• Published 9th Nov 2020
  • 523 Views, 45 Comments

You Made Me That Way - SunTwi06

When Twilight Sparkle falls ill after staying up late, it's Shining Armor's turn to care for her.

  • ...

Little Twi

Sitting upon her desk, in the comfort of her room, a sigh escapes from the lips of a little filly. Lately, Twilight Sparkle has been cooped up in all her studies. Desperately desiring to impress her brother, Shining Armor, to prove what a smart pony she is. Suffice to say, all the schoolwork Twilight has received began to take it’s toll on her. Still and all, Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn too stubborn to allow a pile of papers to slow her down.

Glancing at the clock atop the desk, the big hand, and the little hand points toward the midnight hour. A new day just began, and Twilight finds herself nowhere close to being finished with her homework. Her eyes dart towards the bed, which seemed very tempting for the exhausted filly. But Twilight stubbornly turns back to her work, her mind set on finishing her assignment before going to bed.



The little filly jumps as the alarm goes off. Groaning in exhaustion, Twilight reaches over and slams the snooze button with a single hoof. It was then Twilight realized she fell asleep at her desk… again. But all that said, as Twilight glances at her papers, the work is complete and that’s all that matters.

As Twilight stands up, a wave of lightheadedness ran through her. The little filly did her best to ignore it, as she trots into the kitchen to join her big brother for breakfast. She kept the breakfast as simple as possible: Cracking a few eggs on the pan, while putting a few slices of bread into the toaster. A few minutes passed, and Twilight finds herself at the table with her brother’s breakfast of choice… scrambled eggs over toast. Just the way Twilight prefers to start the day.

A great big yawn, from a few feet away, draws Twilight’s attention as she sets the plate. She turns around just as her big brother, Shining Armor himself, shuffles into the kitchen.

“Morning, big brother!” Twilight greets softly.

The stallion smiles as he watches Twilight position the plate of food before him. He mutters a silent ‘Thank You’ as she takes her seat while Shining Armor eats.

“Sorry this isn’t much,” Twilight spoke sadly. “We need to get groceries later today.”

“No need to sweat it, Twily,” Shining Armor pats her head. “This is more than enough; thank you.”

Shining Armor just finished his breakfast before Twilight took her seat at the counter. Surely he had such a busy night, that it’s no wonder he seems so hungry. His stomach growls even as he just finished his plate.

“Sorry…” Twilight apologized again.

Wiping his lips with a napkin, Shining Armor turns toward his little sister. His eyes narrow with great concern.

“You okay, Twily?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’ve never seen you this quiet… and so apologetic. Did something happen?”

Twilight opens her mouth, as if she were about to reply. Only no words emerged from her lips.

“Twily, what’s wrong?” Shining Armor asked seriously.

“Nothing’s wrong,” Twilight replied, pushing her plate to him. “Here… you can have my plate. I’m not really hungry.”

Twilight starts walking out the kitchen so her brother can eat. Just then, another wave of dizziness washes over her. The motion stops her in her tracks, the little filly clasps a single hoof upon her head.


“I-I’m fine big brother,” Twilight said dizzily. “I just… need to—”

Twilight takes a single step, and…


Twilight barely hears a word he said, her vision soon turns blurry. All she could feel is the grasp of his hooves just before she fell over. A single hoof brushes the top of her forehead, realizing his sister is so sick she could barely stand.

“You’re burning up!” Shining Armor observed. “That’s it, you’re staying home today.”

Next thing Twilight knew, Shining Armor drags Twilight to her bed and tucks her beneath the sheets. So tucked in fact, Twilight can barely squirm. Leaving the room for just a minute, he returns with a wet rag and gently places it over her forehead. Her eyes flutter open, looking toward him.

“I’m fine,” Twilight whispered.

“Twilight, you have a fever,” Shining Armor said softly.


