’s the forest right there, then yeah.”

“Don’t you know how dangerous the forest is, and the creatures in it!?” She exclaimed.

“Yeah.” Glistening replied.

“Well why do you live there then?”

“I'm not too sure. I just haven't quite moved out of the house yet. Do you happen to know if anypony is selling or renting any houses around here?”

“No, I don’t. Why are you looking this late at night?”

“Well, it’s hard for me, considering what the sun does.” The pink pony just looked at him with a confused expression. “Oh, right! You don’t know.”

“Ooh, you have a story to tell?” She beamed.

“Yeah, if you would like to hear it, that is.”

“Sure! How about we head back to my place and you can tell your story on the way there?”

“Um, sure.” They started on their way, and Glistening started. “So, I can’t really go out in the daylight. Or, I can, just not for a long time.”

“How come?” The pony asked as she hopped.

“I am a soap pony. And soap melts when it is in the sun for a long time.”

The pony stopped hopping and looked at Glistening. “What do you mean “Soap Pony”?”

Glistening stopped as well, and continued. “Well, instead of regular skin and flesh, I have soap.”

She looked at him with confusion for a second, then giggled for a few seconds. “You’re silly! That’s not possible!” She booped him, and continued hopping to her house. Glistening followed.

“I really am, I do have soap for skin. I can show you when we get to your place.” He proposed.

“Hehe. Okie.” She giggled and continued on.

The two ponies walked and hopped, and Glistening was confused as to why they were headed to… a building that looked like a giant cupcake.

“What are we doing here?” He wondered.

“I live here! Not in the store itself, but in a room above the store. I’ll show you, come on!” She said, continuing to lead him into the store and then up some stairs into a room above the store. She had him wait there as she went down into the kitchen to get them some snacks. She came back up with some cookies and milk. They had a seat on her bed, and began to eat and drink.

“So, you have soap instead of skin?” She asked.

“Mhm! I should show you before we forget.” He said, walking to the door to exit, and she followed. As they walked down the stairs, he asked, “Could you get me a bit of water? I’ll meet you outside, then I can show you.”

She nodded, and they went separate ways. Glistening went outside the shop, and soon the pink pony did as well.

“Thank you!” He said, then grabbed the cup of water. “Now, my hoof is completely dry, right?” He asked, and showed her. She nodded and continued. He dipped his hoof into the water, and took it out. “Now, watch.” He said, and she put all her focus onto him. He placed his hoof on the ground, and dragged it. A trail of soap suddenly appeared from the areas his hoof had touched. The other pony watched in amazement as she saw this happen. He looked up at her after a few seconds, and she just stood there in shock.

“How did you do that?!” She exclaimed.

“Well, since I’m made of soap, if my body gets wet, it becomes slippery and soapy.” He answered.

“That is so cool!” She said, hopping up and down again.

He chuckled as he saw her reaction. “Also, would you mind telling me your name? I haven’t gotten it yet.”

“Oh, my name is Pinkie Pie! What about yours?” Pinkie asked.

“I am Glistening Soaps.” He answered.

“Well, it’s pretty cool that you can do that, Glistening! How about we head back inside and we can chat some more?” Pinkie offered.

“Sure!” He said. The both of them went back inside, and back up to Pinkie’s room as they continued to eat on the cookies.

“So,” Pinkie spoke up, “How come you're up this late at night, again?”

“I want to look for a house in this town, and get out from the forest. It gets lonely, and I would like to make some friends.”

Her happiness faded a little. “You don’t have any friends?” She asked.

“No… Well, I had one, but over time, we talked less and less.”


“Yeah. I should probably get going. I don't wanna take up too much of your time, and I do wanna look around town and see what there is. Thank you for the cookies and milk. I really liked them.” He said, getting up and heading for the door.

“Wait. You don't have to go.” Pinkie said as Glistening got to the door.

“Well, I'd like to find a place to live that's in this town.”

“Well, you can stay with me for now!” She offered, giving a warming smile.

He stood silent for a moment. “Really?”

“Yes you can! I can talk to one of my friends tomorrow as well, and you might be able to stay with them for a while. This place isn't really meant for two ponies.”

“That's… really generous of you. Thank you, Pinkie.”

“It's fine. It's not a problem. We should probably get some sleep soon. It's getting late.” She said, looking at a watch that suddenly appeared on her arm.

He went to question how the watch got there, but figured that she had it on before. “Well, I only woke up a little bit ago, so I'm not really tired.”

“You aren’t tired? How come?”

“Well, since I have soap for skin, if I go out in the sun for too long, the soap will melt. So, I sleep during the day, and do my things during the night.”

“What happens if it does melt?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t gotten to that point to figure out. If you wanna sleep, go ahead. I’m gonna go around the town and see what there is around here.”

“Ok! Would you like any other food before you go?”

“No, I’ll be fine.”

“Ok, well, have fun! Just make sure you come back when you get sleepy!”

“Will do! Have a good night!” He said, walking down the stairs to the shop. He went down into the bakery, and walked out the front doors, and walked around the town.