• Published 27th Oct 2020
  • 6,087 Views, 261 Comments

Against All Odds. - The_Chill_Author

[Displaced] John Oliver is sent to Equestria with his Six friends as Thanos. After being sealed in stone, he broke out. Now his gauntlet, his stones, his blade, and his team are now scattered across the planet. Can he back bring balance to Equis?

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The Summit.

Find the Infinity Stones! Seek out for them all!
You can journey around Equis with me
Listen for the cry, of the Infinity Stones!
What great odyssey this will be

You can join my conquest because my friends won't wait
A deadly world, a terrifying journey!

For thousands of years, they've waited for me
When the Infinity Stones are together their wrath is set free
Killing, Killing, burning, unmatched destroying~

Glowing and sparkling, somewhere concealed
Mysterious and shining with their power revealed
Ageless, timeless, their destruction is surprising~

Let’s fight, fight, fight, fight all your foes
Fight the gods and the demons below
No mercy, mercy, mercy, there's no other way!
And find the Infinity Stones today~

Find the Infinity Stones! Seek out for them all!
Come and join my conquest with me
Listen for the cry, of the Infinity Stones!
What great odyssey this will be

You can join my conquest because my friends won't wait
A deadly world, a terrifying journey!

I walked down the warship and onto the Canterlot soil, this was the first time I've been to Canterlot. Grievous and Lucci accompanied me, they were my bodyguards not that I need them it was just required. I walked down the streets leading to the palace, ponies all around fainted at the sight of me due to my strong Conquerors Haki. Even the mighty Royal Guards were rendered unconscious due to my sheer will, as I walked up to the palace there was this tiny little Royal Guard shaking at the sight of me.

"T-t-t-t-the m-m-m-m-meeting room i-i-is one left then a right and then straight ahead, y-you can't m-m-miss it!" He squeaked the last bit as he hides behind his spear. Lucci chuckled at the sight of the Royal Guard, we went to the exact direction where the guard told us and we couldn't see it.

"Where is it? Where's the door?" We looked to our left and found it, we let out a slight chuckle.

"Oh, there it is." Grievous opened the door, "Titans go first." He said with a bow, I manage to squeeze myself in and Grievous does as well, Lucci just walks on in because he is normal-sized, me and Grievous are colossal. The other rulers were there, King Thorax who is accompanied with Pharynx and some unknown Changeling, King Rutherford with two Yaks, Ember who is guarded by Garble and a pitch-black dragon, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight accompanied by the Mane Five and Shining Armor, Steel Wing who is with Gilda and some armored up Griffin, the Storm Queen with two Storm Guards, Queen Furby who is accompanied by a Lion and a Tiger but they're anthro, Queen Novo who has two other armored up Hippogriffs, and finally me with General Grievous and Rob Lucci.

"Thanos, you're late." Celestia frowned, I sat down at my seat as Grievous and Lucci stood tall beside me.

"Fashionably late, mind you I was in a training session with the boys," I said looking at the room, there was a lot of books, war artifacts, and pictures posted on the wall explaining what happened 1,600 years ago.

"Well since you're here now I believe we should discuss why this summit is being held." Celestia crossed her arms looking away from me.

"Yes, I believe so, Princess Celestia would you explain why you have my Power Stone even though you have the Mind Stone in your possession." Steel Wing said with a slight hint of anger in his voice, the other world leaders looked at Celestia in horror, knowing full well what would happen if you have two stones in your grasp.

"Two Infinity Stones? Ce-Celestia tell me this isn't true." Thorax had worry on his face.

"The reason why is because Thanos before he became king defeated Steel Wing in combat and almost got the Power Stone, if it wasn't for Princess Twilight this planet would be in danger," Celestia said looking to Twilight who nodded to confirm, I held up my gauntlet, the Reality Stone lighting up the room with its red hue.

"And just because I don't have the Power Stone doesn't make me a danger to the planet?" I smirked, Celestia growled.

"The Power Stone is the strongest thing on the planet, you wouldn't be a threat with just the Reality Stone." Celestia snapped, my smirk turned into a smile.