Sleep had already begun to take over, as Twilight trails off to sleep. The last she heard before passing out is her brother’s words to her:

“You’re straining yourself… just rest, Twily… rest…”


By the time Twilight Sparkle wakes up, she turns her face toward the clock. The big and little hands remained around the number twelve. Only this time, it marked 12:00… at noon. Sighing, Twilight turns her head as a pair of light-blue eyes stare intently toward her.

“I missed school,” Twilight whispered.

“It doesn’t matter,” Shining Armor spoke, with concern. “You’ve been working yourself to death, haven’t you?”

“I’m fine—”

“Twily, you just collapsed!” He interrupts, frightened. “I know you’ve been working too hard last night. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I-I just… I just wanted to impress you,” Twilight answered quietly. “To be the pony you can be proud of, a pony like you! But that can never be possible if I’m never going to be the best.”

Shining Armor’s eyes widen, shocked beyond belief over such a response.


“I’m sure if I go now, I can still—”

But a sudden coughing fit says otherwise, shaking Twilight words before she can speak. He gently rubs his hoof up-and-down along her back, until Twilight is able to catch her breath.

“I’m sorry, big brother,” Twilight apologized. “I guess I’m not fine after all. I can’t impress any pony this way… why do I even try so much?”

Shining Armor takes her shoulders, slowly turning her so they can look one another in the eyes.

“Twily, you’re already the most amazing sister in the world,” Shining Armor said sincerely. “I don’t need you working yourself to death over me. That’s not healthy for a pony your age.”

“I know… it’s just… I never feel… smart enough,” Twilight turned away. “No matter how many books I study or how many papers I put together or how many good grades I get, I feel as if it’s never enough. That I can never st—”

“Twilight Sapphire Sparkle, you are such a bookworm,” Shining Armor interrupts mid-sentence. “We already love the fact you’re smart, then again mom and dad are easy to impress. But sometimes, you can be really silly.”

Twilight Sparkle glares at him, one because he used her full name against her (Something her parents would do if she misbehaved) and the fact he called her silly. Shining Armor ignores her pouting and just moved on.

“I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even the smartest ponies in the world knows it not good to tire yourself out just to pursue progress. You can have all the fame in the world, and more fortune than you can keep in your own bank account. But if you ‘did’ obtain the whole world… who do you have left to share it with?”

“I know what you’re saying,” Twilight insists. “But—“

“But nothing. As your older brother, I won’t sit idly by and let you strain yourself. You need a break or at least some alone time, so don’t hesitate to tell me… or else I’ll find out anyway. You know how I feel when you push yourself too hard. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Twilight Sparkle takes a deep breath, a heavy sigh soon escapes her lip.

“Okay big brother,” Twilight nods reluctantly. “I understand.”

“That’s all I have to know,” Shining Armor nods smiling. “Now you lay back while your big brother fetches you a bowl of soup.”

Shining Armor just turns to leave, when he suddenly feels an aura wrap around him drawing him back. He just turns around as Twilight Sparkle throws her arms around him, the tiny filly giving him the cutest hug.

“I promise not to strain myself,” Twilight spoke.

“Just focus on getting better, okay?” Shining Armor asked, with a crooked smile.

“Okay,” Twilight smiled. “You’re such a cool pony… and a great brother.”

Shining Armor hugs Twilight back, pushing her gently back into bed. He cushions the pillow to make sure it’s nice and comfy, while flattening the sheets around her to avoid wrinkles. He then takes his leave to get started on the soup. As he closes the door behind him, he turns back toward his sister.

“I’m a great brother… because you made me that way,” Shining Armor whispered.

Twilight smiles, as her head rests upon the pillow. Shining Armor may not know if she heard him or not, but Twilight truly was listening. More than enough to make a little filly feel better.

