• Published 30th Oct 2020
  • 137 Views, 1 Comments

Twist Pony - 9spaceking

a pony with the power of plot twists

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Chapter 1

It had all begun on a seemingly simple sunny afternoon. "You're going down," the warrior wielding a broadsword and blue cloak stated, huffing and puffing with a broken hoof, "You will not defeat me."

His opponent, a bald stallion with an eyepatch over his right eye, and scar covering his face, sneered at him. "You've done well so far, but I haven't even warmed up yet!" He punched the stallion with great strength, knocking him back. The audience could only watch on in tension, uncertain of who was going to win.

"RAHH!" The injured said, gathering light to heal his wounds. He knew he had only one more try at most. As he gritted his teeth in determination, he swung his sword at his enemy. For the sake of him and his ponies.

"Plot twist." The other stallion declared, as he grabbed the wrist, disarming and knocking the warrior unconscious. As he smirked, he was received with silence.

The audience could only stare in awe as the warrior looked like he had nothing left.

Then the crowd cheered for Twist Stallion! He had won another incredibly close battle. He had pretended to be the antagonist, and also given the illusion that he was only using brute force, while in reality he had excellent technique. "I don't know how you do it," a guard said, "but you saved the day from that corrupt so-called 'hero'. He kept abusing his holy powers, and stallion, none of us could stop him."

"It's just part of my job," Twist stallion said, walking home. But even as he calmly trotted away, nothing was ever so easy. He felt a presence behind him. Some kind of... magical aura?

"Did you really think that was all?" His main rival, a malicious witch taunted him from behind. "I wanted to see in person what you were capable of. And I think I finally understand your power. Now that we've got you trapped with no preparation, you can't win!"

"I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you," Twist stallion said, beginning to fight her, but he was at a clear disadvantage. With no scene to take out of context, he had no way to set up a brilliant turn of events.

"You have no idea how much power I have, do you," the witch teased at his brute force. As the witch cackled, casting endless spells, Twist Stallion dodged and weaved. He knew that the spell "Sparkalia" was faster than a hunter's arrow, but he could predict it. Despite the tricky ricochet of the projectiles, he managed to close in on her. But she laughed again, as she summoned a flying broom, with speed much faster than him.

He could only look up in futility. Damnit! Wasn't there anything to use nearby? He desperately looked near him, dodging into an alleyway, but there were only some littered pots and pans, useless weapons and trash. The witch, seeing his cowardice, clicked her tongue in annoyance. Wordlessly, she sent numerous seeker spells that curved and exploded into the tight corner, where he would have nowhere to run.

As the smoke cleared and Twist stallion stumbled out, it was clear that the witch severely harmed Twist stallion. "That's ... Explosivo, the flame creation spell...isn't it," Twist stallion struggled to say, collapsing to his knees, looking down at his wound. More and more burns were forming on his body, as the witch came down, walking confidently towards Twist Stallion.

"That's right... even though you know my spells, you can't stop them, can you?" She laughed some more, putting her hoof to Twist Stallion's cheek. "Now... say goodbye." Tears fell down Twist Stallion's face.

"Goodbye, my rival." She heard, as she felt a stab to her heart. She looked on in astonishment, as what she thought was Twist Stallion slowly disappeared into thin air. As she choked on her own blood, the real Twist Stallion smirked as he put his shoulder on her. "It's unfortunate that you had to face a Battle illusionist like me... I gave you a chance, told you that I knew your spells. No mere warrior would be able to identify that from casting alone. I suppose this is... plot twist, again."

As the witch fell to the ground, the real Twist Stallion whistled on, adjusting his eyepatch over his right eye which glowed with magical power. Another day, another win. He was excited to fight the next enemy.