"Oh really?" The room started to change form and the walls sprouted chainsaws and stone monsters, the world leaders became frightened and their bodyguards got into their fighting stances. I quickly turned the room back to normal and I sit back in my chair with a smug look on my face.

"Thanos is the most dangerous threat in the universe, why is he even here? Last time I checked he wasn't a world leader." Ember crossed her arms and gave me a sideways glance. Oh and speaking of which I was seated next to Ember, Ember was seated next to Thorax, Thorax was seated next to Steel Wing, Steel Wing was seated next to Rutherford, Rutherford was seated next to Furby, Furby was seated next to Storm Queen, Storm Queen was seated next to Celestia, and I think you know the rest. We were in a circle type table, yup so it went around.

"That's because I challenged Golden Hoof to combat and if I won I became the King and guess who won?" I said before spinning around in my chair, I had to only chair that could spin.

"Well that's believable, he was the weakest of the bunch..." Furby said looking at me.

"Up top!" I scooted to Furby and she high-fived me. "Eyyyy my girl, man if you were there 1,600 years ago I would've chosen you to be my wife instead of good ol' Sunny!" I laughed, Celestia's eyebrow twitched and she clenched her fist.

"The reason why it didn't work out is that you disagreed to wipe out all evil." She stuck her head up in the air like a pompous unicorn.

"That's the reason why I left you is that too much evil gone would make chaos, too much harmony is horrible, imagine if the whole world was sunshine and rainbows?" I snapped.

"Well, at least I don't have bloodthirsty maniacs for friends." She retorted that hit a nerve.

"At least I pay attention to my friends, guess what happened to Nightmare Moon? You ignored Luna and made her feel lonely, unlike you I know the real reason, ponies praised you, loved you, you were so stuck up that you didn't even help out your sister! She visited me in my dreams when I was in my stone prison, she told me her feelings towards you. She loved but you were so stuck up and so... so... selfish you couldn't see the signs!" My words cut through her like a blade and the rulers were like "Oooo" like a Kindergarteners seeing their fellow Kindergartener swear. Her hair started to flare up, her hair was on fire and the room started to heat up.

"Oh crap!" Lucci threw his hands in the air.

"SHE'S GONNA BLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Grievous ducked for cover as did the rest, but I just sat there waiting for a fist to be sent my way but it didn't instead she calmed down.

"I guess you're right, I did ignore her." She said nonchalantly, everyone got out of their cover and sighed. "But at least I didn't start a whole god darn war over because I was asked to destroy all evil!" She snapped at me.

"Here we go again!" I said loudly, "That was your fault for trying to FORCE me to wipe all evil, how many times did you send the guard after me? How many times did you hurt me mentally and physically all because you wanted to wield the gauntlet to wipe all evil?!" I snapped.

"Now that just isn't right" Furby shook her head.

"You stay out of this furball!" Celestia snapped.

"Furball? How original how about you shut up before I make you into a scratching post!" Furby hissed.

"No one talks to my sister like that feline! This is your fault Grievous for not accepting my sister's offer." Luna turned to Grievous,

"ME!?!?!??! I didn't want to slave for you and your tyrannical nation!" Grievous spat, Storm Queen decided to join in on the arguments.

"Oh and speaking of nations, Princess Twilight you killed my husband, and you know that the punishment is death." Storm Queen turned to Twilight who was just chilling there.

"It was self-defense, your husband almost destroyed Equestria!" Cadence glared into Storm Queen's eyes and she glared right back.

"And speaking of which how can one small pony beat three princesses?" Rutherford added.

"Yeah, your nation is weak, the only thing you ponies are good for is raising the sun and moon." Ember laughed.

"Not to mention you shouldn't have any stones, you already have a superweapon!" Pharynx complained, he did raise a good point.

"Why not give the stones to me? I already had them, to begin with, and did I attack anyone? Yes, but it was only for self-defense!" I spoke.

"Yeah, why not give it to the purple bean?" Pharynx rolled his eyes.

"Hey! I'm a titan, not a bean and even if I was a bean I would be a spicy one so I could burn Celestia's ugly mouth!" I thought of that and chuckled.

It was a whole fest of hurling insults at each other, we were all insulting one another it was... It was like Vietnam all over again! Hah, I have achieved comedy. Twilight sat up from her chair.