Comments ( 42 )

10523556 Thank you for informing me where it's from. I just found it on google:heart:

If we all thought the girl's 'Twilighting' couldn't get any more extreme, imagine this Twilight during her youthful days. Pushing herself so far and too hard into her studies that she makes herself sick. Guess there is such a thing as putting too much time in your studies. And who should step in to help her out than some pony very close to her... and no it's not Sunset Shimmer. When it comes to Shining Armor, we know he can tend either be one of two types of characters: The goofball big brother or the by the book Captain of the Guard who takes his job seriously. But there's a reason why Twilight and Shining Armor are B.B.B.F.F.'s (Even though we were only introduced to him by the end of Season 2)... regardless, he's shown why he's an essential big brother for Twilight and this story shows.

So if you're ever looking for that story that explores the bond between a sister and her brother, this is the story to help you pass the time and possibly reflect on your own relationship amongst your siblings.

I didn't know Twilight's middle name was Sapphire.

It's actually an extension of this joke another co-writer and I did for a previous project. The joke was so funny that it just stuck around. It's kind of a tribute to one of my other co-writers and this was done purposely to gain a reaction.

Comment posted by SunTwi06 deleted Jan 26th, 2021

Yep... and I can't explain it any other way if I wanted to. T

I see. Not a bad touch.

Comment posted by SunTwi06 deleted Jan 26th, 2021

Just give it a little more time and eventually the views will come. Just because your stories don't get the highest view count in the world doesn't mean they're bad stories. You think all those other FimFic writers will take down all their material just because they're not satisfied with the views they get or lack-there-of.

No, if you want the people to admire and respect your work, you can't just give up on your material. Otherwise... the doubters win, every time. It's better to be the artist who is proud of her work no matter what. At least most of your other work is insanely lucky to have a solid view count.

10523913 I see. I guess I need to have more patience. I tend to get anxious when I see a story similar (in terms of characters) getting views but I'm lacking dispute having nearly 200 followers. It's just mildly concerning is all. That and I've seen nearly 20 readers but only 4 votes so it's just confusing is all.

We both endure struggles when it comes to patience. Believe it or not, I can be anxious too. Like when I'm in line for karaoke and the nerves kick in waiting for my turn but then there's that one guy who has to start over because the audience was talking over him... dude just sing!!! *Pause* Believe it or not that happened last weekend.

All we artists can do is just be proud we got a piece of art out there before the masses and we just focus on the next project. And the next one... and the next one... knowing the law of average states at least 'one' or 'two' will be lucky to get on the 'featured' list.

Not a bad little story, but the way it's written is very weird (it's written from a future tense rather than a past tense).

10523930 How weird are we talking?

10523936 Pretty weird, to the point where it's kind of difficult to read.

Huh... I thought we were writing this in present tense.

Guess we ended up trying something new this time.

First thing that popped into my mind when I read the first few paragraphs:

10523930 Your comment piqued my interest enough to read through this story, but I didn't notice future-tense shifts. There is a recurring issue with past/present tense shifts; the story doesn't seem to settle on one or the other. Sometimes this happens mid-sentence:

Next thing Twilight knew, Shining Armor drags Twilight to her bed and tucks her beneath the sheets.

Should be either "Next thing Twilight knew, Shining Armor had dragged [her] to bed," or "Next thing Twilight knows, Shining Armor is dragging her to bed."

So... yeah, this bun definitely needed more time in the oven.

Grammar aside, the story itself is sweet enough. I'd encourage you to tap a little deeper into the potential that premises like this one have, though. You do a nice job of setting up Twilight's fatigue, but if you write a story like this again, think about showing how a trait like that would manifest in a character's actions or behavior. For example, if she's tired while making breakfast, maybe she makes silly mistakes that Shining Armor notices, like finding a bunch of egg shells in the scramble, or Twilight forgetting to push the bread into the toaster.

Show the character's state of mind impacting her behavior, and you end up with a more meaningful and richly detailed narrative.

(As an aside... where are the kids' parents? :applejackconfused:)

10523903 There's really no rhyme or reason to why some stories get more attention than others, even when they have similar premises. It's always possible to nitpick and compare things like short descriptions and cover art, but the reality is, predicting what will and won't get attention and acclaim is nigh impossible.

