• Published 1st Nov 2020
  • 452 Views, 1 Comments

Good Night Twilight - uraveragebrony

After your recent magical accident, the doctor prescribed you a healthy dose of sleep. What he forgot to warn you of was the slight side effects of said injury...

  • ...

Just Sleep

"You feeling alright Twilight?" Spike asks from the other side of the train car.

"Yes Spike, I'm ok. Just the light bothering me a bit." I say while trying to look away from the light which is pretty difficult considering the entire train car is lined with windows.

We are riding home from Canterlot after a very stressful trip. Immediately upon hearing that one of Clover the Cleaver's spells was cracked and they just needed me to help activate it, I instantly got ready. The spell was a teleportation spell that was only theoretical until then. It has the ability to teleport the entirety of Canterlot castle. The princesses wanted to test it on some abandoned buildings in the more run-down part of Canterlot as it would help save costs immensely. I was told when I arrived to just head straight to the location. Upon arriving, I greeted the other three princesses and did me and Cadences special little dance. After we had that out of the way, we immediately started casting the spell. When I heard about this, I knew it wasn't going to be easy but I thought I would be able to manage it. Oh, how wrong I was. We were no more than ten minutes into when I started to feel my magic wearing thin. I gritted my teeth and kept pushing, but I soon realized that there was no way I could keep this up much longer, but I kept on pushing. One trip to the hospital later, and I now know that it is ok to stop if it is too much. I was told that I sustained a concussion and some other head traumas because when I passed out, apparently I cracked the side of my head on some bricks that were scattered on the ground. The doctor told me not to use any magic and the best treatment was to just sleep. Nothing more, just sleep. Oh and apparently if I get too stressed, he said that my heart will stop. Yep, if it could just up and stop if I get too stressed. That's a nice thought to have in the back of your mind. He said that after a good night's sleep, I will be mostly good as new in the morning. The wonders of medicine and magic never cease to amaze me no matter how much I read about it.

"Twilight, we're here." Spike says while poking me with his claw.

"Wha- um yes we are."

"What was that?" He asks as we walk off the train and into Ponyville station.

"I just zoned out, sorry."

"Alright, well let's get you back to your castle." He says as we both start walking in the direction of the castle.

It's about 7:00 P.M. right now and the sun is almost done setting. By the time we get back, it will probably be best that I just go to sleep. The earlier I go to sleep, the earlier I can wake up and continue my research.

After around half an hour of walking, we finally arrived at the castle.

"Spike, I am just going to get ready for bed. If anyone comes for me, just tell them to come back tomorrow." I say while ascending the crystal stairs to my bedroom.

"Yes ma'am!" He says with an adorably stern face and a salute.

"See you tomorrow Spike."

"Goodnight." I hear him call out just before I close the door to my room.

After taking a bath, brushing my teeth, combing my mane and tail, and double-checking the list, I am finally able to get my sleep.

I get onto my bed and get under the covers while turning off the lamp on the nightstand next to me which sends the room into almost complete darkness save for the small amount of light coming from the moon outside and my alarm clock. It is around 9:00 P.M. so now would be a great time to start getting some sleep.

*Tap Tap Tap*

I immediately look up and turn on the light. I swear I heard what sounded like somepony was tapping on my window. Looking at the window and all around the room yields no results what so ever.

'It was probably just me.' I think to myself.

I turn the light back off and slide back down under the covers. I close my eyes again and start to nod off to sleep.


My eyes open again and I immediately look to the window, my heart picking up speed while turning the light back on to see nothing out of the ordinary.

"Just calm down Twilight, it's probably just a tree or something. Deeeeeep breaths." I say to myself while inhaling and exhaling deeply.


The room is once again shrouded in darkness as the lamp on the nightstand overheats.

'I really gotta get a lamp that doesn't do that.' I think to myself. That darn lamp overheats so easily. If it does, I have to wait a few minutes before it starts working again.

Laying back down after making sure that the lamp won't turn on again, I close my eyes for a third time in an attempt to get some sleep.

*Tap Tap Tap*

Upon hearing the first tap, I immediately look to the window without even bothering with the light. I look up just quick enough to see the silhouette of... I don't know what that was, fall back below the window.

"What is going on..." I say to myself wondering what could be out there. Actually, what could be out there... oh no. "Just stay calm Twilight," I say to myself trying to make sure I don't freak out because I like it better when my heart is still beating.

Slowly laying back down, I can't shake the feeling that I am being watched. I quickly try to push that thought out of my mind. But... no! Don't think like that! It's probably just the darkness... darkness...


I immediately look over at my door and see that it is still in its closed position. The faint glow of a small night light next to the door flickering in and out of existence.

'Wait... I don't have a nightlight...' Upon this realization, I quickly looked back to where the light was only to see it gone.

"It's just your mind Twilight..." I say to myself.

Out of the corner of my eye, I am able to make out a small white circle, I slowly look over in that direction only to see it seemingly get smothered out of existence.

After seeing this, I flick the light back on to see if there is anything in the room. I decided to get out of my bed this time to look around and be sure.

After looking around my whole room, I quickly make my way back over to my light to try to-


Great, there goes the light again. Why do-


I immediately stop and flinch back as I realize I just stepped into a puddle. A very... red... puddle...