The force of her voice sent all but me and the boys flying.

"Enough, all of you, you're all acting like foals. You two!" Twilight points to me and Celestia, "Get some counseling, when you're finished we can all continue this summit, all in favor of Thanos and Celestia getting counseling say aye."

"Aye." Literally, everyone in the room said aye.

"Then it's decided, you to get somepony to counsel you until then you guys do whatever you want." She turned to the rest of the leaders and she storms off.


We were in a room, an isolated room and we sat down on chairs, Discord sat behind his desk with glasses on and a notebook with an ink and quill. Celestia had her head turned from me and was crossing her arms, I on the other hand was sitting like a respectful titan of society.

"So... Celestia, I see that you are the most troubled here, so tell me what you think about Thanos." Discord said turning towards Celestia, Celestia snaps her head to Discord.

"He's a big selfish jerk who cares about nopony but himself!" She spouted, I shook my head and Discord winced.

"Oh boy..." I hear him say, "Now what do you think about Celestia." Discord turned towards me.

"What do I think of Celestia... Now I don't think she is a bad pony I just think that she and I don't really fit together." I say as Celestia snaps her head to me wide-eyed and fueled with anger.

"Now that isn't what you said five minutes ago, you said I selfish, now with somepony in front of us you paint me as the bad guy!" She growled, and I shook my finger.

"Ah, ah, ah, I said you were a selfish pony but not are a selfish pony. Get your facts straight, you leave out details to make me the bad guy." She clenched her fist and got from her seat.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down Sunbutt, Thanos can you stop antagonizing her?" Discord got in between us, separating us with his eagle claw and bear paw.

"Fine." We said at the same time, Celestia dropped down to her chair.

"Fatty..." I muttered under my breath.

"What did you say?" Celestia gave me a crazy look.

"I swear to Faust will you two stop?! Okay, okay, okay, where did this all start?" Discord said while rubbing his eyes.

"It started when Celestia demanded me to destroy all evil with the stones!" I snapped.

"Demanded? No, I asked you, and as you said before, get your facts straight." I groaned as I shook my head.

"You know what? Let's focus on the highlights of your relationship." Discord rubbed his temples.

"The highlights? Well, when we first started dating..." Celestia began.

1,700 years ago

I sat there looking at the moonlight, the moon glimmering in the night sky, I was in the Gardens of Two Sisters, I then heard rustling coming from the bushes, I readied the Power Stone and turned towards the bushes. Celestia came out of the bushes and I sighed and the power emanating from the stone faded.

"Dear God you scared me!" I said holding my chest, Celestia giggled.

"Sorry I was late had to sneak past the guard and knock a few out, hehe." She smiled, her smile always vanquishes the darkness hidden in my mind, and with that, I smile too.

"Were they a challenge?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh hardly, they just walk around and patrol, the guard is weak compared to me, compared to you" Her neverending smile remained neverending, Celestia was goofy for a while. Like she was childish when she was with me like she could be herself.

"Well, that's good to hear," I use the Reality Stone and I'm suddenly in a tuxedo and she in a gown. "May I take this dance?" She giggled and put her hand to her mouth surprised.

"You're so full of tricks my purple bean," She called me her purple bean a lot back then and I call her sunny which is hilarious. "Yes, you may."

And with that, we started to waltz in the moonlight it was truly spectacular, no, it was truly beautiful.

Present Time

"I remember we always use to sneak out and waltz together and one time even-" She stopped herself before she could say the words as a deep blush washed over her face and she turned away embarrassed as I laughed.

"Man I don't know what happened to us, we were such a pair." I laughed and she turned around to face me.

"What happened to us is that you were greedy and didn't want to share power!" She snapped and Discord threw his head back and groaned.

"You two go home, we can continue this next week. Get out, now." Discord said not even looking at us, he was just pointing at the door with his eagle claw. We obliged and walked out, we then went out separate ways but Celestia was thinking about something as she walked away.

'What did happen to us?' She thought, who knows what happened? Will they find out what caused their healthy relationship to crumble? Find out on the next exciting episode of Against All Odds!

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