Just try not to let it get to you. :twilightsmile:

10524020 When I saw 7 notifications, I didn't imagine them coming from here(not that I'm complaining). But it's nice hearing that from you of all people. N-Not that I don't want to hear it from others. Um... in any case, I'll keep those notes in mind:heart:

Cute! I have an older brother too, so I know that feeling of wanting to impress big bro. just wait until Twilight finds out she's the Element of Magic.

Usually I can find a source in fairly short order by starting with Deviantart or Derpibooru and, if necessary, following source links back to the original post, wherever it is. Twitter and Tumblr are other common sources, but discoverability on those two sites is, well, wretched, to be plain. For that matter, you might ask anyone you know who may be able to shed light on a mysterious image. In this case, I recognized John Joseco’s style instantly, and even roughly when he must have produced the artwork based on how his style evolved over the years. That was enough for me to rummage through his Deviantart gallery with a quick search for Twilight Sparkle. My only other advice is to ask permission to use a piece of artwork before doing so, because using art without permission is a form of theft.

10524162 While I'm thankful for the assistance, that's not something one can do very easily. By that logic, nearly 90% of pictures on here(as in, the site) would be removed. If the creator(the person who drew it) wishes for me to remove it, I will but unless you have a better picture I can use without going though the trouble of finding the creator and such, I'll have to keep it up for the meantime. This is the first time I've heard such a thing and I've used pictures for my stories before(save a few witch are custom made by a few of my friends)

10524203 Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it:heart:


By that logic, nearly 90% of pictures on here (as in, the site) would be removed.

. . . Actually, yes, they should be, if posted without permission. As a professional graphic designer I have very strong feelings about creators’ rights; using an illustration without permission is identical, to, say, plagiarizing an author’s story.

10524241 While I see the logic, I personally don't see it as an issue unless they were making money off it. If that were the case, I'd completley understand but I don't get paid to do this and seeing as you believe that, you can try talking to the mods about this along with 90% of the site and see what they say.

Alas that you are willing to do to others what doubtless would anger you if someone stole your work in the same manner. Certainly I am not moved by the argument “it’s okay because everybody does it”; there’s too much of that in the world as it is.

Further deponent sayeth not.

10524255 I'm sorry? I personally don't mind if people use my picture and such. That just means they liked it enough to use it. But you confuse me because this isn't an argument. I apologize if my words came off as such. I was merely giving my option on the matter since contrary to popular belief, I don't have all the time in the world. While I have taken time off to make more content, in order to keep my schedule of posting once a week(At the beginning of next year), I have to keep a consistent writing task.

That's not even getting into the other things I do irl. I apologize if you don't agree but I'm not one to argue or make people angry so if I did, I sincerely apologize.


I would like to interject and say that I wouldn't be angered either. I would be flattered really, and from what I've seen, some others would feel the same way.

That said, I would be far more likely to be angry if one of these two things happen.

1: the author tries to claim the picture as their own. Just making it a story's thumbnail doesn't count in my eyes: they must say the art's theirs.

2: they are making money off the story with the art.

The guy's just being a jerk that's all. That argument would apply to every other author that's ever used an image as a means to form a connection to their own story. If I were my boss, I'd just apply the block button rather than engaging with yet another troll. I keep telling my boss that it's too much trouble trying to reason with these people.

Oh yes, it is a cute story. Just establishing the bond between two siblings. Nothing all too serious. We're not trying to get a Pulitzer or anything.

Thanks so much. Hearing that from our fans is a big honor.


While I see the logic, I personally don't see it as an issue unless they were making money off it.

I'm confused.

I'm not sure how this doesn't apply to fics as well. I mean, it definitely sounds like you're suggesting I could copy+paste your fic and post it somewhere else without your permission. That's definitely plagiarism :unsuresweetie:

I'm not sure how anything Dave said constitutes as trolling. Or is asking people to get permission before using someone else's art as cover art something you consider to be trolling? If that's what you think, I'd suggest that makes you the troll.