I quickly walk back over the lamp and try to turn it back on, but to no avail.

While Twilight is too busy trying to turn the light back on, she doesn't see the blood dripping from the ceiling slowly start moving closer to her.

"Ahh, whatever," I say as I turn around to look at the puddle again only to see a midnight black pony... thing standing in the corner of my room with glowing white eyes and a grin stretching across its entire face staring right at me.

"EEP!" I yelp as I dive under the covers a shaking mess. "Please don't hurt me please don't hurt me..." I kept saying under the sheets waiting for that thing to come and get me. Only, nothing came.

After a few minutes of hiding under the sheets, I decided to take a chance and peek back out. However, this time I quickly turn the light back on too.

As light fills the room, I quickly scan the entire room to see... nothing. Nothing is out of the ordinary. Just my nightlight where that thing- looking back quickly, I am met with a wall devoid of any lights on it.

"W-What's happening?" I say to myself as I am unable to do anything but stare at that spot.


"Eep!" I yelp as the light suddenly goes out, bathing the entire room once again in almost complete darkness. Quickly looking around, nothing appears out of the ordinary.

Sliding back under the cover, this time wrapping them protectively around me, I try to calm myself down again.

"It's nothing Twilight. It's just your imagination." I repeat this over and over until my heart rate finally starts to slo-


My breath stops as I quickly look over to where the sound came from to see... it's open... my window... it's hanging open... I quickly turn on the light and survey the room once again.

After finding nothing, I flip the light back off to make sure it doesn't overheat again.

After turning the light off, I slowly start to get out of the covers.

After getting out of the covers, I turn the light on and quickly run over to the window and slam it shut nearly shattering the window.

As I am running back to my bed, I turn the light off before I quickly dive back into the covers.

"See! It's nothing. It's all in my head." I say as I wrap the covers around myself once again.

Finally, I am starting to calm down and get some sl-


My heart stops as I hear somepony breathing... right behind me.

As I start to move, the breathing quickly ceases.

Turning all the way around, I am met with an empty bed... with that same little light resting atop the pillow next to me...

"No... this isn't real... it can't be...


I yelp at the sound of my door opening. Startled, I quickly reach for the light. But instead of turning it on...


"Oh no..." Is all I can say as I stare at the shattered lamp all over the floor at the base of my bed.


The sound of the door moving once again snaps my attention from the now broken lamp to my bedroom door.

That same figure is standing right in the doorway... just... staring. Whatever it is is not doing anything. No moving, no blinking, and certainly no breathing can be heard of my heart which is about to explode.

Me and that thing just stare... until I blink that is.

"Ahh!" I yelp as I open my eyes only to see the creature about a meter from where it previously stood. "How... what..." I start as I stare wide-eyed at the abomination in front of me.

I slowly start to pull the covers off of myself, not daring to break eye contact. After successfully taking off the covers, I start to slide off my bed.


The sound of glass breaks my attention and Instinctively looks down, only to realize my mistake a second later.

Quickly looking back up, the creature has now moved multiple meters from where it stood no more than a second ago.

"No no no..." I keep repeating to myself as I slowly backpedal away towards the window on the opposite side of the room.

Every time I blink, that thing just keeps getting closer.

"SPIKE! SPIKE! HELP ME!" I shout in a last-ditch attempt which I should have done in the first place.

"Twilight! Are you ok!?" I hear spike ask while banging on the door. "Open the door! It's locked!" He shouts from the other side.

"Help me! There is a monster in here!" I shout which only seems to make the smile on the creature grow to levels which I previously thought impossible.

"I'll get the other!" You hear him shout before the sound of his footsteps slowly dies down until nothing can be heard except your heavy breathing and a racing heart.


The creature gets closer as I continue to backpedal.


I bump into the window behind me as the creature gets even closer. Now no more than 2 meters away. Seeing no other way out, I slowly open the window without once breaking eye contact.

However, as soon as the crisp night air touches my eyes, they instantly dry out, causing me to blink reflexively.


"AHH!" I scream as I find myself falling out of the window upon opening my eyes.


The last thing I see before my head makes contact with the ground is that creature standing right next to where I will land with that same smile plastered across its face.

"We are all here to mourne the loss of our beloved Princess Twilight Sparkle." Celestia begins.

The disappearance of Twilight is one of the biggest mysteries to every plague Equestria. I didn't know what to do without Twilight around. She was like family to me.

I drone out Celestia's speech as I am unable to keep myself together.

I go to the spot where Twilight spent almost all of her time. The library.

Sitting down, I can only stare at the endless sea of books that line the walls. Twilight had read every single one of them.

After sitting there and doing nothing, I decide to make one final stop before I head back.

Opening the door to Twilight's bedroom, I am greeted with a scene identical to how it was since the day she disappeared.

I sit down in the char in the corner of the room, taking in the whole thing.

With the curtains drawn, the only source of light is the small night light just below the windowsill.

Author's Note:

Well, hope it was somewhat decent. This is based on a game I saw played, although, I can't find the game for the life of me. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Comments ( 1 )

i just shit myself.

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