Here's how I tend to see art usage. The artist who made might not even know you've used a piece of theirs. And if they do ever see it, there's usually one of a few reactions.

1: They tell you to remove it from being used for the story. Either because they just don't want their art being used period (but they still like the story). Or because they don't want their art used for that kind of story (usually those stories have the Porn, Sex, and or the Fetish tag attached to them.) Or used at all.

2: They're happy someone used their art. But usually ask that you give them credit for the cover art.

3, and this is how Hasbro does it: They just don't care at all. As long as your not making money off of it.

Those tend to be how it is on the site. And of course there's a minority who say that we shouldn't be using anything MLP related, or anything period, as a cover art. Because we don't own the art, or any of this, ourselves. Hasbro own MLP.

And the artwork used is owned by whoever created it. Unless the author made it themselves.

Well for our sakes, let's hope they go with Option 2 and/or 3. The last thing anyone needs is yet another person 'Sweating the Small Stuff'.

There's a reason that book was written for us.

I'll say this much. The story has only been up for only a short time and it's already one of the most popular stories on this site. Of course this is only temporary, there's a ton of other promising stories looking to make the list. But next thing you know... we'll be lucky if it's on the featured list even for less than a week.

Edit: Soon as I say that it's not on there... but it was nice while it lasted.

Edit 2: *Checks again* Well, I need new glasses because it is on the list. But you'd have to search the list thoroughly. My mistake.

10524702 Taking a story and using a picture are two completely different things. By that logic, (almost) every story on here would be plagiarized and the site would be in deep water. And I'm pretty sure the mods wouldn't allow that since they explicitly state this in the rules:

Stories that plagiarize other stories. This means intentionally copying another author’s words and presenting them as your own.

Stories you did not write. If you are not the original author or a co-author, you cannot post it, even with permission. This includes “novelizing” a comic, movie, game, etc. that you did not create. For example: a Halo crossover with the same plot, scenes, dialogue, etc. but with the characters replaced by ponies.

Notice how nowhere in there does it say pictures. Yes, you should ask but not every artist is going to respond so I'm afraid your logic doesn't really work here.

Now I'm not saying the user is trolling but I feel they don't undertsand that's now how that works. As I said before, if the artist has an issue with the cover art being used, I'll gladly remove it. But until they do say something (and I'll know if it's them or not), it's staying up. Less you have a better picture.

10524747 And I 100% agree with you. And again, if the artist wishes for me to remove it, I will. I have no issue removing something if it's an problem. I can usually tell if a particular picture should or shouldn't be used(like using one with a title in the picture for example).

It might not be explicitly against the rules, but it's a matter of respect. By asking permission from the artist, you're showing that you respect them and their work. You're recognizing the effort they put into to creating the art. By not asking, you're demonstrating that you don't care about them at all; you just want the art. Given that you create art yourself, as writing fics is a form of art creation, I'm not sure why you're doubling down on thinking you shouldn't have to ask permission to use someone else's creation in conjunction with your own.

Speaking more to, "Well, the rules don't explicitly say anything about cover art," so what? There are plenty of people that act 100% within the rules of a website or the laws of a country that are not good people and do bad things. The rules cover a baseline. Being respectful and polite isn't about just following the rules. It specifically requires an effort on your part to be considerate of others.

Yes, you should ask but not every artist is going to respond so I'm afraid your logic doesn't really work here.

It works just fine. If it's clear that they've gone dark and are now unreachable, sure, you can think about using it in that case. Still send a message anyway just to make sure (and so it's there should they come back). Otherwise, if they don't respond, find a different piece of art. I'm not sure why that's so hard. There's tons and tons of fanart out there.

Comment posted by SunTwi06 deleted Jan 26th, 2021

10524792 It seemed everything has calmed down now. Thank goodness because it would've been bad had it gotten worse

Anything can always go worse, that tends to happen so easily. But right now, the most important thing to do is move on and focus on the tasks we have at hand. We have tons of stories to offer to our fans, though we can't say at this time what the current project is right now.

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